
How to deal with someone having Superiority Complex

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    Hi Friends,

    I have a colleague who recently joined the organization. He behaves as if he is the boss, while he is not. Many times, I ignore his behavior thinking he has mental problem, let me oversee it. And ego, well too big, small examples…he would join the call (team meeting) at the end even after the manager has introduced himself. But I have also noticed that behind this superiority complex there’s an inferiority complex hidden.

    I’m trying to figure out ways to make him behave straight with me and for me to not lose the peace of my mind at work place.

    Any inputs folks…..much appreciated!

    Thank you reading the post!


    face it…you like him


    Bruno, your response is way too flippant and disrespectful, Anyone has asked a serious question and was looking for helpful advice.


    Hi Anyone

    The problem is the same but the situations are varied. Your underlying issue still remains the same in all your posts. You are obviously not interested in accessing professional help so can I please suggest that you watch some you tube videos from BK Shivani. She is an inspirational and young indian spiritual leader, who is making headlines worldwide. She is a highly educated lady who is running a successful business in some part of India. Her teachings and wisdom are simple but very effective. I feel that you will find some real answers through her teachings.




    He is facing a hard battle, and now it is spillling onto you, and others in the workplace. He is not begging for attention from you or anyone else at work. though it may seem as if that is what is occuring, the truth is, he himself, the deeper, darker side of him is seeking attention and is desperately searching for it, but he himself needs to find it. do not be offended

    The Ruminant

    “I’m trying to figure out ways to make him… […]”

    You can’t and you shouldn’t. Just focus on your own behavior.


    Hi Jade- I don’t think so- it is a possibility and any input was going to be appreciated.Sometime at the beginning of an attraction or even just a friendship some aspect of that person’s character comes across as negative, until you see the lighter side.Perhaps I should have explained that way to begin with.Having a superiority complex manifesting yet feeling compassion for the inferiority complex hidden does show a certain compassion towards this person;perhaps anyone should make use of the compassion felt to actually ease the pervasive sense of obnoxiousness and replace it with a dose of comic humour- it might ease the tension, hope it helps


    I agree with you The Ruminant- perhaps the person is only endeavoring to make an effort in the workplace , work with him and not against him if you can be humble enough.is Anyone envious at all?

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