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ParticipantLost in one’s thoughts and setting up rules, as others who will not become to be called friends. No wisdom and no compassion. But acts as one who knows. This is the monkey mind tending to its own needs and protecting it realm. Buddha asked if one has seen the infirmed, sick and old. And does one realize that one will become as such. That there is presently no escape from getting old and dying. Life is suffering. It happens again and again. The cause of suffering is the clinging, attachment to this material state. There is a path to liberation.
So what does a person want when they ask the question of what is positive to you? And does not listen to the answers? Then, states that he does not like when people act fake? Sounds like a person trying to polish a roof tile into a mirror. It is not possible to make something with what one has. But, this is my own opinion.
As being positive, to me, means that one proceeds in doing right or proceeds in acting in good faith regardless of what one believes the outcome to be. Now having an attitude of good cheer or depression or sadness … that is more of how one feels about one’s life and its predicaments.
Note: Being rude or being honest??
What obligation do I have to you? Meaningless because you care not about the truth of the situation. You want the real stuff? You want people to be honest? Being disrespectful doesn’t just come in words you say but also what you do. Saying it was great talking to you is just being pleasant. But, you want honest? Stuff like “Get the hell away from me because I don’t like you”. “Don’t reply to me, I don’t like your honesty.” Or people to just walk away from you while you’re talking. Poor baby, no one is treating you the way you want. Well, here is walking away from you.
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ParticipantA person wants stuff. When he doesn’t get it, he suffers. If he gets it then the satisfaction doesn’t last long. It becomes what is the next thing that will make him happy. This is the pattern. And, when a person has these thoughts for years, it build momentum. It develops deep roots and seems to take over. The first noble truth, life is suffering. What is the truth about suffering? And can one escape or become free from suffering? What is the path to liberation?
The reason people are polite is because society is built upon respect for one another, human beings. Being rude and disrespectful just because you do not truly care about another person is not acceptable. And, it will often elicit unwanted reactions. Call it fake if you want to. But, being nice to one another is what gets us thru the day.
Courage is about doing something in the face of danger (or being harmed). Morality is about right or wrong in the context of society. Being positive is doing the things you believe is right regardless of what you believe the outcome of your actions will be. Example would be to get up and go looking for a job even though you believe you won’t find a job that day. That isn’t about morality or courage. Another example would be to buy a lottery ticket even though one knows the odds are so heavily stacked against winning. That is being positive.
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ParticipantBeing polite and being genuine are not opposites. And being positive is not thinking everything will go the way you want it to. Being positive is doing what you think is right regardless of what you believe the outcome will be. Being positive is doing. Not thinking or believing or wishing. Stop judging people and accept there are all different kinds of people in the world. That was my two cents. Sorry that it does not mesh with your views.
ParticipantSo, the question is how to let go of the love of your life?? Putting the question that way means you thought he was the love of your life. However, all the cracks in the relationship was enough to push you away from him. So would think he was just a love that cut deep. If you spend any time thinking of him then it will in grain in your memories and present thoughts. That will bring up feelings. The more you do that then the more difficult it becomes to let go. One must spend less time thinking of the past. Spend more time in the present. Maybe think about your future. Only if you can spend less and less time thinking of him will the feelings pass and let you move forward. I wish you happiness.
ParticipantZen monks who travelled the land would often stop at Zen Buddhist temples looking for a place for the night. At times, there would be a sort of Zen Dual. If the travelling monk could defeat the temple representative in a silent battle of Buddhist thoughts or understanding then they would be allowed to stay. One day, there was a travelling monk looking for a place to stay for the night. The Abbot, who was very busy at the time, assign his pupil to go greet the monk. His pupil was a rather large fellow who only had one eye after losing the other eye in a childhood accident. So, he goes to the entry way and greets the travelling monk. The Monk bows and then puts up one finger. The abbot’s pupil bows and puts up two fingers. The travelling monk then bows and walks away. The Abbot sees the travelling monk and asked him what had happened. The monk said that he put up one finger to show the we are one with the world. Then the abbot’s student put up two fingers to show the duality that we all live under. Therefore, after having loss, the travelling monk was leaving. A little later, the Abbot saw his student and asked him what had happened. The student replied that the monk was very rude. He held up one finger to show me that I had only one eye. So, I held up two fingers to congratulate him on having two eyes. Then he turns and runs away. If I find him I will beat him up. The Abbot just smiles.
It is easy to misunderstand people cause we are into what we believe is going on. The truth is sometimes a little harder to see. I wish you happiness in your journey.
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ParticipantAsking this question, you already know the answer. Being treated less than what you feel is right?
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ParticipantDear Anita,
I apologize because you do so much here to try to help people. And, I can not even answer your post correctly.
ParticipantWow, going from a question of “Is this rude?” to looking at options of legal separation?? Thoughts about how this marriage is not how it was meant to be. Then, more about not being able to work or to go out to find a job? Self-esteem? As an outsider, not knowing the details, it seems to me that this person needs to see themselves thru the eyes of others to determine their worth to themselves. So, not being mentioned in a postcard becomes a traumatic turning point in one’s life?? It is always the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I wish you happiness. Good luck.
ParticipantZen master Hakuin lived in a village and was well respected for his teachings. Then, one day, loud voices are heard from the neighbor’s house. The parents found out their daughter was pregnant. They wanted to know who the father was and kept asking her. She responded by saying the father was master Hakuin. When the daughter had the baby, the parents brought the baby to master Hakuin and said that he must take care of the baby since he was the father. Master Hakuin responded, “Is that so?” The master’s reputation fell. Still, Hakuin took very good care of the baby. After a year, the daughter could no longer hold her tongue. She finally told the truth and said the real father of the baby was the boy in the fish market. The family went to Master Hakuin and apologized and asked for the baby. Master Hakuin said, “Is that so?” and handed the baby over to them.
Dwelling upon the way one wants things to be and it doesn’t turn out that way … it is called suffering. Acting with wisdom and compassion … that is where I see happiness. I wish you happiness.
ParticipantIf one looks for faults in another then one may just find it? Addressing a Christmas card to the one person, who he has a personal connection, is not usually done to be rude but an oversight (unintentional) of others in the family. However, it is a choice one makes to take it as being rude or to let it go and move forward. What results from taking it as being rude? Anger? Distance between people (husband and friend)? What results from letting it go and moving forward? Sending a postcard to a friend? Not being upset over someone’s mistake? Question, does one spend any time with one’s husband when he zoom calls this friend? People forget … out sight, out of mind?? Send a postcard to his girlfriend and leave his name out of it. See how he reacts if one still has doubts?
Note: I do not say it is rude or it is not rude. Just that one has a choice in life to be happy or angry. I wish you happiness.
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Sorry. May be something I read long time ago?
Personally, still on this journey.
Still practicing, meditating. Still learning.
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ParticipantThe more one brings thoughts of regret to mind the more they take hold in one’s consciousness. Once rooted they take on a life of their own. I do not know how to rid one of regrets. Just that one must work on the present and be ever mindful of the present. Then as time passes, regret loses it grip and slips away. It is much like getting over a loved one who has broken up with you. One never forgets. But, with time, it becomes easier to move on.
ParticipantMy apologies to any I may have offended. To me awakening has to be worked upon to bring it to maturity. Hearing the lack of guidance and pitfalls, it does not align with all that I learned about awakening to the truth of ones nature. The experience of the mind fallen away. The sense of being whole like finding one’s head was attached to one’s body all the time one was lost.
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