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March 16, 2020 at 6:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #343568
ParticipantHi all,
I’m glad to hear you are all doing well and making it through each day with new insights and hope.
Genie – that sounds like a wonderful interaction with Jay and can’t argue one single thing he said, all sounded reasonable, all sounded genuine. Well done on dealing with it well and setting your intention to make it work. He sounds like a truly wonderful human and I’m so glad you have met someone like that. You keep asking yourself how do you deserve him, why did he chose you, but that’s just your inner critic- you ABSOLUTELY deserve him. You’re a good person and deserve to be happy, so good luck with it. Bit by bit and day by day and it will be good.
I’m not going to stay online too long, so forgive me if i don’t get to reply to all individual posts. There is a reason. Anxiety is at a pretty strong high, my anxiety and the collective anxiety. In my country (not the uk), the virus is spreading like wildfire and we don’t have the resources to help everyone who is forecast to need help. Measures are being taken but this is serious, lots of people are going to die. That ironically is not my anxiety speaking, that’s just a fact. Anyway, I am being as socially responsible as I can, people are taking it seriously here. But my worry is for my Dad and my brother – both of whom have very serious underlying conditions. If they get this virus, the worst is conceivable. As a result, I understand the nature of this pandemic, I know the measures we must all take, so I’m tuning out too much of the Covid-19 online rabbit-hole, because it was making me ten times worse – even my sister called me as she had had a panic attack.
Most of it I can’t control, we can’t control other people, we can’t control health services, we can’t control the government. But I can control washing my hands and going out and about so I’m doing my part, because frankly, my family is just not able for another funeral, another period of grief, not that anyone ever is. So, long story short, I’m trying to be responsible and not contribute to the spread of the virus so that others don’t contract it and need hospitalisation- or are unable to receive care because decisions will have to be made about who has a better chance of living or dying. Since I’ve started to tune out the constant commentary, my anxiety levels have regulated somewhat. I’m reading, practising using my coping tools etc and I feel I’m doing the best I can and ma encouraging others around me to adopt some similar techniques to reduce their anxiety.
As I only currently work two days a week, I’m off at the moment as part of an 8-day break – just the way the rota worked out this fortnight, which suits me fine! I do feel however that within the next week, the government may order a close of non-essential department stores etc, so I may not be going back for a while, we’ll see. As an empath or empathetic person, I feel the collective anxiety so strongly and it’s making me so sad and hurt to imagine people so distressed, especially older people, so for my own good, I’ve had to tune out a little.
I imagine where I might go this time next year, what trips and travel I may have to look forward to! As for the job in the other city, last week the manager said she would try and organise an interview for this week, but obviously with fast changing circumstances, that may have changed. Either way, I’m not comfortable travelling to it, so I’ll be postponing or declining. I started my other job last week and actually really like it so perhaps it’s for the best!
Oh wait….I nearly forgot….I got a text from my ex yesterday. It was just a jokey banter type text but also mentioning to take care of myself and family at the moment. It went completely over my head, in the sense that if I received communication from him in the past, it would be SUCH a big deal and involve a lot of over analysis but right now, with so much else on my mind, I don’t think it really registered. I warned him to ensure his parents are taking necessary precautions and as he has access to some medical supplies, he told me not to be stuck for anything. I thanked him and left it at that. It’s a weird old time. I know every country has a different approach and that’s the nature of different cultures, different elected representatives, but I’m taking this seriously because for me and mine, there is legitimate risk.
So be safe, wash your hands thoroughly regularly and avoid social situations if they’re not necessary and I hope in 6-10 months time we are all still typing away on here about our love lives, self awareness journeys and travel. Take care all, I’ll check in when I can and if I have anything else going on my life (not much at the mo!).
@kkasxo, I’m conscious of your family planning to move soon, will that still go ahead? Are you coping okay with anxiety and PTSD?March 10, 2020 at 5:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #342594Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks for the advice Genie, letting go seems to be my biggest impediment and has been for some time. On a positive note, I’m going to see my therapist this afternoon, so hopefully it will help clarify things a little for more, at the very least in terms of career direction. The one thing I realise from this thread is that we are all self aware to an extent and are intent on improving ourselves and our happiness so that’s a lot more than most I guess so well done us! In some ways!
Adelaide, you’re a very perceptive person it seems and wish I had half the amount of ‘cop on’ (common sense) you have! The amount of insight you post on this thread regularly is incredible, so astute. You recognise a lot and I suppose you’re right…it’s about making good decisions based on that insight. Look, everyone loves an ego boost or a dopamine hit, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t so don’t beat yourself up about indulging in that, but you know it’s shortlived and you want long term sustainable happiness and intimacy. To be honest, I’m fairly confident that if you continue along the train of thought you currently have, your life and connections are going to improve exponentially. You have a lot of the answers already to questions that may arise. Know your worth…I can see it, Genie, Michelle…..everyone on here sees you’re someone worth knowing…so make sure the people you let in to your life understand that too.
My new friend makes me feel like the ground I walk on is golden. Like, some days I actually feel bad that he has such a high opinion of me. I feel undeserving and a little bit sneaky that he is totally misguided about me. And then I try to flip it, I try to imagine that I AM the person he thinks I am. It’s just I’ve spent so much of my life feeling like I’m not good enough, I came to believe that as truth. But I’m being totally myself with my friend, like totally….warts and all…sillyness and neediness and anxiety and crankiness at times and yet, he still thinks I’m one of the world’s best humans! I mean…’s kind of incredible. But I’m trying to accept it more!
I’m hoping therapy will help give me direction in terms of work. I honestly don’t feel I could let down the makeup company which has just taken me on and invested a lot in me already. Plus I feel if I did leave it now, that would shut down any prospects in that line of work for the future and basically end my experiment of trying a new career in this field before I even really gave it a good go. The other job would be a step up from my previous role and would look good on paper…..and to society I guess….and it would be an opportunity to meet new people….however I’m not a fan of the city where it’s based and it would be incredibly expensive to live there and the job itself would be very stressful. But ego plays a part and I’m not sure I want to dismiss the prospect entirely.
Anyway, you two seem to be doing so well in terms of your determination. Genuinely, Genie you are adamant of setting the intent for your future which is so admirable. Adelaide, each time you wonder about something, as “if I truly loved myself, what would I do?” and respond accordingly. Sometimes I find that helps.
Keep well all x
March 9, 2020 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #342486Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Genie,
Thanks for that. I would say that yes….it’s completely done for my ex and while it hurts….again…..I think I’m probably better off knowing in the long run, because like I said, nature abhors a vacuum and I was making up every sort of scenario in my head when there was no contact, whereas the cordial communication this past week or two has normalised the situation….and yes hurt me for hoping when there clearly is no hope, but maybe I needed to hurt in this way. I didn’t seem to be doing a great job of moving on by myself despite my various attempts.
I appreciate you saying you think I’m in a better place. I wish I felt it. In some ways I think I’m as far back as a month after the breakup with no new insight in quite some time and literally no idea what direction to head in my life now. Ironically, the makeup job would challenge me far more as it’s completely out of my comfort zone and I’m starting from scratch so would have to persevere and develop and grow to get to where I want to be, which is be my own boss, I guess. The other job – would look better on paper I guess and would feed my ego if I got it because it would look to be a step up from where I previously worked, but it’s an area I’m confident in and where I feel that bit safer. Maybe I’ll feel better about it all if I sleep (or try to sleep) on it.
I’m glad you got a positive response from Jay about meeting up when he’s back. There really is nothing to beat a good old fashioned conversation and heart to heart at times to make things clearer and reduce anxiety. Let us know how it goes and remember, you’re an incredible person to who has a lot of value. You’re not damaged, you have been through some tough experiences, so you’re just someone who has been through some tough experiences, but come out the other side. So keep the faith and I hope all will be well.
March 9, 2020 at 9:59 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #342468Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
I’ve been in training this past while for my new job so my posts have been scarce. Genie, if I’m to be objective and look at it from an outside point of view, I feel like you are still struggling with some things which creates a lot of anxiety for you. I don’t know if you have a therapist, or if not, if that’s feasible for you, but it might help? Essentially a relationship or the threat of losing one, shouldn’t keep us on the precipice of anxiety at all times. Of course, no-one wants to lose something that they value or care about, but I think we need to reassure ourselves that we’re resilient and will survive, worst case scenario. Best case of course is that it works out and hopefully it will, but anxiety reduces when we have the self trust and confidence to know that we will be okay and learn and grow even if we don’t have something in our lives anymore. Have faith, if Jay is the one you think is the best match for you right now and he feels the same, it will work out. I know what anxiety is like though, it’s crippling at times. Hang in there, use whatever tools you have for coping and take it day by day. And btw- don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t be angry, it’s pointless…you’re a good person. You didn’t do anything maliciously – you’re a good person – focus on that!
Adelaide, you impress me every time you post. Honestly, Kkasxo and I have been on this forum from a while back and the logic and knowledge you contribute such a short time after your heartbreak is truly remarkable. There is so much depth to you and I honestly believe you have way more self confidence and worth than you’re acknowledging. Certainly way more than me over a year down the road…..keep going. Your insight is well placed and your commitment to improving your self worth and your life is admirable. I will take a leaf from your book.
@kkasxo, how’s it going? I can imagine you’re just trying to get through each day and week, perhaps on autopilot at the moment? That’s okay too ya know! Whatever method you need to survive, I’m trying to do the same.As for me, my head is all over the place. My new friend keeps saying to me that he feels I’m so lost right now. I’m all over the place workwise. So you know I took a part-time role in makeup in a department store. A million other women would kill for the opportunity I have been given with this elite brand so I don’t want to mess it up. However I’ve now been called for interview for a full-time job in my previous line of work that would be a real step up from the role I left before travel. It would mean moving city though and also would mean I would have to let down the makeup brand I’ve just started working with, who have invested a lot in me so far. Argh, I hate decision making, I never know what’s the right thing to do. I definitely think it’s the age factor. I feel like decisions wouldn’t hold so much weight were I not at a specific time in my life. So here I am thinking, okay you’ve worked for 15 years with a company and left. The next step would be a step up to an even bigger and more recognisable company, as I feel I would excel and at this point in my life, shouldn’t I be moving up rather than back down to the bottom rung of the ladder. Also a big company like that could lead to new connections and moving city could mean I meet many new people and who knows, maybe I’ll meet the love of my life and have a family etc etc….all pipe dreams of course, but the thought has crossed my mind. If I stay with the part-time makeup job, I might be missing other opportunities and it seems like it’s a job that is for young women out of school or college who have the luxury of doing it for a couple of years to get experience and perfect their skills before moving on to another job, or go travelling etc…whereas I’m 38 this year, if I stay in a low-earning job in a city I’ve always worked in, am I limiting myself. Will I still be in the same position in a year’s time? Sorry for the stream of consciousness thinking/writing, I just feel overwhelmed right now and don’t know what’s the right thing to do. I just don’t have the money to attend my therapist at the moment.
I also was in text communication with my ex over the past week – it was his birthday – so I made contact. It’s been weird. It’s very friendly and light hearted which is nearly worse and actually hurts. Because while there was no communication, a million possibilities were in my mind. Everything felt so BIG… profound. Like if we met by accident anywhere, the ground would shake and noise would be drowned out and it would be like two worlds colliding, because surely for the past 10 months he MUST be feeling as profoundly as me about everything that happened. The silence meant there was something still between us…even if that something was a concentrated effort not to contact each other. Whereas now, he’s behaving like we’re old friends/acquaintances….it’s a moving on of sorts….like the drama is done, the pain is over, we no longer are anything to each other….and MAN IT HURTS. I honestly didn’t expect out casual communication to hurt this much. When you’re actually sad that you’re not having painful, upsetting interactions anymore, who would have guessed that polite banter hurts more? Does this mean I am realising it’s completely over for him? It feels yuck.
I don’t know what my next move should be. I read a lot and watch a lot of talks etc and it’s all about showing up for yourself and living your most authentic life and truly listening to yourself. But i’ve been trying and still haven’t a clue! I feel like I am no closer to understanding myself and what I truly want.
March 2, 2020 at 8:51 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #340924Shelbyville
ParticipantTell me about Vietnam….I ruled it out of my travel plan last year because of time and money constraints but is it all that you expected? Is it crazy and busy and vast and unique??? Haha, I’m like a kid at Christmas these days when I think/talk about travel!
I only got to see KL while in Malaysia but I really liked the Malaysian people and I felt they really took me under their wing as a solo female traveller. Are you worried at all about corona virus? TBH a case has been confirmed about 2hours from where I am and i’m more than anxious. A member of my family has a compromised immune system and last week my Dad was diagnosed with chronic blood disease so I’m kind of living in fear at the moment because it’s becoming so prevalent so fast, but no real method of containment or antidote.
How long more will you travel for? The weather where I am remains terrible, storm after storm and my wanderlust is reaching peak levels again! Im starting training for my new makeup job tomorrow in the city for four days, so I’m actually a little excited about starting something new, albeit anxious too that A) I might not be great at it or B)I might hate it!
My darling, I’ve missed you and think of you often as similarly I figured you were withdrawing somewhat due to a tough time and probably work stress and demands. I feel that therapy for a few weeks (if it’s feasible) to help with coping strategies etc ahead of your family’s departure might be useful. Also, it’s a comfort that you will go to live with your sister, which will mean you get to keep your link to family which is a support you need and I’m sure she very much appreciates having you too.
I know that feeling….when you can’t actually be bothered drawing the energy to think about things, let alone, work on self development, growth and change! My life is in a funny phase right now. My new guy friend has mentioned to me multiple times that he feels I’m really in a very transient phase now and my life seems very complicated. He might be right. Some days I trod along, not too bad, not thinking too much about stuff. Other days I’m a truck load of slow moving thick sludge that it feels like a year to lift one leg out of daily.
PTSD must be incredibly difficult to live with. But I think your life is more than that. It just is. You’re a rather unique person. I don’t come across many people such as yourself, you have something about you. Something more, I guess. You do what you need to survive right now, but at some point, consider the fact…..that you deserve more out of this life. More in a job, more in a relationship, more for your own wellbeing. Please don’t hesitate to reach out when you feel low, I’ve often found that one or two sentences from the wonderful women and men on this thread at key times has really given me perspective and helped get me out of whatever spiral I seem to have gotten myself in to.
Would you consider looking for more fulfilling work? At least you have a job now so you don’t have the added panic of being unemployed this time? xx
March 2, 2020 at 8:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #340922Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Genie,
I hate when people say ‘Don’t panic’ in the midst of me panicking, like I hadn’t thought of that….and oh jeeee….of course….why don’t I just not panic!?!! But I don’t believe there is cause to panic in this instance. Let’s look at this, you have strong feelings for Jay, evidently he has strong feelings for you or wouldn’t have stayed this long and been so supportive etc. Something changed in the dynamic and it just gave him more information about his circumstances with you. If he did not want to continue a relationship (of any kind) with you, he wouldn’t. He would move on. He has not. He is taking things slow and seeing how it develops. He seems to recognise that you need to process some stuff of your own still and is putting that as a priority also. If he needs a little more space, right now, I suppose you might need to respect that. Wouldn’t you want someone to respect you enough to give you a little space if you needed it?
As you’re aware I got back with my ex a total of 3 times. The final time last year was weird for the first few weeks. He was SERIOUSLY cautious around me and there was no hand holding or affection or anything and I did question at the time whether he even liked me or was attracted to me anymore. We kept hanging out as….I dunno…friends I guess….even though I don’t know if I would even have called it that, it was just a weird phase…..but he never declined to meet me etc, so I didn’t put pressure on it and we found our way back to each other that time and actually, the spark was ten fold when we did. But he was just cautious and gunshy I guess, but evidently he still did have strong feelings for me at that time and was wary of going down the same road (heartbreak) again and feared his hurt and hurting me. I know it didn’t work out, but my point is….anxiety could be really playing a little bit of a role here, making you feel strong attachment and fear of abandonment. But if you can breathe and try to remain as calm and patient as you can, it could all be okay. By all accounts, Jay sounds like a great human being and cares about you, so perhaps try to have faith in that!
I hope it helps, but as you know, I’m not exactly the Yoda of all things relationship! I do know that my need to be with my ex was definitely too much of a burden for him to bear and did not help me in the long run. However, the times I was more calm and patient, it definitely worked out better. Good luck with it my dear. x
February 21, 2020 at 9:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #339326Shelbyville
I’m sorry to hear your anxiety is in full flight, there is nothing worse than feeling like you physically might throw up with upset and anxiety. It really gets a grip on us.
Reading your last post seems to read like your self criticism is at an all time high. I’m so glad your new romantic interest has been patient this far, it shows that he has a lot of respect for you and really appreciates you and wants to make it work. However, it might be a case of you needing to do more work by yourself first. As Michelle would often mention on here, when you find the next relationship that is healthy for you, and you have really done the work on yourself, it won’t cause anxiety or upset or uncertainty. We will know we are fine with or without that person and that means that we’re whole by ourselves. They add to our happiness is all.
I completely empathise with how you feel right now. Perhaps some space and time might be a good idea now…..I know I know…..the anxiety will be tough in the meantime. But maybe he just needs space. He has been there for you up to now but no-one knows how much they are willing to give until they’re tested and maybe he could help and support to a point, and there is nothing wrong with that either. We are all unique and have different capacity for growth or support or patience.
I don’t think you have done anything wrong. Really, please don’t beat yourself up. I promise it serves ABSOLUTELY no purpose, it will succeed in only making you feel worse. You don’t want to feel worse. You want to start feeling better. So deep breaths. Anxiety will want you to act on a knee jerk fashion, but step back, deep breaths, calm your heart and mind as much as you can, and you might get some clarity.
Appreciate your guy’s feelings too, he has struggled and he needs to figure out his stuff. You can’t figure out his stuff aswell as your stuff. We each have to work on ourselves. Obviously he will need to communicate with you and get your input if it surrounds your current relationship, but anxiety may make you try to cling and I understand completely that you don’t want to lose anything, but take a breath. If it’s as strong as you have believed it to be, you will be able to have a calm conversation again soon with him.
Im trying not to think of it lately as my ex still having a hold on me, or my ex stopping me from moving on. I’m not trying to make it specific to a person, I’ve been trying to say it was my own stuff coming up, as a result of that relationship, my own stuff I have to deal with regarding attachment, that became apparent in and after that relationship, that is now stalling me somewhat. So maybe continue on trying to work on that and hopefully bit by bit, growth will come and you will feel better. X
February 20, 2020 at 4:14 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #339098Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Clarissa,
Thanks for the detail of your own experience. I am definitely glad to hear you were able to move on….eventually. I’m also glad to hear that you have started seeing someone else who is lovely and I hope it does indeed work out.
It’s been 9 months since my final breakup, so maybe it will take some more time. I’m not actively delaying the moving on process, I’m doing my personal best to not have the feelings I have, but it’s going slower than I anticipated. For whatever reason. We all exist in this world with our own unique conditioning, values, thoughts, feelings etc.
I’ve gotten some great advice on this thread from others who had not dissimilar situations to me and they have moved on, which is wonderful. Maybe one day I’ll be one of those people. Right now, I’m not. I’m about to start a new part time job, I’m going to therapy regularly, I’m exploring further travel, I go out regularly with friends, I’m not being a hermit wallowing away in a corner. But it’s just taking its damn sweet time for my heart to catch up and tell me to move on.
I regularly check in with every thought of my ex by countering it with a negative memory to try and offset the rose-tinted glasses. I’m trying to imagine having a different life to the one I know have and I try to picture that and get specific about what that would look at. And yet……here I am.
Anyway, thanks for your input and sending good thoughts and wishes to you for the future! x
February 16, 2020 at 1:30 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #338594Shelbyville
ParticipantHey @kkasxo,
Im so sorry you’re feeling this way. But remember the work we must always do (though exhausting)……this too shall pass. No feeling is permanent, everything is transient. Someone messaged me yesterday after hearing the tragic news about the tv personality who had died – she said to me ‘she musnt have understood that no matter how horrific things are…..that feeling would one day pass. Remember how you felt you couldn’t go on Shelby & each hour was a struggle but you made it through”. We have to believe we are more than how we feel now. We have to see our lives as becoming more….else what’s the point?
Honestly, I feel you are my spirit animal right now! I’ve just come out of the work project I took on for the past six weeks & the mental drain was unreal. It was sooooo demanding, so I feel you!
The flashbacks must be frightening & create such uncertainty. Could you consider the possibility of seeing an expert in that field to try and help you process or manage it? I just don’t feel you should be left to fend by yourself like that.
I’m the same as you also in terms of direction. I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing. I’ve thought about various options but none seem to really attract my interest, passion or desire. I often hope for an epiphany and it doesn’t come so then I try to create circumstances to bring a light bulb moment, but nothing.
Who are we, you and I, at our core? Are we any much further down the road than when we ‘met’ 18 months ago? In some ways… much… other ways, exactly the same. Thats just my musing though, I could be wrong but it’s how I feel.
I started this thread broken and sad and missing my ex. Today, I am broken and sad and missing my ex. I know it can be much more than that. I am still going to therapy, trying to do the work, trying to figure it out, but so far, not much has changed. But I know I’m tired. I’m choosing things – new jobs, new locations, new friends, even a new romance & still. Here I am. I’m tired & I’m tired of being tired.
On the job front, I start a part time job at a makeup counter in the next few weeks. While I’ve established I’m not passionate about sales, to say the least, it’s a good opportunity to work with a brand I admire & they give great experience & training. So I’ll give it a shot! Other bits and pieces of work opportunities are coming my way too, but again, I’m not sure if I’m that keen. I just don’t know.
I don’t know what will make me happy. Well done to the folk who have it figured out but it’s hard for me. I’m guessing you too @kkasxo? Are you still getting along with Mr.A?
February 14, 2020 at 11:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #338312Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Firstly Adelaide – Belated Happy Birthday. I hope you had a special day. Birthdays are special. To me. I don’t care how old we get, it’s always nice to have a fuss made of you for one day in the year!
Sarah, I’m sorry you’re going through similar heartbreak to my own. Day in, day out I see evidence that break ups happen all the time and that it’s a normal and common part of life…and yet….when it happens to you, it’s as though the world has forever changed and pivoted in one swift blow. It’s heartening (if you could call it that!) to hear you loved once before and found love again, I’m just sorry it didn’t work out this time.
Michelle, thanks for the advice. You know you I know. I’m not determined on staying stuck, I have done things over the past year to enrich my life, to move it forward, to try and bring me happiness and yet I find I wind up back where I am. I even got frustrated with my therapist this past week as I said to him it’s ridiculous to still be in the same place at this stage and we need to get this therapy thing moving a bit faster to help me move on. He replied “are you enjoying kicking the absolute sh!t out of yourself over there Shelby?” I have so many people telling me always, including wonderful life coaches, family, friends….that I SHOULD be over it now, I SHOULD be doing things to improve my own life for my own self and securing my own future happiness. I often feel sick in my tummy at the stress of not living up to everybody else’s “shoulds”.
I’m sad, I’m still sad and Sarah, you’re absolutely right about the sensitive thing….but my therapist maintains that we’re not ‘overly’ sensitive, we are just highly sensitive and we were born this way and it’s not something that we should try to beat out of ourselves, it’s who we are. My new friend – the lovely sweet kind guy who I tried the romance with a couple of months ago, says sometimes he actually hurts to see how much I hurt in the world. He says he sees who I am and that because I feel so much, he can’t understand how I get through some days as so much of humanity hurts me. I guess he’s right, he says I should come with a ‘delicate’ warning….and not in a bad way, but he feels that I’m so empathetic it ends up hurting me too much. I mean, he’s not wrong. I guess on the upside, I feel love a lot more too, which is wonderful if you have love in your life. For now, the joy my nephews bring me is beyond what I can cope with sometimes – I would go to the ends of the earth for them and I’m consumed with worry if they are sick or do anything remotely risky! I try to switch it down a notch, but it’s hard.
Anyway, bit of a tangent there, sorry! I have finished my highly stressful short term work project – thank heavens – so I’ve taken myself off for a mini-break in a hotel which is lovely. It’s so scenic and yes it’s Valentines, which isn’t ideal, but hey, I’ll survive. Doesn’t bother me too much at all as my ex was not into Valentines or doing anything romantic around this date, so I’m not missing anything like that! I also got the part-time job at the makeup counter in the department store that I interviewed for the past few weeks, so i’ll be starting that soon and they’re sending me for intensive training, which will really stand to me in the future.
More and more Michelle, all I want to do is travel! Every week now I find I want to go, and I’m such a homebird…..or was at least! I don’t know where this has come out of, maybe I’ve a bit more confidence to go further afield on my own now, who knows? But it’s just not a possibility with literally no money right now and then I’m at the stage of my life, where I wonder should I be trying to save for a mortgage, that I’ll probably never be able to afford….but ya know….plans……and all that! Langkawi sounds absolutely amazing. My friend wanted me to go there when returning from Kuala Lumpur but I just didn’t have the time or money for another diversion. Typing away on your computer on a balcony overlooking the sea, is honestly….goals for me!!!
@kkasxo, I’ve been thinking of you a lot lately. I hope you’re doing okay, I know this is a tough time of year for you. Perhaps you’re managing it better than you thought this time round? I hope this is the case. Let me know how you are doing.January 30, 2020 at 10:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #335862Shelbyville
Two things stuck out from your last posts:
1) If I believe my ex is the one, why am I not making an effort to make it happen? That’s interesting. I’m not. So I’m in this space where I can’t go back and can’t seem to go forward either. Ugh. I’m not ready I guess.
2) The thoughts that he may see I love you to the ‘one’ when he meets her seems so far fetched to me as I felt he would never be able to say it as he’s so…I don’t know….avoidant. I guess I didn’t, in many ways, think it was because it was me. I felt that he couldnt ever say it cos he has work to do himself. But what if he does….then the anger will come I guess.
Be well and take care. x
January 30, 2020 at 4:21 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #335804Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Thanks for all the positive words and motivation. Ya know, I actually think maybe I should re-read all of this thread again as I have forgotten most of what happened, except for the good stuff….but of course…..that predisposition of the brain to rose colour everything.
I had forgotten he said he would start to resent me, wow, that stung at the time and stings now. I’ll try to cling to that one to evoke a little bit of anger if I can. I’m beyond stressed at the moment, work is overhwhelming me, I was so afraid of not finding work that I said yes to many projects and now I’m working long long days seven days a week, but look….at least it’s temporary.
Another source of upset and tears yesterday was that my sisters co-worker and friend lent me her parking spot in my sister’s work building as she is on maternity leave and she knew I would be working nearby for a couple of weeks and could use the parking spot. About two weeks ago I bought a little gift for her to thank her and hand back the keyfob, I had it in my head to give it to my sister to give to her at the first opportunity, but in those 10 days or one week, I have lost the fob. I am DREADING the outcome. It has been wracking me with guilt and anxiety. It’s actually quite difficult to get a replacement and if even possible is thought to be extremely expensive. But I’d put up with that but the worst part is telling her, she is quite a stern takes-no-prisoners person, albeit nice to have given it to me, I’ll admit I’ve always been a little afraid of this lady. Anyway, I haven’t told my sister yet as she has so much of her own stress going on, but it really is the straw that broke the camels back this week because I’m hormonal and also stressed with my workload from all my other projects. It’s also very unlike me to be so careless. I am meticulous about that kind of thing, but somewhere in the confusion of the past week or so it disappeared. I checked my car twice thoroughly, all my handbags, my clothes, my house and no sign. It’s something that’s massively bothering me and then there is a lot of other niggly problematic stuff I’m trying to sort out with payments from the makeup counter work I did over Xmas and many many mistakes they have made with that and the fact that I have a skills and trade test second interview on friday morning in a store, whilst also trying to maintain my other work which is ongoing. Sorry for the stream of consciousness vent, I feel like i need to get it all out of my head in some manner, such as writing, because my head doesn’t have the capacity to hold it all anymore.
I hope you’re all doing okay. Trying to look for gratitude in my heart each day, but some days I struggle with my inner feelings and what I feel is a lack of purpose for my existence at times.
If anyone knows any prayers, chants, tricks for finding something lost…..send them my way! x
January 26, 2020 at 10:27 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #335168Shelbyville
ParticipantHi @kkasxo, How are you doing? I remembered it must be approaching your date again and wondered how you are coping. The PTSD must be incredibly difficult and whilst I do understand that there are time when you feel like you’ll never get out of it, you do have weeks or months, of not feeling horrendous. So perhaps, it’s something you can learn to just adjust to each time it happens and have your coping skills ready. You are more than PTSD, so much more. So don’t let it convince you otherwise. You’re in charge of your brain and apparently we can rewire it so let’s try to keep on rewiring.
I too wondered how you are doing with Mr.A. You haven’t mentioned him in a while so I presume all is well or is the lack of feeling like you have no direction, partly to do with your relationship with him? I know the feeling of floating….it’s an old buddy of mine! I thought I had found a direction with my ex and that didn’t pan out so again I don’t know where i’m going or where I’m meant to be at. Apparently in life, we’re right where we’re supposed to be so all the research would tell me, but where on earth is that?!
I’m working at the moment and it’s 14 hour days and a huge amount of stress, all of which was not anticipated but the individual I’m working for has turned out to be far more demanding and unreasonable that I imagined. Nonetheless, I’m trying to make it through and maintain boundaries where I can, but it’s causing me a lot of stress. However, it’s over in two weeks, so I guess I’m counting down the days and I know I can survive that long. I met a friend about prospective work yesterday and he asked me ideally what would I like to be doing…i’ve been applying to jobs so much to try and get a job to have an income coming in, I never sat to figure out what my dream would be. I have ZERO idea. I went red when he asked me as I was stumped. I don’t know what I want to do. He reminded me of my many skills and expertise and said there are so many fields I could get into, but I just don’t know what I want to be doing. I thought I’d like makeup but I seem to lack the confidence to get that off the ground in earnest.
I’m thinking of you as the date approaches but don’t give it more weight that you need to. The day before it will be 729 days, the day after – 731 days. You have survived all those days and the date doesn’t make it any more difficult, you’re strong on day 729, you’ll be strong on day 730. As always, we are here if you need to reach out at any point.
Adelaide, this forum is open and inclusive for everyone, I don’t feel I have sole rights to my thread. It has resonated with many people and sharing our stories definitely makes us feel less alone. You’re doing good, a lot better than I was, so be good to yourself.
Genie, Thanks for the kind words, I’m glad you seem to be doing better. I appreciate the advice and the link to the other website, I’ll have to take a look.
Michelle….you’re in Krabi!!!! I’m jealous! I keep telling myself once I get paid from this job, I’m booking a flight somewhere, despite all my bills and still paying off my travel loan! What am I like? But in some ways it keeps me going, even if it doesn’t transpire! I know what you’re saying about my ex, on a rational level I always know what you’re saying. All of the advice on this thread seems logical and practical but sometimes it doesn’t move my feelings. I tried last year to move forward to leave that person behind by various different tactics and I continue to do it, but my heart is not in it to meet someone else. I also tried that last year and I just didn’t feel for that person what I know I can feel, the comparisons continued. I don’t mind putting myself out there and trying to meet someone new, I just feel like its a waste of time though if each time I still end up feeling that it’s not as good a connection as before. I’d rather try and manage being happy on my own. Maybe the anger will come, maybe it won’t. I’m guessing that will come perhaps if a he ends up with someone new, if I’d even find out, but I’m at the point now where I’m tired…obviously I’m run down from trying to keep several freelance gigs going but just tried of not having much direction either. Pick one….I hear you say….yup but my mind and heart are completely silent, don’t know why they won’t give me a bit of guidance on that front!
Also – is it cheap in Thailand, are you going to do some island hopping or move about? Can’t wait to hear more….
January 22, 2020 at 10:39 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #334560Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Adelaide, i’m pretty sure the anger is normal. All part of the process. In fact, I’d actually love to be angry, it has always helped me move on from things in the past. But in the three breakups with my ex, anger never came. Mildy miffed at times but no realt anger. Family and friends have even tried to generate it for me towards him or the situation…but still nothing….so maybe that’s why it’s taking me this time to move on or might mean nothing at all. Who knows. I do know that I’m insanely busy at the moment and genuinely don’t have time to think about him. When I’m idle all I do is ruminate. But when I’m busy, less thoughts of him have room to come into my head! I’m not saying distract yourself, but it makes sense, if you have nothing else to do, your brain will revert to familiar well worn thought patterns.
Definitely try and work on your self worth. It’s my biggest challenge, because apparently if we have good self worth……we can get over things easier because we’ll realise we’re better off! Or something like that! It’s something i definitely haven’t mastered.
Genie, thanks for the endorsement but like I’ve written to other people before, I’m not going to be fake and pretend I’ve seen the light. I still would like it to work out with my ex. It doesn’t seem likely and nevertheless there goes my betraying heart! But at least I don’t waste time trying to instigate it, i just think about it, a lot.
Rob- Sh*t. You have been hit by the proverbial bus. I’m so sorry. It sounds like you know that all you can try to do for the moment is continue on, survive, develop routine and grieve. No-one ever wants the grief, it’s hard and painful, but I guess it’s meant to be. I’m glad to hear you cry regularly and let it out, it’s important to have a release. I hope for you that each day or week or month the pain becomes even slightly less sharp.
@kkasxo, hope you’re doing okay.January 17, 2020 at 9:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #334029Shelbyville
Well done on so much self awareness and at least trying to grow and process. It’s hard, I know. Be careful about the pull. So….I am pretty confident that if I met my ex for coffee tomorrow, the unbelievable pull would still be there……it always has been, Even for him most of the time, but nevertheless, it doesn’t mean we are meant to be together. We have/had a connection…the pull makes sense. But the pull can’t make him feel what he doesn’t either and despite how great a connection I felt we had, he still doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me… if we were to meet up, the pull would end up hurting me again.
Let me frame it from your ex’s point of view. The new guy, who is a beautiful soul, who i tried a romantic relationship with but chose not to go further with is now one of my closest friends. I explained the perils of such a relationship and being the understanding and persuasive person he is, he convinced me friendship could work. It sounded like a great deal to me as the characteristics that I always liked about him (no-romantic) were still there and I do have a connection to him and enjoy his company immensely but not in a romantic way. It’s been great and I felt, isn’t this so mature…..I don’t get to lose him out of my life and we are good for each other. Today I met him for coffee and afterwards he messaged to say how beautiful I looked today. Sweet. But a problem. I loved receiving such a compliment but then the anchor dropped and I felt uncomfortable. He’s not completely over me I would say and happy to just be a platonic relationship. So things may get awkward if we continue this way and he may get hurt……yet again. I didn’t want this to happen, but I’m a adult, I take responsibility for the decision I made by being friends with him.
You will always feel like you have a connection to your ex whilst she’s still in your life and it’s unrequited. I definitely don’t want to see you get hurt down the line again. Distance is the only thing to create a little bit of perspective…but BELIEVE ME….i understand how difficult that is. I get it. But remember, she didn’t choose to be with you and whilst it might be a nice comfort blanket for both of you to avoid the pain of separation… could end up being the pain of future hurt again otherwise.
Keep going though on your focus on self awareness and counselling and really working on growing. You’re probable miles ahead of where I was at your stage. Try looking into the attachment styles and why they might apply, for example anxious attachment.
We’re all in similar boats on this forum and I’ve found the online support very enlightening. Best of luck x