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ParticipantYeah I cry. But only in private.
I’ve cried in poignant scenes in movies usually a beautiful soundtrack as well.
You know I play guitar, and sometimes the tune is so powerful, so moving, I have to stop. Lyrics too but mainly music.
I’m not a great musician either. It just moves me to tears. Of course, people can move me with their selfless and kind nature. My father’s funeral was sad but I didn’t cry then. I guess it has taken me a while to grieve. he was such a good-natured soul. the world is definitely poorer without him. My parents taught me that real love is possible.jock
Participantsorry just a brief comment about “hot and cold”.
I thought I was reading a post from a guy complaining about his girlfriend.
Hope things work out though.
If this is truly the right guy for you, things will happen naturally.
ParticipantI’m going to be the same 20 years from now; alone, single, and miserable.
See your self-talk?
It reminds me of how fear driven my own self-talk can be.
I think single people tend to idealise all those in relationships.
I think I’m happier in a relationship now but we certainly have our moments, our arguments, our times when we ask ourselves” is this what I really want”>
And then some day one of us will die anyway. We have to get used to change. Nothing lasts forever.
You know I look back at my single life and sure it was lonely sometimes but on the other hand I had a kind of independence too. It wasn’t all bad. It was an interesting phase of my life.
Try to have gratitude for your current phase of life, I guess is what I’m trying to say.jock
ParticipantBut I like your poem because it obviously comes from the heart.
We need to encourage peace in the world by starting with ourselves first.
Then letting hateful thoughts towards self and others ,pass over us like mere clouds.-
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
ParticipantPeas is the vegetable I like most
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by
nature, yeah that’s right, my partner doesn’t think she is spiritual but loves spending time alone walking near the ocean.
nature is her spirituality.
Yoga is something I would like to spend more time on. Not forcing difficult poses, just stretching muscles that haven’t been stretched for years. It definitely adds to wellbeing.jock
again you seem to give mixed messages in your post.
Feeling sorry for someone is not a good reason to stay and it aint love either.
Sounds like you are acting nobly but you are doing your husband a disservice in my view.
If I were him, I would hate to think my wife was staying with me out of pity.
You owe to both of you to be honest and authentic.
Leave if you don’t love him.
Have the courage or else you are playing the victim, which won’t arouse sympathy from me.
Sorry I had to say all this.
Im being authentic, possibly too critical but nevertheless.jock
ParticipantRejection is a part of life. If we avoid rejection we avoid life.
I know it’s hard but try not to take it personally. Actually we don’t realise, but sometimes a rejection is doing you a favour in the long run. I compare this to missing out on a job. The job seems ideal but if they accepted , the job might’ve proved less than ideal. You need that approach to life. “oh too bad. it mustn’t have meant to work out.
This procrastination is wasting your time. Better to find out for sure, then move on if you have to. I bet there a lot of women suitable for you, just you either aren’t aware or they haven’t met you yet.
If I think about the time I wasted on “oh this is the one, I have to have her”, the sleepless nights. The agony is wateful as I look back now.jock
ParticipantTime to lay it on the line then…
“Listen can we talk….
How can I put this? Would you be ready to take our relationship to the next step? I feel ready. Do you?”How’s that? Too abrupt? Wouldn’t work?
ParticipantAh boundaries! That is such hard one for me too.
I like to give a relaxed, easygoing persona in the beginning. Little do I realise that those first encounters with people are crucial in setting up a pattern of either respect or disrespect; in my case disrespect. How can I expect people to respect me if I don’t respect myself?
I have to be determined to create a new pattern with people and encounters. Listen respectfully to them but have your radar on for any subtle rudeness. As soon as you notice it, nip it in the bud. “why do you say that?”.
My new persona is less friendly, more cautious in the beginning. Keep conversation superficial for a while but if I feel a slight doubt about the speaker’s attitude, question them “oh that’s interesting ..mmm why do you say that?” Avoid gossip or any negativity. Make your values clear. Don’t be afraid to disagree. Don’t be anxious to please above all.jock
ParticipantI think you become wise from a lot of things. Getting old and experiencing both pain and joy.
Life experience brings wisdom, usually. Unless you are a really slow learner, which could apply to me in certain areas of my life, such as forgetting to brush your teeth, which I do occasionally.
Trying to think for yourself. Question everything, especially Buddhism. Reincarnation is a hard one to swallow for me for example.
Christianity has wisdom. All religions do I believe. Find what suits you. What suits your values. Just don’t become a proslytiser, a saleman for your cause. Nothing worse than those Mormons knocking on your door trying to sell you their delusional view of Christianity. (even if they helped me fix a puncture once, which was kinda nice)-
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
ParticipantI hope so. I’m quite into it.
But one part put me off. If you are being mercilessly tortured by the likes of ISIS or even a nagging wife, you have to say to yourself “Goodwill to all sentient beings, even this one”
Imagine being on the rack or any of those horrendous things from the middle ages, and having to wish your abuser goodwill!Anita, this is definitely true if you read up on theravadan Buddhism.
ParticipantSounds like you’ve put all your eggs in one basket which may be unattractive to some females.
I’d say as long as she knows where you stand, time to back off. the ball is in her court. Time to pursue other interests, even other females, as she may not be taking you seriously. The fact that she is still seeing another guy occasionally is a red flag in my opinion.
The “real” her may not be as good as the “ideal” her that you have created.
I’m in my fiftees and looking back I know, I definitely idealised some women who didn’t really deserve it.
One other thing springs to mind. her “difficult” past may be a red flag too. it would be for me. She may not want to risk loving feelings towards anyone again. she may want to adopt a pragmatic, even cynical approach to life. OK I might reading too much into this.
Good luck.jock
ParticipantHow can you make this work?
By wanting to.jock
ParticipantI think even if people take an interest in our issues/our problems, it is enough, even if they don’t give great advice.
But of course here I was lucky to get good advice as well from people like yourself, Ruminant.I just discovered free audio version of six pillars of self esteem on youtube. 3hours!!
Maybe not available in the U.S. -
This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by