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  • #200655

    Hi Justin,

    Use your job that you don’t like as your path to mindfulness.

    Will sum up everything in quick pointers.

    Dish washing is considered as an excellent technique for mindfulness. An approach that will lead you to peace and bliss.

    Check out the instructions in this link. It has a pdf version to download too.


    Check this one too..

    “There are two ways to wash the dishes. The first is to wash the dishes in order to have clean dishes and the second is to wash the dishes in order to wash the dishes. . . .”


     Mindfulness will get rid of the troublesome thoughts that are going on in your head (everything that you mentioned in your original post above), you will start enjoying your job, you will start enjoying life in general, nowhere to go, nobody needed to fulfill you, your entire consciousness will change, you will feel peaceful and joyful about life.

    – Once your inner consciousness is changed, things, places, people, situations, circumstances will begin to change.

    Even if they do not change you are still enjoying your life after starting this practice. So either way you are internally free and peaceful.



    Hi Nomad,

    I understand where you’re coming from. But the thing is you can’t look at something that which you are – awakened presence.  (Title of the thread -“Can’t stop looking at awakening”). Looking at it will make you something separate from it.

    If you have been trying to bring your attention back to the present moment, then I’m sure you have been following Eckhart Tolle’s teachings. Have you? Have you read any of his book(s)? If yes which one(s)?

    I too have a similar kind of issue so can direct you with something or the other.



    Hi Rainbow, Happy Ugaadi, Happy Gudi Padwa and Happy New year 🙂


    Nice, Rainbow, very nice. That’s the perfect way to lead a peaceful life (inspite of the challenges it throws)…by allowing thoughts to just be…like a cloud…coming and going. And I see a lot of ho’oponopono too in there….Forgiving ourselves for even thinking those thoughts in the first place. Hope your practice is going good 🙂





    Okay, so it appears that the divorce part he already knew and so was ok to take you to his parents. But it was only the age part that he didn’t dislike and backed off.

    “He now doesn’t want to continue or have any relation with me”

    From this above line of yours there doesn’t seem to be any reason for you to be wanting him back again. True, genuine love doesn’t see all these things like age, etc.

    At least from your name you appear to be from India. Are you? And is he too from the same place?


    Hi Joesph,

    This does happen sometimes. There is no response from anyone and we start doubting ourselves, our resume, etc. It just seems that you will be forever stuck in the same place, but take it guaranteed that is not how it happens eventually.

    If you haven’t been receiving any response in other jobs at least as of now, why don’t you consider asking Target to give you a full time opportunity? I understand you may not want to do it for your entire life but you can at least begin wherever you are right now. Perhaps some other branch of Target if not this one? Or maybe use this experience in some other giant super market? You could do this while you keep applying for other jobs and if you happen to end up getting both then you can choose among them as per your interests.


    Hi Sarika,

    He knew that you were married because “just told him my marriage is in a mess”

    and yet he wanted to take you to meet his parents for matrimonial purposes?


    Hi Sarika,

    He is aware that you are married as you told him “just told him my marriage is in a mess”.

    Do you have any idea why was he about to take you to meet his parents? Was it for a casual meet or for anything else related to both of you?


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.

    Well written, Vivek. I do have a question about the way you have described relationships work. I know you mentioned about relationships in general but this is about a husband-wife relationship.

    “They are just teachers on the path of the journey of our soul. Once we learn our lesson, their purpose of being in our life will be over.”

    This will mean once the karmic accounts are settled then either one of the partners will die or there may be a separation/divorce, etc. But if two partners are going fine with each other, will they separate out at an early period of their marriage if we go by the karmic law “their purpose of being in our life will be over“.  Does this mean nobody can live with their spouse for their entire life?

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.

    You are welcome, Num6. This is the pic on today’s TinyBuddha homepage.

    Glad to know that you have chosen to celebrate and be in alignment with your son’s dreams. Take care.

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.

    Hi Matthew,

    I don’t see anything wrong in your display pic. It is not your looks but your thoughts about your looks that is causing the problem.

    What do you have to say about Lizzie Velasquez​ – bullies Called Her ‘World’s Ugliest Woman’

    Take a look at the below 2 videos-


    or Same Berns



    Hi Num6,

    Your feeling as a mother towards your son is valid. But it becomes unhealthy at the point when care for someone turns into worry. Worry is something when we create mental movies about an event even before it has occurred and then using the same movie to scare ourselves.

    You are worried about his safety. But tell me is there any place in this world which is absolutely safe. Kids in the school are not safe. They don’t even know what death is. Your son is at least matured. Right now if I get down my apartment and start walking I do not know who will try to rob me or cause physical violence or get knocked down by a vehicle. Nothing is really predictable. I recently heard of an accident in a bath tub causing to death. So can we say is it not safe at home too? In reality nobody is safe anywhere and Acceptance of this reality will take you to greater peace. This doesn’t mean that you remain out of touch with your son when he is at his new place. You can still be caring with him.

    Start to be glad that your son has now ultimately made a choice about his career path who was once struggling to do so at one point of time. You can start to shift your energy by thinking the opposite. “He was clueless at one time. What would he have done if he hadn’t chosen his new career. May be he would have been stuck in the same place. May be he would have sit at home, either doing nothing, or may be could have taken some other job at an office. But would that have been his inner calling? No. May be the Divine has chosen him for this career by downloading this thought into his mind and that is why he is feeling it so intensely to go there. His inner guidance system is leading him there. Let me support and be a part of the Universal flow of life.”

    Second thing would be for you to throw a party. Throw a party to your near and dear ones declaring about his career choice. Just for the heck of it. May be close friends and family. Or may be a only your close family members for a small lunch or a dinner outing. Your family members will be stunned to see this change in you after seeing you excited about it and this will make you even more excited. And you do all the arrangements right from inviting everyone to deciding the venue, the food and the place (and maybe even announcing everyone the pleasant news if you chose to call people other than your own family members). That way you will be engaged in being as happy, joyful and enthusiastic as others about this career decision.


    Best wishes,



    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.

    Welcome, Anita 🙂


    Hi Zoe,

    If it is just you who has to limit the talking then perhaps you could make use of the 3 mind gates before speaking anything and that way limit yourself and the entire conversation. The mind gates are your barometer too. Probably you can stop yourself at the “necessary” gate.

    Refer post-193637. Clicking this link will directly take you to that post.


    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.
    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by VJ.


    (Image source and credits: image.freepik.com/free-vector/beautiful-women-s-day-lovely-rose-background_1017-12420.jpg)

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