
Finding Yourself in Adulthood

How I Created My Own Roadmap for Happiness When I Was Feeling Lost in Life

“Doing what you like is freedom, liking what you do is happiness.” ~Frank Tyger

Life is a web of uncertainty, where we often believe we are on the right path, only to realize we’ve been wandering down the wrong road all along. Ever been there? Thinking you have your whole life planned out? Deciding to go after the things that you think will make you happy, only to end up disappointed on the other side? If so, I completely understand how you feel.

There’s no definitive map leading to a happy or fulfilled life. There is no right or wrong …

Whatever You Do, You Will Disappoint Somebody

Don’t Give Them a Taste of Their Own Medicine

Loving Someone Harder to Make Them Love You

Allow People to Have Their Moods

You Can Rise Up from Anything

Tiny Buddha’s 2024 Day-to-Day Calendar is now available for purchase! Stay inspired, motivated, and encouraged with a year of uplifting quotes on happiness, relationships, change, meaning, mindfulness, self-care, and more. Get it here.

How I’m Learning to Feel Confident Without Approval

“Children need to feel seen. Adults do, too.” ~Unknown

As a teenager, I played the flute for about nine years. I never practiced—apart from that guilt-ridden last half hour prior to my weekly lessons. It was important for my parents that their children learned a musical instrument, and so I was given the flute, while my brother played the clarinet (bizarrely, because our grandmother had wanted someone to play Mozart’s clarinet concerto at her funeral).

Truth be told, I think my brother would have much rather learned the guitar, while I was very envious of his clarinet (he got around …

Peace Is My Priority

Look for Opportunities to Be Kind

Why I Give Without Expectations (and Don’t Think It’s a “Toxic Trait”)

“Some of the kindest souls I know have lived in a world that was not so kind to them. Some of the best human beings I know have been through so much at the hands of others, and they still love deeply, they still care. Sometimes, it’s the people who have been hurt the most who refuse to be hardened in this world, because they would never want to make another person feel the same way they have felt. If that isn’t something to be in awe of, I don’t know what is.” ~Bianca Sparacino  

I recently came across a …

Healing the Nervous System Is About Being Still

If Someone Is at War with Themselves

Look for People Who Take Ownership

A Little-Known Truth About People-Pleasing and How to Stop (for Good)

“Being a people-pleaser may be more than a personality trait; it could be a response to serious trauma.” ~Alex Bachert

Growing up in a home, school, and church that placed a lot of value on good behavior, self-discipline, and corporal punishment, I was a model child. There could have been an American Girl doll designed after me—the well-mannered church girl with a nineties hairbow edition.

I was quiet and pleasant and never got sent to the principal’s office. Complaining and “ugly” emotions were simply not allowed. Though I was very rambunctious and “rebellious” as a toddler, all of that was …

Be Weird, Be Random

Learning How to Ask for What I Deserve

If Little Girls Were Taught to Set Boundaries

Because You Were Kind

Dysfunctional Family Survivors: 7 Myths that Hold Your Healing Hostage

I have never known a patient to portray their parents more negatively than they actually experienced them in childhood but always more positively–because idealization of their parents was essential for their survival.” Alice Miller, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware: Society’s Betrayal of the Child

If were born into dysfunctional families and, by some miracle, manage to recognize theres something really wrong there, we can end up devoting a huge portion of our time on Earth (if not all of it) to piecemealing a life not defined by the despair and pain we felt as children.