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BlockedThanks for your input.
I still stand by my assertion that my spiritual phase is over. Many different gods/higher beings have made themselves known through synchronicity (Diana/Artemis really knocked herself out trying to get my attention of late). However, when things started to get occultic it was time for me to pack it all in. I won’t even pray now, because I don’t know to whom I am praying. One might use words like ‘Father’ in one’s prayers, but which one? Yahweh? Odin? Zeus? Even Jesus is suspect. He seems to have so many different personas or ‘avatars’. You pray to the Lord of Life. Which one? Jesus? Osiris? Nah, I’ll go my own way, lead my own life and do my own thing. I’ll try to find a balance and act out of love and respect like most people do. As for the gods, they’ve got their world and I’ve got mine. I accept they exist but I’m not going to fawn over them.
Best wishes,
BlockedI am sorry I ever started this post. It was wrong of me. It was my ego speaking.
I again received energies into my body yesterday (supermoon?) and they left me feeling quite ill. My ego self reacted very badly and became very angry. I’ll be honest, my ego seems to despise God. Perhaps I have been punished with ill-health all my life because I rebelled in another realm. Who knows?
I came across the Lamentations of Jeremiah this morning. Some things struck a chord with me. He says: “From on high he sent fire; into my bones he made it descend; [] he has left me stunned, faint all the day long”. This was a perfect description of what occurred yesterday. I was burning inside, and nothing would touch it. I drank lots of milk to try to quench the burning, but to no avail. I felt very weak and faint and I had to go and lie down. One thing that does concern me is that the energies seem to be damaging my eyesight.
So at times I tend to lash out on this forum. If I didn’t vent on here, I would vent at my family, and then the whole thing would come out and they would become angry or frightened. It might do irreversible damage to family relations. And I don’t know why it’s happened to me, and I think it is best contained within the confines of an enclosed order, because they have the support structure in place. Because as Jeremiah laments, God doesn’t really help. He throws you in the deep end and you have to learn to swim! I bet there are lots of people who have gone through this and have simply ended their own lives, because it is basically PTSD x 100! I have gained incredible knowledge though, and I find that part utterly fascinating, being a ‘bookish’ type.
I am very sorry for my rant.
Best wishes,
BlockedThank you all for your kindness.
Selene, you have nothing to apologise for. I shouldn’t have spoken to you in the way I did.
Best wishes,
BlockedI wish to apologise to everyone for my appalling behaviour of late. I gave my Ego free rein, but my Ego isn’t me. I am not like that.
I realise that for all this time I have been externalising and demanding validation from something outside of me. That is the fault of doctrinal head religion, and it is a mindset that is difficult to overcome. I have ran into my ‘Real Self’ on occasion, and he is radically different from the tantrum-throwing child that has been inhabiting this forum of late. For me, it seems that religion got in the way and made this process ten times harder than it should have been. I found it hard to square this particular circle and it messed my head up which boiled over into anger at times. God was showing me that ‘It’ is in everything, but religion was telling me the opposite.
I have discovered that there are many paths.
Once again, I sincerely apologise, and I thank you all for trying to help me.
Best wishes,
BlockedWell, I don’t know quite what it has got to do with you, but I am on these forums to find help before I am driven to end my life. Sadly, it seems that Tiny Buddha is more about dispensing relationship advice than anything else. Help is not to be found anywhere. I can’t even begin to speak to family about it. Tried it once, and it scared the shit out of them. (Fear manifests in two ways: anger or nervous illness.) So I went to my parish priest on three separate occasions. He didn’t know what to do, he was clueless. On the third visit he put me in touch with an exorcist on the phone. I thought that I might actually get somewhere, but the guy told me to see my G.P. So I went to my G.P and ended up on anti-depressants. But the energies still enter my head at night. They still cause static with electrical appliances even though they are turned off at the wall. There are invisible beings still with me, and I haven’t discovered their motives to this day, nearly FIVE years after it all started. Sir Godford Almighty stuck his oar in once with a dream about the Torah, but I have heard zilch from Him ever since. (He has a VERY dry sense of humour, it seems.) Somewhere in Godland, some bright spark thought it would be fun to mess with my head by giving me experiences of Pagan Roman gods (I am a Roman Catholic. Great joke, that one. Funny.) Oh yes, I had them all: Bacchus, Neptune, Portunus. Why do this? My religion is monotheistic. Or do the gods like to mess with human beings from time to time? It would certainly explain why Akhenaten up-ended a whole religious system overnight.
So, as you will appreciate, I get a bit frustrated when all I see on here is posts about people splitting up with their partners, and on that score, Tiny Buddha strikes me as one of the least spiritual forums available on the internet.
That a good enough answer for you?
Best wishes,
BlockedPeter, what is happening to me is external. I have energies coming into my head. Last night, a really heavy wave of energy entered my head and it caused my computer to click noisily. (This happens quite regularly).The computer was turned off and the power socket was switched off at the wall. I don’t know what the energy is for, I only know that sometimes it moves down my spine and exits via the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. Sometimes I have to take my footwear off because the energy gets blocked in some way by it, which can be uncomfortable. An unfortunate side effect of the energy is that its potency appears to be damaging my eyesight. When the energy enters me, it forms a kind of cap on my head. Although I cannot see this ‘cap’, it’s shape feels conical, like the caps depicted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. I know this sounds like some weird Quatermass sci-fi shit, but the plain truth is, our species didn’t just get here by a random event, it was placed here.
Having this energy inside me also causes me to interfere with lighting from time to time.
Best wishes,
BlockedWell we can all adopt an ostrich mentality. It’s very easy to do, but it won’t change things.
I want to get to the point in my life where I can completely forget about God, because God isn’t healthy for me. (The concept of God is basically an absent parent and we are latchkey kids.) But years of mind-conditioning by religion is going to take a long time to overturn. What I really want to do is to get back to a time when I was a child, before the brainwashing started. A time when I didn’t ask stupid questions or wrestle with insane concepts such as God. A time when I was HAPPY. I used to wonder why we are here, but now I am getting to the point where I simply don’t give a shit. All I see is a planet in terminal decline, so clearly we haven’t learned any lessons, despite what batshit crazy Dolores Cannon said in her books.
I’ll admit it, all that is left in me is anger. I am being brutally honest.
Best wishes,
BlockedI find both ideas equally repugnant and disgusting, and on balance I would prefer total oblivion at the cessation of life. I don’t understand why many people are afraid of death, it’s the ‘afterlife’ you need to be scared of. With death, all your suffering is over forever. With ‘afterlife’, you continue on a sort of ‘misery-go-round’, learning and suffering and craving and experiencing birth and death pains again and again and again. Fuck that.
What’s even worse is that according to the Hindu/Buddhist hokum everything is pre-ordained. So that would include rape, murder, the Holocaust, the burying alive of Chinese captives during the Japan-China war, childhood terminal cancer and so on.
Best wishes,
BlockedFuck prayer. Whatever created this mess has to be malevolent anyway. Had a benevolent ‘deity’ created Earth, it would have been designed to gradually become more and more enlightened and kindness would spread. What do we have? A world which is slowly getting nastier; a world in which the ‘decent’ folk gradually over many years must naturally conform to the behaviour of the scumbags to survive. Shitty throwaway prayers on laminate cards will not stop that. That ‘serenity prayer’ is pure excrement. There is VERY LITTLE you can change in this cesspool we call Earth.
If you want to develop anything, cultivate a seething hatred for the piece of filth that created this pit of misery. This thing we call ‘God’ deserves nothing but utter hatred and contempt.
Best wishes,
BlockedBuddhism stinks, as does ALL religion/spirituality.
But Buddhism/Hinduism I find particularly repellant, mainly due to the odious idea of reincarnation. I think on balance I would prefer total oblivion. How anyone can happily subscribe to such a monstrous state of affairs is beyond me.
But what do I care. I am done with spirituality.
BlockedJudaism, Islam and Christianity are teaching lies. I say that because all my experiences involved the gods of ancient Rome, with a brief period involving Odin of Norse mythology. And please understand this, I did not invite this thing to happen. I have never done yoga or been interested in Hinduism. It happened on its own. I was a ‘mainstream’ Christian, but all that is over now and there is no going back. I am still active as a church organist within the Catholic Church, but all that is going to have to come to an end in the New Year. Trouble is, I don’t know where I go from here, because the beer-swilling antics of some neo-Pagans puts me off.
Best wishes,
BlockedI say, ‘fuck all Gods’. They are all in it for themselves. We are nothing to them. We were never anything different. I don’t need to learn any lessons or follow paths. Everyone has a false impression of Jesus H Fucking Christ. He’s just like the rest of them, out for what THEY can get, fighting with each other whilst Earth goes to the dogs. We were nothing but a fucking experiment. I end my stint on the spiritual wheel of torment RIGHT now.
That quote of Campbell’s you used is utter bollocks. My life is fucked. My health is rapidly deteriorating, I have creeping osteoporosis and worsening bone pain, and I am about to face serious poverty in the year to come as Britain declares all out war on the sick and disabled. No fucking God or shitty spiritual path is going to spare me from that, so fuck them all. If you have got any sense you won’t waste your life on this shit.
Best wishes,
BlockedThanks for your input,
I have arrived at the point in my life where I am happy to place the Biblical Jesus under the category of myth and fiction. I didn’t feel able to do this before, but I am now, because I have learned that there is no ‘saviour’. Instead, one must save oneself. I saw this through the prism of depression. I realised that this world is arranged to favour the strong, and that the weak will always fall by the wayside because that is the nature of things. Viewed in that context, Jesus’s Beatitudes can be seen for what they are: pure nonsense ungrounded in reality. So it is up to oneself to stay strong and learn to cope. No one is going to do that for you, not least a counterfeit saviour. This has been a hard lesson to learn, and I am still angry with myself for being so naive.
In the New Year I shall move on from Christianity. My parents won’t like it but I cannot go on living a lie.
Best wishes,
BlockedWell I certainly do not equate the Bible with spirituality in any way, shape or form. I used to do so, but not anymore. It may surprise you to learn that I still attend church, but I only do this out of respect to my parents. Unfortunately, the Bible has an uncanny knack of getting under my skin to really irritate me, so I intend to ditch church in the New Year because I just can’t take the shit anymore. As you say, I am at the point of rejecting it all because I can’t get past the words. I heard the Parable of the Talents in church the other day. What a thoroughly appalling Bible passage that truly is. What a Capitalist’s dream it represents. It’s easy to see where the Victorians got their ideas of the ‘Undeserving Poor’ from. They got it from the supposed ‘saviour of the world’; Jesus Christ Himself. Of course, the Biblical Jesus is a completely fictional character designed to prop up man-made power structures. If we had listened to this ‘man of the establishment’ here in Britain, we would still have Thatcher’s hated Poll Tax. For me, the Bible has become toxic and something to avoid. I cannot equate it with spirituality (or indeed justice and fairness) in any way.
And then I think of my younger days before I got involved with religion. I was a MUCH happier person then. Looking back on my younger days is like viewing a world of happiness and colour.
Best wishes,
Don’t listen to these people. They are still asleep. They are still stuck in the illusion that the rat race is everything, that trophies and prizes and baubles are meaningful. They are trying to fix you, when it is them and their society that is broken. The only person that matters Matt, is you. The only person that you can rely on, is you.
I saw my whole world and everything I believed in come crashing down. There is no-one to save you except yourself. There is no right and wrong, only consequences.
Best wishes,