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  • in reply to: I Want to be Happy, But I’m Stuck In The Past. #417749

    Dear Jamie & Jean Claire

    I am sorry that you both have had a rough time.   Friendship is a gift, one which most of us forget to cherish & nurture.

    The first thing is to become aware that you have fallen into the trap of negative rumination as soon as possible, then smile and congratulate yourself for spotting that you are in that train of thought, name it ie past, this breaks the chain of thought and gives you the chance to resync yourself in the present. There are many quick techniques to bring you back to the present, breathing, yoga, tai chi, name 5 things that you can see are just a few and they only take moments to do and cost nothing but are immensely valuable.

    To uproot any deep seated long held beliefs about yourselves may need professional help.

    Buddhism helps us let go of the past and walk courageously & compassionately with wisdom on lifes journey through all its ups & downs.

    in reply to: Unsure where I stand #417694

    Dear Lealea

    I guess most relationships start of casual ( except possibly arranged marriages).

    This man appears to enjoy your company ( & you his?).  He  asked about a change in the nature of your relationship from casual to exclusive and unless he is going down the avenue of coercive & controlling behavior means that he was open & vulnerable, which seems is quite a brave thing.

    in reply to: So many ways to go about life, unsure how to proceed #417667

    Hi William

    Can you say what bits of being in the  military reserves do you enjoy. Ie the friendship. the physical exercise, learning new things like map reading etc. This may be able to pinpoint where one possible source of joy ( passion) and open up to how that aspect to be brought to your course and career choices.

    It has to be noted that one of the biggest regrets people have at the end of their lives is that they did not get to spend enough quality time with family and friends. No one  has said ” I wish I had spent more time at the office”

    in reply to: Broke up with my partner CSA warning #417660

    Dear Emma

    I am friends with my ex’s. One in particular which was a bit on & off plus he had issues. When we split up  I did loving kindness mediation/ mantra nearly every time I went out for a walk I held him & me in my heart and used sentences like may we be filled with loving kindness and may we be happy, as I too thought like you that I would rather him be happy in a relationship with some one else than be unhappy in one with me. A short while later he told me about the new lady and I then added her name into the mantra  so that I was holding all three of us in my heart simultaneously. When I met her a couple of months later we became good friends and have remained so for more than a decade.


    Dear Eric

    I have reread your original post on this current topic.

    What a quandary Show off my girlfriend to ward off other possible suitors for her, but by posting her picture now you think the world wants to date her!  The lady in question is not an possession that you own.

    I am sure both Anita & Helcat etc have given you much good advice in the past. In not dealing with aniexty and overthinking they will be your companion if you let them.


    Dear Eric

    So prior to this thread about posting photo and  relationship status on social media you had never circled in anxious thoughts and over thinking about anything?


    Dear Eric

    I cant answer for your god.

    Who knows how you will feel about your decision to post that photo on social media in six months, six years six decades from now.  You were happy when you posted it and now you are not, So the photo or posting is not the source of your  lasting happyness or  lasting anxiety.

    I think it is your anxiety that is making you feel that this relationship is hard work & that in turn does make the relationship hard work for you. Get professional help with anxiety as a whole rather than dealing with each little thing that occurs as something major.  Also get professional help to  deal with your attachment of not being good enough and comparing yourself unfavorably with almost everyone else on the planet. No one person has it all or is perfect all the time, no matter how they portray themselves on social media. Spending too much time & putting too much store in social media is not helping with your issues in fact it feeds your suffering.

    I get a  daily good email which helps broaden my perspective and I am not on facebook etc.


    Dear Eric

    The more you understand your body and its needs and how it influences your judgement and how your brain, mind etc work and influence your body you will be able to see that when you make decisions that are in line with your best self the better you will feel about them.  Learning to let go of the outcome ( & possible outcomes of decisions) or control of the outcome eases ones mind.  In general I do not find secrets helpful as  it often generates fear. living ones life clearly & honestly, being open to myself & others brings more joy and yes life will always bring loss of some kind but that is reality of impermanence that we (all things ) are subject to.


    Dear Swanky

    she neither wants to be my friend nor girlfriend and it hurts, but already she told me why though, she claims she wants to keep a small circle and she knows the type of friendship I want. There you see she has already given you the answer. You just dont like it and no one should be forced to have to explain themselves time & time again nor should they coerced into a relationship especially if it is illegal or inappropriate. I am not denying either your feelings for her or the hurt you are presently feeling, but in a way they are a separate issue to your boss as a person. I suggest you read the Dalai Lama’s book the Art of Happiness.


    Dear Eric

    As I see it, it is not your decisions that are the problem. Until you have dealt with the anxiety and overthinking that appears to run your life, the peace, contentment & happiness that you are constantly chasing after will always elude you.

    Staying grounded in the moment instead of second guessing past decisions and worrying about hundreds of different possibilities of the future especially the negative ones. The practice of mindfulness ,tai chi, yoga etc are designed to bring you back to the present and allow your mind to rest from the torment of being dragged into the past and future.  The zen story on you tube good bad who knows?, may also help.


    Dear Swanky

    I guess part of a managers job is to try to have a harmonious and friendly workplace. This is easier if they are open and approachable, which I guess she was towards you and you may have misread or over emphasized the personalization of her demeanor with you. I guess that once she realised that the work relationship had slipped into something more personal from your side that she had to make interactions with you more formal & professional than before.


    Dear Wren

    My heart goes out to you, words fail me. I wish I could just give you a big hug. You have been so brave & courageous. Your instincts as a mother are strong. I pray that  a guardian angel will help you.

    in reply to: Choosing Love #417090

    Dear Lisa

    I am sorry that you had such a bad start to your life. Until we become adults we are at the whims and fancies of the adults who make up our immediate surroundings and this impacts on our adulthood unless we take conscious steps to rectify the mistakes that our carers made (Romanian Orphanage Scandal).As adults we can explore what buddhists call the 8 worldly concerns and their antidotes that help relieve our suffering. As we relieve our suffering using wisdom, compassion & skillful means it naturally expands out into the world in general.


    Dear A

    I hope the physio is working for you. I subscribe to Daily Good, everyday they send an interesting article to read and also a suggestion for something to try out. Also both action for happiness and greater good science do monthly calendars with a different suggestion for each day ( this would give you some structure in your life). Grateful living does a daily quote which gives my mind something to ponder on throughout the day and I also like to neatly copy out any quote that I have found really helpful.


    in reply to: Trouble moving on… #416882

    Dear Tricia

    It is so hard when you get mixed messages. Our mind likes to hang on to any little sign of hope  and also does not like not having answers/closure. Mindfulness and meditation help you see these mind tendencies as they arrive and help you step back from them so that they eventually lessen in intensity and frequency.

    Some may say when you meet your ex imagine him as fat & old!

    Are you close to anyone at work who will be at is event as well? if so maybe you could ask them to hold your hand metaphorically. The best way thru is to appear cool calm & confident, look your best without it look like you are trying too hard, so clothing that is comfortable & that you feel makes you look good ie dont were ultra high heals when you are used to wearing flats. If alcohol is on offer,  remember that it hinders our judgement and interferes with the control of our emotions.

    Your Ex has not acted honorably and you do not have to be his friend especially since you are living in different locations. polite cordial indifference is the best that he deserves from you.

    I wish you all the best




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