Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Emilia,
Thank you for your feedback. You are truly special to your students as well. Keep giving and receiving all that love you have. When you get home from work, make a point of washing your hands and splashing your face as a way of cutting off from your working life and refreshing yourself for your home life.
You are truly appreciated.
ParticipantHello Peaceful Warrior,
Congratulations for taking positive steps in dealing with your anxiety levels through yoga and meditation and changing your thoughts. As long as you continue with your yoga and meditation practices, it is unlikely that panic will set in so easily.
Every time you have a tea break or lunch break, give yourself space for a mini meditation, focus on your breathing and watch as it rises and falls. Five minutes of this mindfulness breathing should be enough to allay any fears of panic. Anticipate peace and calm.
Good Luck in your new job.
August 25, 2019 at 1:06 am in reply to: I should be able to not commit to anyone, how to do it? #309197Peggy
ParticipantHi Miyoid,
You are with a caring friend who cares enough about you to have sex with you. Because you knew him as a friend first, you don’t have the same sense of fear as you might with someone new. Whatever label you choose to put your current relationship under, you two are lovers. You fear moving on from this state into your ‘danger zone’. Committed relationships represent danger for you.
You are attracted to this other man who has been texting you of late. Is there any reason why you can’t meet up with him and take it at your own pace? You don’t have to become intimate with him until you are ready. You don’t have to commit to him if you don’t want to.
I think you need to examine your attitude towards commitment and fear of the danger zone which means that you will end up getting hurt. It’s natural for us to want to protect ourselves from being hurt. Your way at the moment is to withdraw from commitment. Commitment takes trust.
Focus on loving yourself and healing the hurt within you. Focus on releasing the past. Focus on living in the present. Focus on going with the flow. Focus on relaxation. Focus on letting it be.
ParticipantHi Susy,
That’s quite a lot of things to happen in the same year – I’m sorry for all your losses – hope you are feeling OK and have recovered from your surgery. The world needs listeners – it brings its own therapy with it, listening without judging. It’s good that you’ve vented. Everyone needs to release their angst from time to time.
You’ve clearly invested a lot of emotions into this relationship. Personally, I am not a fan of the “let’s remain friends” scenario. To me, if it is over then it is over. I’m not sure if you can let someone go if you carry on seeing them but under a different heading. I would find that difficult.
If you want to share more of your losses, then please do.
ParticipantHi Angel,
There’s always a positive. You were born perfect. Your self doubts have arisen through others not accepting parts of you. The good news is that you only have 20 years of undesirable input to contend with. Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift that you can give yourself. It’s only through loving ourselves that we can truly love others. Just by making a simple affirmation to yourself on a daily basis such as “I love me” will bring rewards. When you can say those few words and not have any resistance in you, that is when it feels comfortable for you to say it and you have accepted it, you will have arrived. The day that you can achieve that is probably only about a month away. It’s that easy!
ParticipantDear Susy,
You sound like a really fun personality – I’d love to have you as a friend. New York cheesecake is my favorite and yes, it will most definitely be his loss.
You would make a perfect wife! but what he wants most in life right now is a friend? What if the third option is that he is running scared? What if he is scared of commitment – not just with you but with anyone?
I’m sure you’ll let us know how the party goes.
ParticipantHi Kevin,
Sitting on the edge of your seat is not desirable. I think my journey with studying stress started somewhere at that point. The story goes that an upholsterer in a doctor’s surgery noticed that the chairs were worn more on the edge than elsewhere which caused him to flip the question. Instead of what kind of diseases do the patients have, he began to ask what kind of patients do the diseases have. Not ones that can relax very easily, is my simple reply.
During a session of sending and receiving healing earlier today, I had two words enter my consciousness “eternal confidence”. I just wanted to share that with you.
I look forward to hearing how your sessions go, also.
ParticipantHi K,
I don’t believe that we can change at our core. I think the person we were meant to be resides at our core. The way our core self is nurtured through parenting, schooling, friendships etc. may not always be appropriate for our inner needs. There may come a point in our lives when we want to undo the effect that the wrong ‘programming’ has had on us. This is all the times that we haven’t been accepted for who we are, that we may have been ridiculed, bullied, had other people’s expectations forced upon us and so on. We can change this faulty programming. The difficulty is that the people around us, family and so on may resist any changes they see happening. When you stop responding in your normal manner because of the changes you are making within yourself, their responses will have to change also. Does that make sense to you?
There is learning in every experience – you choose what to take from your experiences. We are all a work in progress. Just when we think we’ve got it worked out, along comes life throwing up new challenges.
ParticipantHi Susy,
Scorpio with the sting in the tail! I get on very well with the Scorpio personality but they like to have control of a relationship – not to be confused with being “controlling”. They may seem like extrovert characters but can be quite good at keeping things hidden. I’m a little surprised that he is entering into a distance relationship with you – tears in his eyes when he has to leave. How that can tug at the heartstrings!
Go to the party and see what happens. The fact that he’s picking you up sounds like he’s treating it like a date or perhaps I’m reading that wrong but you will be arriving with him. That could well be giving other people a covert message such as “she’s with me”.
I do hope that you have a lovely time and that you will be able to see more clearly the way forward.
ParticipantHi Susy,
I’ve read all the above posts and would like to put forward a suggestion. Your boyfriend is used to having an on/off relationship with women. This is transferable. He was with you for two months through on line communication, you developed an attachment, honeymoon period over (just my theory that after the eight week honeymoon period, the real self kicks in), is it on or is it off? It took two people to engage in this kind of relationship.
He may need time to heal but if closure has happened, then he can heal faster with you than without you. If he needs to reconnect with himself before he enters a new relationship that’s a different matter.
Don’t forget that you are being hurt through this as well and your own feelings need to be taken into account. How many times would you be prepared to enter into the “on” stage following an “off” stage. Beware the roller coaster ride!
ParticipantHi Susy,
This is a tough call – you knew he had this problem relationship and then, when he’s made the effort to visit you, she magically appears on the scene and tries to have sex with him which he says he resisted. I can’t really get that picture – he knows the on/off pattern and subjects himself to it and because he fails at completing the act he calls it ‘closure’.
You are two months into an on-line relationship and you are hooked in. There is no way that you would pull out of going to that party – go with the intention that you are just friends, don’t give all your attention to him, make sure you circulate and dance with anyone who asks you.
Live your life with him in the background if you want to, but let him know that remaining friends does not give him any rights to ‘exclusivity’ and you consider yourself free to date other people.
Best Wishes
ParticipantHi Angel,
It’s a big mistake to compare ourselves to others. There is only one person that Angel can be. We all develop at our own rate. From the time a child is born, comparisons begin to be made – when the baby first smiled, grew it’s first tooth, took it’s first steps and so on. None of it really matters. What matters is that the child is loved, gains confidence, and goes on to become a valuable member of society. You are not yet 20 and are writing yourself off as a failure. Some people learn quickly, others take more time. Life is not a race. Develop your own talents at your own pace. You can do that.
Some people are born to be great composers, musicians, artists etc. That’s where their talents lay. Do you want to compete with them? If so, you had better study music and art.
Anxious, sad, helpless, depressed, a failure – all because no-one tells you how special, wonderful, amazing and brilliant you are. You are not validated by what others think or say about you. You are validated by your own thoughts and behavior.
Here’s the validation you are seeking: You are every bit as good as anyone that has ever been born before or will ever be born again, no better and no worse. Believe it, it’s the truth.
ParticipantHi October,
As you’ve found out, sitting in front of a PC all day is not fun. Does your town or district have any support for commercial enterprise. Sometimes just networking with other businesses, going to functions and so on is a good way to get general business advice. It’s OK to want to make your own way and not follow the traditional route but you do need to understand how to run a business successfully. Are there any courses available to help you with this?
If you are confident that you can set up a business in the US quite easily and you feel you would be happy there, then you could explore this option with a fall back option like you previously mentioned, living arrangements with work attached. You would need to ensure that you would be given enough free time for your own ambitions, though.
I hope you find the opportunity you are looking for. Good Luck for the future.
ParticipantThanks, Anita.
ParticipantHi October,
The word that springs to mind from reading your post is “Consolidate”.
Despite what anyone else wants to tell you, there is rarely an easy way to make it rich. Your businesses have failed for very good reasons. Lack of preparation, lack of knowledge, lack of dedication, lack of integrity, lack of networking, lack of advertising and so on. Note the first three and ask yourself if you are not still carrying your attitude to your schoolwork where you could make the grade without putting the effort in. If you want to succeed in business, then you will have to change your attitude.
You have now had several failed businesses and you are setting up a pattern for yourself which says I’ve failed before and therefore I will fail again. You are now dealing with feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Your father has physically departed and your mother is “off her head” with alcohol. If your mother cannot live without drink then she might be classed as an alcoholic. Alcoholics have jobs! Encourage her to spend some money on counselling instead of alcohol. This is too much for you to contend with on your own.
Your living arrangements are basically comfortable but there are bad vibes which are making you want to escape your cozy living. Does this escape route have to be as drastic as a new country? Could you not find accommodation closer to home even if it means being employed in the short term? At least you would have the support of your friends. Dreams take a long time to come to fruition. No-one else can tell you what would be the right decision for you? Follow your heart – if it feels good, do it!