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  • in reply to: Afraid of being loved #299039

    Hi  Rocco

    Its sounds like you may have connected these past experiences with your sense of self. Its important to remember that You are not your thoughts or you actions, past or present.

    With regards to Guilt and Shame:  guilt is the feeling that you’ve done something bad, while shame is the feeling that you are bad. While you work through your past its important to recognize that some shame is deserved however most shame we feel and hold onto is undeserved.

    Based on what I read I suspect the shame you feel and are holding onto is undeserved. You were a confused and young and if there was something that required ‘making right’ and forgiveness it seams you have been forgiven. The next step then is for you to forgive yourself and let it go.

    I like what Lewis Smedes had to say about Shame (recommend his book Shame and Grace)

    “Shame is heavy; Grace is light…. Shame says that because I am flawed I am unacceptable. Grace says that though I am flawed I am cherished. “

    “The lightness of grace does not lift all the sandbags that drag the spirit down. It lightens life by removing one very dead weight in particular—the weight of anxiety about being an unacceptable person. It extracts the internal threat of healthy shame. It gives us courage to track down the sources of unhealthy shame, see it for the undeserved pain it is, and take steps to purge our lives of it completely. It sets loose the lightest feeling of life; being accepted; totally, unreservedly accepted…” – Lewis Smedes

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Texting #298945

    I personally wouldn’t use texting for emotional conversations, to easy to read into a statement. So IMO all text conversatons should be dull and boring.

    Think how much nicer our world might be if the President didn’t user Texting to communicate with. Then his intention is to confuse and keep everyone off balance and texting is great for that 🙂


    in reply to: Blaming myself/living in the past #298727

    Hi Luis

    I know I need to move on, practice self-compassion. I just don’t know how to do it?

    Quite frankly you start by starting. That may sound trite however if your like me, you will spend a lot of time on how without actually doing.  Its great method of procrastination.  If I don’t know how, exactly how, I don’t have to start and better yet I get to stay grumpy.

    If I’m doing that, that usually means I haven’t allowed myself to fully mourn the loss yet.  Do you have someone that could help you possess everything your feeling?


    in reply to: Crazy Old Lady Neighbour #298515

    My question is, when ppl don’t respect our boundaries and are using us to get their needs met, how do we respond? I actually had to get outside help.

    Interesting question. A part of having healthy boundaries is being conscious of knowing when they are being challenged and how to protect them.  Based on my own experience I tend to know when my boundaries are challenged but not how to protect them. I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I want people to like me. I found that because of that I needed to get angry in order to stand up for myself. You can imagine how well that works. Anger creates anger.

    How to respond when our boundaries aren’t being respected? With respect and honestly… even though its easier to get angry and start burning bridges.  In my perfect world I would approach the neighbor and have an honest conversation of how I was hurt. If they respond by getting angry or push back in anyway… let them know that its best if we respect each others space and avoid future interactions. What I would do… avoid the person and work on letting go of any resentments and stuff.

    What I learned while trying to get better at protecting my boundaries?

    1 – Its ok for people not to like me. 2 -Sometime love requires a relationship to end. Its more loving to ourselves and others when were honest about our boundaries.  3 -Anger is not required to protect one’s boundaries. Anger may be a indication that we are reacting to the situation vice responding to it. 4 – Boundaries are not meant to be ridged but to get our attention that something is making us uncomfortable and that action may be required. The more conscious we are of what boundary is being challenged and why its important the better we will be to respond vice react. 5 – Forgiveness does not absolve accountability nor dos it mean were required to re-establish a relationship. Forgiveness allows us to let go of resentment and anger.


    in reply to: Feeling lost #298431

    Hi Jennifer,

    Its important to understand that the Law of attraction (really a combination of all 7 Hermetic Principles i.e. Law of Vibration, Correspondence, Rhythm, Cause and Effect…. or in Jungian terms perhaps synchronicity)…  isn’t a matter of positive thinking or act of will. Its more of a doing by not doing, a allowing, an engagement with life that is fluid and agile, intentional yet not forced.

    The issue I have with how the Law of attraction, ‘the secret’, is presented is that it comes off as something you should just be able to do, which is kind of true but only after you do the work. We work for that which no work is required.

    For example, some people unconsciously don’t believe the deserve love. These people will tend to attract relationship in which they will constantly test this unconscious belief. Subconsciously they will be looking to prove that they don’t deserve love, attracting partners that will treat them badly, while hoping that just maybe they do, perhaps attracting partners that will do the work. You can imagine that such a relationship will be difficult and if the partners are not up to the challenge of working together to healing the past (belief that one is unlovable usually rooted in the past) it will most likely end reinforcing the belief. Repeat.  (Often the pain of the ending of a relationship will push a person into doing the work – turn inwards vice outwards for healing)

    The Law of attraction requires one to be authentic which requires becoming conscious of ones fears and dealing with them in healthy ways. Primary IMO, by taking responsibility and creating healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries will attract others with healthy boundaries.

    One works to trust Life ‘as it is’ so we can engage with life ‘as it is’, intentional without force, calm intention, and doors will open. You may attract wealth which could be money or perhaps better yet enoughness. The wealth of being authentically content with ones Self.


    Hi Liz

    I am overwhelmed by how much catching up I have ahead of me, and I feel so much regret for the wasted years spent avoiding life and isolating myself.

    When it come to careers (life in general). I am a firm believer that nothing we learn is ever wasted. Your experience with depression gives you invaluable perspective especially in a medical field.

    I have met so many people that have gone to school of X only to end up with a career in Y. I’ve heard some say they wasted time X.  Yet latter in hindsight the realization that it took going through X to get to Y. Its bitter sweet. In the game of life sure it might seem better to know with certainty exactly what must be done and where we want what we do will lead us.  However, if were honest we don’t really want that. Beauty lies in the curves not the straight line, which does not exist in nature

    If you ever take up ballroom dancing, when you first start you will find yourself always trying to catch up. Miss a step, miss a beat your impulse will be to move faster and catch up. Only it never works because that moment has passed. You can’t step in the same river twice. All that happens is that you stumble and lose connection with your partner.

    Something magical happens when you let that go. Instead of trying to catch up you change perspective and realize that what every beat your on, what ever foot your on is the right beat and the right foot to get to the next beat and the next step. You move from trying to perform a dance pattern to dancing. Every ‘mistake’ leads to creative movement, perhaps a pause, a stretch, or a fall that recovered becomes then new move never seen before. (Most dance moves originate from “mistakes”.)

    There is no time travel so the reality is that you can only move from the place you’re in – so the place you are in is the exact right place to move from. Accept that, embrace that, and the world opens its doors to you. Instead of working your way through life…. You get to Dance your way. Takes what shows up and dance. I have a feeling it will be amazing

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Peter.
    in reply to: Spiritual Guilt & Fear #298309

     I want to get to a place where I feel peace and joy in my experience without needing some sort of institutional validation.

    I think that what hurt the most. As you continue to grow it sometime means losing community and we all want to be seen.

    in reply to: Spiritual Guilt & Fear #298303

    Hi Zack

    I have also had similar experiences with regards to Christianity and Faith. For me it was important to make a distinction between the religious organization, community, religion, theology and the practice.  What I mean is that when we talk about God, religion, community, theology, belief, faith we tend to mix them all up and can get lost in the ‘politics of belief’ = guilt and fear.

    In ‘awakening’ the ego has two roles. The ego serves as a challenge that needs to be overcome and the medium through which that overcoming is experienced. It takes a healthy ego to detach it self from the experience of SELF. What is ‘you’ is not the ego… yet how you experience that realization is via the medium of ego. The ego the medium between the objective and subjective, between consciousness and unconsciousness.

    Religion is similar. Religion acts as both the medium and the challenge. You may have heard the expression that you must lose God to find God. Religion purpose is to guide, yet at the same time, perhaps because religion is also an organization tied to the experience of community, constrains. Pushes you forward while holding you back = pain.

    We desire community, to belong. Much of the guilt we feel as we grow comes from the fear of loss of community. I suspect you may have had the experience of some people responding to your weight loss that left you ‘feeling’ guilty. Witnessing you change causing others to experience anxiety and guilt which because they don’t want to make such a change project it back onto you.

    Its important to understand if the Spiritual guilt and fear you experience belongs to you or is originating from others.

    There is a Zen koan “If you meet the Buddha, kill him”. The Buddha encouraged his followers to find their own way yet having followers created community = conflict. You can imagine the response of a community to ‘killing’ the very thing being sought. You can imagine the quilt one might feel if one think they are objectively ‘killing’ the Buddha… killing Christ… yet it is the death of Jesus that reveals Christ.

    “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao” (A map is not the territory) Every wisdom tradition including Christianity reference back to this truth, yet in practice tends to forget.

    in reply to: Separated Parents #297685

    Hi Nevertheless

    however everyone in my life makes me feel guilty and like I’m a terrible parent for this.

    Guilt – culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing. justly chargeable with a particular fault or error.

    From that definition I would argue that quilt isn’t applicable. From your post your daughter is safe and well adjusted and as a parent that’s is what is required of you.

    The expectations of others on what they think you should do and be is their problem and frankly sexist. We all want people to accept us and approve of the things we do and its important to be open to such conversations however we can’t let it define us.

    The judgment of guilt isn’t appropriate here and if other’s actions and words are leaving you feeling that way the issue isn’t about your co-parenting plan, its about something else. An honest conversation ought to solve the problem however most people aren’t skilled at such conversations especially when family is concerned.

    Quite frankly you ought to be able to tell those that you are feeling judgment from to stop, and that should be the end of it.

    in reply to: Do not see hope #297443

    The first noble truth – We Suffer – Life is the sacrifice of life and when we deny that reality, fight that reality and or try to fix it we suffer.  Most of the suffering we experience we create based on our thoughts about that reality and unwillingness to engage with life as it is. When we say Yes to that reality, we still suffer only we are less likely to attach our sense of self to that suffering.  The suffering flows through us vice getting bottled up and clung to.

    We work for that which no work is required.

    You hinted at a realisation that you need to develop a health self esteem. I agree as It takes a healthy sense of self (ego) to let go of the ego and the suffering that arises when we attach our sense of ‘I’ as being the ego. (The ego remains the medium through which you experience life, we do not negate the ego as if it was ‘bad’ and had to be killed off which is the cause of much suffering. Instead we learn to detach our sense of ‘I’ as being the ego. You, (the Self), are not your ego, you are not your thoughts, you are not your mind, your body… you are not your experiences… The ego is both the challenge to be overcome and the medium through which we awaken… )

    The work requires taking responsibility for our ability to nurturer ourselves as well as protecting ourselves by having healthy boundaries. Confronting our shadow by getting honest about our best and worst aspects… And then the most difficult coming to terms with duality – the problem of opposites…

    There are many forms of meditation – which is it you practice? The purpose of practice is so that when we get up to play the game the skills we have are in our muscle memory. We act, we play, we are, without having to think about them.  Its odd how it never occurs to people that have a meditation practice allow it when Life is engaging them.  Stilling still and calm by a peaceful river for 30 min is all well and good but the practice shows itself when we find ourselves cought in the current of that river.

    in reply to: How am I sure I found my purpose? #297219

     “we should live the life we came here to live”, which article was claiming we should live the life that God/Universe has planned for us, as that’s our only purpose.

    Hi Angi

    I’ve always like what Joseph Campbell said about the question of meaning and purpose. “It’s a waist of time to ask the question when You are the Answer.

    You are It!”

    Life does not give you purpose or meaning but  ‘You’ that gives meaning and purpose to Life. From this perspective everything you are and all that you do is purpose, is meaning, the Good the bad and the ugly.

    So, Follow your Bliss and Become, that is what is being asked of you! Laugh when you feel like laughing, cry when you feel like crying, be angry when your angry, happy when your happy.  Love encompasses it all.  Learn… be better as you learn better… become… you are G_d’s plan.

    In the Lords prayer there is the statement ‘They will be done’. Most people read that statement as a surrender to God’s will.  But what if it’s a statement of fact. Not a surrender but a acknowledgment of participation that G_d’s will, will be done and your in it. Life As It Is! Life lives off Life, Life requires the sacrifice of Life, that is life’s wonder and it’s horror, That is LIFE’S Awesomeness (real definition of the word). The uneasiness you experience may be rooted in that reality. The unease of sacrifice. Are you living your truth or others? Both have purpose and meaning…  one though is Being.

    “Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss,  and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.  If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.” ― Joseph Campbell

    in reply to: How do I stop caring what others think? #297183

    Hi Lily
    You may find the following book helpful: ‘Shame and Grace: Healing the Shame We Don’t Deserve’ by Lewis B. Smedes

    “If you persistently feel you don’t measure up, you are feeling shame—that vague, undefined heaviness that presses on our spirit, dampens our gratitude for the goodness of life, and diminishes our joy. The good news is that shame can be healed.”

    “The difference between guilt and shame is very clear–in theory. We feel guilty for what we do. We feel shame for what we are. A person feels guilt because he did something wrong. A person feels shame because he is something wrong. We may feel guilty because we lied to our mother. We may feel shame because we are not the person our mother wanted us to be.”

    “We feel properly embarrassed when we are caught doing something that makes us look inept, knuckleheaded, or inappropriate. Maybe the difference is this: we feel embarrassed because we look bad, and we feel shame because we think we are bad. When we are embarrassed, we feel socially foolish. When we are shamed, we feel morally unworthy.” – Lewis B. Smedes

    Most Shame we feel is undeserved! The book may help guide you through letting it go.

    in reply to: Wife is apathetic toward me #297175


    In every relationship we make a choice to be ‘happy’ together and work through all the stuff or we choose not to.  The Book – ‘How to be a Adult in Relationships’ by David Richo – might be a good guide through these waters.

    in reply to: I'm legit confused. #295957

    Hi nz133:

    With regards to expectations. Its important to distinguish the difference between expectations and healthy boundaries.

    in reply to: Off center & unbalanced #295381

    Hi Sophie

    Similarly after what I might call a dark night of the soul and realized I was in trouble i sought out professional help with a Jungian analyst. The therapy help me regain perspective.

    What do I do when I feel unbalanced? I took up ballroom dancing and wood working. The key here was a activity that took me out of myself and that required different kind of thinking.

    During those times when I can’t shake the unbalanced feeling I make a conscious effort to allow it and just sit with the feeling. In those moments I usually discover that I was fighting the feeling in a attempt to avoid something I needed to deal with which only make the feeling stronger.  Lately for me the feeling of being unbalanced comes from loneliness.


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