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  • Inky

    Hi There,

    OK, I was “your friend” who let the friendship die and wouldn’t give “closure”. This is my perspective.

    1. It is very possible that she thought you were getting too close to the family. (My friend was obsessed with my family. It was kind of weird.)

    2. SOMETHING must have happened last vacation. Did you say something, not say something, do something, not do something? Did you flirt with the husband? (Not saying you did.) Did you monopolize their family time? Leave wet towels on the bathroom floor? Let them pay for everything?

    3. Maybe they are having problems you don’t know about. Maybe the husband was the one that wanted family time. Maybe he said “We’re only inviting these other people”. Who knows??

    4. PROBABLY she thought that you would be tagging along on all her family’s vacation time. Like, maybe they LEGITIMATELY (sorry) wanted to spend some ALONE time, having an actual VACATION. I know this is harsh but listen to this: My old friend would ask every other month: “SO… What are you doing for Easter/Christmas/Spring Break/Summer/Thanksgiving??” We’d end up having her family over for the holidays OR she would HAPPEN to be in the state we would be at and then call to meet up. It got to the point where DH and I joked about one day telling her, “Oh, we’re in France,” and then get a call from Paris while we were in Hawaii.

    The worst episode was when she was all, “SO… What are you doing for Fourth of July?” I said, “We’re going to my Dad’s.” It was kind of obvious she was digging for an invitation. At this point I was trying unsuccessfully to do the Slow Fade in between bouts of our arguments. I somehow got the family to my Dad’s by SNEAKING OUT OF MY OWN HOUSE. Well, she “happens” to go see the fireworks at my dad’s neighbor’s house!! She’s calling from her cell phone: “SO… I’m right next door!!”

    5. If she did not respond to your FB, texts, calls and emails, DO NOT go over to her house and have a confrontation! If you do, you will only prove that she in fact made the right decision.

    6. I did tell my friend “No, you can’t visit us, I need some space and family only time” once and it was like a bomb went off. The friendship wasn’t the same after I put up that one boundary. Then she was all “confrontational”: “What’s bothering you?” “Um, I need space.” “What is it about me that’s really bothering you?” “Um, no space??”

    Are you sure you’re not boundary busting by asking, “Well, this other family got a whole week, I should get a few days!” I mean, we don’t get unlimited vacation time! Let the family be with just each other. Yikes.

    7. Way out there, and may not be the reality AT ALL. BUT! Did the husband give the wife the impression that you ever flirted with him? Or did the wife ever pick up the vibe that you liked the husband? Even if this is not the case, based on the email she sent, “Family first” also includes husband/wife time!

    Sorry so harsh, but I would leave this family alone.

    Speaking from the “Other Side”

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Making decisions #80954

    Well, you are still young. Consider this ~ I’m a parent. If my older son still had a drug issue, and the other son wanted to be part of a travel/educational program/job, frankly, I’d be relieved that at least someone in the family had a goal. I mean, if you’re a girl, there is the pressure of starting a family one day, but a guy can start one in his forties even. And you can assure your parents that you “will probably find something serious later on, but this opportunity presented itself, blah blah” … LOL

    Now, as far as the Fear, the Block… I have it too!! What is helpful is to have a buddy, or a team. Like, have someone else send out your resume and you send out theirs. Or do job searches together. Maybe start a Meet-Up for job searchers! Even better if you find a love interest with the same career goals as you, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

    in reply to: Making decisions #80912

    Dear deepunk,

    Aside from praying everyday (and prayer is very, very powerful!) there’s not a whole lot you can do for your parents OR your brother ~ on THIS physical level. Spiritually, yes, do everything you can think of: prayer, mantras (and if access to his place, recordings of spiritual chanting, oil and salt on the doors and windows, Tibetan bells). That is how I snapped my son out of it, by the way. The energy in his room and in the house was so “high” that he didn’t feel a need to get, well, high!

    I would devote a spiritual practice every week for your parents’ and his benefit and then leave it alone mentally when you’re not doing it.

    Now, as for the job and living situation ~ We certainly know what you don’t want ~ Which is what you have now. But I want to know what you DO want. What job do you want and where do you want to be living?



    in reply to: feeling lonely, tired and unhappy #80846

    Hi belle1010,

    I’m afraid if you travel or learn French, or whatever ~ that that will be a mere distraction from your loneliness, not a cure. What I would do is “Dig Deep”. Learn to love being alone, AND really get to know and cherish the people you’re with. For example, our neighbors, each and all of them, have absolutely nothing in common with us! Yet, after fifteen years, I would cry if I had to move away from them.

    So live in the paradox of loving your own company and loving the company you’re in.



    in reply to: Going down the drain – help #80723

    Wait a minute. Listen. Right now you need rent money. Do whatever it takes to make that happen. Ads in the paper. Business cards. Word of mouth. A great one is house sitting. Pet sitting. I have a friend who does Social Media for all the businesses in town so they don’t have to. Girl just bought a house!! Tutoring. SAT TUTORING! We had a 60 something year old guy come to our house to help our son. We took him seriously because he WAS so much older! Looks don’t matter. Wear glasses and be shlubby in a nerdy way and you’re in! Seriously.

    THEN, when after you have several side jobs YOU offer to people, THEN after cash is coming in, THEN you worry about this existential “should I stop dreaming” stuff. THEN you continue job hunting. Just get the cash. I’m telling you, “College Coaches” are becoming in high demand. Help these parents launch their kids into college, that’s where it’s at right now.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Seriously. How would you answer this #80720

    Hi ivan,

    Wow, that question (the first one, anyway) has always bothered me. I remember being FOUR, and riding in the back of the car, looking up at the moon. Then I remember freaking out, because, what if I’m not around to see the moon and the world through MY EYES, and the Universe ENDS? Because, you know, I’m NOT seeing the moon through anyone else’s eyes, and therefore, does it indeed exist??

    Consciousness has always fascinated me. I suspect we are closer to God/The Universe than we might think.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Going down the drain – help #80679

    Hi bill,

    Why not start your own business/company? Get several Yellow Pages from different towns and see where there is a “gap” in your area. For example, what if the nearest dog groomer was 20 miles away from your town? And not to put down dog grooming, but how much skill is needed for that anyway? Even if you’re bad at it at first, you can only get better, and if you’re the only one in the area, no one will know the difference. (I’m just using dog grooming as one of many examples.)

    Or how’s this: Estate Manager? Honey-Do Man (“I do the jobs your Honey is too busy to do”)? Pool guy (we need one in our area) to fix the pumps and replace tile?

    Once you have a smattering of jobs, though small, it should get you through while you find something else. Or, your new side business will be YOUR business and you can even hire people one day! Who knows?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Feeling Stuck #80559

    Hi dnlaurie,

    Well, with Weight Watchers, though the theory of it makes sense, in reality it is essentially Food Rationing. LOL! If I had to Food Ration I’d feel a block myself! That is reserved for famine and war time IMHO. You are already beautiful, from your picture.

    The happiest diet I’ve ever been on was Paleo. And the most effective one for me was juicing, blending, and eating fruits, nuts and mostly vegetables.

    I also don’t go on the scale. I have (and plan) a breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. That’s about it.

    Essentially I’m telling you to pick something you don’t even have to think about.

    THEN, if you still have a block, we can help ferret out what it really is.




    Thx!! 🙂


    Hi anita!

    Thank You!

    Sometimes I feel like you provide the real advice and I’m the comedy relief! Love it!! 😀

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.

    Oh, I had a neighbor that would literally copy everything we did. We took it as a compliment, actually!! I’d use it to my advantage. If I wanted to join a club, do an activity or diet, I knew who to call for a buddy!

    And here’s a confession. One day DH and I said offhandedly that we wanted chickens. Wouldn’t you know it, they were actively building a chicken coop a week later!! I couldn’t take it anymore, watching them toil in the sun and said, “We changed our minds, chickens are a pain in the azz.” Got a very interesting dirty look. LOL

    Why don’t you tell her you’re on the 30 Bananas a day diet and see what happens? 😉

    in reply to: How do you love yourself? #80441

    Hi Nicole,

    I would make a list. Make a list of loving things you would do for someone else, but in this case, do it for yourself! They are concrete things, rather than abstract thoughts.


    1. Get a medical checkup ~ dental, doctor, eyes

    2. Buy healthy and/or utterly delicious foods!

    3. Play hooky for a day.

    4. See a movie you’ve always wanted to see

    5. Go to festivals.

    6. Give yourself a gift ~ something you would never buy for yourself

    7. Take a long nap

    8. Get your nails done. A makeover. A massage.

    The list can go on and on, changed, etc. Make a list and do one thing a week.

    Good Luck!



    Hi chrisk,

    Another thing you can do is pick a “Mission in Life” that is beyond yourself. Find a church, temple or even meditation center. Most, if not all of them should have programs you can get involved with or volunteer projects. When you spend time helping others you WILL become happier! Also, you can’t help but meet new people. I feel like all the other stuff (romance, happiness, “a life”) will be added onto you if you do that.

    Why not try it?




    Oh my goodness, freespiritwonder,

    Some people in my very own family are that way!! What I do is “Keep my Goals Away from the Trolls”. NOT always easy NOT to talk or show evidence of what’s going on in your life and head. For example, if she sees you rocking a “Look”, she will not only “steal” “YOUR” signature look jacket, but she will buy the whole outfit!! Maddening, I know.

    But the reason she is so bitter is that once she “gets” YOUR dreams, there will STILL be a Hole in her Soul. She moves to the mountains. She will quickly discover that listening to nothing but screeching hawks and looking at God’s majesty ~ in the cold ~ ISN’T NECESSARILY FOR HER!! It’s for you, because you actually appreciate that. She moves to the mountains. So what? The mountains will still be there long after she copies someone else and moves to Vegas. See where I’m going with this?

    Usually Imitation is the Most Sincere Form of Flattery. You must be doing something right, girl! Also, I view her as a psychic vampire, an emotionally lost soul.

    Can you do a slow fade with this one??



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Just one of those days #80333

    Dear Nicole,

    Don’t you see ~ he LOVED being the “Prize” in a love triangle! Now that you are gone, he just has this other girl to feed off from ~ and that’s not enough!! So he desperately tries to continue the drama by telling, boasting and posting. Even calling your own mother to bring you back!! Sad.

    Darling, You WON!

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