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December 2, 2019 at 11:54 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325749
ParticipantHow did it go?????
December 1, 2019 at 12:04 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325479Shelbyville
ParticipantI know exactly how nervous you must feel and there is nothing I can say which will make you less nervous. Except maybe when my therapist says fear and excitement have the exact same physiological response so instead of repeating over and over how nervous I am, to think of it as excited for a new opportunity! At least you’re trying! Good vibes on their way to you……and don’t worry, I survived my rejection & even trying to see the benefits of not getting that job now!!! (With effort!)
You are SO right! It was nice, it was nice having someone put me first for a change. Planning his days around me, making me feel special! But it wouldn’t have been fair to continue it when I don’t see a future. I definitely miss hanging out with him for sure, but it wouldn’t be fair of me to keep him just as a friend. So I’m giving him space.
This past year has felt like a decade in many ways. I seem to have that thing I may have mentioned before, where my ex and the time we had together this year& the final breakup are all kind of….blurred now! I can’t recall it in HD surround sound like I could before. That complex brain of mine I guess, always protecting!
I wonder what 2020 could bring for us?! I sort of think in my romantic life I’ve survived the worst, so at least if I stay single there is no chance of another horrendous anxiety and pain filled year in that sense, so that’s worth looking forward to I guess!
I’m actually craving a trip to London- it’s like I went travelling, I want to be on the go the whole time now! But I’m flat broke, so it’ll have to be something to look forward to next year!
No plans for my birthday. It’s Tuesday so it’s awkward day for family/friends. Plus I don’t really have any go-to person to celebrate with. That’s the hard part of birthdays I find. Not having that special someone who makes it a special day for you, for one day of the year. I know that nice guy would have planned something nice, but I had to end it. It was only fair.
So right now my sisters and I are in United Nations negotiations trying to find a suitable plan- so basically there is no plan, well….not one I had hoped for. My biggest weakness- not coping well when things don’t work out as I’d hoped or planned!
Im a Sagittarius – Dec 3rd! X
November 30, 2019 at 11:32 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325431Shelbyville
I hear you! Finances are a big trigger for anxiety and I have been feeling pretty crap lately not being able to afford anything! I hate borrowing from anyone etc, but I’ve had to do it so I feel like a ticking clock in my head until I pay it back ‘cos I hate owing anyone.
BEST OF LUCK on Monday- fake it ‘till you make it is my motto!!! Interviews are daunting but at least it’s a start and once it’s over you’ll be so relieved! I went for an interview for what I thought was my dream role two weeks ago. I had heard this job would be coming up, before I went travelling & actually kind of banked on it for my return. I felt I was perfect for it. I thought the interview wasn’t horrendous – even though it had been 15years since I’d done an interview. I waited days to hear, and had nearly run away in my mind with having the job. When they told me I was unsuccessful – the blow was huge. I wasn’t expecting it to be so gutting actually. I cried all evening. It took me right back to my self worth core, which is fragile at best!
Repetitive comments in my head… ‘oh Shelby, don’t be so confident, you weren’t good enough for your ex, you weren’t good enough for this job…. etc etc’. Anyway, it definitely hurt. It was also a job I felt would really say to my previous bosses, ‘wow, she did well. Maybe we lost someone valuable’. It’s all a headwreck!
I went for a different interview for a short term contract last week. I haven’t heard back. I’m not sure I really wanted that one, it’s quite different to my area of expertise & it was just a maternity cover & also require a move of location.
The temp work is fine, good experience and short term so definitely less pressure for targets etc. It has shown me though that I’m not in love with retail. If I follow up with a makeup career, I don’t think I want it to be in retail- so that’s something I’ve learned at least!
I really hope the interview goes well on Monday. Don’t waffle and give specific examples for questions asked. Be confident (even if you have to fake it!). You’ll do great!!
The nice guy was…..lovely. Such a sweet soul. I felt he was mad about me & falling for me, but I just wasn’t in the same place. He kept saying he was okay with the pace etc, but he reminded me so much of myself it hurt!!! I told him never to sacrifice his needs and wants for anyone, but I could see him doing it! He just didn’t want to lose me & I got a sense that his self confidence was not terribly strong. I knew for sure as time went on, I’m not over my ex. He creeps into my mind a lot and it’s just not fair on anyone new if that’s happening a lot. I miss his company but I think it was veering towards friendship for me, some things just turned me off. Absolutely no fault on his part, it’s just I like what I like & though I tried to have stronger feelings for him because he’s such a wonderful person, I just couldn’t.
I lay awake a whole night in his place (nothing happened) with a churning stomach & I knew something was wrong then. He believes there is hope for us in the future I think, which I feel bad about because I definitely don’t see it, but I didn’t want to hurt him by admitting that. I told him not to wait for me as I need to work on myself and sort my life out. He said he understands but it’s his decision how he feels going forward.
Anyway, he deserves to be with someone amazing, who runs into his arms to be with him, but he’s never really had a long term relationship and I fear this will now dent his confidence & self worth further and I hate that. Ugh, there’s no simplicity in life is there?!!!
Anyway, it’s my birthday on Tuesday and I don’t know how I feel about it. Proud having survived this past year…..sad as I’ll be 37 (feeling 24!), but closer to that STUPID clock.
Hopefully the right opportunity will arise for both of us- we deserve a break I think. I’ll be thinking of you on Monday and sending good vibes out in to the universe for you. Best of luck
November 30, 2019 at 2:04 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325379Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
How are you doing? I’m checking in because I’m having a struggle week. I started a new temporary job for the festive season & also ended my situation with the new nice guy as I’m not moved on from my ex.
At the moment I don’t really have a clear set vision of where I’m going or how I’m going to end up happy!
@kkasxo how’s things on your end?November 22, 2019 at 8:37 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #324097Shelbyville
ParticipantHi bad pup,
im not sure of your specific circumstances so can’t advise as such, but it’s been my experience that contact doesn’t help & hinders the moving on process if that’s what really needs to be done.
Im sorry you’re going through this right now, it’s a particular kind of pain that’s for sure
November 21, 2019 at 2:46 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #323949Shelbyville
ParticipantHey!!! I did! I start in a department store cosmetics counter next week- completely different from anything I’ve done before and I’m sure there will be a lot of raised eyebrows but I’m excited! And it’s not too fear inducing in the sense that it’s only short term.
Also had an interview for a big job in my previous line of work earlier this week and another job interview for a different job tomorrow, so the universe has got to grab me something right?!
Money is definitely tight, I hear ya. And that’s a trigger for my anxiety, bigtime. But I want to be careful not to just fall into work for the sake of paying bills again but not being truly happy or fulfilled with the job.
Also, something weird has shifted a bit- prior to my travel I was searching for jobs not far from home, whereas now I’m a lot more open to travelling elsewhere for work, which is strange for me, but I’ll run with it!
My ex is still on my mind a lot, it’s there. It is what it is. It’s making me feel bad because I’m kinda seeing the new guy but I’m so unavailable I feel like I’m being horrible. I have stressed to him many times that I’m working on myself, don’t want to be in a relationship and that he should never sacrifice his feelings or desires or needs for me or anyone. He keeps saying it’s all good and he’s happy to take things slow and stuff but honestly he’s like a puppy and while I like hanging out with him, I’m so scared I’m gonna hurt him.
But then self aware Shelby is like overthinking everything and I’m wondering am I just sabotaging someone who could actually love me, am I running away from someone who’s actually available, ugh, it’s all ick and I just can’t live with hurting another human. And this guy is pretty sensitive.
Any leads on your job hunt? What will you be doing for Xmas?
November 20, 2019 at 2:52 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #323825Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Feeling a little overwhelmed with changes and movement in my life right now.
Also still feel like I’m not really moving on from the past deep down.
let me know how you are faring? @kkasxo
November 12, 2019 at 9:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #322645Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Lovely to hear from you. I’ve been a bit hectic lately, trying to sort out job stuff and going on a few dates with that guy and also everyone I know seems to be sick, so I’m trying to help out where I can with kids etc.
Michelle it sounds like SA has really had an impact on you, I can only imagine what kind of life you’re living right now, it sounds incredible. You seem so motivated and together…I definitely envy you – but not in a mean way – I’m very happy for you to be living a life you worked hard for!
I haven’t explored the volunteering just at the moment- for rather drab practical reasons. I have a few makeup appointments booked in over the next 6 weeks and while i’m not working I can’t afford to be buying new makeup products, so I have be be frugal with my existing kit and therefore just don’t have the resources to volunteer out my kit yet, but hopefully when I have more steady work, I’ll be able to see it through. Also, I’m lacking confidence because of lack of experience and therefore am poor at promoting my skills or desire for new clients, but it’s a catch 22 because I can’t gain more experience without gaining new clients! I have applied to a few department stores cosmetics halls for any seasonal vacancies so maybe something will come of that.
Your suggestion about looking at things from my kids’ perspective is an interesting one, but one that I find too hard to imagine! I just cant conjure up an idea of my own kids at all! What would Freud say about that I wonder!?!!
I has become even more apparent lately that the guy I have gone on dates with is very interested in me. He is extremely sensitive and I have created a space for him where he feels he can finally be himself with someone. So yeah… I feel terrible!!! We went away for a night over this past weekend and it didn’t exactly turn out how I thought it would. Im a terrible human being, but it made me miss what I had with my ex even more. Dammit, will I ever get over that relationship?!!! I have expressed to new guy that I’m not healed from a previous relationship and whilst I enjoy his company, that I don’t want to be in a relationship and there is a lot going on for me personally at the moment. He says he completely understands and knows the risks but he believes I am worth waiting for and other complimentary overly-sappy remarks to that effect! Im not a fool either, I recognise the parts of him that are beginning to turn me off are his sensitivity, softness and over expression of his feelings to me – all stuff I probably don’t like about myself. So I don’t know, I’m absolutely petrified of hurting him now, especially when he opened up about certain issues and has been vulnerable with me, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt. He’s a wonderful person and I know I definitely want him in my life long term- but perhaps as a friend? I don’t know. He has promised that no matter what, we’ll be strong strong friends even if it doesn’t work out, but I’ve told him, while I would love that, I can’t expect to ask that of him as he is fully entitled to space if he’s hurt or disappointed. He keeps telling me to stop overthinking everything and maybe he’s right, but at the end of the day, should I still be thinking about my ex such a large chunk of every single day. Lately even fantasising that we could just hook up for a physical relationship in the future. Man do I feel not healed, not strong, not sensible lately.When does it get better???
@Kkasxo, how are you doing? Any bites on the jobs front? I’m inclined to agree with Michelle about Mr.A, at some point I guess you need to forgive him or forget him and leave the past in the past, if progressive moves have been made to rectify or improve the relationship development? Let me know how you’re doing xNovember 4, 2019 at 1:45 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #321245Shelbyville
That insta post was right. You can’t wrestle what your soul wants. I tried every which way I could think of to make myself be content with what was on offer from my ex & it STILL didn’t work out. I knew I wanted more but what happened was…..HE knew I needed more & recognised probably more than me, how much I was twisting & contorting myself to save the relationship and he said… more. Some would say he did me the greatest favour of my life, but I’m still in the greatest heartbreak of my life mindset, so not exactly at the enlightened stage yet, but you get the idea.
I cant imagine what it must have felt like to lose your father in such an abrupt way. It doesn’t matter if you’re 8 or 18…..that is a lorry load of hurt. I do think that has a profound impact. I live with my Dad and love him and he loves me and yet I can see the impact our relationship has had on every aspect of my life every day. I know my ex was quite similar to my Dad, I could see it. I adore my Dad and he adores me but it doesn’t mean he wasn’t critical as I grew up and even now. I always felt I struggled to get praise or approval from him and that impacts a lot of aspects of my life. So, my point is- look at the impact that has had on me- while he is present and loving (in his own way) and supportive – so can you imagine the impact of an absentee biological father? It’s only natural it would have ripple effects. If you need to talk that out – remember I’m always an understanding ear!
As for the new guy, we’ve kissed and it’s fine. I’m trying to take it casually and he has agreed but then for example he texted me last night saying he missed me yesterday. I literally saw him the day before. I dunno, I’m one way it’s sweet and I don’t want him to change who he is because that would not be right, but on the other hand, if my ex called me up tomorrow to reconcile – would I be adverse to that prospect….I’m not exactly sure….so where is my head/heart at? I don’t know.
Sometimes I just feel like- stop the world and let me off? Right?!! Is that a song? I dunno!!!!
November 3, 2019 at 11:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #321131Shelbyville
ParticipantWow Kkasxo, I’m the same. No income since I left work and it’s a little scary. Granted, I live with my Dad so I won’t be homeless anytime soon but I’ve been working my whole life, it’s disconcerting not having an income & not knowing when I will.
I turned down one of two offers while I was on my trip as I didn’t think they felt right. I’ve applied for a few other things, but I’m really wondering what exactly it is I want to do. I just find it hard to figure it out. Again, I placed too much perhaps on the shoulders of the trip, that I thought it would give me clarity.
Well done Mr.A for trying, it shows he is backing up his talk with action. Always a good sign. Ya see I just don’t know….because I’m not you…..I don’t know are you guys actually really good together but something deep inside you is preventing you from letting ANYBODY love you. I know you say you want love, relationship, commitment, but what if that which you truly desire is that which terrifies you the most deep in your subconscious. If you let it in, it’s something you risk losing, or maybe you feel unworthy of it? I’m just brainstorming! It’s just because so much of the thoughts & feelings you and I have are quite similar at times. So I might be just thinking out loud for myself!
The guy is a lovely person. When I’m around him I laugh and have fun but I don’t know if it’s in a romantic sense. I try not to compare him….but it happens a lot. Some elements I really like about him and other elements not so much. Maybe I cringe at the sensitivity or heart on sleeve approach cos that’s a part of myself I don’t like?!
As for not ending up alone…..well the myth not entirely debunked yet. I used to have this argument with my therapist (who I can’t afford at the mo!). I do believe that if I wanted to find a man and get married within the next two years, that’s possible. It’s not that I thought it’s not possible to meet a man, there are loads out there, but more so, felt and feel I won’t meet anyone I’m interested in the way I loved my ex. No-one would be as ‘great’ as him or if I ever came across a unicorn in the future who I actually felt as strongly about, the feeling would not be mutual.
So….I could be with someone in my life again, but not someone on the scale of my ex. Just someone who liked me, not necessarily that I like them as much. I can’t see myself settling for something like that, hence the conclusion that I will now be alone.
I’m extremely worried about hurting this guy because of sensitive and empathetic I am, it would make me nauseous to know that I caused anyone pain, so I’m scared on multiple fronts!
Only another wonderful day in the messed up mind of Shelby!!!!
November 3, 2019 at 10:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #321113Shelbyville
ParticipantI read your post on our ‘anniversary’ date but my mind has been spiralling since my return from travel so didn’t get a chance to reply.
Firstly, I can completely understand how sad it must have been to lose your family dog. They are a big big part of our hearts, we care about pets no less than family members, so when they leave us it’s heartbreaking. I know they leave us all at a certain point, but it doesn’t make it easier. I’m so sorry x
Secondly, I’m so proud of YOU. You have conquered so much. There have been some pretty bleak posts here from you and I over the past year and yet look at us…..still standing…..still surviving. Maybe even in spite of ourselves! I guess human nature is more resilient than we can understand.
Good on you pushing for your boundaries. You said things with Mr.A are ‘good’ so I hope he was a real sense of support to you when your dog died & helped provide emotional support. Ya know… some ways I think I was like Mr.A actually!!! I’m a funny way I guess….he’s painstakingly gripping on to the relationship when you kind of feel it’s not something that is as it should be. You may know better and know that the timings are pretty important (like my ex) and he’s begging you not to throw it away & ye can figure it out, timings can be adjusted (just like me)!! I just didn’t want to let it go, I was too scared to, and maybe it’s a little like that for Mr.A- maybe he needs to work on that part of himself?
Whatever will be, will be when you want it to be. I believe that. How is the job situation going? Mine is all very uncertain right now. I must admit my anxiety is reaching serious levels again just not having any income coming in right now & very much being in debt after my travels. Eek. But I try not to run ahead of myself & just take one day at a time- so what can I do today to work on some goals etc….
The guy who has been in the fringes since before my travels has taken a more prominent role in my life at the moment. He’s expressive and sensitive and wants to be with me. I’m not sure if I want anything, I thought so much about my ex whilst travelling & I compare everyone & everything to him and my time with him.
I know I’m not healed, but when will I be? Do I put things on the long finger then until I’m fully ready for the world again? I don’t know. This guy makes me laugh and I enjoy his company but I’ll admit some parts of him- I’m not sure about. He’s so straight forward I nearly want him to seize control a bit more and not be as gushing and expressive. What KIND of person am I?!!! Crazy ass person I think!!!
I don’t know, now that I’m back from travels, I’m proud of myself, but I guess the epiphany I thought I would have or the brand fresh new outlook I thought I might have just had not transpired. In a way I’m deflated ‘cos I guess I felt that but quitting my job & travelling I would be fulfilling what my soul needed and it would change everything. But really, I just feel sad and disappointed that the relationship with my ex didn’t work & the understanding of why still hasn’t really hit home yet.
Please update me on your life, you’re definitely a big part of my story over the past two years too.
I wonder how Michelle is getting on on her trip!
October 22, 2019 at 2:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #319081Shelbyville
ParticipantSo good to hear from you Kkasxo and belated happy birthday! I hope you at least got some nice surprises from those closest to you, I think everyone deserves to be spoiled on their birthday.
The travel has been intense, I’ve gotten so used to living out of a suitcase now that I can’t imagine what stability used to feel like! As each days passes, I’m getting more confident in my ability to be able to travel alone. Which I’m proud of, but it doesn’t mean I don’t miss having someone with me- it just means that despite that, I am physically capable of doing it alone.
I am starting to feel a tick tock clock in the back of my mind now- to go back to reality- THIS SATURDAY- can you believe it?!!! But I don’t want to. Not because I love travelling the world too much to go home but because reality has been suspended during this trip. And not having to deal with reality is nice, I’m not gonna lie. So I’m trying to live in the moment and catch myself anytime my mind wanders off to the future, so that I can appreciate these last few days.
How are you doing? I hope you’re okay- and only cos I feel like I’ve gotten to know you somewhat over the past year- do I get the sense that you seem less than happy. Even re-read your posts the past few months yourself- it sounds like you’re not fulfilled or happy- I’m not sure exactly – but has that been two birthdays now in less than amazing circumstances? I think you deserve to be a queen on your birthday- not sad, or depressed. Would you consider another stint of counselling if it were feasible? I have to say, my anxiety was through the roof after my hospital stint at the start of my holiday and my therapist emailed and texted me with advice and it honestly profoundly calmed me! Amazing!
If the relationship/job/whatever it is- is not contributing to you being a happy human, maybe the time is approaching to make decisions. Stand up for you and your boundaries/needs/goals. I don’t know how to do it- I’m no expert on that front – I just decided one day to pack in my job because when I took a step back and looked at it from a more distant point of view- I realised I was wasting my life on a dead end, because it was comfortable and familiar. As for the man- well I never had the strength to end that- and even now I wish he would change his mind and come back- so I’m zero help to you there- but I’ve always had the sense that you’re a stronger person that I Kkasxo, so I think you would absolutely succeed where I didn’t.
Can you believe it’s been almost a year since we first communicated?! I’m very grateful we crossed paths. X
October 21, 2019 at 2:31 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #318917Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Well I’m back in Oz after my trip to NZ. It was incredible, I’m proud of myself for doing it.
The whole trip has been a rollercoaster of emotions – a huge amount of my headspace is given to thoughts of my ex. I thought while travelling, thoughts of him would be minimal but I guess I have a lot of time on my own here, which means no distractions like I would have at home, so maybe that’s it?
At the start of the trip, especially when I felt unwell I just wanted to be at home. Now I’m in my last wk, I really really don’t want to go back to reality! How the tables can turn!
Michelle- how are your travels going?
Kkasxo, still hanging in there??
October 10, 2019 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #317217Shelbyville
ParticipantAnother day, another flight! I’m tired but it’s good! I’m doing it- by myself- even if I’m homesick, even if I fell ill, even if I miss my ex, I’m doing it, by myself. So I’m trying to focus on that and not trigger myself.
@kkasxo just checking in to see how you are doing? Soon coming up on one year pact for Tiny Buddha- can you believe it?!October 8, 2019 at 4:40 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #316681Shelbyville
I know exactly what you mean about the different realities in Africa and elsewhere. That was one of the hardest things for me to reconcile when I went to Africa- having so little against the backdrop of having so much. But like you said- it’s such an invigorating country and I found it almost gets into your soul if you think in that kind of way!
Most definitely enjoy the vineyards – must be so special to drink wine in a region from that very region!
The highlight of my trip is……I don’t know! I’ve had so many incredible pinch me moments that it’s kind of washing over me and not sinking in really. I loved the Whitsunday Islands- and I really felt a sense of achievement and pride in myself for always dreaming about this magical place and now I actually stopped dreaming and made it a reality for myself, by myself. I feel all kinds of emotion tonight. Upset thinking of what you said about leaving my ex in the past, happy that I achieved a life goal, sad that it was alone, proud that it was alone. I don’t know, emotion is seeping out of me at the moment and I don’t seem to have any frame of reference.
I dont know how to let go. I could easily say tomorrow morning- ok Shelby, it’s done, he’s gone, move on. But it’s never that easy. I do that all the time and yet I still think about him incessantly. He would have been really proud of me for ticking this off my bucket list. I’m mad and sad and I don’t know what else right now! It’s a mish mash!
Tbh, a bit of homesickness is probably setting in too. Maybe if I wasn’t doing so much travelling around, but it’s definitely taking its toll. Four flights out of eleven done!!!! Dearie me!!!!
Kkasxo, how you doing? You hanging in there?