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April 4, 2019 at 11:59 am #287591
ParticipantHi both, sorry for the silence, long trek back from Vietnam to England, home safely now. It’s cold…but at least it’s sunny.
Kkasxo – I don’t think anything can ever really prepare you for the shocking reality of death, it’s inescapability, the finality. Well done on still being strong enough to provide such help and support in their time of need, it made a difference and that is invaluable. I think death is such a kick to us all to make the most of life, living truly and honestly as anything else is a waste. No, you aren’t over-reacting about your ex’s(?) reaction in my mind anyway – actions speak loudest and he clearly prioritised his fun over supporting you with your pain. Not exactly ideal for the support you’d want from a long-term, loving relationship, can understand entirely why that reality would hurt, especially at a low point you just don’t need that. As ever, here if you need me, if I can help.
Shelby, how goes it now? It’s good he’s texting you etc at least, that has to be better communication than before? I didn’t really understand what you meant by this bit though ” I guess I just feel sad that no-one has any hope whatsoever for myself and my ex and I guess that hurts because it makes me feel like I’m less than I am.”?? One, it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks, sure we all don’t want to see you get hurt again since we can see no reason/evidence that either of you has changed to think that it will end differently this time around – but we aren’t you, it’s only you and him who need to have hope. There is no reason you would be any less of a person if it breaks up again than before?? It’s not like because he rejects you, you become worth less in any else’s view?? What am I misunderstanding here?
April 5, 2019 at 12:54 am #287665Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
You’re incredible. Helping your friends family is so valuable right now. It our times of grief, the community really rallied around us and to this day, I will never forget what people did for us at that time. I meant more than those people will probably ever really know, so you are a huge gift to that family right now. Will there be a service or funeral? That really helps you come to terms with what has happened and process it a little better than having the final image in your head. It moves that image on somewhat to a more peaceful, natural one. I hope you find some solace in that and well done on going to therapy, it really can be a lifesaver and breath of fresh air when you need it most.
I’m sorry you don’t feel particularly happy with your ex at the moment, I’m with Michelle on this one. Love and support means being their for your priorities when they need you most. But, if you want things to change, maybe try something different and sit down and discuss it. Communicate. Silence will only build your resentment. I would say, ok ex….let’s try and do things differently and communicate more. The other night I felt…….and so on……and then ask him how he felt and what led him to make certain decisions about his night?
You are doing a lot better than you think you might be right now.
Don’t mind my mumblings, I don’t know what I’m saying half the time. A lot of stream of consciousness going on. I just want it to work out with my ex, but I am also prone to absorbing other people’s opinions and I can’t say that people are wrong either so I’m scared and constantly living with the anxiety of the axe I expect to fall again. I just want to be happy but I know for me to be happy, he needs to change and adapt too and I don’t know if that’s possible. A friend I confided in yesterday (who is a guy and an ex and not dissimilar in many ways to my current ex) said straight out…’Okay, you won’t change him. Just accept that, he is who he is and won’t change. Can you live with that?’. I don’t know, I know in the past I couldn’t and I don’t want to settle but I don’t want to be without him either, so I don’t have a clue how to manage everything.
He texts me from his trip, mostly just pictures and updates. I doubt he is missing me too much as there is so much distraction, but I miss him.
As for your return, Im so glad you got back safe and sound. Pity about the weather, it’s gone pretty nippy!
April 6, 2019 at 8:11 am #287881Kkasxo
ParticipantHi all,
Welcome back Michelle! I was hoping you’d bring the weather back with you! It’s gotten so cold again..
Thank you both for your kind words regarding the help I offered to the bereaved family.. I suppose it was the least I could’ve done in that situation!
I’m glad that you agree I am not being out of order about the lack of support from mr asshole – that’ll be his new name from now on. I think the close experience with death has opened up my eyes in some sense. I think I needed him around in that time more than I originally anticipated, and the lack of support has left me really bitter and questioning how I could ever possibly rely on him in times of crisis, because the reality is that I can’t. And is there really any use to walk through life hand in hand with someone who is never really going to help you in times of hardship? The reality is, life is shitty, brutal and unfair most of the time so it is so important to have someone you can really count on.
I think the last few months back in contact with him have been a very strange experience for me. It was like getting to know a new and completely different person. Not the same person I was with for so many years. There have been so many situations which I would’ve absolutely vouched that he would’ve never done that, and he has. And I think it’s all added up to be a bit of a shock that he’s turned out to be everything that I thought he was not. Quite frankly, not someone that I even like at this point… So doubts are very much setting in right now and I’m finding myself questioning why it has been such a struggle to let go of him up until this point. How much more really has to happen for me to be like okay enough is enough now?
Shelby – there will be a funeral but it is taking place abroad as the family have chosen to transport the body to the country of origin (so the poor lady can be buried with her family) so I don’t think I’m going to be able to go to that.
I took your advice and tried the communication route last night, I think at some point his defence mechanism kicked in and it was very clear the conversation couldn’t go any further. I left him today with the note of ‘I don’t think this is working right now. I think you have a lot to think about, as do I’ so that’s that.
I know what you mean about feeling less than when everyone around you is so against the idea of you two reconciling.. I know because everyone around me seems to think the same of me & my ex. Naturally, the people who love and care for you don’t want you to be hurt and let’s be honest, this guy doesn’t have a great track record of not hurting you right? However, ultimately it is YOUR decision, YOUR life and those who want to remain a part of it will have to accept your choices. Hopefully, if your relationship with him continues, with time it’ll become easier!
April 6, 2019 at 8:18 am #287883Michelle
ParticipantHey Shelby, no worries on the mumblings, understand what you mean, I write like I think too. It just read like you thought you’d be worth less if you guys split up, which isn’t true but easy to feel like.
Your ex is wise – that’s pretty much exactly what we’ve been discussing last couple months right!! You know you can’t stay with this guy hoping/expecting he will change, he won’t – and more importantly – shouldn’t have to, he is who he is as much as you are who you are. Dating is just finding out if you are right together as you are, not as you could or ‘should’ be. What do you think you need him to change about himself? I’ve not yet really understood what you think is wrong with him that you have to choose between settling for or leaving. Apologies if it’s because I’ve missed it earlier but the only thing I’m aware you’ve mentioned is he didn’t want to get married and you did – but since marriage isn’t really any part of whether it’s a good relationship or not I figure there must be other things you think you need to change? Can you describe exactly what you want from this relationship and where in your mind the gaps are?
April 6, 2019 at 8:33 am #287885Michelle
ParticipantHey Kkasxo – top timing – your post came through just as I pressed submit here!
I love your ex’s/non-ex new name – subtle and evocative…did make me laugh. Though aware it’s not funny at all and you’ve described it perfectly, the opening of your eyes to the reality of him – it’s been coming through louder and louder in your posts this year, which is why I was curious if he was making you happier overall or not. Understand the deep connection from the past but I think it’s a big step you can recognise both the good and the bad – essentially the reality and not just what you wish it was/could be. Huge huge step. And good job on trying to talk to him about it, does sound like he needs to decide if he wants to grow or not. Absolutely spot on about the what’s the point of him being your life partner if not, I know 200% my partner will be there for me if I really need him, even when I’m not great at accepting help, and he’s not just there for the good times. Let’s see what he comes back with. Really good to hear from you as ever.
I did try to pack some sunshine but customs wouldn’t let me bring it through…..sorry! It’s so quiet back here too having got used to the soundtrack of Vietnam – and so expensive! But it’s lovely being back in our home, though odd how much stuff you feel you have after living out of a backpack for the last 8 weeks!
April 6, 2019 at 10:14 am #287901Kkasxo
I’m glad I made you giggle a little.
Yes, I do think it’s extremely important that the closest person to you will also be the one who holds your hand through tough times! You’re so lucky to have someone like that by your side – funnily enough, he was exactly that for me before all this, I was so sure I would’ve had my arms and legs cut off to prove a point if I had to! Until he failed me for the first time and since then it’s juat been like a coming out experience of who he really is/ who he has become – I can’t quite figure out whether it’s possible that I was so blindsighted by him for so many years prior to everything, whether he maintained a mask on for that many years (sounds exhausting if you ask me) or whether the experiences throughout the summer simply changed who he is as a person today.
I’m not even going to say time will tell anything because time has been telling me nothing but negative things about him… in all honesty, I kinda wish I didn’t love him anymore. Because I don’t know if I like who he is anymore. It’s the love that’s kept me holding on for so long. It’s the love that we share and who he was prior to everything because he was hands down incredible. I was so thankful for him everyday and really genuinely thought I was one of the lucky ones to have such an honest, genuine, caring man by my side. It’s extremely difficult to let go of that as I try to figure out why the change and who he really is right now.
I can imagine it’s different being back home, boring UK, terrible weather! You’ll soon get used to it again! Any more trips planned anytime soon?
April 6, 2019 at 11:59 pm #287927Michelle
ParticipantYes, I’m lucky but it also took me a long time to trust in it again having thought I had it before, bit like you in your current relationship. I think it’s another of those irritating old sayings that turn out to be true – you either grow together or you you grow apart or you get stuck and unhappy in not growing. Over the 18 years – 19 years next week actually! – that we’ve been together we’ve both changed and grown a lot – and what’s important is that whilst yes, we have been there for each other, we’ve also made each other face our own issues and grow through them.
I share this not in the “hey I’m so smug, we’re so awesome”, you hopefully know me better than to expect that and I wouldn’t in anyway claim we’ve done this well at all times! But to share my experience of how the full, enriching experience of a honest partnership takes effort, takes growth, it isn’t the magical Disney ending so often portrayed etc. It was what didn’t happen in my first relationship and it sounds like where you are now – you are growing, dealing as best you can and he is standing still/going backwards, running away instead of forwards. Keep talking to him, honest and open communication although scary is the only way to find out if he is prepared to grow up with you or if he wants to stay as he is. No, I don’t think he has worn a mask all this time, it’s impossible – but I do think you only see some sides of people when you go through tough situations. You know, some people rise to the occasion, some hide etc. How many couples do you know who are fantastic in the good times but fall to bits when inevitably the various challenges life likes to throw at us arise. I think that’s where you guys are at – especially since you are both dealing with this trauma still as well as all the current stress about finding a new home, losing your family. Glad you have a back-up offer from your friend on that front, must be comforting.
On the trip front, plan on enjoying our own home and the British summer with lots of cycling (?! ) mostly before escaping again late Aug/Sept – Nov. But I do have a week in Granada coming up start of May – I’m not especially a city person but Granada ( and Prague in Winter, Christmas markets, mmmm! ) is one of my favourite cities I’ve been to yet – the moorish architecture, the Alhambra, the mountain setting and the tapas tradition is just irresistible…..literally!
April 7, 2019 at 1:38 am #287931Kkasxo
ParticipantGood morning Michelle,
That does sound really great and healthy! I know it’s not a usual way to compliment a relationship but honestly it does. The fact that you have undeniably gone through ups and downs also but have been there for one another as well as give each other the space to work through your own issues in the almost 19 years you have been together (wow!) is admirable.
Don’t worry, I don’t think you are being smug at all! You are a brilliant example of the idea that everything myself & Shelby, and many others I am sure, want is real, it happens and it can also happen to us.
Perhaps you’re right, we were great whilst life was great and then it all fell apart when life got tough. In many ways, bad things happening are inevitable, so our relationship just didn’t stand the test of time in that sense.
I think the problem with communicating with him is I feel I have taken all different approaches at this point. I have done the anger, the crying, and I’ve also done the calm let’s talk this through. And he can say a lot of wonderful things but doing it is another thing… He has come to theconclusion that we need to take on an approach of mindfulness towards one another’s feelings and avoid ‘jumping at each others throats’ – do I think that’s going to work? Ultimately no. Because we’ll talk, effectively ‘sorr out’ our issues until a life situation brings us back to square one and we realise that nothing has actually been sorted. It’s always this way!
Also very jealous of your trip to Grenada! I’ve always wanted to go and visit the Caribbean but never got round to doing it! Perhaps once my living situation etc is sorted this can be the next thing I save up to do!
April 7, 2019 at 1:46 am #287933Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Kkasxo,
I truly understand where you’re coming from. It’s difficult to maintain and enjoy a relationship when you’re living for abc hoping someone will react in the way you want them to. Do you love mr.asshole (funny!) now, everything about him, excited for the future with him? Or do you love ex mr.asshole and the idea of how it WAS rather than how it is?
If you think you are happy or can be, then I’m fully supportive, it’s absolutely no less than you deserve. Michelle made a good point about communication and really talking it through and I imagine it’s disheartening for you when he kind of shuts down the conversation like the last time.
Keep focusing on the house hunt anyway as that’s a priority for you now, one way or another.
I’m absolutely exhausted. Proper body broken exhausted. I’ve been on the go so much lately & then my sister & husband asked me to help out this weekend as she’s been sick & finding it tough with two small kids & some of their appliances broke too so they’ve been stressed.
Im home now but have to do makeup on a friend for an occasion she has and then I’m going to a makeup masterclass for the afternoon as I think it will help with my course. Im working a really long day in work tomorrow right up to tomorrow night & then have my course after work on tue evening & my sister wants me to join her at a slimming group after my course tue night. Babysitting Wednesday morning (as I’m off work) and then work thur followed by my course. Then babysitting fri night as it’s my sisters bday & I offered then doing makeup on sat on my other sister for a ball she’s attending. I do family dinner on Sunday then where we do a cake etc for my sister. It’s. Full. On
I find it hard to know am I distracting myself or have I just gotten back to my role of being there for everyone because I have no life/future of my own.
The ex has been sending me pics and videos from Peru and I’m so jealous, it looks incredible. Also, we’re still not where we were in a relationship so it’s all very polite as yet & I can’t really vent to him etc as if we were boyfriend & girlfriend, like before. It’s all so up in the air.
I don’t know if he wants a future with me realistically. He’s having a ball as he is. Albeit in a lot of pain cos he didn’t wear SPF and burned the living daylights out of his legs!
I loved being with my ex. In truth I don’t have faith that I could achieve something even better than that with someone new. I know you have and that is so wonderful but at the same time, it’s quite possible that there isn’t someone else out there for me too. I might not meet anyone else I guess.
Im rambling again, sorry! Everything you have said is what I would say to a friend. I know this. I know two people need to grow together, I know you need to have the same values, I know the best relationship is when you are there to support each other through thick and thin. Yet, I still want that with my ex & can’t seem to reconcile what’s going on.
I want to live with him, have a child with him. Marriage would be great but if it came down to it, not a dealbreaker. I want to be with him but not have him considering bolting for the door whenever it gets tough or scary, that doesn’t help my anxiety in any way.
My brain is a bit mush at the moment, I best get my stuff ready for my friend who is coming over for makeup.
Granada sounds wonderful, where is it? I feel like an escape!!!! ?
April 7, 2019 at 2:50 am #287935Kkasxo
ParticipantHi Shelby,
Its interesting that you ask, I don’t think I love mr asshole now.. It isn’t someone I can picture a future with.I love my ex who was so far from mr asshole, he was mr amazing guy! And I think I’m having a hard time differentiating between the two because obviously when I see him I still see my wonderful guy but then on an everyday basis it just doesn’t seem he is that anymore. It goes back to me thinking about the ‘mask’ but like Michelle said it’s just impossible to keep up such a facade for so many years. So then it leads me to believe, has the trauma really just messed him up and he has changed? Because I know I have, it’s so evident, so it is possible. Who knows eh.
I wanted a future with mr amazing guy, not who he is today and I guess I am just hopeful that this is just a rough patch now and it’ll pass and he’ll return to his normal, kind, caring, considerate and loving state.
It really does sound like you have a lot on the next few days! Perhaps good in a sense as it will pass your time but be sure not to overwork yourself either. As you said, you’re full on body tired now so be kind to yourself and make sure once the week is over you give yourself the rest that you deserve.
I understand the confusion of the not quite boyfriend but not a stranger either. Remember back in October/November I was in that situation with mr asshole as we were trying to figure out whether we should reconcile or not. Its horrible as you don’t really know what’s the right way to behave! Hopefully it doesn’t last too long! It’s funny actually because all these months later I still refer to him as my ex, yet he would probably say that we have been back together the last few months! He’s definitely made more of a point of uploading me back on social media, meet ups with friends and family etc whilst I’m very private. No one would probably guess that we are speaking again! Except for my friends who sort of know we are on and off at the moment.
Do you think it’s too soon to have The conversation with him? A real and raw conversation about both of your expectations of whatever this is going forward?
April 7, 2019 at 3:59 am #287937Michelle
ParticipantKkasxo, glad you understood where I was coming from. It’s not always easy but so worth it. I’m actually glad to hear you can recognise you don’t love Mr Arsehole ( I’m going to short-cut him to Mr A2 I think !) , as I figure admitting that must be pretty scary. It may be a rough patch – for sure we’ve had them and cards on table I’ve had times I didn’t think it was going to work out for us – and it was only by talking, being willing to listen, being open to seeing things differently and as importantly acting on them we’ve grown into what we are now, though at the grand old age of 43 I’m sure I still have a lot to learn yet! But it’s that last bit about acting on them which as you identified is so important – people can say all the right things and in agree in theory but it’s actions that count and they count the most when you actually face those situations. Which is why it’s so painful to see Mr A2 everytime a situation comes up for you guys these days not Mr A1. It’s worth all the effort to find out if Mr A1 is still in there but if he’s not open to talking further, that’s going to be hard. I’d just continue to be clear from your side as to what is ok and what isn’t, without recriminations or accusations, just as facts. I.e. a behaviour isn’t ‘wrong’ per se, it just isn’t a behaviour you expect from a partner in your life. So his choice is to either stay the same or recognise that continuing that behaviour has the eventual consequence of losing your love.
Shelby – you do know it’s ok to say no right… that’s a lot on and time to yourself is as important as helping others. I’d have a stab at working out how much time you want for yourself, even if you have plans to do anything with it – else you are going to be burned out and resentful before you know it, if not already.
I wasn’t actually even thinking about you finding someone else like me, you are clearly still wrapped up in this current guy. I was interested to understand what the gaps actually were between what you want from this relationship and what he doesn’t. If I understand correctly, the reason you split before was that he couldn’t commit to moving in with you – had you also discussed children, do you know if he wants them or not? Has he actually said he doesn’t want to live with you? What are your expectations of living together vs his – i.e. I assume he’d still want to run off and do these kinds of trips with family, all his current life commitments. Are you expecting that to change if you lived together? A lot of questions! Just trying to help drill down into how you see your ideal future together to be able to understand how it compares to the reality of what is on offer from this guy. Take care eh, put those feet up at some point..
April 8, 2019 at 8:18 am #288047Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Just scanning the replies as quickly as I can to catch up, forgive me if I miss some.
How are you doing? Sleeping any better? Thanks for the advice on my situation, I really appreciate you giving me advice despite going through so much yourself as it is.
How is the house hunting going? Realistically at this point, do you WANT to live with Mr. A2? Or are you hoping it will go back to way things were if ye live together, where you would be warming his pyjamas for him on the radiator and you’d feel content and happy again? Or are you just doing it now cos you started down this path and feel you have to continue?
I still don’t know what my ex wants, because HE doesn’t know what he wants. He said he wanted us to have our own place but found reasons not to. He said he’s scared at the thought of being a parent, it terrifies him but hasn’t said outright that he doesn’t want them, he even suggested what activities he would do with a child if he had one.
Even now after we starting speaking after the split, I asked him if he’s happier not being in a relationship and he says he doesn’t know what will make him happy, he has no clue which way to go. So he breaks up with me so he doesn’t have to think about it.
I know I want more than what I’m getting now and evidently what I was getting before, but he’s genuinely such a great person, I feel the potential and I feel horrendous at the thoughts of ya not working out. I don’t know why I’m not a woman who says ‘hell no, I’m not sticking around for a ‘maybe’” but I am who I am. I am not that woman, I’m someone who keeps risking her heart.
April 8, 2019 at 10:36 am #288101Michelle
ParticipantHey Shelby.
Well not knowing is better than an outright no in some ways, though obviously an outright no would have set you free from wondering. Sounds like his standard operation is to run away from things that scare/challenge him, not an ideal trait for a life-term partner, bit like Mr A2… Do you happen to know why he finds the idea scary – is it the commitment required or the changes he envisions the lifestyle changes would bring. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sees living with you/having a child as a potential huge restriction on his current freedom. I’m guessing you may have an in-built expectation in your dream of your future life that he would change, spend more/most of his time at home with you and your family which he has probably picked up on. Do you think you would be happy living together & with your child if he still left to go on multiple trips/support his family etc. It may help reduce his fear if you can describe together a positive view of how you could be together and he still has his freedom when needed.
I understand not wanting to give up on the dream, on the potential. But in all honesty, I think the interesting question for you is thinking about how long do you wait. How long do you continue to hope, to go round these circles with him, hoping for him to be ready?? Is there a limit at all or do you hold on until the end of your life? Do you think you’d still be ok that it was the best choice for your life??
I’m not saying at all you need to choose to give him up now, not at all, always your choice and I understand that holding on to that hope is better for you right now than facing your fears you may end up alone. But it may be worth thinking about how much of your life you are prepared to give up whilst you do hang on in hope and see how it goes. I guess at some point realistically the waiting will be too long for a biological child yourself, so do you see yourself still waiting and adopting if/when he decides he is ready? Or is staying childless and hopefully being with him going to be ok with you you think? I guess what I’m thinking is that when I’ve been in tough or scary circumstances I’ve given it a time limit to improve or for me to adjust – and if nothing has changed that’s when I’ll know it’s time to move on, having given it my absolute best. How much more of your life do you think you want to invest in this particular path?
See – I’m rambling now! I forgot to say, it’s Granada in south Spain, not the Caribbean – but maybe some time! I have trekked round Equador and if it’s anything to go by I can imagine how stunning your man’s photo’s are, it was an awesome place. Is he doing Machu Pichu? It was actually our first ever house-sit, something you could think about doing in Aus/NZ if interested as it’s very popular there – free accommodation in return for looking after someone’s place and often their pets. Win/win!
April 9, 2019 at 3:04 am #288213Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Thanks for the advice as always. To be honest, I thought I HAD reached my time limit….the first time…..then the second time….lol….and yet it just keeps going! I seem to want to try over and over and over again. I agree that not giving any answer is a way of staying at the crossroads, then you can hang out there forever and never actually have to choose a road.
I definitely think he feels that life will restrict him, yet I have seem glimpses of times when I truly feel it’s what his heart wants deep deep down. As i mentioned before he has an avoidant attachment style so naturally enough when things get too serious, he pulls back and starts finding excuses and reasons as such being restricted. Why he has that style I don’t know….that would be for a therapist to figure out I guess!
I don’t want to waste my life for sure, I don’t know what I’m doing this. I just feel he’s so special. But don’t get me wrong, there are times I start to wonder why he doesn’t see how special I am, he does to an extent that he is comfortable with, but not what I had hoped for I suppose.
I am super burnt out these days, the course and my work and other commitments are really wiping me, I’m exhausted! I would love a holiday but honestly am flat broke and can barely make ends meet. Hopefully after my course, things will ease off and I can get a small loan to go travelling. However, I’m in incredible pain today with my back (chronic pain) so I get worried about making such a long trip abroad as flying or sitting in buses etc is very difficult for me. When I flew to America a few years ago I splashed out for business class seats so that i could use the flat out bed for my back, but those heady days of having money are long gone!
I have not heard of that house minding arrangement, wow, what an excellent plan….is there a dedicated website for things like that?
April 9, 2019 at 10:34 am #288305Kkasxo
ParticipantShelby & Michelle,
It is an interesting concept, when is enough really enough? How much time is enough time to wait? Where do we draw the line?
Shelby, it’s interesting that you say you thought you had reached your time limit, twice, and yet you keep going. I can relate to this although not with break ups (as we have only had one split) more with the chances or rather things I apparently continue to oversee in my ex partner. This has become more apparent to me in the last few days and I’m not sure if either really not enough has happened for me to be urged to walk away, or if I am just simply deluded and I can’t reapect myself enough to walk away from him.
I can hand on heart tell you that the last few months of ‘trying’ with my ex have been full of trials and tribulations and in the process of it all I have built up a lot of resentment towards him. After all, he is now Mr A2, no longer my A1 that I loved and cherished so dearly. I worry the same may happen to you if you continue this unknown situationship with your ex. Then again, I realise that probably isn’t much of an excuse to walk away either, nothing seems to be (for me or you!).
I don’t know exactly how you feel about this but for me personally, when I try to look at my situation from an outsiders point of view, it makes me sad. I am clearly not aware of any self worth, I’m clearly quite happy to be walked all over with my needs/wants ignored while I tag along adjusting and giving my all to anyone and everyone. It’s quite a sad sight.
I hope you get the rest that you need having been so busy this week!