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  • in reply to: How to deal with change #122675

    Hi mariamoto,

    This sounds obvious, but have your parents come and help set you up. Once you are in your room, know where your classes are, where to go for food, etc., etc., it will become routine. Your anxiety levels should fall.

    Afterwards, you may deal with homesickness. Again, have your parents, siblings, and other friends and relatives visit you. And go home as much as you can!

    What I did was send care packages to my daughter, email, Facebook, call and FaceTime/Duo. Freshman year I would contact her (through all the communication options!) once a week and send care packages once a month. Now that she’s a Junior I contact her way less. The University is her Home and she comes home to Visit. And yes, we still visit her too.

    As for travelling, go with a friend or in a group. It will be more fun that way anyway!

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Feeling terrible after breaking it off #122589

    Hi Lorraine,

    Imagine this: Let’s say you asked someone to be your BF right off the bat and they said “No” for the same reasons you did. After that you would think, “Oh, they take a long time to form a connection” and the guy wouldn’t cry over it afterwards (probably). So don’t beat yourself up for saying “No”. It sounds more like you’re saying “Wait” anyway.

    Also (my mother taught me this) when a man knows what (who) he wants he doesn’t mess around. He pursues right away.

    So clearly you have the “There’s Something About Mary” effect on these guys. You won’t miss out. Continue to be truthful and clear about what you want (time) with no guilt.



    in reply to: My Father #122498

    Hi Jonathan,

    My father shouldn’t have been a father (I’m telling you this so you know that I understand ~ more than you can imagine!). Your father shouldn’t have been a father. Some people just are not cut out for being parents. Or married.

    Children from a failed marriage are a reminder of the failed marriage and of the parents failure.

    Children from a previous marriage are also evidence to the new spouse that at one point their husband/wife had a life without them.

    Second marriages and ready made families are a chance to start over when you are older and wiser. You can be the hero for once instead of the bad guy who failed in life.

    So you see what we are dealing with.

    A big reason why these fathers don’t initiate contact, or much less apologize is SHAME. Your father deep down is ASHAMED of himself and so can’t face you. And the more happy, successful and well rounded you are the more they feel shame that you didn’t need him in the first place!

    Your father knows that he is not worthy of you. You can always write him a card next year or on YOUR birthday and write: “I forgive you. I am doing great and it’s a shame you are missing out on so much. Here is my contact info.”

    Another thing you can do is (this is REALLY hard but can be REALLY effective) is to visit your dad’s new family on holidays. And call him, your step mom and your step sibs on their birthdays. And take them out to dinner/lunch around their birthdays if you are close enough. Individually if you can. They will be confused. Stymied. And like you. And feel guilt. You are telling your father that you DO matter, you EXIST, and you are NOT going away that easily!

    And he is older now and so are you. If he tries to verbally abuse you say like a broken record, “There’s no reason to say that. You can speak to me respectfully.” Repeat. Repeat. Calmly. Broken record.



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: The downward spiral of my relationship with myself & partner #122438

    Hi violet22,

    People instinctively look at other people, not because there’s something lacking in their partner, but I believe because of our ancient past. In the old days (and not that long ago!) people were always dying. At a shockingly young age. So we unconsciously cast our eyes to the horizon for “One in the Wings”.

    On the other side we also take after our Creator, who was a jealous God. So NO! Do NOT presume to look at other women in front of me!

    If he is doing it so you notice tell him to have some class.

    And in the meantime buy and hang a Men in Kilts calendar filled with sexy Scots in kilts in your home if it becomes a problem. You can have eye candy too!



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: losing interest in everything #122392

    Hi priyal,

    When we’re kids we think of adulthood as a time when we finally have power in our lives and where we can do anything we want.

    Clearly, this is not so! After putting in all that time towards dentistry, you now don’t want to do it and are looking for a study/practice to justify your time lost/”lost”. The good news is you have a degree no one can take away from you. But honestly, no matter what you go into, there is going to be (eventually) disinterest and drudgery. And you haven’t even actually gone into dental practice yet! You might find an office, bond with the staff, have regular patients and love it! Who knows?? I say try it professionally for a year.

    As to the guy, it sounds like you come from a family that is into arranged marriages? Can you have your parents introduce you to at least ten guys? Then you can choose the likeliest one from the bunch instead of “Oh, this one’s nice enough, just choose him and get it over with!”

    Good Luck,



    Hi Xenopus Tex,

    My view is that emotional intelligence helps us with work stuff. At work, you should concentrate on work stuff and hopefully the emotional intelligence aspect becomes a default setting. At home practice your practice, but then know how (and when!) to stop and do something else. Or nothing else!



    in reply to: crush has expired date ( crush on Exchange Student) #122252

    Hi NeedHelp,

    Crushes and relationships with teachers (even if they’re our own age) and foreigners are notorious for ending badly.

    What I would do (perhaps) is say something like, “Under different circumstances I’d ask you out. I really like you!” You can then tell from her reaction whether that news is well received.

    But honestly I would be long distance FaceBook friends and leave it at that.



    in reply to: Am i unhappy w myself or the rs #122137

    Hi Again!

    To elaborate on emotional/psychic safety:

    We each have many different aspects of ourselves. And sometimes they conflict with each other! Big time.

    So your BF might be a player in one aspect of his personality. But his active role is to be in a monogamous relationship. But he can’t play the field when he’s with you, but that drive is still there. So what does he do? Look at other people online.

    This is akin to housewives buying romance novels in the drug store. Totally harmless UNLESS they are desperately unhappy. But if they hide the romance novels when their husbands walk in that tells me that that husband is not safe to be around emotionally if he makes a big deal out of it. Now, a sensitive DH might discern there is a problem and ask the wife, “Am I enough for you? Are you happy?”

    View the online stuff as a symptom of a problem, not the problem. But it sounds like you have your own problems with him other than that. Which to me are the real problems.


    in reply to: How to care without being pulled down emotionally? #122136

    Hi Mimi,

    One thing you can do is send a group email saying that you are participating in a Technology Cleanse so will be offline. Then have your DH read the emails and have HIM tell you (not read you) what was important. If it’s just someone emoting, he can tell you nothing and then delete the email.

    When I was dieting I told people (it was true) that I was part of a competition on who could lose the most percentage of body fat and that I was winning. People no longer tempted me with food and were actually supportive!

    Now, they may call you on the phone. If that doesn’t trigger you communicate that way.

    The other issues sound like your doctor and a grief councilor/support group could help you with.

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Am i unhappy w myself or the rs #122021

    Hi summerain,

    It sounds to me that the relationship has grown a bit stale. Even on his end if he’s indulging a presumed crush on your ex-BFF. I wonder how he reacted when you said, “Oh, we’re not friends anymore”.

    With my DH he knows the password on my computer and vice versa because we have nothing to hide (after 20 years things like passwords are unspoken secrets/common knowledge LOL). How would he react if you asked him that? Seeing what your partner does online is like reading their diary or being the thought police though. You almost can’t get mad at their true feelings and thoughts. But if we’re hiding that part of ourselves we are also saying our partner is not safe on an emotional/psychic level.

    Your BF is what he is. Yes, he can change, but he is one of those who revert back to their original nature (most do). You have to cast him loose or accept him.



    in reply to: Jealousy Strategy #121952

    Hi amag,

    The feeling of jealousy at its core is the thought that one is expendable. That when we die our friends and family will be fine without us. In training as a lay minister we were taught never to say to someone in the hospital, “Oh, everyone back home is doing great!” But when I’d say, “You better get well soon, ten people are trying to do your job!” they’d smile the biggest smile. LOL

    You are irreplaceable! Believe it! How about when someone talks about their other friends you talk about YOUR other friends? See how it feels.

    Maybe you can tell your DH at your next big birthday, “No surprise parties, please!” Then later enjoy the inevitable surprise party with all your friends awaiting you!



    in reply to: Still In Love #121868

    Hi jayorts,

    It’s interesting to me that you initially didn’t see him a lot in the beginning on purpose and he was the one to get upset with that. I do that too with people who I think the world of. Take consolation that at one point he DID like you a lot.

    The other thing, the white lie about the age. My DH omitted his true age to me. Rather than getting upset and using THAT as an excuse to dump him, I got miffed, but eventually married him. My point is do you think it’s possible that he already wanted to break up with you and used the white lie as an Issue of Choice for him to do it?

    As for you being demon possessed… Dude, you dragged him out of the closet to his whole world before he was ready. For you to rage against his friends and family like that, wow! I picked up a definite “Who Do You Think You Are” vibe to the 10th/ degree! It’s like you wanted to be dominant in the relationship and he triggered your inner wolf.

    Lastly, what you are doing is stalking. When I was younger I had a stalker. The only reason I don’t have him anymore is because I think he died. It was that bad. The worst thing about it was he would wait until you’d breathe a sigh of relief and relax, live your life, and not think about him and BAM! Six months later a letter would show up. Then BAM! Eight months later a phone call. Then your friends would say three months later they ran into him on vacation and he was asking about you. This went on for 10x longer than the actual relationship.

    It’s unnerving, disturbing and cruel to have someone on the periphery of your life you don’t want. Like you’re not giving him a choice, you WILL be in his life somehow whether he wants it or not. You are rejecting his rejection. Don’t you know that the more you try to contact the person, the more they are repelled?

    Seriously if you just raged towards one friend and contacted him once after the breakup, I would advise waiting five or ten more years and then apologize again. But it’s way, way too late for that now.

    Pretend he is dead (his younger self that was with you is anyway). Have a little ritual. Grieve. Then move on.



    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Motivation Problems #121793

    Hi molmo,

    I think online school would be great! Also, some towns have Alternative High Schools. My concern for you is how you’d cope in the distant future once you have a real job and after your parents are gone.

    Are you sure they’re not enabling you? I can’t imagine my own mother, for instance, humoring me. In short, I’d be at school!

    Listen, Christmas break is coming. You will have a couple weeks to regroup and find your center.

    Read the book, an oldie but goodie: Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway. In life you have all these feelings. But you have to do the thing anyway.

    Go to school,


    in reply to: Managing criticism calmly #121728

    Hi kavita,

    Your mom talks that way to you because it is now her default setting for talking to you after decades.

    In short, it is a bad habit.

    What you need to do is break her habit.

    One Easter my mom started in on three of the siblings’ weight. One sib was getting angry. The other ran into the other room crying. When she started in on me, I grabbed a “NO!” button from Staples (any loud noise maker would do) and pressed the button. “NO!”

    She was startled and upset. She started in on my weight again. “NO!” The children were laughing. The joke was on her. Once again, she made a comment (though more obliquely). “NO!”

    Wouldn’t you know it, the habit was broken!

    Now we talk politics. Bring on politics! Yay!!

    Good Luck,


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Time to let go? (friendship) #121664

    Hi csihdu,

    The good news is your friends are getting older. No forty year old I know clubs until 5 AM, gets drunk and flirts with random guys. And if we do, it’s more of an event than a lifestyle. 😉

    My advice is to acquire one quality new friend a year.

    Your other friends will also naturally fall to the wayside, or evolve into grown ups.



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