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ParticipantHi Ayrton,
I think you are psyching yourself out, over a name and putting too much pressure on yourself. People know you are not the real person, it’s just a name, they will not “expect” anything from you. If it really bothers you, where it is interfering with your life, you can always legally change your name.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Brandy,
I can understand how frustrating this can be. Does he have kids of his own? At 36 years old, usually people have settled down and are tired of the bar scene. I know in my early 30’s, I was getting tired of it, and wanted to do something less superficial. It may sound like you might have be firm and assertive and set boundaries. Tell him, you value time with your children and although he does not “have” to spend all weekend with them, that you would really enjoy his company, and him being part of their lives? Does he not like children, or feel resentful of them? Some men do, because they want to “control” and have you all to themselves. Him making you go to bars every weekend is a form of “control” and it is not loving or respectful at all that he yells at you just because you do not want to do the same thing weekend after weekend. His yelling is a form of emotional abuse and control over your life, just as his “sulking” when you see your children. He needs to shape up!. I would not be able to put up with this behavior and neither should you. Neither should you feel you have to knock back drinks just to make it through the night.
Does your boyfriend have a drinking problem? Does he drink at home? Definitely, tell him how it makes you feel, and tell him you will no longer put up with his rude and disrespectful behavior. At 36, he needs to become more cultured outside of the same bars and at least try different things. He at least needs to want to be around your children, this is a huge red flag.
ParticipantHi JH,
- You are not missing much. Don’t worry about high school and college parties, they are not what they are cracked up to be. I went to a few of my high school ones, but it was mostly all “the popular” girls such as cheerleaders, cliques, gossipers, etc. I felt I never really fit in, I wasn’t exactly very popular in High school, didn’t even go to my High School Prom. I was “a late bloomer” in my late teens, I was very much into horses and showing them and I loved being around animals. For some reason, I was never really interested in dating or being part of a clique in High School. Same thing in College. I had to join a Sorority, and there was “hazing”. Worst experience of my life. I won’t go into detail, but we were all pushed to drink alot, and I ended up with alcohol poisoning. While I lay there pleading to be taken home as I was so sick, I was crawling around and people were pointing at me and walking over me laughing. People don’t care about you. It’s all about being popular, cliques, cheerleaders, if you are “not one of them” you “don’t belong”.
When I turned 19, I became engaged. I was way too young and emotionally immature. He wasn’t. He wanted to settle down, did not go to bars or parties. At the time, I lived in Florida. In a ritzy city, called Sarasota. It’s all about the kind of car you drive, the outfit you wear, etc. There are long lines at prestigious clubs and you have to look a certain way, and if the bouncer liked the way you look, he would let you under the rope. I went to beach parties, hurricane parties, bonfire parties, clubbing and dancing almost every night. My fiance has enough and broke up with me. I was devastated, but it was my fault. Now he is happily married with kids and grandchildren, while I am single and no kids. The reason..partying. I just wanted to date, be with friends, go to Tampa, Orlando, Miami Beach, Seaworld, Disney World, the hottest clubs. Etc, this continued in my thirties. I just wanted to be seen with the best looking men and be at bars. Because of this, I find myself today, wondering why I messed up my life doing that? If I hadn’t, perhaps, I would have been married with children by now. So enjoy, being “tied down” in your twenties, because you could be like me, wake up, be alone and wondering where life went.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantHi Sarah,
I use this quote often, because it is very true. If two people are meant to be together, there won’t be any confusion, uncertainty, doubt, him being on Tinder again, guessing games, “why won’t he make plans with me” in other words, the two people are just together. If a man really wants to be with you, he will move heaven and earth to be with you, no excuses. Period.
ParticipantHi Jess,
The reason he is not fighting was he told you, he does not want to be in a relationship right now, that he is confused and lost, and is feeling depressed and had SAD. I too suffer from mental illness and SAD, it is very debilitating, and one barely has energy to make it out of bed, or to make it through the dday, so the last thing they want to do, is fight for a relationship. He was very open and honest to you about his feelings. He didn’t just “up and leave” and he was not belittling toward you, so try to respect his wishes to get through what he needs to get through and don’t hold any resentment toward him. We can’t be resentful to someone, when we are not fighting their battles.
Maybe, he wants to give you both some space right now, so he can figure things out. He may be trying to figure out what he needs to do with his confusion and sadness. Whether it’s professional help, medication, etc. I am on Wellbutrin which has really helped me with SAD. All you can do right now is be supportive and respect his wishes, and if you are meant to be, he will find his way back to you.
ParticipantHi J.P.
It sounds like you need to find yourself and get to know you. I know I had to do the same thing. In my twenties, I was engaged at a very young age. I really did not know myself, did not love myself, therefore could not truly love him. I kept looking for “things” outside myself to make me happy. After my Break-up, I kept on dating, because I saw all my friends in relationships, and I thought I needed a man to make me happy, but the more miserable I became.
It wasn’t until I was in my late thirties, when I finally had enough. I got tired of rebound relationships, tired of not knowing what I wanted in my life, career, etc. I decided I needed to be alone for as long as it took to get the help I needed. I was very depressed and anxious about dating and life in general. I got into counseling and on anxiety and antidepressants. They made a really big difference. My thinking was no longer distorted. Maybe you need to be alone for a bit to work on you, to find what makes you happy, only then can you be happy with someone else. Just some thoughts.
ParticipantHi Kate,
In the beginning stages of a relationship, it is called the “infatuation” stage. That is where the intensity, romance, “passion” stage is in. You can’t get enough of each other. Think about each other constantly. A feeling of euphoria. As the relationship matures into love usually after 6 month to a year the “intensity, passion, turns into something more tender. It turns into love. “Passion” and “lust” while awesome only lasts for a few months, before changing it into a mature love with each other. Are you saying you are missing the passion you had when you first met him? Or the euphoria feeling of “being in love”?
ParticipantHi Connie,
I had an ex, that would keep telling me this. “Yes, anything for you baby, whatever you need, I am always here”. My response? “”Where were you in our relationship?” He got real silent. I love karma.
ParticipantHi Michelle,
I don’t think it had anything to do with your behavior or insecurity. But his behavior and him deliberately putting you in an awkward situation. He may not have dated this girl, but he had sex with her, and that would make anyone feel uncomfortable. I think he was quite disrespectful of you and your feelings. He should have taken your feelings into considetation, shown more empathy instead of being critical and yelling at you. This is very disrespectful and no way to treat a girlfriend or someone you love.
Instead of “blowing” up next time, which is not working, and making things worse, assert yourself and set boudaries. Tell him you will not go anywhere where there are women around that he has had sex with. And leave it at that. Instead, go out with your friends, showing him you can be fine and independent without him and his disrespectful behavior. What if the tables, were turned and you took him to a bar where your ex’s were, how would be feel? Best to tell him, for him not to put you in that position again, that it is creating too much turmoil in the relationship, and maybe you can go to a movie or a romantic drive or dinner instead. There’s lots of things he can do without going to bars with ex’s around.
ParticipantHi Annie,
It sounds like your anxiety is pretty severe. I think if there is a way you could have worked on it on your own you would have. It can’t be willed away, despite our best intentions. Sometimes, we have to let go of our pride, and if we want to save our relationship, we need to ask for help from a professional. Sometimes anxiety is learned and becomes a chemical imbalance in our brain. We would not want to deny a diabetic insulin, so we should not deny ouuselves medication and therapy. Your boyfriend has told you ” he is tired of it” so maybe tell him, you will seek professional help. Maybe he can go with you. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
ParticipantHi Emma,
It sounds like he got cold feet as well, but it’s an awful way to leave things..
ParticipantHi Annie,
Your boyfriend probably wants to help, but doesn’t know how. He doesn’t know if he needs to give you advice or “fix you” or what he needs to do, so he shuts down. It sounds like he was trying when he took you to the dance class hoping you would like it and maybe take dance lessons with him? The remarks the teacher said were innapropriate, because he is not “too young” to have a girlfriend..please. Maybe she has No one or single and was jealous.
I would not “shut down” with your boyfriend. Just tell him what you are going through, and you are not “expecting” him to make you happy or solve your problems. As far as your social anxiety, there are plenty of medications that can help with that. I take a benzodiazepine and an antidepressant and it has been a Godsend. Along with counseling, I can now talk to people, although, like you, I do not drive, and I am on SSDI disability and don’t have much income to do alot of things. I started off slow. Like just walking around a dog park because I love animals. If I saw an animal I liked, I would ask the owner if I could pet it, and try to engage in small talk. I also took computer classes. That way, I felt I didn’t have to talk to someone, but it gave me some meaning. Then I started working at a crisis center answering calls from people in distress. I didn’t have to talk alot with co-workers, since I was on the phones all the time. Now I volunteer at an animal shelter. I find working with animals brings me comfort, peace and joy. The best thing to do is talk to your boyfriend and tell him you will get the help you need. But in the meantime, you would appreciate it, if he could be understanding and just hear you, and not shut down.
ParticipantHi Free Moon,
Keep asserting yourself with him. Right now he is trying to control you and your conversations and acting very selfish. Next time he says that “say “ask me again how my day went!” just keep asserting yourself. When he sees he can’t push you around, he will stop his controlling ways. Or if he continues to rant, just say “Enough!” or “stop”! In a very firm tone to get his attention. And just tell him you are tired of it. Tell him how you feel and you are his girlfriend and not his therapist. Don’t let him push you around.
ParticipantHi Emma,
He sounds very verbally abusive. To say those things to you near the end of the relationship, he was taking the cowards way out by deliberating trying to make you angry with him so the “break-up” could get easier. Just keep thinking what that new girl has to deal with him now. Things won’t get better, because he has to fix himself first. Karma will hit him hard. I’m sorry you are having to go through this. My ex did the same to me. Was so loving, tender, romantic..everything..then he turned into someone I didn’t know. Then when I saw his brother, what made me mad was his brother said my ex “was trying to break up with me slowly”.
September 6, 2017 at 8:26 am in reply to: Letting go of a one sided relationship- but also letting go of my ego? #167330Eliana
ParticipantHi Belle,
I have “liked” my ex’s pictures, and they have “liked” mine on Facebook and other social media. There is one I’m still in love with who recently did this. But I try not to read too much into it, because he is also liking other women’s pictures and sending them flirty emoji’s. What I try to do is block them. I don’t want to know what they “are up to” or who they are seeing or flirting” with because I just end up depressed. Like they are moving on, and I’m not. Best to block him. It’s too depressing.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by