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  • in reply to: FaceBook Drama #60947

    OK, as an intuitive (and we all are!) your First Instinct is usually Correct. I know Buddhism and self-defense teachers say sometimes your instincts are wrong. However! 9/10 they are spot on correct!!

    It’s not how someone makes you feel in the moment. But how do you feel Right After the last interaction?

    Pay attention to the hair rising on the back of your neck, suddenly Not Wanting to Do Something, even dreams.

    Body language ~ not looking in the eyes means trying to get out of something. Looking in the eyes too much can be lying. Crossed arms are the person wants to end the conversation. Suddenly being your new Best Friend is they want/need something.

    If you’re having trouble with this and nothing bad happens to you, that is good news, you don’t need these skills as the people around you are flowing with your energy naturally!

    If you feel people are being dishonest or taking advantage, practice Observation rather than interaction. And don’t be so quick to give away your time, energy or money!

    in reply to: FaceBook Drama #60940

    We did do some Feng Shui on the outside of the house a couple months ago, hmmm. 😉

    in reply to: FaceBook Drama #60938

    I know, it’s so silly. I’m anxious about a “crazy” woman who virtually dumped me first. You know what it is? She is in the midst of moving and shaking up her life and I honestly want heads up on where she physically moves. I felt a shift in the force, checked, realized I’d been blocked, and felt, “Uh-oh.”

    Paranoid Version: That she waves to me from the house up for sale across my easement
    A Probable Version: That I get an email full of grievances
    Epic Version: That we have a face-to-face confrontation with hurt feelings, public scenes, embarrassed friends
    Past History Version: That next year she contacts me like Everything’s Fine

    But yeah, I feel twice as better today! Hopefully this will fade quickly into ancient history in my psyche.

    in reply to: Meaningless effort? #60937

    I always viewed it to mean that you should never let anything be your “raison d’etre”. Because all things eventually slip away or end. Then what do you have? And to enjoy doing things for the doing sake, not the getting/having sake. Pretty deep stuff. I’ve been wondering the same kind of questions off and on for years.

    in reply to: My fear… #60880

    Ironically, those same friends who let you have it are the same ones who would be flabbergasted if we ever said one contrary thing to them. It is possible that she feels guilty for being so hard on you. I’m sure she’s not perfect either!

    The good news is everyone’s only getting older and the chances of making social and life changing snafus are bound to go down as wisdom increases!

    in reply to: FaceBook Drama #60877


    Thank You! 🙂

    in reply to: FaceBook Drama #60858

    She never dated my DH but she is that one yelling. I never viewed it in terms of forgiveness/non forgiveness. When I am about to interact w/ her it’s more of an “Oh shit” feeling.

    in reply to: Boundaries #60823

    Oh God, Ruminant, I’ve had hints and whispers about being a kid’s guardian in a will ~ a huge honor ~ however, I had said gentle “NOs” like crazy (“What about the childless sister???”) ~ hopefully dodged a bullet and the parent lives to see the kids’ 18th/ birthday!!! And I’m Intuitive, so I know where things will lead (as can most people) ~ just follow that potential wave/trajectory, sister!! LOL

    Big blue ~ My family is three generations removed from England, so mincemeat was lost to us on holidays. Dried fruit, spices, sometimes some meat ~ like a fruit cake but 100X better and edible! When our family was in our Waldorf phase you can be sure we made it once or twice, however!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: My fear… #60817

    Two questions, deep ones:

    1. What profound thing/condition went on to make you have the original feeling of Shame?

    2. What event triggered it?

    I ask because you are still young (college age). People move/leave all the time. Everyone (sorry!) is at least a little self-absorbed in their teens/early twenties. Because you are scared of disappointing means that you are not as selfish as you think! But what is the root of not wanting to disappoint?? And why in the world should you know what to do with your life already? And being too dependent = fear. What were you afraid of? And not trying? I can’t believe that ~ and if for one minute you didn’t try, why would you not want to give yourself a break from all this? And it takes two to truly ruin relationships. So I am questioning all your thoughts, and I don’t even know you!! Please flip any thoughts around that are negative.

    I’ve had this feeling before over a specific situation ~ so much so that it was obvious it wasn’t about the specific situation at all!

    in reply to: Boundaries #60803

    LIVERWURST on Wonder Bread with a smear of mayo!!

    One day my sister randomly opened up my fridge in my first house and started laughing ~ I had liverwurst, which our mom gave us all the time!! I don’t know if I could even find it now! If I do I’ll leave it in the fridge and see how the three teens do/react to it!

    Blast from past!!

    in reply to: Boundaries #60793

    Oh God, diets!!

    Culturally, you will get kick back from some people more than others. What I’ve done is Take it AND Leave it!

    “Oh yes, thank you!” Take it. Have a bite. Or a “bite”. Cover food up with napkin, leave room, help serve, use rest room, etc.

    “I Just ate,” works.

    I cannot seem to stick to a diet this year.

    BUT what has worked was when I was in a Weight Loss Challenge. I said, “I’m in this challenge for $$$ and I’m winning!” Which was true! Then the tone changed!

    in reply to: Boundaries #60788

    Thank you so much for starting this post, Big blue!

    DH said something profound. That there are People Who Ask, and People Who Never Ask. So we were brought up in a community/households where you just don’t ask. But then you become friends with People Who Ask. And you don’t know how to say No because you yourself would never Ask. So you say Yes, you say Yes, you say Yes. Until you say No. Now most people would be OK with it, and they are. But some people are gobsmaked that you said NO! Even one! So they try to Bust your Boundary.

    I hate manipulation and lies ~ however, I have said, “I’m busy” because the social fallout would be too epic if I told The Truth. I only do Epic for Family, $$$, Life itself and Death.

    Short Version: Old Friend, her family and my family had been great pals for ten years. Old Friend (O.F.) divorces her husband. I meet his new girlfriend. I am “lying through omission” because I never mentioned the new GF. So over the next few years O.F. tries to fight with me that I never told her and that DH is still friends/work colleagues with ex husband. O.F. then becomes “Crazy”. She tries to cast doubt about me, her and my DH. I don’t take the bait. She tries to leave vast amounts of her crap in my house. I tell her that that’s not possible. She tries to manipulate. “That’s $200 in extra luggage! etc.” I say, “That’s OK.” She tries to visit. “That week’s not good.” She complains. I say, “I needed a break, and guess what that’s OK!” She tries to bait me again about my DH. I ignore. She finally yells, “I AM NOT AFTER YOUR HUSBAND!!” I look at her like she’s crazy. Because guess what? she’s “Crazy”. (For DH to have done anything, or to even admit to doing anything with her, vast quantities of alcohol would have to be involved.) Then there was FaceBook drama. Again, never took the bait.

    So each sentence of the paragraph above is one soap opera episode worth of drama.

    Basically setting boundaries, the best way, is saying your No’s as gently and calmly as possible with emotional detachment. And to remember that “No” is a complete sentence. “I’m busy” does work wonders. “I can’t do this but I can do that” works wonders too. And I can’t spend all my energy fighting. I have three kids, an ancient MIL, older parents. Sometimes you have to cast the BS loose.

    But thanks for reading!!!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Boyfriend's female friend situation #60783

    I love the “mind numbingly boring things women force other women to go through” thought. YES!!! Why do we do this to ourselves and each other?? And you know, The Ruminant, maybe I’m NOT an Introvert! Maybe I’m just a modern day Recluse! There can be a difference!! I don’t want counsin-in-law’s grandbaby’s far away baby showers. I don’t want Family Ministry committees. I don’t want email lists, FaceBook Events, RSVPS. I hate that stuff! I don’t even do XMas cards anymore! (How Unfeminine, I know.) In my next life I will be a clueless guy. I swear to God. Next life I will be fishing, hunting and farting happily ever after. Or whatever it is guys do. 😉

    We are too Nice!

    This is why we are so afraid of saying “NO”! Even to boundary busting BF’s female friends who have no female friends!! What are we afraid of???

    We are afraid of being Too Much and Not Enough. But that is another post. I hope I didn’t Post Jack, but I feel it is all related!

    When we say “No” we are a Bee-ach. Or “What’s our problem”?

    in reply to: Boyfriend's female friend situation #60778

    Hi The Ruminant,

    I know. Honesty is the best policy. However, I was dealing with Crazy. It was “Get out Alive” and she was spoiling for a fight. Long story, might have to post soon about for mental sanity!!

    Now that I’m past forty, I have little trouble saying “No.” When you don’t have an “excuse” there is social fallout. With my MIL (for a cousin-in-law’s grandchild’s far away baby shower type thing) I said, “Well, to be honest….. I just don’t want to!!” The sky threatened to fall. But she was too polite to say anything. The relatives were all a little chilly, but they will get over it.

    Last month I said a stronger “NO” to a huge favor, and gave all the truthful reasons.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Boyfriend's female friend situation #60774

    OMG, I just had a personal breakthrough!!! No kidding! Maybe this will resonate with you!!

    Why is it (I ask myself) that people (other women) can boundary bust, make inappropriate requests, go over our heads so to speak and ask our BFs/DHs first for favors…..

    And then WE feel guilty for wanting to set boundaries.

    And then God forbid that we DO set boundaries or say NO!!

    **You see, they weren’t counting on this.** Then (OP, this hasn’t happened to you yet and I hope it never will) they make YOU the Bad Guy!!!

    Background: I said “NO” to an old friend visiting a couple years ago because of some outrageous behavior. I did it the Old New England Way: “We’re busy that week! Maybe next time!” Long post worthy story, but it looks like she’s still trying to make me pay for it.

    So don’t feel bad! Boundaries!! Sorry I just had to get this off my chest!

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