It’s a pretty exciting week in Tiny Buddha world. Several months back, I decided to have Tiny Buddha redesigned.
Well, we decided. There is an amazing man named Joshua Denney who has done a lot of work on the site.
It’s through his passion, expertise, and hard work that we’ll have a completely new design at the end of this week.
One of the reasons I’m excited to launch the new site this week is that Thursday is the site’s one-year anniversary.
With that in mind, I’ve decided to do a few things:
1. Conduct a series of book giveaways leading up to the anniversary/redesign.
2. Highlight some of the milestones from the first year’s journey.
3. Share some of the most popular posts from the year past.
The Giveaways
This week, starting tomorrow, I’ll review three books:
- Hand Wash Cold, by Karen Maezen Miller
- Relaxing into Meditation, by Ngakma Nor’dzin
- The Personal Excellence Book, by Celestine Chua
You can enter to win these books by commenting on the reviews when they’re up and subscribing for the new newsletter at that time (which will include updates about the forthcoming Tiny Buddha Book!)
The Milestones
May 2009
With the @tinybuddha Twitter account over a year old, I decided to launch—a place where we could explore how we apply wisdom. Wise quotes are ubiquitous on Twitter, but I wondered how well we actually digest that information and translate it into our everyday lives.
June 2009
My friend Cori designed the logo as an early birthday present (my favorite gift ever!). The logo you currently see is a derivative of her design—adaptation by Joshua. The new layout will have a new logo, though I’m forever grateful to my amazing friend Cori!
September 9, 2009
The site launched on September 9th. Since I ran the Twitter account anonymously, I decided to run the site that way, too. I presented it as a multi-author blog, with myself as a contributor. My first post, Worry Serves No Useful Purpose, outlined how I went to the ER in a panic over what turned out to be my taste buds.
To celebrate the launch, I gave away a number of mindfulness-related products, including several copies of the Dalai Lama’s How to Practice: The Way to a Meaningful Life and multiple Tiny Buddha statues.
December 2009
Soren Gordhamer invited me to speak at the first annual Wisdom 2.0 Conference. He didn’t know who was behind Tiny Buddha, but he was impressed by the number of people following. I couldn’t have been more excited! I realized I needed to clarify my role if I wanted to invite similar opportunities in the future.
January 2010
I added information about myself to the About and FAQ pages, and continued writing, soliciting, and editing content. This is also around the time I stopped answering emails as “L” and started responding with my full name and a proper email signature.
March 2010
At the request of many readers, I started the Tiny Buddha Facebook page. I loved how this allowed for a much more vibrant community than Twitter, where people might @reply but don’t engage with each other.
May 2010
Tiny Buddha had been growing steadily across all mediums, and writers were increasingly interested in contributing to the site. I was nervous but excited to present at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, where I outlined a series of tips to share wisdom through social media.
Immediately after the conference, I began speaking with the publishers at Red Wheel/Weiser about a Tiny Buddha book. My original idea entailed creating an anthology of “wisdom tweets” as submitted by Tiny Buddha readers.
July 2010
After honing my book idea and chiseling out the details with Red Wheel/Weiser, I finally signed the contract. I would now ask Tiny Buddha followers to answer “life’s hardest questions” for the book. I started with twenty questions and later narrowed the list down to ten.
August 2010
I started soliciting tweets in response to the questions for my book. So far, nearly 1,000 responses have come in, and I’m still looking for more perspectives. This is the last week to tweet your response, so be sure to do that if you’d like to be part of the book!
I also started re-titling the mini-posts that go with the daily quotes. Previously, I titled these by date. I changed over 200 titles to reflect a new titling concept, starting with “Tiny Wisdom.”
Lastly, I shared a little about my experience running this site in the post 4 Life-Changing Lessons I’ve Learned from Running Tiny Buddha.
September 2010
And here we are. Tiny Buddha currently has over 104,000 friends on Twitter and nearly 15,000 friends on Facebook. To date, the site has received around two million page views.
In less than a week—the site’s one-year anniversary—Tiny Buddha will have a redesign (with additional features I will outline on Thursday). Shortly after, I will start sifting through the book entries and writing for my December 1st deadline. After that, I will start writing my first article for Tricycle: The Buddhist Review where I’ve recently been invited to contribute.
Though I’m sure I will say it again later in the week, thank you for being part of Tiny Buddha.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the site. Your insight and wisdom have changed my life, and I know readers feel the same.
Thank you to everyone who gets involved in the social media pages by sharing and commenting. The conversations that take place around the posts are just as powerful as the posts themselves.
Thank you to everyone who reads Tiny Buddha. The web is full of amazing blogs, written by inspiring people. I appreciate that you come here both to learn and share what you’ve learned.
And lastly, thank you to everyone who has let me be a part of their lives. This site is my greatest joy, passion, and purpose in life, and I appreciate that you’ve helped it grow this year.
The Year in Highlights
Top 5 Posts about Happiness
7 Reasons to Be Happy Even Though Things Aren’t Perfect Now
10 Happiness Tips for People Who Have Been Hurt
2 Ways You Think Yourself Unhappy and 10 Things to Do About It
4 Powerful Tips to Reduce Resentment and Feel Happier
Create Your Own Happiness: Make Feeling Good Your New Religion
Top 5 Posts about Fun
40 Little Things That Make a Big Difference in Your Day
How to Have More Fun in Life: Keep Your Thoughts from Pulling You Down
25 Little Changes to Make the Day More Exciting
Make Now Count: How to Live a Fun Life Full of Possibilities
Top 5 Posts about Relationships
10 Ways to Deal with Negative or Difficult People
10 Ways to Have Loving Peaceful Relationships
25 Ways to Be Good for Someone Else: Be the Positivity You Want to Feel
How to Let Go of a Past Relationship: 10 Tips to Move on Peacefully
10 Tips to Balance Self Interest and Self Sacrifice for a Wonderful Life
Top 5 Posts about Mindfulness
10 Ways to Slow Down and Still Get Things Done
8 Ways to Stay Present and Focused in a Tech-Driven World
7 Tips to Keep Technology from Taking Over Your Life
Top 5 Posts about Passion and Purpose
10 Ways to Be the Person You Wanted to Be as a Kid
30 Ways to Live Life to the Fullest
50 Ways to Open Your World to New Possibilities
Live Your Life Out Loud: 30 Ways to Get Started
Writing Your Way to What You Want
Top 5 Posts about Being Good to Yourself
10 Ways to Let Go and Overcome a Bad Mood
40 Ways to Let Go and Feel Less Pain
10 Tips to Overcome Negative Thoughts: Positive Thinking Made Easy
7 Tips to Let Go of the Past So It Won’t Anchor You Down
How to Wake Up Every Morning on Top of the World
Top 5 Posts about Change
7 Ways to Deal with Uncertainty to Be Happier and Less Anxious
On Fearing Change: When It’s Time to Take a Leap of Faith
6 Tips to Deal When You Feel Out of Control: When Your World Gets All Shook Up
On Perfect Timing: When Things Aren’t Happening Fast Enough
6 Steps to Work Through the Pain of Change
Top 5 Posts about the Beauty of Life
35 Simple Ways to be Beautiful
50 Things to Love about Life That Are Free
60 Things to Be Grateful for in Life
5 Simple Ways to Show Compassion to Animals and the Planet
Top 5 Posts about Peace of Mind
How to Stop Second Guessing Yourself: 5 Tips to Feel at Ease with Decisions
How to Correct Your Mind to Get Out of a Funk
3 Steps to Practice Acceptance and Have a Peaceful Life
40 Ways to Live Life Without Regrets
On Dealing with Fear: Stop Judging Yourself and Be
That was long. Now What?
If you haven’t already, subscribe to Tiny Buddha!
If you enjoyed this post, share it on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon or the like.
If you’ve enjoyed Tiny Buddha this year and you’d like to donate to help offset the costs of the redesign, I would appreciate that. This would also help me immensely on a personal level. I spend a lot of time running Tiny Buddha, and I am trying to phase out some of the other freelance work I need to do to get by.
No pressure; this is a free site! Well, free to read—not free to run.
Thanks for reading. Have a beautiful day my friends. =)
Photo by Elizabeth the Queen of All Things

About Lori Deschene
Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others to do the same. You can find her books, including Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal and Tiny Buddha’s Worry Journal, here and learn more about her eCourse, Recreate Your Life Story, if you’re ready to transform your life and become the person you want to be.
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