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  • in reply to: I can't move on #160012

    Hi Sage,

    I don’t have much to add. I’m sorry you are going through this. I guess you just have to ask yourself even if you did marry him..things would not get better as he would still disrespect, belittle and not show concern for you. He would still be emotionally abusive and you would me miserable. Marriage won’t make him change, only he can do that. Chances are, if he is abusive to you, he is most likely abusive to the other woman.

    in reply to: I'm going to drive my boyfriend away #160002

    Hi Dreaming715,

    Yes, this is very tough, the fear of abandonment and rejection. It caused me so much trauma in my childhood, I doubt sometimes, I will get completely “cured” from it, even with the help from a therapist. I have repressed so much..the wounds too deep. I sometimes wonder, if I even belong in a relationship, I have been alone for a long time and seem to have less anxiety being alone than in a relationship and all the complications.

    Have things gotten any better with your boyfriend? Feel free to post anytime. Thank you for sharing.

    in reply to: Do i fight or should he? #159868

    Hi Ace,

    I think the reason he was hiding his phone was because he was on Tinder, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, etc, talking to other women. I know you said in your post “he’s not into that” but he never hid his phone from you before, and suddenly he does, starts verbally abusing you, moves out, lies that he does not go on dating sites, yet he is on Tinder? I don’t think I would want to “fight for a man who verbally abused me, moves out, goes on online dating sites, lies, gets sullen and hostile, etc. Someone like that is not treating you with value and respect and not worth fighting for. Let me know your thoughts..

    in reply to: Father issues #159860

    Hi Drew,

    I am a little confused, who was it that abused you? Was it your Dad’s wife, or her daughter? I’m sorry for any confusion on my part, I just want to make sure I am understanding correctly.

    TYour Father States he wants a better relationship with you. A better relationship includes trust, openness and honesty. You have to be willing to trust him to be honest and open with him and vice versa in a loving way. If there is no trust, or you are afraid to approach someone on an issue regarding physical abuse without fear of shame, their can be no relationship. I would open up to your father about everything. If he gets defensive or angry, just say “I’m sorry, I thought you wanted a better relationship with me, I was hoping we could have a trusting and loving conversation about something so upsetting for me”. If he gets angry or defensive, he does not want a “better relationship” keep us posted.

    in reply to: What to do with this "one-way" friendship #159856

    Hi Kaylon,

    If it were me, I would take that letter and any other evidence to the Dean of the college. I think the professor definitely overstepped his and violated ethics and boundaries and have you and the other student distress. Being in College is difficult enough..but that is me. Any kind of disciplinary action, will stop him from doing this again with future students. Just thinking about this, makes me mad, as I am a college graduate, and never had a Professor do this to me or anyone I know. But like you said, you are not going to this school anymore, and do not have to see him again, thank goodness. I think you handled it very well.

    in reply to: Never satisfied where I live #159774

    Hi Apples333,

    I’m so excited to hear about your solo trip! There is nothing like it. When I lived in Seattle, I went for a two week vacation to Maui by myself. I invited friends, but everyone has to work, or had boyfriends, or other obligations, so I went alone. I had the time of my life. I went on Blue Hawaiian Helicopters, which the pilot recorded, and I ended up going with a couple and their little girl, and afterward, they took me out to a nice lunch.

    I went to this gorgeous hotel that was just built. I ended up meeting the bastketball player (I forgot his name), but he played for the Chicago Bulls, I want to say Rodney? He was somewhat of a goofball and clown, had tatoos and yellow hair, but in person, he’s actually, very sweet and he gave me his autograph. I met him at the Tsunami Nightclub. I went everywhere alone and had a blast. I even dined alone at a floating restaurant, and took a road trip to La Haina, and went to “Cheeseburgers in Paradise, and Hard Rock Cafe, and went snorkeling on a glass bottom boat. Best time of my life. I hope you have a wonderful time too.

    in reply to: Am I overthinking it ????…. #159726

    Hi Peyton,

    In every relationship there are of course, going to be disagreements, conflicts and arguments. However, respect during these conflicts should be had, maybe paraphrasing what the other said such as “I think, you are telling me, that you are not satisfied..” “do you have any ideas on how I can help you feel more..” and vice versa. This is a healthy, loving interchange between two people who disagree, but can compromise on a way to effectively find a solution without verbal abuse, blaming, finger pointing, manipulation, etc.

    What he is doing is very disrespectful. Telling someone “they suck the life out of you” shows they are immature, incapable of having a mature adult conversation, unable to resolve conflict and verbally abusive. If someone ever told me this, I would pack up my stuff and leave, I would be very offended by this treatment. He does not seem willing to change his behavior and treat you in a respectful way. Until he can learn to do this, this will only continue and make you miserable. You can tell him, you need to be treated with respect, or perhaps it’s time to go your own ways, unless he can relate to you in a healthier way, perhaps by a “conflict resolution” or professional therapy for unresolved issues. You deserve to have a healthy, loving relationship with someone who treats you with respect, never settle for anything less.

    in reply to: What to do with this "one-way" friendship #159706

    Hi Kaylon,

    I would cut off all contact with him. It is violation of code of conduct for a Professor to be engaged with any student, other than the purpose of a classroom setting. If he is tenured professor and “found out” he could lose his job and reputation. If he is lonely, there are alot of things he can do without engaging with his students.

    Please change your number. Tell him firmly you do not want this to continue. If he approaches you before or after class, politely excuse yourself and say there is somewhere you have to be. Don’t have any interaction, such as texting, personal talk, sharing of pictures with him. If he wants to show you a picture, just politely decline and say you have to be somewhere. Soon he will get the hint, but please have your phone number changed.

    in reply to: His silent treatment is driving me crazy #159704

    Hi Connie,

    We can give you all the advice and assumptions in the world, but the truth is: we don’t know this man. Only you do, and only you know what is best. We can’t make the assumption, that he is “punishing you” manipulating you” “a bad guy” “a good guy” “someone struggling or suffering” based on our understanding of an e-mail of someone we don’t know. These are only “assumptions” about him, not based on truth, evidence or facts.

    What I feel you need is some type of closure, or you will only be “guessing” such as your title thread “his silent treatment is driving me crazy”. This will continue to keep you perplexed until you can actually talk to him in some way. He did try to reach out by sending you an “I miss you” e-mail. Maybe that was the best he could do, to let you know he still cares. We can’t assume he is manipulating because of an “I miss you” e-mail. You will most likely continue to drive your self crazy and ruminate until closure is found, and the only way, is to stop guessing, and just have a talk with him. If he says “it’s over” it will hurt like heck, but at least you will know “things are over” so you can move on. Feel free to share your thoughts.

    in reply to: Never satisfied where I live #159630

    Hi Apples333,

    I was seeing how you are doing? Are you feeling any better? Feel free to post anytime.

    in reply to: I'm going to drive my boyfriend away #159554

    Hi Dreaming,

    I am wondering what your thoughts are on this, but if we are always “preparing ourselves” for someone who may not even leave us, don’t we in a way, start becoming a little “emotionally distant” ourselves? In other words, can’t out significant other notice a change in us, and think “we are pulling away?”..just some thoughts..

    in reply to: Feeling invisble again #159494

    Hi Wyn,

    You can learn to like and even love yourself. Is there any way you can get out a peice of paper out? In a column write down things that people have said to you..a compliment. I am sure over your lifetime, you have had several compliments. Has anyone told you you have a nice smile? Write that down. A good listener? Write that down. Are you a good friend? Write that down? Are you musical, creative, any kind of compliment that you have received, write it down. Write down all those compliments, put them on sticky notes, and put them around your house/apartment where you can see them everyday. I do this. I have some on my bathroom mirror. My therapist had me to this exercise, and I gradually started to love myself.

    When you say you have noone, what does that mean? Does that mean, no family?

    IOn another column, write down things that excite you. Start off, what excited you, and what you loved doing as a child. I remember, I used to love to draw when I was a child and recently started taking some oil painting classes. What things that you do now makes you excited? Just by writing things down, provides hope and purpose/meaning. We are all here for a reason.

    in reply to: Send my regards to love and romance. #159488

    Hi Natasha,

    I read your post, and felt it made me so sad. Please don’t marry this man Natasha. You are miserable with him now, he is disrespectful, only wants to see you on weekends, talks to other women on the internet. Marrying him, will only make things worse. If he has not grown or matured by now, only he can change, he has unresolved issues, most likely he will need a professional counselor to sort things out. He is a loose cannon. I think deep down you know this.

    You deserve better, for you and your little boy, to be a loving, stable relationship with a healthy and happy man.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Unhappy #159482

    Hi Shell,

    1. You are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you. Just because your ex is married, may not necessarily mean “he is happy and living the good life” he may be unappy, which is why he may try to pick fights with you. I know you have to see him, but try not to get involved if he is talking to you. You don’t have to have a conversation with him. It’s not your job anymore. Just excuse yourself and act busy, or say you have to be somewhere, just try to limit your interaction with him. Don’t allow him to pick a fight with you. Give him “yes” and “no” remarks. Soon, he will tire and move on to his next victim.

    When he starts in on you, don’t get angry. That’s what he wants. Feel sorry for him Instead. Feel sorry that he is such an angry person that he is a bully and picks fights to make him feel better about himself. If he starts in on you, don’t fight back or act angry, that’s what he wants, a reaction from you. Smile and say each time, I’m sorry you are having such a bad day, I hope it gets better. Then walk away. He won’t know what to say, if he says something, you don’t have to answer him. Just say, if you are finished here, I have alot to do today, my friends are waiting for me. You can even insert “my boyfriend”..if he sees you being happy with friends and a boyfriend, he won’t feel the need to put you down. Just keep acting happy around him, like you have places to go, people to see and you are having the time of your life. If he sees you sad and acting lonely, he will pick on you, bullies pick on the weak and lonely. Be and act like the strong and popular.

    You can’t predict the future. Just because you don’t have a man in your life right now, does not mean you won’t in the future. Have hope for better things. Visualise what it is you want, it will happen, do this everyday. Go out, and try to get out of your head, this will take you out of the rut you are in, and negative thinking. Think and be grateful if all the things you do have. Join an online dating service, a support group, a singles dance. Go for a walk in a dog park, so many nice men walk their dogs. Ask someone if you can walk their dog. Volunteer to help others. That is the best way to make you feel better about yourself. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen, church, animal shelter/sanctuary. Join a book club, volunteer at your city’s welcome tourist center. Join the YMCA. So many things you can do. You can be happy being alone. Many people are single and very happy. You won’t be “alone forever”. Love you for who you are now, and do what you love and men will gravitate toward you. Keep us posted.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Eliana.
    in reply to: Scared to break up with boyfriend #159462

    Hi Hannah,

    I’m so sorry, if my words did not come out right. Just got out of ER yesterday from two broken toes and an hobbling around on a splint and crutches, plus pain medication. Please forgive me. In no way did I mean having “depression” or “anxiety” is “drama” please don’t think I meant that at all. I have several mental health diagnosis which I am in treatment for. What I meant by drama, and what men don’t like is women who say “they want to die” women who give them the silent treatment one moment, and the next, they are begging, pleading and crying. Their brains just can’t process at emotional stuff.

    If you have the time, I would like to recommend a great book called “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” by John Gray. An excellent best selling book, on the different ways men and women communicate. I really do hope things get better for you. Please keep us posted.

Viewing 15 posts - 571 through 585 (of 748 total)