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May 1, 2017 at 9:57 am #147519
Guest* didn’t submit…
May 2, 2017 at 9:42 am #147693Anonymous
GuestPost # 2:
Dear Tannhauser:
This is my understanding of you, of your experience which you shared here starting nine months ago. I will be using my own words. Your words will be in parentheses inside quotation marks. Please let me know if I am correct in my understanding, where I am not correct, and please do correct me where I am incorrect.
You very much believe in the spiritual realm, in supernatural forces, invisible entities, powers that cannot be seen by most people. Your Kundalini Awakening experience, starting in 2013, four years and ongoing, is about an awakening to this invisible reality. Most people are asleep to this reality. You were chosen to be awakened to reality. The experience of awakening has been extremely distressing to you and full of suffering, physical suffering and a feeling of emptiness, loneliness, separation and despair.
Unlike Christianity and other monotheistic religions which issue orders, the real spiritual realm issues no orders. (“What it does do is leave subtle signs… It doesn’t interfere. It is neutral”)
You described your visions, numbers you came across, the incident when you got drunk in church, other physical experiences and considered these as potential signs. You realize some may be coincidences. Some of the confusion you have experienced is about figuring what is coincidental and what is a valid sign.
Throughout the Awakening, you remained flexible, considering this, then re-evaluating and reconsidering (” For a while I actually thought I was Neptune reincarnated, but now I believe…”) So the Awakening has been a process.
Through this process you figured the following, with a growing certainty:
Christianity, Catholicism, the other monotheistic religions are about human agenda. These religions are not the truth, not reality. And they have been destructive to you and to the world.
Jesus of Christianity is a sanitized version of Bacchus/Dionysus, the Roman god. In other words, Jesus does not exist as a god and may never have existed as a person at all.
The reality of the spiritual realm is that of many gods, and so the ancient people of Greece and Rome (and the ancient people in other parts of the world) were closer to the truth/ reality of the spiritual world.
Although these gods are neutral, some may be devious, nice or terrible, like Kali, the Hindu goddess.
The comforting delusion that there is a good man-in-the-sky, the Christian god, is just that, a delusion from which you have awakened. There is no one to pray to, for good to come to one’s life. Some of the spiritual forces in real life have ill intent. Some of those forces are the ones that inflicted this experience on you, this suffering you have been experiencing since 2013. Without the comfort of the well intended, good man-in-the-sky; without your previous church affiliation and without your family’s support, you feel like a fish out of water, alone, rejected, terrified, hence the title of your thread: My Kundalini Horror.
In your isolation you retreated into fantasy world, as have other people going through the Kundalini experience. As a result of your Awakening, you also grew closer to nature, protective of nature.
You asked repeatedly what is the point of this (“What is the point of this isolation?” “What is all this for?”) You believe this Kundalini Awakening was imposed upon you, chosen for you, and so you don’t see yourself a hero (“I have no choice in the matter. Greatness happens out of ones choice to do something.)
You expressed admiration for people who dared to defy dogma, step outside the herd, speak their own truth, display courage when mocked by society/ the herd, called crazy and mad. (“You have to speak YOUR truth.”)
And this is what you did here, Tannhauser, in this very thread. You spoke your truth, consistently, for nine months. You did so courageously, bravely.
Let me know if I understood correctly and do correct me where I did not
May 2, 2017 at 11:03 am #147707Tannhauser
BlockedDear Anita,
Thank you very much for engaging with me. I feel very lonely and isolated at the moment and it is good to be able to talk to one person at least.
Today has been a bad day, and once again I have had to suffer in secret for fear of being rejected and hated by my own family. Yes, hated. It is quite incredible what fear can make people do, and I have certainly experienced just how nasty my parents can be in their fear of the unknown. Suffice it to say, I don’t want to revisit that experience. Last night I had heavy energies entering my head again, and this afternoon I broke down and sobbed on my bedroom floor at the realization that I cannot escape this ‘process’. I now know full well that there is no ‘good-man-in-the-sky’, as you put it. My prayers and pleading have fallen on deaf ears. There is nothing but radio silence. C.S Lewis called God the ultimate vivisectionist because ‘He’ refused to respond to Lewis’ anguished prayers as his wife lay dying of cancer. But I would rather conclude that God doesn’t exist. It is easier. My experience has shown that whatever is driving this process is impersonal and quite unconcerned with human suffering and emotions. It does not bother itself if it puts people in mental hospitals, ruins families or destroys relationships. It is certainly not concerned in the slightest by the emotional and psychological problems it has caused me. And so I would rather conclude that this ‘impersonal’ nature is indicative of the Universe and not some ‘Heavenly Father’ archetype. I also do not believe the angelic archetype either. These are human constructs. If there are ‘angelic beings’, they certainly do not, in my opinion, care about us in a fuzzy, warm Victorian slushy way. They are more concerned with following their own agenda and generally avoiding the shitty third density of Earth as much as possible. They try not to get soiled or stained by it.
I still believe I have some connection with the planet Neptune. Just don’t ask me why I believe this, because it is batshit crazy. Neptune is a gas giant and can’t support life.
The Jesus of the Judaeo-Christian Bible never existed. That much is clear to me. That’s not to say there isn’t some sort of spiritual/mythical Christ, but I haven’t come across him yet. I am not having a Christian experience, and that’s an absolute shame because I wanted one and it would have strengthened my faith. But it wasn’t to be. Instead I got Paganism and then nothing except weird dreams. No communications from God, or Jesus, just weird dreams. Dreams in which I am actually two people: one awake in one location, and one asleep in another. I actually keep making reference to this as I speak to other people in my dreams. Enter extra-terrestrials and Dolores Cannon’s spaceships in which one half of us sleeps whilst the other lives on Earth. Scary, scary shit. Please bear in mind that I have served the Judaeo-Christian God as a church organist for well over twenty years. I would never entertain such ridiculous nonsense about alien life before, but now it is becoming a distinct possibility.
All I want to do is go back to how things were. Back to a world I understood. But I have swallowed the ‘red pill’ and I can’t.
Thanks for your time Anita, I really appreciate it.
Best wishes,
May 2, 2017 at 11:17 am #147709Anonymous
GuestDear Tannhauser:
You are very welcome. Please do post anytime, if it helps. My agenda here on this thread with you is not to promote my beliefs, or to discount yours. The more open I have been to your truth, the more I see sense in it, logic that previously escaped me when reading your posts in the past.
I do not want, in my writing to you, to increase your already existing distress and therefore, I do not intend to volunteer my thoughts, opinions and/ or beliefs on the matter of your experience. If you ask me a question, I will answer, empathetically and respectfully, and always, honestly, as I too, as you do, care about speaking my truth. Here, on your thread, not unless asked.
It is okay with me if you don’t ask, again: I do not have the agenda to speak here of my truth.
I would like to think of this thread as being about you, your truth and your experience.
May 2, 2017 at 12:10 pm #147739Tannhauser
BlockedThank you Anita, you don’t know how helpful you have been to me. Seriously, you are the ONLY person I am talking to about this. I am not even speaking about it to those who are closest to me. They will simply reject me if I do. Sad, isn’t it?
Love doesn’t exist. It is artificial like most things.
Best wishes,
May 2, 2017 at 7:31 pm #147791Anonymous
GuestDear Tannhauser:
You are welcome. Thank you for your appreciation.
It is good to know you are here- I am very pleased that you chose to post here and I hope you continue. You are welcome here, I say, anytime!
May 3, 2017 at 2:59 am #147839Tannhauser
BlockedThanks Anita,
I have decided to give up my Christian beliefs from today. They are no good to me anymore. I have outgrown them. I am angry at myself for being so naïve all these years. I never had one communication from this Jesus character, not one. Other people’s experiences of him read like some slushy romantic novel. I now wonder if these mostly single and lonely people are simply making these things up out of desperation and loneliness. It’s odd how some people claim to have close relationships with ‘him’ and yet others like Mother Teresa essentially spent the best part of forty years as an atheist. None of it makes any sense. It’s a load of shit. I give up.
Best wishes,
May 3, 2017 at 6:47 am #147843Tannhauser
BlockedI probably won’t respond again Anita. I am going through some terrible shit today. This doesn’t feel like my home anymore and I am struggling to cope with the self-centered, controlling, narrow-minded behaviours of certain people in my family. I am leaving tomorrow. Where I will go, I don’t know. But I don’t fit here anymore.
Best wishes,
May 3, 2017 at 7:06 am #147847Anonymous
GuestDear Tannhauser:
Regarding you giving up your Christian beliefs: this seems to me congruent with your awakening process. It is congruent with your value of speaking your truth regardless of consequence.
The consequences you already suffered, socially, is losing your comfort in your association with the church and with your parents. You reached out to both, to the priest, and to your parents but they dismissed you or otherwise rejected you, even threatened to disown you (the verb you used).
You wrote that your home doesn’t feel like home anymore (the comfort is gone), that you are struggling to cope with “the self-centered, controlling, narrow-minded behaviours of certain people in my family”-
that fits with what you wrote yesterday: “Love doesn’t exist. It is artificial like most things.”
You wrote that you are leaving tomorrow- I hope that means that you are leaving to a place where you can receive the medical treatment you still need for your kidney transplant, and where your physical survival is taken care of best possible.
As to your suffering, I do so hope that leaving your no-longer-home responsibly (above paragraph) will result in alleviation of suffering. I hope you do post again. I will miss you if you don’t and I will reply to you every time you do post, as long as you want me to.
If and when I see your name as posting again, with your thoughts and feelings, with your experiences, whatever they are, I personally, will be pleased. I do wish you the best possible.
May 3, 2017 at 3:30 pm #147963eight
ParticipantHi again.
First of all I am happy that you guys engaged together pretty well. I must admit I can not leave the topic without adding some words of my inner wisdom.
Tannhauser obviously I’m invisible now and my advice here is not required but it’s hard to ignore your buzzing mind, which is the main issue here -no offence. Let me explain: your curious nature and overstimulated brain makes it much harder for you as I can witness myself.
Awakening is to transform your own faults which will help you to raise your consciousness higher. But you must let these emotions just be – if you feel like crying CRY as much you need until you will cry it all out.
When the sadness, fear etc is experienced fully, then you finally release this emotional pain, vibrational energies will shift and physical pain triggered by this emotional pain also will disappear.
From my experience the awakening shed the light on the special to my heart scenario. I’ve went through the loss of my mum 11 years back and it took me couple of years to put myself together, the hardest lesson back then. Gracefully to GOD and the Light and Love I must go through it again but with such an ease knowing that this is not the end and both of my great Parents are now together and what a heck of a great job they did, raising such a woman like me.
Knowing the unseen changes everything.
You may want to know how did I get here – I only have unbreakable trust and unconditional love.
God bless All * I love you all * Thank you All
May 3, 2017 at 4:04 pm #147965eight
ParticipantBy the way Tannhauser I have got a spare kidney if you’re interested B rh-, east midlands UK I can also give you a shelter and hot meal for as long you need, my room is big enough for two . Goodnight
May 14, 2017 at 8:14 am #149331Esther
ParticipantHello Tannhauser. I can discern what is troubling you. It is evil spirits. Tannhauser God did not thrust these tormenting spirits upon you. In all fairness, you opened the door and allowed them entry through hating Him and practicing Kundalini. However there is one person under heaven who has all power and authority, and that is Jesus Christ. Admit your hardness of heart and surrender to Him Tannhauser, He came to set the prisoner free and He will free you too. Either immediately or a little more each day, as you submit to His Word. A book that may interest you is The Day That Satan Called. Praying for you!!
May 23, 2017 at 10:31 am #150412Tannhauser
BlockedHello Esther,
Let’s get this straight. I did not, nor have ever practiced, Kundalini. I have never been interested in any of the Eastern religions, especially Hinduism. This process occurred spontaneously by itself. I suspect it was brought on by severe trauma (I was on dialysis for six years). I opened NO door. I allowed NOTHING to gain entry. Let me be absolutely clear: I didn’t want this. So no, it is completely UNfair for you to suggest that I caused this.
I never hated Jesus Christ before all this. I volunteered in His church. I did organ recitals in other churches for free. I still pray to Him, but He has hung me out to dry. He has vanished. He won’t lift this thing off me. Everyone has abandoned me. My own priest dismissed me out of hand when I went to him about all this, and my parents simply do not want to know about it through fear. So, who do you suggest I go to for help? Do you think I should fall prey to every two-bit psychic in town in an attempt to rid myself of this? What’s your solution? Praying is not working. If anything, the problem is getting worse.
Best wishes,
August 29, 2018 at 11:21 pm #223675wade
Participanttannhauser how can I get in contact with you. I am going through the same thing as you and I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS SHIT. it was spontaneously for me as well. and I know the pain you are going through although I am just beginning this stupid journey. Do you have instagram or facebook or somehow I can contact you to talk and ask you some questions? it would mean a lot to me
September 15, 2018 at 7:45 pm #225827wade
Participanttann Hauser p[lease get in contact with me. I need to talk to you about kundalini