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  • in reply to: why was I born, and why now and here #439249

    Dear Shinnen/John:

    You are welcome, and thank you for your reply. I need to have more time and focus to thoroughly read and reply, and so, I will be back to you tomorrow.


    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439246

    Dear Jana:

    You are welcome, and thank you for your support and encouragement! I too am looking forward to more discussions with you, and I will read and reply to your new (2nd) thread next.


    in reply to: Please help me to take a decision! #439237

    Dear freddo:

    Thank you for organizing your update so well, so it’s easy to read. Ex moved to France 5 years ago, the two of you get along so well, and you share custody of the kids- good thing that she didn’t go back to Argentina with your kids!

    “The boys seem to be adjusting well to the situation. There’s a lot of trust and mutual respect between us”- Trust and mutual Respect.. these are major. I had experienced neither growing up.

    My ex met someone new, and I’m genuinely fine with it. Honestly, I’d rather see her happy here than feeling miserable and wanting to go back to Argentina“- On Oct 26, 2018, I wrote to you: “If she found an interest in a man in France, that would be best, if she switched her attachment from the man in Argentina to someone in France”, and it happened, good thing!

    Whenever I do have time, I spend it with my kids—and I’m not looking for anyone to come in and disrupt that“- I am handing you The Best Father Award.

    Ever since I was a child, and even as an adult, I’ve always wanted to run a free circus for underprivileged or troubled kids… I’ve traveled to Moldova, Romania, Poland, and Ukraine twice, and I just returned from Armenia. I’ve performed over 200 magic shows, bringing smiles and laughter to thousands of children… And it’s not easy because I have no support. I pay for all of my trips and take on my vocation. But it’s priceless“- this is amazing! I didn’t read this part until a few moments ago,

    WOW !!!

    I used to think that letting go meant suppressing my feelings so they wouldn’t overwhelm me. But now, for me, letting go is like being in the ocean: rather than desperately trying to reach the shore, it’s about floating, gazing at the horizon, and trusting that, eventually, you’ll reach safer ground“-  I am going to take this thought with me today wherever I go, and let it sink in, thank you!

    I hope my story can help anyone feeling low. I know that sometimes it feels like your world is shattering, but life is stronger, and so are we… believe it or not. -‘The best is yet to come!’ Love“- thank you for this uplifting update, freddo. Thank you for choosing ❤️ for your children, for their mother, for all the children you entertain!


    in reply to: I met a girl who has a partner #439236

    Dear Clara:

    Hello Clara in Bali, (who was) sitting in front of a rice paddy!

    Yes indeed I was attracted to her because of her independence as well… Somehow the table turned around and I become the needy one“- I guess it’s about striking a balance between Independence and Connection.

    Honestly, even I travel alone this time, my mind is still filled with memories of her“- evidence of the connection you felt/ feel to her. It is not easy to undo a connection. It’s normal to miss a person you were with for so long.

    I am hoping to mentally leave everything that happened behind in Bali, so that I can go back as a fresh person“- be patient with the process, one step, one day at a time.

    Re the cat, I may foster one first“- reads like a good idea to foster instead of adopting one, at this point.

    Looking forward to your next update!


    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439235

    Dear Jana:

    You are welcome!

    “Could you elaborate more on the point you made in your post here: ‘when we encounter repeated aggression as children and without correction/ support throughout many years, we don’t heal completely. Part of the damage done cannot be undone…’ ? Do you mean it is unlikely to heal completely?“- the Emotional Flooding and Toxic Stress that is involved when a child is being repeatedly exposed to aggression in the home, when the aggressor is a parent and there’s no one to protect the child, interrupt normal brain development. In my case, as a result of my experience with my mother, I developed a tic disorder (Tourette Syndrome), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and learning disabilities, all within my first 5- 7 years of life.

    My first quality psychotherapy took place in 2011-13 and I have used these forums since May 2015 as a place of healing. There’s  healing that took place for me, and still takes place. Unfortunately, I cannot undo the Tourette Syndrome, nor the ADD, nor the learning disabilities. 

    As far as your examples, the two neighbors you shared about seem unreasonable, and the 2nd seems disturbed and unpredictable, someone to stay away from.

    I also lost two of my students because they both told me that I am too kind and that it was not motivating for them“- this reads strange to me: kindness would have motivated me. Maybe they meant that they need rules, structure, strictness and authority in the learning context, and your style is lenient.



    in reply to: Please help me to take a decision! #439224

    Dear freddo:

    Welcome back five years (in 20 days) since you last posted! I will read and reply Sat (it’s Fri afternoon here).


    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439222

    One more thing, Jana: thank you for the note addressed to me, and welcome to the forums!


    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439221

    Dear Jana:

    I was considered as the weakest and thus the easiest target… regularly attacked by bullies and I wasn’t allowed to leave… I suddenly found myself in a very cold, hostile environment… The school system in 90s and early 2000s in the Czech Republic was still very communist-like:… mistakes or even little misbehavior were punished but never explained.. And so.. that happy, curious and very thoughtful girl turned into a frightened, anxious little thing full of doubts…I was looked at as the ‘strange’ and ‘sick’ one… and the alienation grew and grew“-

    – As I understand it, growing up, you experienced the societal survival of the fittest/ dog eat dog mentality and behavior that is often associated with harsh, competitive environments, such as former communist societies, where competition over limited resources was intense and individuals turned to aggression so to establish dominance, hierarchy, so to successfully compete.

    It is a common behavior in animals who live in social groups: it is the aggressors that win over limited resources such as food, shelter and mates.

    I was in a group of boys, many of whom had troubles with aggression. I had an opportunity to speak to them during breaks and I realized that they were ‘victims’ of that cold atmosphere of that time, as well.. no communication, no feelings, no understanding, just orders, criticism and rebukes“- from online: in former communist societies, the environment was often characterized by a lack of open communication, emotional expression, and mutual understanding. Instead, interactions were dominated by orders, criticism, and rebukes.

    The state exerted strict control over all aspects of life, including the economy, education, and personal behavior. This often led to a top-down approach where orders were given without room for feedback or discussion. Any form of dissent or criticism of the state was harshly repressed. This created an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship, where people were afraid to express their true thoughts and feelings.

    Public criticism and rebukes were common tools used to enforce conformity and discipline. Individuals who did not adhere to the state’s ideology or directives were often publicly shamed or punished. Emotional expression was often suppressed in favor of maintaining a stoic and disciplined demeanor. This led to a culture where feelings were not openly discussed or valued. Decisions were made by a centralized authority, and individuals had little say in the matters that affected their lives. This created a sense of powerlessness and frustration among the populace. This environment could lead to a sense of alienation and disconnection among people.

    Back to your share: “So, yes – I did overcome my social phobia… I haven’t suffered from social phobia for about 10 years“- C o N g R a T u L a T i O N s !!!

    But even though I have overcome my worst nightmare and I am very happy – I have a loving man and we live near the forest where I can be with the animals and roam the woods, meadows and fields like before, I still have a feeling that I haven’t found a peace when it comes to people and society… I am not shy anymore.. but I still feel a little fear, a little rejection from society.. for who I am. I think I am not healed completely“- congratulations for all your accomplishments and progress. And, I believe, when we encounter repeated aggression as children and without correction/ support throughout many years, we don’t heal completely. Part of the damage done cannot be undone, but any and every healing that is possible makes life so much better.

    I found out that even now in my adulthood, my reserved and calm nature is a trigger for some people. The difference is that now they cannot beat me.. so they at least shout at me or blame me for being too passive, unsociable… is it really that bad to be good and calm? I think that people still take out their suffering on me.. as I am probably still an easy target“- I am trying to understand this part. Can you give me a few examples of incidents where recently, people have shouted at you, and/ or blamed you being too passive and unsociable: who blamed you, in what contexts, what do they actually say to you, and when did they raise their voices? How did you react?


    in reply to: Married but crushing on someone else #439218

    Dear Bozo:

    I will repeat what you shared (some of your words are in boldface) and offer you my thoughts.

    You shared that your husband is soft and kind to a fault

    to a fault means that you find fault in him being too soft, too kind, that you perceive his kindness and softness, which are usually positive traits, as excessive, leading him, I figure, to not be assertive enough when the situation calls for it..?

    * Excessive kindness and overly accommodating others, in some people’s minds (not in everyone’s mind), come off as lacking confidence, of being weak and submissive, especially when it comes to men whose traditional gender role/ societal role emphasizes traits like confidence, strength ad assertiveness.

    You shared that you married your husband a few months ago. In the office building where you work there is a gorgeous guy to whom you are attracted and with whom you have some sort of chemistry. You are wondering, what if he’s a better match? for you, whether the two of you are soulmates.

    “I never felt that chemical-induced attraction to my husband. What we have is a deeper bond obviously, but more of an emotional one, whereas this guy caused sparks as soon as I saw him“-

    – the sparks you feel for this man, a man you haven’t been with yet, these sparks are driven by a change in the levels of chemicals produced in the brain (neurotransmitters): Dopamine levels increase, creating feelings of excitement and anticipation, making interactions with the person feel thrilling.

    Norepinephrine levels increase as well, causing- when in the company of the object of attraction> it causes a rush of the hormone adrenaline, which increases heart-rate, cause sweaty palms, and the “butterflies in the stomach” sensation.

    Serotonin (the “feel good” neurotransmitter) levels drop in the beginning of attraction, leading to feelings of anxiety , dissatisfaction, or general unhappiness when away from the object of attraction, causing one to focus on and obsessively think about the object of attraction, and when imagining being with him,  or being physically close to him (although not with him, alone) there are feelings of euphoria and excitement.

    Why do you feel this way (why this chemical cocktail) for this man (I’ll refer to him as M) but not for your husband (I’ll refer to him as H)?

    (1) The Gorgeous Factor: you mentioned that M (not H) is gorgeous. I am guessing that in your perception, H is not gorgeous, at least, not close to how gorgeous M is. I figure that M’s physical looks was a trigger for the chemical cocktail mentioned above.

    (2) The Mystery and Novelty Factor: the unknown can be incredibly alluring, leaving a lot to the imagination, which can heighten feelings of attraction. Some of the things that you experienced within H in real-life (examples, perhaps: how he smells when sweaty and in need for a shower, how he snores at times, if he does), you didn’t experience yet with M.

    (3) Psychological Factors: M who you don’t know yet, a stranger in almost every way, represent something that you long for. Maybe you are usually slightly depressed, or bored, and M represents Excitement, something different than the ordinary.

    Maybe m represents an idealized idea of a perfect match/ a soulmate, the one that is portrayed in fairy tales you may have grown up with, or in romance novels and movies: The One with whom you will always be happy (“and they lived happily ever after“).

    Mabe something about the way he looks, moves, maybe his voice..  reminds you of someone you knew and admired as a child.

    “(I)  hate myself plenty… Anyways, what do I do? Should I leave my job? Should I leave my husband? Should I try to get to know the person in question? Please please refrain from hate because I genuinely feel broken and damaged and really really selfish for being in this situation and having these thoughts. I genuinely feel very lost and upset.“-

    – Self hate will lead you in the wrong direction. Shift from a judgmental attitude toward yourself (judging yourself as selfish and hateworthy) to => => => an empathetic attitude toward yourself. Self-empathy will lead you in the right direction.

    Before you make any real-life decision while under-the-influence of neurotransmitters and hormones, figure out what it is that draws you to M: what is it that he represents in your mind and heart?

    Look within: what is the origin of your dissatisfaction in life, marital or otherwise: is it a lonely childhood/ a lonely adolescence which produced an early craving for a perfect/ idealized (and unrealistic) union with another person, a union where you will never again be alone..?

    is it something else?


    in reply to: Will I ever be free of this fear of people? #439198

    Dear Jana: I will read and reply in about 12 hours from now.


    in reply to: Married but crushing on someone else #439197

    Dear bozo: No worries- no harsh response, no hate response from me. I’ll be back to you on about 11 hours from now.


    in reply to: Cancer sucks #439193

    Dear me:

    They cancelled chemo because his cancer is beyond treatment“- so, palliative care is what’s left: providing the patient with relief from symptoms/ making the patient feel more comfortable, and helping family members deal with the situation through counseling, respite care and more.

    It’ll be okay, for you to fall apart for a while.

    Like your father, I also would like you to move on with your life. You deserve a better life, a good life.


    in reply to: Cancer sucks #439188

    Dear me:

    This is a difficult time for you and for your father. I hope that he is made to feel as comfortable as possible by the medical team that is treating him. I know that your relationship with him wasn’t easy, and this is a painful and challenging time for you. It’s okay to feel whatever it is that you are feeling. Grief can be really complicated. If you need to talk more, to express yourself, please do, anytime.

    I am thinking of you and hoping that you find some peace and comfort. You are a good, worthy person who cares for and  helps other people. You deserve peace of mind at this time, and at any other time.


    in reply to: Cancer sucks #439182

    Me: earlier this very day (this Wed), way before your recent post of 16 minutes ago, I thought about asking how you’re doing, and this very evening I get your message, which I can’t read in a focused way because, well (intoxicated). I will be back to you Thurs morning.


    in reply to: What is Positive to you? #439177

    Dear Brian:

    How are you? Last you posted was a reply to me on May 8 this year, almost six months ago (on your Is Life Itself Divine? thread). There you shared that you haven’t given up on connecting with people, that you still have a couple friends that you meet with regularly, and (in regard to your concern about people being ingenuous), you wrote: “I try to remind myself to focus on the intent of what people say rather than specific words. Most people aren’t trying to be disingenuous and use certain phrases out of habit.“-

    – an excellent point. For example, when a person asks in a friendly way, upon coming across another person, How are you? while not having thought about the person at all before the meeting, or when a person says to a stranger: it was great talking to you! (while it wasn’t good or bad), these are phrases/ wordings said out of habit, common social niceties that help maintain politeness and smooth interactions. Even though they are not genuine, the are positive because of the intent behind them, a positive intent. And because these phrases do work when it comes to maintaining smooth interactions between people.

    Dear Panditdevsharma:

    I need your positive thinking post today, the day after (U.S.) elections day, so thank you: “Keeping hope through challenges is about looking for solutions, finding joy in small moments… (it) fosters growth, resilience, and strong relationships… It’s a powerful choice.

    I like what you posted Oct 9: “ Love often shines through in our connections with others. Acts of kindness, compassion, and support among friends and family can be seen as expressions of God’s love.“,

    Sept 11: “In order to do what you love with joy, it’s important to align your actions with your passions and values… Focus on the process rather than the outcome, and approach each task with a mindset of gratitude and curiosity. Set small, achievable goals that inspire progress and celebrate every step forward“,

    Aug 28: “Spiritual awakening often involves significant personal growth and transformation, but it can also bring emotional and sometimes physical pain. This pain occurs because awakening challenges your old beliefs, patterns, and attachments. As you let go of these old ways, you might experience discomfort, confusion, or sadness, which can be overwhelming.

    Jan 22 (the following can apply to a political disagreement) : ” 1. Stay Calm:... 2. Educate: Share information… calmly and respectfully to dispel misconceptions. 3. Express Boundaries: … request respectful discussions. 4. Focus on Common Ground: Emphasize shared values and similarities rather than differences. 5. Lead by Example: Demonstrate the principles of compassion and understanding… 6. Seek Dialogue: Encourage open-minded conversations to foster mutual understanding. 7. Surround Yourself: Connect with like-minded individuals who respect diversity to create a supportive environment.”

    I hope to read more and more from you, Panditdevsharma!


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