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  • in reply to: Need advice on dealing with difficult ex #143893

    Hi Maria,

    This sounds strange, but I would consider the squabble that ended it a blessing. If he could break up with you over what is essentially a non-issue, then who needs him? And it had to do with you not offering to pay for some groceries for his family who were hosting, correct? I wonder if he heard his mom or dad complain about that and he freaked out. Some people can’t meld their sub-worlds well (e.g. GFs with family).

    Listen, you are still connected on Instagram and Twitter, so I would leave those. For now. But definitely drop him from FaceBook. Believe me, nothing will make him contact you more. But first I would post some glorious vacation photos and a handsome man and leave them up for a few days before you unceremoniously and suddenly pull the plug.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Relationship OCD – Letting People/Exes Go…how?! #143715

    Hi AnglesWhispers,

    I don’t care if the ex BF had OCD. The fact is he hurt you. And I bet he is no prize. Best to be in a relationship with someone who is crazy about you (as they should be!) with any and all faults of yours added in.

    I wouldn’t give the ex BF a free pass or even waste therapy money and time on this guy.

    You are free! Free from nonsense! Free!!




    in reply to: How do I fix this? #143567

    Hi Yani,

    Some people just aren’t cut out for long term relationships. In a way this is freeing because then you can really delve into unconditional love and follow your heart, moving as the Spirit moves you. You think this is a bad thing, but so is attachment if you’re not truly getting any joy from it.



    in reply to: Is it a sin to be happy? #143491

    Hi Henry Alec McLeod,

    When you are happy, people will “want what you have”. Then you can tell them about the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, or anything else that helps you be in that good state.

    It is a blessing!



    in reply to: I can't find an answer to what makes me "me" #143197

    Hi Roy Phang,

    I believe what you need is a Mission in Life. Men are told to make money. Couples are told to be faithful. So when you aren’t solvent or faithful you feel badly about yourself. Cheating is a symptom of trying to find fulfillment. Because of the belief that you aren’t making money so you need to fill the perceived void.

    There’s a Shaker (Quaker?) song “Tis a Gift to be Simple”. Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to come down where you ought to be. And when you find yourself in this place just right you’ll be in a place of love and delight… YouTube it.

    Live within your means. Stay true to your wife. And find a faith or spiritual community, and/or a cause you can help with.



    in reply to: An Idea for Improving Productivity and Self-Worth #143051

    Hi Holly,

    I love your Three Things plan! It reminds me of a saying: “When the lute is strung too tight it breaks, and when it is strung too loose it does not play”. Three is an awesome number! Four you can get frustrated if something doesn’t get done, and one or two could seem unfulfilling at the end of the day. No one can argue with the Three Things!!

    Thank you for inspiring!


    in reply to: Questioning Relationship Compatibility #143001

    Hi again!

    I was exhausted just reading this! You are not a failure, it’s just not working. In fact that’s what you can say to him if you choose to cast him loose: “It’s not working”. I suspect grad school and your life will become MUCH easier. Which is as it should be. If a relationship is all work, AND it’s not working, what indeed is a relationship for? A relationship is for you gel with someone and life is actually easier and FUN!



    in reply to: Questioning Relationship Compatibility #142917

    Hi Kayla,

    I suggest you take a break from this guy. You are in grad school, and I agree (whole heartedly!) with Anita’s advice that that is your highest priority and it will give you a greater return on your investment. Tell your BF that it is all too much right now. Grad school’s hard enough, no?



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Eating meat #142683

    Hi Gregory,

    This is not PC to say, but Northern Europeans need more animal protein than others. This is because they (we?) were among the last peoples to take up agriculture and because of adapting to colder climates over the millenias.

    So it could biologically be a challenge. I took a meatless diet up off and on throughout my life and I found that I’m good for a month, but then would literally waste away, have zero energy and get sick. My mother would yell at me to eat meat, have an egg or a glass of milk. I would and would instantly get better. I need an enzyme you can only get through animal products. And Vitamin B 12 won’t do it.

    On the flip side, if you’re going to do it for moral reasons, consider veganism. Keep in mind that by eating eggs and milk, that too, is cruel to the animals. Where do you think veal comes from? How do you think they get a cow to lactate? And what becomes of the young roosters (you only need one!)? Or the older egg layers? Agriculture is cruel.

    But you come first. See how your body reacts to a vegan/vegetarian diet.

    And remember! Even the Dali Llama partakes once in a while.



    in reply to: Physical attraction to someone with anorexia nervosa #142551

    I didn’t mean to play devil’s advocate and I didn’t mean to belittle your feelings, and I do apologize for giving that impression! I will give my blessing on either decision you make!

    in reply to: Physical attraction to someone with anorexia nervosa #142535

    Hi again!

    Thank you for your kind words!

    So I remember being younger and feeling guilty because I liked someone who was gorgeous. LOL

    And then later one of my very best/oldest friends started liking me in a romantic way. Now, I’m a bit overweight, I’m not going to lie, but he’s obese. I’m not repelled or disgusted by him or anything. And I was with someone else, so it was easier to say “No”. But let’s put it this way: If he was more attractive (to me!) I would have to contend with the temptation they warn you of in the Bible. Or I would have had spontaneous fantasies of him rather than “Oh, this person likes me? Hmm, let me think about this. How would being with him feel, hmm, let me just put my imagination cap on…”

    I mean what can I say, you can be evolved and all that, but preferences are real!

    And let me ask you this: Is it really good morally to live a lie? You are not married and if you were truly in love with her you wouldn’t be asking this at all, except maybe only “I am worried about this girl”. This isn’t fair to you OR the girl, even on a higher level.

    I wouldn’t want my college boyfriend to have stayed with me out of guilt or because he felt sorry for me or because he felt I might fall apart without him. I’d want someone who is with me because they are crazy about me, not because they like me and all but they really prefer, say, athletic blondes.

    Just my opine!


    in reply to: Physical attraction to someone with anorexia nervosa #142513

    Hi smutsik,

    I think you’re damaging her energetically by sleeping with her while pretending to be into her. And I do believe in preferences. For example, my husband wants a used car. He’s not asking for much. He’s asking for a low mileage car that’s dark on the inside, dark on the outside and with nothing weird about it. So this weekend these dealers were trying to sell him a white car that runs on diesel. So then DH was saying that he could maybe live with this car for five years. I’m all why would you pay thousands of dollars for a car you kind of like, that you want to like? You should only buy things you absolutely love. So the search continues!

    With you, YES, you love her on a spiritual level. But on the primal level something is lacking. If you break up with her, will she get worse? Yes, maybe, but dear one, she had these deep underlying issues well before she met you. You cannot be or feel responsible for all of her well being. She has to take profound ownership in her own wellness.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Thoughts & Feelings.. #142325

    Hi Poppyxo,

    I don’t mind being human if it weren’t for being, well, human! Emotions (to me) just ARE. You set your intention for the day and go through your routines, and if any residual feelings linger when you’re at home, yes, sit with them. (Or not. This is why people binge on Netflix, I suspect!) Or just be all, “It is what it is”. Of course, if it’s all negative emotion all of the time, then that is a signal that something is wrong. But if it’s more like someone looks at you funny that day, you need to feel the emotion of that encounter if only to shake it off like a duck does after a skirmish.




    Hi Carrie,

    Two thoughts are going on here which no longer serve you.

    1. You feel that you cannot trust yourself

    2. You believe in all or nothing thinking

    But get this: You CAN trust yourself AND the course you wanted wouldn’t necessarily be “all that” anyway. A paradox, I know! And the course you did take did have some value to it. You found out what you don’t like, and now you know even more what you do like. The “lost” savings? Think of it as an admission fee to the school of life. You learned that you need to trust yourself and that life is a winding trail, not a straight path.

    Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost years doing certain things, but I have found that Life has a way of Redeeming the Time. Something good will come out of this. You’ll see.



    in reply to: Dual Career Couples / Moving / Tough Decisions #142085

    Hi Jen,

    This is a common issue when being in a relationship with someone in the military. My son will be studying at the Academy and afterwards would be stationed God knows where. I know there is are websites and forums for Coast Guard and other military spouses and girlfriends/boyfriends.

    For you specifically, breaking into advertising can be tough, but you could theoretically be a graphic designer anywhere with a computer. So the two months you might be in limbo anyway even if you knew where you were going.

    If he were stationed in, say, Alaska, that would be bad news. But in general you should be in good shape. There will be cities and civilization where he ends up and the worst that could happen is you live maybe an hour away from him.

    I don’t know, it’s tough. Check out support networks for this one!

    Good Luck!


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