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I was thinking of how many I may have driven away with a similar attitude.
Will type more later.
ParticipantTo me, it is a question of biology plus the numbers game. The more sexual partners, the greater the chance of std infection. Sort of like playing Russian roulette; if you keep pulling the trigger, you will eventually find the live chamber.
ParticipantI see we have a spam bot on the loose.
There are very few prince charmings. The reality is that he isn’t going to offer you or your child much that is beneficial. For the sake of yourself and your child, it is time to move on.
ParticipantAnita, I do need to work on respecting others. Concerned about getting soft with the opposition though.
Also trying to figure out how to find time for everything. And, how to find decent prospects. Would actually like to have the option of having a family, but time isn’t exactly on my side. Really down about my failed attempts.
Probably should also practice being present in the moment more. Mind tends to have a lot going on, and I admit to not catching things when my mind wanders.
Even on my current travels, my mind wanders to what I know is waiting for work when I get back. This trip to the Canadian badlands also shows me a lot of what I have missed these last several years. So many different places to see, and I never took to time to see them. And, saw a lot of couples in the larger towns/cities, which really kind of drove home how lonely my life has been.
Saw something in Regina that made me ponder a lot of things. Just for the heck of it, I decided to go to a sporting goods store. Looked at their firearms/ammo section and commented about the interesting selection they had up here (lots of “vintage” large game calibres) compared to the Dakotas. I got a response from one of the people working there that made me wonder if I had grown horns and a tail. Apparently he had an extremely hostile dislike for Americans, even one who had just paid him a compliment about his store’s selection.
I learned a few things from that experience. Held my tongue and didn’t make a snide reply to his issues. More than that, I was thinking of the feeling I was left with in dealing with the guy, of how much I wanted to dissociate from him. Wound up asking myself how many people I may have driven away.
ParticipantThink I can make myself palatable to good women?
ParticipantAnita, interesting idea. Figured that lunch dates were a little less formal than dinner dates. Really thought I was good on the timing with a second woman. That taught me to double check on the time.
ParticipantAnita, one do that things with schedules is that you never know in this line of work whether court is going To take 30 minutes or hours. Have seen things that should be done in minutes take hours and the reverse too. It is only when it inconveniences the judge that things get shut down.
Not sure how to to handle those situations.
ParticipantGuessing that I probably come across as too edgy to date.
I have sat down and laid out a few objectives for the coming years, now working on how to get there. One of the things is that I’d like to get married. I know there’s nothing magical about marriage, but it does represent a bundle of rights and creates the bizarre legal fiction of two becoming one.
I have also starting looking at how I got to where I am.
Going to be traveling for a few days, so posts might look a little strange (hate typing on a cellphone).
ParticipantKath, interesting read. While I don’t agree with all of it, there was some interesting material in the document. I am not, for example, worried about getting mugged walking down the street. I frequently carry weaponry as I am authorized to do, but have also gotten a variety of threats to myself, my staff, and even other attorneys outside of the office. Don’t think that such is an overreaction to an outer critic when somebody says flat out that they will blow your head off if given the opportunity.
That having been said, there is material in there that I will have to study and review.
ParticipantAnita, do I really come across as that hostile? On cell phone so not terribly equipped to type.
For a long period of time, several members of my family considered me to be worthless. You probably think this is terrible, but, they are dead, and I really don’t miss them. That’s probably what has pushed me to be the person in the office who tries the most cases, etc.
As I said in another thread, I have watched intrafamily relationships, and what I see in my line of work. Most of what I see are situations of utter failure of relationships between people.
I will have to think about the rest.
I am not good at relaxing. Usually don’t sleep long or particularly well. Melatonin, antihistamines, chamomile tea, etc. may help me get to sleep, but usually still groggy and grouchy in the morning. I frequently dream about work, and even while currently on “vacation” away from the office, my mind still wanders there. While I don’t recall dreams every night, based on what I remember, would be comfortable saying that I dream about work probably 2/3 or more of the time. I don’t recall having many, if any, “happy” dreams. Most of them are dark and frantic paced. Sometimes, they are set in utterly stark bleak surroundings, which are generally locations I am familiar with, but which are in a condition that would fit right in with dystopian post-apocalyptic settings.
I remember my first trip up to Regina, SK back in ~2012 or 2013. Was actually enjoyable and relaxing, decided to experience various things about the city. On the second time I was up there, I encountered some EMT’s in a fast-food restaurant, and noticed they were wearing body armour. My opinion of the city went from nice to “interesting” pretty fast at that point, EMT’s needing body armour seemed to be more of a probably that would be at home in Chicago than Regina, SK. Needless to say, that didn’t improve my outlook on humanity. That first trip was probably the last time I was “relaxed” for any significant period of time.
For shorter periods of time, I’m probably most relaxed when I’m out hunting. Don’t do it often, but it requires complete concentration on your target(s).
Very, very funny about the judge and my social life. He/she doesn’t care. They care about their social lives, and sometimes the social lives of criminal defense attorneys (i.e. will continue if defense has a vacation planned). They don’t give two hoots in hell about attorneys working for the State, we are fungible items. Amusingly, the state supreme court is more likely to grant extensions of time than the local trial courts are.
I remember getting told by the first woman that she didn’t think my schedule would allow such things as travel out of the country. I don’t get it. One out of three lunches gets axed because I got a flaming sack of feces on the desk, and one was delayed due to getting trapped in court. It’s not like I never showed up for any of them. What am I supposed to say? Sorry Officer Bob, your search warrant paperwork to recover the weapon just used in “X” will have to wait because I have a lunch date?
I get suspicious of people who are always immediately available. Stuff happens. If you aren’t busy, less stuff happens. Think of the women who post on these fora about how great husband/boyfriend was when they first met, etc., and then they discovered that the guy is basically lazy and worthless lout. Nobody ever stops to think how/why the guy can be so attentive, etc. early on? It’s easy to be attentive, etc. when you don’t have anything going on and you see a gravy train approaching.
I mean really, what would be better to have as a significant other… one of those pot-head types, somebody who is
, or somebody who probably works too much and is pessimistic but is faithful and actually contributes financially? And, what is “enough” time? I was working with a detective on a significant new case that needed to get dealt with ASAP. His new wife called him asking when he was going to get home. Isn’t the obvious answer when the matter gets done? What does calling do other than increase the amount of time it takes to get the project done by creating a distraction?
I admit that I just don’t get the social thing. I am tired of being single at 39, but just am having a hell of a time conquering the social thing. I also don’t get the whole “happy” thing, and am apparently good at “killing” a room so-to-speak. Intense interest in changing the situation, but nothing works.
Passed the deadline of my goal of being in a relationship. Watching others find folks, but no clue how they are actually accomplishing that. I do know that I’m tired of being single.
ParticipantAnita, not sure what you mean by didn’t respond, interact, etc. with those folks. I admit that I probably appeared tired and stressed, and didn’t have my “A” game on (hell, I don’t really even have a social “A” game), but I didn’t sit there like a bump on a log. I average 12 hour work days excluding lunch, I get tired, sometimes even to the point where 12 cups of coal black coffee do nothing. Simply because I look tired doesn’t mean I don’t care, it just means that I’m tired.
Showed up late to the one lunch with the most recent woman, when it was agreed on to meet the next day at the same time, and the time I encountered her at the start of the conversation was ~12:25 (when she entered the restaurant), I figured that she was talking 12:25ish. When I arrived at 12:25ish, was surprised to find out that she meant noon and was done eating. I probably should have verified the time, but it’s not like I had the exact time and just decided to show up late.
With the other one canceled one of three lunches due to stuff popping up at work. Was late for the first one, but as she could see, I got stuck in a court proceeding that just would not end (traffic infraction court no less). She was literally standing outside the door of the courtroom. You can’t just tell the judge that you have something else that you would like to do, and you can’t tell the defendants to stop blathering about inane “defenses” to his/her conduct. Hell, I even called her and let her vent about work stuff, etc.
In both cases, we met, talked. Asked about them, etc. I did check the time periodically, but that is something I do generally at lunch anyway, since it’s usually an hour break. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t come to a screeching halt for either of us simply because it was decided to have lunch together. Would I have loved to have spent the afternoon with either of them without any concern for time, yes. But, unfortunately, that’s not how things work.
So, at a loss as to what responding/interacting means.
ParticipantHard to say. In my line of work, I get lied to just about every day that I am at work. Based on some of the posts on these fora, it appears that other people get lied to by folks about relationships, etc. Based on posts on these fora, it also seems that people aren’t willing to honor commitments and think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
With regard to crying defendants, the only thing they are sad about is getting caught. Psychopaths don’t give two hoots in hell about their victims, but they are really unhappy when the get caught. Also, research is showing that psychopaths don’t have the fear of consequences reaction that normal people do. So, being scared isn’t an issue. It’s all a sympathy scheme. And, yes, it does work with some judges. Personally, I don’t care if for example, the female multi-time drug dealer is on the stand crying about the fact that she has to go to prison for a long time; if it really bothered her, she should have stopped dealing after getting caught a few times before.
I truly don’t know what to think. That one gal who seemed happy to see me, apparently not so much. I think that people will express interest until they get what they want, and then move on. I think that people will make things appear to be a certain way, regardless of what the real situation is. Perhaps that is why I have never found a significant other, but having a hell of a time finding a reason to trust people.