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September 21, 2014 at 9:03 am in reply to: Finding compassion within a difficult relationship with an employee #65303
ParticipantI hate letting people go. It’s the least favorite part of running a business.
This is what I’ve done, and it’s not honest but seems to work nicely: First, give him a heads up that things are going to change by the New Year. That you are revamping the company. That money is tight and you’re letting people go or cutting salaries.
Hire an intern or young person to be his assistant. Now, deep in his heart of hearts he knows that he’s not doing a good job. Knowing that he may only have a few months and that there’s new blood that could take over his job ~ You should expect great improvements!
Then, at the beginning of the New Year, say that as he knows, change has come. That you are giving him a new, smaller job with a smaller salary or letting him go. If you’re lucky he will already have moved on or improved so much the meeting isn’t necessary!
OR! Bite the bullet and say, “It’s not working”.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantThere’s a great site called The Friendship Blog that I go to sometimes (when a friend is being maddening). It’s brilliant, and it has forums, too. They have sections on Making Friends, Keeping Friends, etc.
When I’m feeling the way you are I remember that I’m not for everyone! LOL!
Also, consider your age. So as your twenties progress, you could also feel left out because everyone is getting matched up, moving, working. In your thirties you make friends through your kids. Forties, you have a handful of keepers LOL. Then your friends die and you have to make friends of ALL ages.
So cut yourself some slack. Call up your friends and make dates to get together. And keep in mind that some people are just clueless. But remember ~ you picked them!
ParticipantSo it’s simple. Revisit her ten or fifteen years later. At least she’s mature enough to realize the depth of her own immaturity. What woman can’t handle kids part time? Even her own?? I know you love her, but Yikes! She sounds like a kid herself. Consider it a bullet dodged.
I also thought of something ~ I bet she’s feeling very real GUILT about her own kids. Like, “OK, I only see them a few times a week, and now I’m seeing his kids for half the week, so why did I give up my kids, when I’m going to be surrounded by kids anyway???”
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantHi Joe,
Two reasons to hope.
One is it was so sudden. Did something suddenly happen? Or was she planning this all along, and made sure the last few weeks were great? Hopefully it is a random mood and she can suddenly change her mind.
The other reason to hope is a horrible one. If she has MS, she’s going to need a lot of support in the future. More so than she might realize. Story: My neighbor wanted a divorce. We were all, “You can’t divorce her. You get sick all the time. You’re always in the hospital. Who will take care of you?” It was all true. They are still together and he “got over it”, whatever “it” was.
The only people you should be thinking about is your kids. Why did you choose someone who’s not into them in general? And then the poor kids! They finally bond with this character and she’s all “No thanks”. Don’t ever do that again. Next time have an every other weekend girlfriend. She should be like a ghost to them. “Yes, Daddy has a girlfriend somewhere, but we never see her, we and Daddy are rock solid.”
And for you and this one, there is a slight chance she’ll change her mind. Maybe. But don’t obsess or chase her too much, or she will get away. But if she doesn’t like kids, maybe that’s a good thing.
ParticipantHi there,
A long time ago, I was you! I worked as a model for like, five minutes, that’s how long this ethereal beauty lasts. I would get the creepy gazes. The nerve wracking cat calls. The praise. But, I’m an introvert, so it was, for them, like watching a rainbow or a sunset. Admiration but no connection.
And then the maddening actually liking someone and they’re all, “Eh.” The paradox killed me!!
This is what will happen: You will meet someone who will also be enchantingly beautiful, and also enchanting in his own shyness. And other people will comment on how gorgeous you look together. The guy you like/d will get his interest perked up by 1 – 10%. But it will be too little and too late for him.
And, yes, you and your new partner’s looks will fade so you are one day merely cute or good looking. But you will look out at the world with the same starry wise eyes.
Don’t you see? You are already free, open and honest. And it’s painful sometimes. You’re beautiful. You’re an introvert. Continue living with your nature and it will all work out.
ParticipantHi Jenny,
Well, congratulate yourself for spending seven years with each other! It is not a failure, even though it did fail ~ seven years with anyone or doing anything is considered a triumph in my book and nothing to sneeze at.
Now, as to the boyfriend: He went from a cute sweet boy to a mean ass in a man’s body. You can theoretically chalk it up to the new Quarter-Life Crisis phenomenon. But you definitely have to let him go. Forget marriage, and owning property with him.
Break up with him and revisit him in a year (if you’d actually want to). In this next year go hiking, have girls night outs, get makeovers, meet grown-ups, find a new place to live if living with him, etc.
You know what to do. And especially what not to do. No deep talks necessary. He doesn’t deserve them. Tell him you’re taking “a break”. After a month or two of no contact he will realize you dumped him.
September 17, 2014 at 4:25 pm in reply to: My Boyfriend Is Withdrawn And Ignoring Me After His Divorce – How Do I Save Us?! #65102Inky
ParticipantHi Jen,
That’s great!
I would let him continue to take the lead. Some people would say wait a few days before responding, but it’s up to you.
OK, you had your communication, now sit back and wait for him to contact you again! And have fun in the meantime with YOU!
ParticipantYou need a mission in life that you can do today. Wanting to join the military is a noble, inspired, and not wrong idea. Why don’t you give yourself a year to get in shape and drop the weight, come back and surprise them? Or join the Navy that may not have such stringent requirements? (So I’ve heard, I could be wrong.)
So while you are on a diet and working out, also please volunteer for your local Habitat for Humanity. You will be building houses for families who, as you know, desperately need to get out of the neighborhood. Strong, bright young men working with them is like gold.
And, not to proselytize for any one religion, but check out likely places of worship where they have a strong young adult and outreach programs you can make friends with and help.
So those are the three things I would do if I were a young white man starting out again. 🙂
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
September 16, 2014 at 5:59 am in reply to: A helpless guy who thinks he is getting mad. I need your help. #64931Inky
ParticipantHi earthian,
Maybe you don’t take your life seriously because you don’t take you seriously.
Dreams are great, but when it’s time to act on them, it is typical to “freeze”.
“Because, what if you put in all this time and effort and it didn’t work out? It’s better to be a “loser” because you didn’t try than to be one because you gave it your all and found lacking. Then that’s “proof” that you are.” That’s what your subconscious mind is saying.
The good news is you’re still young. Can you work for someone else and have your own projects going on as a weekend hobby? Maybe you’re freezing because you think it has to be all or nothing. Like, work for an automotive company first. Or, do things in the business that haven’t been done before. Blog about it. Become a guru. Do it for the love of cars and bikes, not for fame or fortune.
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantI have the exact same problem! Here’s what I do sometimes: I’ll plan to do One Thing that weekend. I clear all the other “Shoulds”, “Have Tos” and To Dos off the table. It’s all about That One Thing. Waking Up, Getting Dressed, Eating, That One Thing, Eating Again, Bed. What happens is you feel itching to do The One Thing. You can’t wait to do it. Once you do it, you are Free! You will feel Virtuous! Fulfilled! Start with the ridiculously simple. Then work up to projects that take up a morning or afternoon block to do it.
I think what happens to us is we either don’t think we can do the task, or we think it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things.
And sometimes, it’s because our souls are calling us to do something else.
But let’s start with the coffee meet and the cleaning and then see what happens!
September 14, 2014 at 1:30 pm in reply to: My Boyfriend Is Withdrawn And Ignoring Me After His Divorce – How Do I Save Us?! #64880Inky
ParticipantInterest from a major label? OK, in like, ten days or so, have your agent/band member/studio communicate with him on that. i.e. “Hey, Prometheus Records wants to sign a contract, we have a meeting with our studio/lawyer/agent on Oct. 1st/.”
But honestly? Stay away from him.
He’s too much and not enough.
I think I can speak for everyone that we’ve all been through this. And we’ve also had that “Oh God” feeling when we’re trying to end a relationship and be kind but we keep getting contacted. Don’t give him any more “Oh God” feelings concerning you. Pavlov’s dog in reverse.
ParticipantHi Mermaid, some thoughts:
1. What, ultimately, is your end game, or the ultimate thing you’re looking for? i.e. Marriage.
2. What is the least thing you want to see happen? i.e. Boyfriend sees you every day.
Once you are clear about your At Least and The Most, you can swim in between.
3. Your boyfriend is not powerful enough to start physiological reactions in your body. This is all you. This is much deeper than the boyfriend. This is your spirit talking to you through your body. Find a therapist to talk to.
September 13, 2014 at 6:03 pm in reply to: My Boyfriend Is Withdrawn And Ignoring Me After His Divorce – How Do I Save Us?! #64858Inky
ParticipantHi Jen,
Sorry to interrupt the dialog! Can I just add, that I know this is really, really hard. But that, sometimes, the more you poke, prod, guess, make contact, make indirect contact, etc. the more it won’t work. You are in that territory.
Think of it like taking medicine. “Oh, if one Tablespoon is recommended, then drinking the bottle should do it!” but in reality, your medicine would then become your poison.
So, yes, let’s say two/three contacts is the very most you can do to make your situation better. However, after that third contact, a fourth, would start putting you going in the opposite direction, a fifth you become an irritant, a sixth you are now the crazy stalker chick.
Don’t be the crazy stalker chick. Do you hear what I’m saying to you?? For goodness sake, give the boy some breathing room ~ a chance to miss you! Not breathing room as in “Thank God she’s finally gone”. But that means you have to stop. Now!
This will be difficult. No texting, calling, talking to your friends, his friends, gifting, running into. The sooner you stop, the sooner he will contact you ~ on his own.
ParticipantI’m Western, so on a level I don’t “get” arranged marriages. But, some of my East European ancestors were in some.
An alliance, or the families meeting, IS NOT A MARRIAGE. No vows have been broken. No Karma initiated. The families meet to make sure all is well. Life is still open ended.
My Great Grandmother, like yourself, broke off an engagement. She was 17 and saw that he was acting “just like a typical Romanian man”, so dropped him. If she stayed with him, I would be a different person (or not exist!) and wouldn’t be writing to you LOL! So I’m glad she married my “foreigner” Galatian great grandfather!
So my advice to you is to marry the next likely girl your parents show you!
ParticipantHi Lexiis,
This is my gut feeling after reading your post: I don’t think he was cheating ~ I do think he liked having an admirer/groupie. A fan club. An option. An ego boost. Yes, it is very possible he likes the girl and that he was playing you both. But only in his mind. Know what I mean?
Anyway, let him “have” her. She “won”. But only because you dropped out of the game once you found out there was one. So what will happen is he will chase you and/or then will go to her, but she will dump him once she sees no one else is having him.
So dump him because the overall thing was tumultuous. The texting/FB/SnapChat fan-girl chalk up to a mental eyeroll provoker.
This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by