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August 22, 2019 at 2:42 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308935
I’m actually glad you said that, because that’s exactly how I feel! The few spirals I’ve had have led me down a dark path where I consider not going on. That it’s all too much to bear. Like I said previously, it seemed too melodramatic to say I was suicidal after a break up…but now I feel a bit braver saying it because you have said it. It’s horrific. The depth of the intensity of the blackness is honestly overwhelming. When it happened last….I think maybe last Toct/Nov, I called my sister as I was in a bad way, alone. But she was away and that’s the time she said to me that she literally can’t put my feet on the ground one after another, she said I had to get up from the hole and walk out of it myself. So that day, I pulled myself off the couch and walked out the front door for a walk. So I thought that was the key, to be strong and help yourself up and out. But I don’t know, it’s all very confusing to me now. You give me some hope though.
That element of things still hurts. I thought I had processed all that grief, but honestly my therapist consistently keeps asking me if I have really let my mum go. A couple of times he’s asked me to say statements in relation to my mum and I completely break down and beg him to talk about something else. I need to work on that I think, but I just don’t know what it will do. As in, what if it makes me worse and I become completely non-functioning. Thank you for your insight though, I don’t disagree, as I said it’s something my therapist has consistently mentioned. But if talk of her comes up, I start to get panic attacks, so we never seem to venture much further.
August 21, 2019 at 10:27 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308865Shelbyville
I’ve been thinking more and more about our feelings lately. I am trying to help myself to move on and improve my life and secure my happiness but I’m doing a lot of external things I think. I’m beginning to understand that to get healthy in mind, I have to feel everything. I can’t read a book or blog about how to feel better, I have to feel what I’m feeling to feel better.
How does one do that? Absolutely no clue. The few times where I have nearly wailed and screamed with pain and hurt, my therapist says he feels are the times I come closest to my real emotion, but then I think…my goodness, you can’t sustain feeling that level of pain, it’s very overwhelming and excrutiating but I wonder is that what I actually need to do. I nearly feel I don’t have the right to feel that strongly and intensely about the demise of a relationship when that kind of reaction would normally be expressed by people who maybe have had horrific ordeals like a parent losing a child under horrific circumstances to experience of war or something. Because embarrassingly that’s how deeply I know I can feel this loss.
So I suppose there is an element of pull yourself together Shelby which is preventing me from feeling it all fully. I don’t have the confidence that I will be able to cope fully!
Work is a good distraction but I feel more and more lately, your heart and emotional centre is crying out to be expressed and felt and you find that difficult with Mr.A around and long for some private time to release. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with needing and wanting that time to let out what you need to.
August 20, 2019 at 9:38 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308743Shelbyville
Even letting the tiniest question into your mind that he might now not be the one is the key to escape the suffering I think. Possibility, hope, determination are what motivate us forwards, even in the smallest doses. I have not reached that yet. Hard for me to admit (weird I know), but the intensity of the pain has most certainly reduced for me too. So any broken hearts following this thread, the severe, punch in the stomach pain does not stay. Oh it’s not a rainbow yet by any means, but whether I tried to help myself or not, the intensity has reduced. Natural law of emotion/grief I guess.
It is more a longing and sense of loss I now feel, and sad. Very sad. So yeah…..not a party, but the can’t eat, can’t sleep, screaming, not being able to go outside the door has abated, and like you Kksaxo, I’m eternally grateful for that. By the same token though, it tends to contribute to the sadness because it means there is more distance from the life I had to the life I now have. It means I’m disappearing in his mind more and more as his weeks pass and I’m still stuck, but also, struggling to remember the exact shape of his face. The mind is a complex thing!
The travel….is fine. It’s about the cost really, that’s what the delay is about. Trying to work out what’s the best way of doing it that won’t put me under pressure. I guess I feel if I don’t like it, at least if I feel I got the best deal I could economically, I wouldn’t have wasted exceptional amounts of funds!
My friend in Oz got back to me today so we’re gonna skype tomorrow to discuss, so hopefully that will put me at ease a little more and give me more of a plan!
The ‘guy’ has been messaging me on social media again today. Nothing concrete, just banter. He keeps re-emphasising in a joking manner that’s he’s NOT asking me out! I’m like…..okay….got it….loud and clear! Well I didn’t actually say that, but ya know….it’s what I was thinking!!!!
Im a lost cause Little buddhas, give up on me now! I’m trying but like quick sand, sinking with each movement! But maybe that’s just my perception!
August 20, 2019 at 6:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308695Shelbyville
100% correct, I have an anxious attachment style. My ex had an avoidant attachment style….so it was always going to be….a challenge. You have something I never had though. The acknowledgement and back bone to say ‘I’m not waiting around….I’m not waiting 4 more years. I don’t have that nor never had. I was growing increasingly frustrated but I never felt, I’m not wasting time, he was my only route I felt and still feel and that’s a problem. That’s I’m assuming why I’m not moving on. I don’t want to move on to anything else because nothing else will ever match up. Okay, I can’t go back, but I might as well stay here in my heartbrokedness because it’s not like that will ever change!
I’m trying new things as much as possible to make other aspects of my life a little better if I can, so that say I’m 70 per cent lost without my ex forever and the rest of my life has been functioning at 10-15 per cent happiness, if I could at least bump that aspect to the full 30 per cent, that’s a better ratio! Ah the way my mind works is like a sitcom at times!
I do panic, honest pure panic when I feel I’m about to lose someone. I remember a few upsetting interactions we had when we’d almost break up (but didn’t) and I would feel the panic rising in my tummy up to my throat and I’d do what I could to steer us back to calmer waters and not be breaking up at that particular moment on that particular day. It did and does have a lot of power over me yet. I don’t understand why as such, but I’m working on it as much as I can.
However I feel I have too much emotional baggage to really able to take a decent stab at turning my life around, especially at this stage of my life, so I’m just taking little steps now when I can. I would love someone choose to love me (outside family) but that seems like a pipe dream to me!
How are you doing today, are you feeling any better now?
August 20, 2019 at 3:05 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308687Shelbyville
The whole situation with Mr.A really resonates with me. Some similar traits to my ex. I was never led to believe that my ex DIDN’T want what I wanted, it was always mentioned in a hypothetical manner. Even when we split the first time a few years ago and reunited, I said I felt sad that he didn’t reach out and he said he wanted to every single day but in the end didn’t. He often said he wanted us to have our own place/space and yet balked at any actions in that direction. He theoretically wanted to have kid to teach stuff to but the when push came to shove he freaked out at that notion.
He would describe elements of the ‘design of the house we would build’ …..again hypothetical. He would make ‘hypothetical’ plans for the weekend to spend time together and would inform me on a Friday afternoon that he had to work in the family business. Resentment really did set in in hindsight, so there may be an element of resentment towards Mr. A setting in too.
When anger and resentment is not processed properly it can cause a world of ongoing pain for both parties. I thought I was accepting my ex as much as I could for who he is, particularly in the last few months, but he still explained that he got the feeling he was continuously disappointing me and he admitted that wasn’t a very nice feeling for him. So while Mr. A may not be giving you what you need, for whatever reason…probably that he genuinely can’t, it’s probably not an especially happy time for him either being the one who constantly doesn’t shape up. It’s just a different perspective from my own experience. I wanted my ex to be the man I wanted him to be so much, but I had to admit at some point, he just wasn’t able. That was heartbreaking because I feel change is possible – look at me! But he had to be aware of that himself and do the work himself, which he wasn’t prepared to do. Mr. A may be the same, he’s just not grown up enough to make decisions.
Well done girl on owning your whole needs and wants. That was a brave step as you, like me, probably always considered his feelings and how he would react and so tempered what you said in the past. That I think, means change. What kind of change it will be I can’t say, but suffice to say, the way things were staying was not working for you anyway, so change is better than nothing! Keep the conversation going!
Well done on the fitbit motivation, that will definitely help get you back into the swing of exercise again. I reached my goal weight recently and honestly, it really has helped me feel better in myself. It’s a nice feeling when clothes fit nicely and even some clothes are a little baggy! It has motivated me to stay this way and I have a friend now who is obsessed with good long walks and asks to meet me almost every evening so it’s becoming consistent.
What am I like?! Today I don’t really care about that guy contacting me at all. In fact, he’s the kind of guy I just feel like rolling my eyes at actually. The other day I was awarding him far more power than he has, for some reason. Did it hit an old wound? It was strange. My desire has been to be in a relationship indeed, but just with my ex. I can’t see or really have much desire to be in a relationship with anyone else. As I have not moved on from the pedestal stage and therefore think it would just be a poor comparison.
I wonder what I could do to increase my own view of myself, to really feel it deep down, or if I’m honest….do I believe that people can change THAT much? Maybe I’m someone who will always look for external validation and if I tell myself otherwise I feel like I’m being a bit of an imposter!
Also serious mulling over Oz the past while. Something is irking me. I don’t know what it is. I send flight quote etc on to my friend near Sydney the other day and got no reply. She has also not responded a few times to texts lately, which is completely understandable as she has a baby, but I think it’s worrying me a little. Because I had hoped to use her as a base and she has been the one in the past who always inspired and motivated me to take the trip, but now I feel her priorities are different, and perhaps it doesn’t suit as much for me to go over. And when I take her out of the equation, I don’t know if I’m as excited about that location. What am I like?! It’s just a lot of money when I know for a fact, there are definitely other places I want to see. But this is a once in a lifetime trip, so I feel if I don’t do it, I’ll always be wondering!
August 19, 2019 at 2:58 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308535Shelbyville
ParticipantMorning all,
Had a terrible night’s sleep last night so I’m a little exhausted today! Kkasxo, I hope the weekend ended up being okay for you.
Michelle, your insight into Kkasxo’s situation is really interesting and makes a lot of sense. I am a little disappointed in myself the past few days.I have been trying to work hard on myself and have spent money on therapy and trying to constantly push myself, even when I really don’t want to, but the past few days have really left me with a feeling that I haven’t grown much at all.
So I mentioned previously that I had been asked on a date by someone, well a ‘kind of’ date, as he quickly changed it into a ‘friends’ conversation when I seemed hesitant. Anyway, needless to say the situation has left me feeling like a saddo. I wasn’t terribly keen on stepping out into the dating world…..lest we forget Shelby is brokenhearted!!!!Haha!
Anyways, when I said I’d love to meet up and have interesting conversations but I’m not in the dating frame of mind, he said he meant we’d be amazing friends! Then out of the blue I felt….hmmmph! Anyways there was a bit of flirty banter in messages back and forth and we agreed to go for drinks, but there has been zero moves on his part to follow through. some messages back and forth but mostly talking about life and stuff, nothing flirty! Anyway, my issue is this. I’m checking my phone regularly now to see if there are messages from him. When he doesn’t reply after we’ve been texting back and forth in a convo, I feel bad. I feel neglected and foolish. HAVE I PROGRESSED NOTHING?!!!! Why does a man (not even one I’m particularly interested in I think) have such an effect on me.
Why can’t I just be happy on my own and regardless of what that individual does or doesn’t do, it doesn’t affect my mood or my daily life? That’s the dream, why after years in therapy and increasing self awareness am I still at the mercy of a guy’s opinion of me. It’s frustrating and upsetting. I didn’t sleep last night because of him ending the text convo without a reply and then I dreamt about him. So I’m replacing one man for another one, sometimes it makes me want to scream. I would love to be independent and happy and love myself no matter what and I’ve been trying, but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
Sorry if this sounds a little jumbled.
August 18, 2019 at 1:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308497Shelbyville
What do you want from Mr.A? If you had a magic want tomorrow morning, what would your fulfilled and happy life look like? (Wand can’t change the past).
S x
August 17, 2019 at 2:14 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308391Shelbyville
I hear you. I really hear you. The sadness is often never-ending & it really takes no prisoners. I don’t know if anything more draining than sadness.
I’m glad you’re working on considering yourself more a bit before others, similar to myself, it’s a work in progress. Rome was not built in a day when it comes to that one.
Your last post really resonates with me. I know what you mean about feeling like something is missing & wanting to run away. I feel the same. Honestly, I think something IS missing. I don’t think we’d be feeling this way otherwise. I think it’s a feeling deep deep down in our gut that we don’t know how to interpret yet. I liken it to when you have a list of things to do in your mind or you leave the house in a rush & maybe all day you’ll have a sense that you have forgotten something. It’s an annoying feeling that you can’t figure out but in all circumstances, I find that I have indeed forgotten something.
Sometimes we don’t need to over-analyse or complicate. You feel less that fulfilled or like you’re sad ‘cos there is something missing, then you’re probably unfulfilled and there’s something missing. If that makes sense?! The need to run away comes from the fear perhaps of facing that or delving into what we need to.
I dunno. I just know I know how you feel. The sadness is not always the same intensity for me, some weeks are way worse than others. Sometimes I feel sad that I’m so sad!!! I’m sad that I’m not happy!!! Now that’s just completely working myself up!
The wedding was okay. The weather was atrocious & it was a bbq style reception outside so I froze my little pinkies off, but we got to go inside after the food so it was better then. I did feel a bit lonesome that my friends were there with husbands & wives & there I was again. Alone. It was actually remarkable that in the 4.5 years I was with my ex, he never met the friends I was with at yesterday’s wedding! There are 9 of us & he only ever met one when we bumped into her in a cafe once. Now when I look back, I guess that was strange. But there were remarkably no mutual weddings or gatherings with that group in that time & I guess he wasn’t invested in those elements of my life.
I was so tired today I had to come home and nap. I stayed until the end, despite not drinking, so I was proud of that. It’s my dads bday tomorrow so it will be like Liverpool Street station by afternoon so I’m planning out the dinner.
Do you think you could be honest & speak to Mr A? Isn’t that what supportive partners do? Love & support each other through thick and thin? He might not be aware of how sad you’ve been, especially if you have to wait to cry until he’s out and about. Is there anymore or any other avenue of therapy open to you?
August 16, 2019 at 6:52 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308197Shelbyville
Everything you have described sounds normal. Truly. Think about it. Look at me here, how many months later still posting that I’m incredibly sad and upset and down and some days don’t feel I can manage anything, and that’s from a breakup. YOU have been through the absolute mill and back again, I seriously can’t imagine that just like that you feel a million times better and it lasts, it’s all little steps.
You are doing so much better that you were months ago, but that doesn’t mean that this week you are not allowed to be struggling. You absolutely flipping well are entitled to how you feel. Sometimes it’s okay, it’s okay to be sad. You are sad, something really really really hurt you last year and that leaves a mark. It won’t be sad forever but it sounds significant enough to mean it could take time, maybe a lot of time, to fully process.
Keep doing what you have been doing for the past few months, keeping yourself going. Be sad and isolated if you need to be because you have a right to feel those feelings and then get up and keep going again when you are ready.
I used to arrive into my therapist, tears streaming down my face disappointed with myself that i wasn’t ‘improving’, now I realise I have absolutely no clue how it works. My therapist says processing doesn’t go in a linear line like I would probably prefer, it’s more like one of those big twisting roller coasters you see in theme parks….you climb up and out and next thing you’re back down on yourself in a loop again. All normal.
I’m sad that you’re sad though. Just like for myself, I dearly wish for you to be happy, you absolutely strike me as someone who deserves a fulfilled life of happiness. Don’t you think? So the million dollar question becomes, how do you get that? I still don’t know, I imagine it takes some time. But I’m trying! Well…I think I’m trying!
You know me somewhat at this stage. Getting from idea stage to actual implementation takes a while with me, so I’ll believe it when I actually post from Down Under!!!!
It’s lovely that you have your little sister still around, but remember sometimes you have to put yourself first. I’m doing that a little more lately with my family and it’s hard. The growing pains are not fun, all a bit uncomfortable if I’m honest, but deep deep down in my soul, while I feel bad, I know it’s the right thing for me. So make sure you’re doing what’s best for you, even if it feels like it will hurt someone else. Staying true to yourself is never a mistake, even if it causes pain.
Have you any plans for this weekend or do you feel like bingeing on Netflix? I am currently at work but have a wedding after work. This should be fun. *detect sarcastic tone**!!!!
August 16, 2019 at 2:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #308175Shelbyville
ParticipantMorning all,
It’s been a whirlwind few days since news started to seep out about my departure from work. Now it means I have to choose other options, no more excuses of ‘being in a job’…..options now become a possibility and that can be a little overwhelming.
I am waiting to have a little graduation event to get my cert for my MUA course, so I’ll be so proud when I have that as I’ve kept that side of things on the down low just until I was confident I had passed etc. But now once I know I’m fully qualified, I’m proud of myself for doing it and I do hope it opens up some doors for me.
I still think about my ex a lot. Everyday actually for most of the day. BUT while I still hold out hope he will have an epiphany, I’m notice I’m now starting to let it sink in a bit more each week that passes that that’s less of a possibility. Also, because I haven’t seen him since we split, I’m gaining a little more confidence now being out and about in the sense that I anticipate bumping into him less as it becomes less likely. So that’s the positive. But look it, I still miss him. We’ll see how it goes.
As for travel, all I can say is, I pity the poor guy who had to deal with indecision in the travel centre I went to for advice! He spent three hours with me, he even needed a toilet break at one point! He came up with a plan for Oz & NZ for six weeks with all long-haul and internal flights and 3 nights accommodation in Singapore and day tours there for about 2,900. I was nearly ready to book but my sister said that it quite expensive and that I have to think of accommodation costs and spending money on top of that and then I realised she’s probably right. I have to be realistic! I’ve never been good at managing budgets etc!
I originally looked at 2 weeks in SE Asia en route, but then before I ran away with myself, I had to say….ummmm Shelby….where on earth do you think you’re going to get the money for all this! I decided to leave out SE Asia this time round just because it all seemed too much and a bit overwhelming. This is my first major solo trip so I think OZ & NZ will be enough for me this time and help me build my confidence.
Anyway, I think i will dial back the 6 weeks to 4 weeks and it might be more financially manageable. Genuinely this is a financial consideration and not a fear-based one in this circumstance, I honestly to have to realistic and I’m known for squandering money a bit. I’m a bit like a unicorn who thinks money will just magically appear out of nowhere!
Oh, some goss….if you’re interested in that kind of thing! I got kind of asked on a date…well I don’t know it’s a date, but anyways, I’m not in the frame of mind for dating, but it was a nice little confidence booster nonetheless!
How is your own travel planning going? I find it all so overwhelming, it must be old hat to you at this stage? I wish I was as savvy or as organised!
I have my friend’s wedding later, so I don’t know how that will go. I might be really sad or I might enjoy it. I’m not drinking anyway, so I’ll be able to nip away at any time if I’m not in the best of form!
August 12, 2019 at 11:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #307669Shelbyville
Thanks so much for your advice. It means a lot. I get into a bubble in my head and I genuinely feel I am the only soul on this planet who is having difficulty getting over her ex. That I will never heal and melancholy will be my compassion forever more, like something from a Austen novel.
When people like yourself outline similar experiences with breakups, it opens up a tiny crack in the wall of despair I feel and for a moment I consider that one day I can be like you all, the ones who make it through and realise what it all meant!
I am worried about the travel, but I’m glad your motivation for going started to fade as the trip continues…..maybe that will happen for me? I hope so!
Michelle, heehee, you are ‘on the ball’! I was afraid of saying what part of my motivation for travel would be in case you’d be disappointed in me (story of my life!) and I know you said before you wouldn’t be able to further contribute to advice on the situation with my ex, so I tried to keep as much to myself as possible, but I guess you saw through it anyway!
To be honest, I’ve always wanted to travel. I’ve been a dreamer from a young age and the world seemed such a remarkable and magical place, I wanted to explore. With the ex, it seemed like more of a possibility, with less worries about safety and lugging heavy loads and also additional bliss of romance! When that ended, the idea of doing it alone, with no-one to share it with seemed a bit empty. I didn’t see the point.
I don’t feel back to my old self yet, I think that will take a long time, if ever. But something deep down has always had the call of foreign landscapes rooted in gut, however buried.
When I have travelled solo in the past, I’ve been so proud of myself, where I’ve gone and what I’ve seen. I’d love to have that feeling back again, but to be fair, back then, that was prior to relationship and I knew no better. Now I realise how amazing having someone special with you on a trip can be. It’s frustrating!
I know Oz and Nz in themselves will be expensive but I just think if I’m going that far, it would honestly be a waste not to do one trip to Asia even. My bad about Thailand actually- it was Fiji they said I could live without!
I haven’t a clue where to go. So if KL is on my list for a couple of days, I wonder where from there would be amazing in that general area. Actually I should get out a map, my geography is rusty!!!
My second consideration is, if returning home, which is better, back through Asia/UAE or going round by the USA? Or does it make a difference.
If I go USA, then I’d wanna stop there and that will prob cost a fortune!!! So maybe I should leave that until I’m gainfully employed again.
My therapist suggested something with my MUA qualification. Ooh I got my results today and passed with a high merit! Anyway, he suggested maybe asking at a local nursing home or cancer clinic if any ladies would like me to do their makeup for free to help them feel a little better. I really really like the idea, because I genuinely feel my best in this world when I help people and also it would be a sociable thing to do and also help me improve my skill.(mature skin is the hardest to work on).
Anyways, I guess this is what happens when you cut yourself adrift and have no direction! Every direction becomes an option!
August 10, 2019 at 11:29 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #307461Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there,
Well I’m slowly letting the news of my resignation filter out to a few people. Needless to say my family have….animated opinions on it. Had a row with one of my brothers today who thinks I’m a complete fool for going to Oz. His only modus operandi in life is to go from one job to another. He never wants to be out of work, ever. He works hard but can’t cope without it. Anyway, we agreed to disagree.
I find weekends very tough. I was looking forward to finally getting some rest and had a good sleep last night but woke up this morning with all kinds of sad. I did what I always do, tried not to dwell and hopped out of bed and got my walk in. But I am very lonely at weekends. I suppose it’s a time I used to always spend with my ex. Also, other people have their own families lives so not too many people around to hang out with, plus I don’t want to be a slave to needing to always be with someone at weekends.
I’m no-stop thinking about my ex and when I consciously notice it, I do stop myself and say ‘Ok Shelby, you’re sad, that’s ok…but you’re just making yourself suffer by imagining him out with other women this weekend’. So I immediately try to distract myself, because that really is a form of self torture.
If I’m completely honest, my desire to travel is in some ways still connected to him. I’d be lying if i didn’t admit that I’d love my news of travels to filter back to him and for him to be jealous (he’s obsessed with travel but is kind stuck). I hate that I want him to know and that I want him to think I’m making something wonderful of my life without him, but there it is. I said it. If I can’t be totally honest with somewhat anonymous people online, when can I ever be?! I hope you’re not disappointed.
At the moment I want to be less self-aware. It is not helping me. Years ago when my heart was first broken in my early 20s – minute by comparison – but it’s relative – I handled it much better. Now I completely overthink everything.
@kkasxo, I’m not journaling. I don’t know what has happened. Remember last Sept/Oct I carried this massive refill pad around with me like an oxygen tank and wrote every couple of hours. Now I look over at it in my bedroom and pick up a pen and then put it down again and think, I’m not bothered. How do you make peace with who you are? I am not happy, I find life difficult and I wonder is it because I’m a HSP. How do I accept what I am?Michelle,
I had lots of ideas for locations in my head with RTW plans and then my sisters kind of brought me back to reality and said I’d just about be able to afford Oz and maybe NZ for a couple of weeks, so now I don’t know. I have made a big decision but now I’m floating in life with absolutely no direction or idea of how to be happy. My ex was my future. I didn’t have a Plan B. Now I have no choice but to make a Plan B and all I can feel is that it’ll be a poor comparison. I don’t know how I ended up as someone who has that frame of mind or why it occurred, but it’s here nonetheless.
My friends in Oz have recommended KL as a good place for a stop-off en route as it’s got a mix of western and eastern culture, it clean and safe with lots to see and do. After that, maybe Thailand but my sisters didn’t think Thailand was a bucket list place when they were there. I don’t know.I think I’m nearly talking myself out of Oz at this stage, but I’m wondering is it like Thursday morning before I resigned, my head (fear) had me wondering was I doing the right think, was I being rash…and my therapist called and said, yep that sounds a lot like our manipulative little friend/foe fear, so I don’t know is this a similar situation.
Sorry I’m not sure if I’m making sense, I hope you can follow x
August 9, 2019 at 1:32 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #307263Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks Michelle, it all feels a bit surreal at the moment and Im sure the anxiety will follow along shortly when it all sinks in.
I think I just felt like even though I don’t have the life I want, the one with my ex, the one I’m left with is not particularly happy so is there any way of changing it to make it less unhappy. We’re not striving for a fulfilled happy life at this point, still unconvinced but I guess I just wondered if some change would result is less sad circumstances. The result is still unknown so we’ll see.
The weather was absolutely horrendous here overnight so I barely slept, so I feel like I’m running on fumes at the moment. All I want to do is get to the end of this working day and then chill for the weekend- if that’s possible! It’s a work in progress for me! I’m currently researching RTW tickets as often they seem to work out financially better than a single return ticket to Oz and I get to see other places.
My sisters really gave me a touch of reality last night though about they feel I can and can’t do so I really need to figure out a budget plan!
Absolutely all help and advice gratefully appreciated.
August 8, 2019 at 2:12 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #307191Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,I had partially started a reply the other day when I got interrupted at work and didn’t get to finish, so now I must try and remember what I was going to say and add on any further reply to more recent posts!
Firstly some news- I DID IT!!!! I handed in my notice today. Honestly I have had bad IBS since their weekend and thought it was just something I ate as I was telling myself I wasn’t stressed about the job decision, but deep down my gut must have known better and responded accordingly! I barely slept last night twisting and turning & I called my therapist this morning who gave me great advice for more than 30mins. It completely settled me and gave me the confirmation I needed that fear was trying to manipulate me and while it came across as rational and convincing, it was still trying to shrink me. So I defied it and handed in my notice anyway. It was all a bit of a blur because my boss was dashing out to see a relative in hospital for a routine procedure but I didn’t want to leave it until tomorrow so I had no choice but to catch her before she left. I was as polite and professional as I could be and I hope it was received in that manner. However she was somewhat distracted so I’m sure didn’t process it fully. I imagine there will be further discussion tomorrow.
I haven’t told my Dad yet although he knows it has been in my head for a while and that it was on the cards. I have mentioned nothing about travel to him. My sisters had Prosecco and takeaway ready for me when I arrived after work though which was fun!
I felt relief after I did it but maybe it hasn’t really sunk in for myself yet either and probably won’t until I fully finish up. I’m proud I did it though.
It was something I felt that shifted a cog which has been stuck in my machine for many years. I often see phrases and advice that the cure for grief is motion so we’ll see.
Dont get me wrong though, while I’m happy to have made the decision, I’m still sad about things. I will miss parts of my job. And I’m still pretty broken hearted about my ex. Each day it’s the same, I think about him consistently and wonder will today be the day he might contact me. It’s not like I believe it will happen but the hope is undoubtedly there and it hurts. Reminders of anything to do with him really really hurt now and I can’t mention it or say anything to anyone. I kind of hate him and want to scream and lash out at him all at the same time as wanting to be curled up in his arms. I feel like it’s a frickin disease – why on earth would anyone risk this crap!!!
Michelle. Sorry to be a total nag, but trust me from experience- wisdom tooth pain does not resolve itself. And the earlier you tackle it, honestly the much smoother it goes and you’ll be plain sailing. Otherwise I fear it might really throw a wobbler in the likes of SA when you’re trying to travel and enjoy yourself. I used to dread the dentist, especially after I got two wisdom teeth out via general anaesthetic in hospital- horrific experience. Then I found a wee dote of a dentist who is so kind and gentle to her clients. She treats me like a child which suits me fine! She went to remove the remaining two wisdom teeth, just under local anaesthetic in her office. The dread was real. When she numbed me she said is the sweetest Devon accent she was going to push her thumb in to check was I fully numbed so I would just feel pressure. I gave her the thumbs up and she said, well done, all good, the wisdom tooth is out!!!! She tricked me and it didn’t so much as hurt an iota! I promise you won’t regret getting rid of those bad boys once and for all!
I’m so sorry to hear of your fall. Honestly falling as an adult is quite traumatic. We don’t bounce back like kids and we can’t burst into a complete tantrum and adults rarely fall so it’s all very unnerving! However, some say a small accident like that is a bigger one avoided – and I believe that.
Im so glad to hear from you, albeit not happy to hear of your exhaustion and sadness. I don’t know what will happen with Mr.A but do what you are able to cope with at any given time. You’ve been through hell and it’s natural to process things step by step as you’re able.
It doesn’t sound completely like a loving, supportive relationship that I would hope for you, or that you would hope for yourself. But, you are definitely among friends here. I knew if I asked myself the question in my mind, many times when I was in my relationship with my ex, if I was happy, truly happy, the answer was always no. But made no difference. I wanted him and I wanted to be with him regardless. I completely empathise. He was perhaps just stronger than me and knew it was better to end it ‘cos I never would. Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t take him back tomorrow morning!!!!
I wholeheartedly agree about the exhaustion. Processing is beyond anything I’ve done in my life in terms of the energy it drains. Even when I try not to process, I think I’m still processing. There are days when I don’t feel like I have the energy to get out of bed, but I inevitably always do because I’ve nearly always planned something or have something to do for someone! Plus my bed is a bad place for me to be. My head has too much control in that silence.
I hope you can move forward in a way that one day you can come on here and write Shelby, Michelle, how are ye doing, I’m stupidly happy!!! Oh I wish that for you, from everything I’ve learned about you since last October, I can’t imagine anyone who deserves it more.
When we made the pact last Oct to come back online in a years time I thought that was so far away and we’d be in much better/different places. Little did I think everyday would still be given to thoughts of my ex as we get ever closer to that date. Time flies and goes painfully slow, if that makes sense.
My head is all over the place tonight with so much to fill it and I’m sure the Prosecco will have a damning effect on my mood tomorrow but I guess I’ll play it by ear.
Michelle, how on earth is it a possible you rented a car for £5????? I think I need you to take over planning my travel!
August 1, 2019 at 1:03 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #306119Shelbyville
I really need to get on this house sitting gig. It seems like a win win, you get accommodation at a good price and get to have a base and meet local people and they get someone to take care of their house! Right, that’s on my to-do list for this Sat.
This week there is a big festival on in my local area, I’ve been doing makeup for my sisters all week (it can be kind of fancy!!) As a family we used to all end up going to the festival on the Friday night (it’s a week long event). We might all go separately with friends or work buddies etc but end up together at the end of the night. It was always an excuse to get glammed up too!
I’m not going tomorrow. I don’t feel up to it. I have the day off work as my company does actually offer a complimentary day off for the festival (sole perk of the company!) but I’m going to do my sisters’ makeup again and just head home. They are urging me to go and not let an ex stop me from going to something I used to enjoy. But for me, it won’t be enjoyable tomorrow. I know exactly what I will do. I will spend several hours looking over my shoulder at every opportunity in case I should see him or bump into him and that’s not enjoyable. That’s just there for the sake of being there. So I’m going to stay home and rest my back.
This time I feel it’s gonna stick with the break up because I certainly can’t do anything more and I’ve been the one who reconciled 3 times. I won’t be doing it again, therefore it won’t happen. But it still leaves me so sad. I still dream of him having an epiphany down the road and seeing the errors of his ways, so I’m not quite at the enlightenment stage yet! Still a weepy, broken mess over here in my corner!
So im challenging myself. I’m so sorry, but I don’t believe you, or my therapist, or my friends or my family or all the books or all the Ted Talks lolzzzz that I will move on and be happy – I just don’t feel that’s a possibility deep down- BUT I’m willing to fling a few things at life and see what happens. Travel might make me feel worse, but hey, I’m gonna try it. Quitting my job might be the wrong decision but I’m gonna take the chance. It could all be a big mistake, but I have form on the mistakes front, so why stop now!!!
School holidays are great for families, but honestly the crowds are wearing me down. So many people. Everywhere! I confess I’m looking forward to when things settle down again in Sept and flights/hotels become more accessible again!