
Sarah Jeanne Browne

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  • in reply to: Mourning a relationship you never truly had #381420
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Tell her how you’re feeling. If I knew someone felt this way about me, I would want to know. If it doesn’t change her mind, it will give you peace and closure. You’ll live in regret if you don’t.

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #381232
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Here’s how to positively reframe this situation:

    1. Your mom finally got to open up to someone, aka you so she’s not alone anymore

    2. You got to reassure her repressed feelings

    3. You two can become closer

    4. You can resolve not to be codependent on her and let herself be her own teacher (meaning you don’t have to provide therapy)

    5. Your mom is seeking better care with your brother and has hope.

    6. You are empathetic and sensitive in nature, meaning you feel for others deeply. This means you are a good person. The opposite would be concerning. Your reaction is normal and natural and human and good.

    7. You can continue to work on yourself and talk to us here on how you are doing. We can give you advice if needed for your mom or yourself. You and her are not alone.

    8. You have taken such proactive steps towards getting help. I am so proud of you.


    in reply to: End off the Road!! #381166
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I am praying for your mother. You can only do so much. If she is suffering mentally, she needs to seek help too. You are not her therapist or caregiver. If it’s true she can’t handle your breakdown, then remember now to have boundaries in discussing it with her. Focusing on yourself will actually ease her suffering. If she sees you doing better, she may feel better too. I don’t mean for you to become codependent, but it sounds like she is codependent on you. release it to God. This is rock bottom but it’s not the end. I praying for you both. Don’t give up. I believe in you both. She just needs time to process everything and life.

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #381145
    Sarah Jeanne Browne


    Wow! I am so amazed and proud of you for being so PROACTIVE. You have a great attitude about all this and are actually doing a lot of good for yourself. Give yourself some credit.

    If you don’t want to buy The Secret, I found the full text on Youtube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBXVrH_VvAY&t=4561s

    I believe in you. I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Your life is worth it. I am so excited to see the person you become from all this. You have already done a lot for yourself and will help others one day with this same struggle. You have the ability to turn it around now.

    So…live. I want you to live. I want you to know it’s going to be okay. I want you to take breaks, laugh, live in the moment and love yourself. I want you to know that God has not abandoned you.

    Neither will I. 🙂

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #381101
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Also watch The Secret. I’m watching it too now https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i7GmSg8vmcg

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #381100
    Sarah Jeanne Browne


    i am seeing that you lack coping skills. You are trying to solve everything when the truth is “don’t try to calm the storm. Calm yourself. The storm will pass.” Meditation will be extremely useful to you.

    you are outside your window of tolerance for negative feelings. You are blaming yourself for your moms upset. That is out of your control. But you are being highly proactive.

    you need to stop panicking and worrying about every little thing. On top of trauma and depression you are catastrophizing and panicking over not feeling well. This is perpetuating the problem.

    ive given you homework. If you want more read Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed and Try Softer by Aundi Kolber. They are self help books that will change your life.

    i want you to google coping skills for ptsd and depression. Search Facebook groups for emotional support groups.

    Ground yourself in the present when you start to feel bad. Focus only on your senses things you smell see taste touch and hear until you calm down. Try box breathing too. Inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts then repeat.

    you asked me to pray for you. I have been. Your mom is experiencing codependent emotions with you. All you can do is reassure her. You can’t control her response. As you’ll find in Victor Frankl writing you can only control yourself. The one choice you have in any situation is your attitude.

    im praying for you. I feel called to answer you. I’m trying to keep you alive but can only do so much. You’ve shown me you want to live and are fighting for yourself. Give the rest to God. I’ll be here as you navigate this.

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #380923
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I found some journaling prompts for you that are more positive:

    33 Prompts to Promote Optimism and Health on Positive Thinking Day

    1. What is something that always puts you in a good mood?
    2. What is the best way to lift someone else’s spirits?
    3. Do you consider yourself to be an optimist? Why or why not?
    4. Create a morning mantra for yourself that you could use to start each day off right. Write about what it means to you.
    5. Do you believe that setting a good intention for your day can help you have a better day? Why or why not?
    6. Imagine your perfect day and write about what it would look like.
    7. Write about a time when a situation that seemed bad turned out okay in the end.
    8. Make a gratitude list of everything you’re thankful for this week. Then, choose one thing to write about in detail.
    9. Who is the most positive person you know? How do you feel when you are around him or her?
    10. What are a few small things you could do to have a more positive attitude?
    11. What is your favorite thing about yourself? Write about how it impacts your life.
    12. Did you know that positive thinking can be good for your physical health? Why do you think this is?
    13. What is the nicest thing someone has ever said about you? How did it make you feel?
    14. What would you do if your best friend needed to be cheered up?
    15. It’s only human to make mistakes! Write about a time when you could have used this reminder.
    16. Try to keep a smile on your face for as much of the day as possible. Then, write about your experience.
    17. Do you find it easy to express your feelings? Why or why not?
    18. What can you do today to make someone else’s day a little better?
    19. Make a list of positive “I am…” statements that you can read to yourself when you’re feeling sad.
    20. When you’re in a bad mood or feeling tired, do you prefer to be left alone or spend time with others? Why?
    21. People say, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” What does this phrase mean to you?
    22. What do you like to do to make yourself feel better when you’re feeling down? Why?
    23. What inspires you to be a better person? Why?
    24. Who can you turn to when you need advice or support? How will that person help you?
    25. Does your home feel like a positive environment to you? Why or why not?
    26. What is one negative thing you could easily eliminate from your life?
    27. Think of one nice thing you can do for a stranger today. Then, write about what you will do.
    28. Write about a time when you used positive thinking to reframe a negative situation.
    29. Spend a day doing things more slowly. Then, write about your experience and any changes to your mood that you noticed.
    30. Think of something that scares you. Then, consider a reason you don’t need to be scared of it and write about your thoughts.
    31. What is one healthy habit you could maintain each day that would have a positive effect on your life?
    32. People say, “Laughter is the best medicine.” What is something that always makes you laugh?  Does it make you feel better when you are upset?
    33. Think of something that has bothered you lately. Do you think you will still care about it in a month?  Or in a year?  Why or why not?
    in reply to: End off the Road!! #380828
    Sarah Jeanne Browne


    I’m so proud of you again for getting help. I know it’s tough. But you’re almost through this! You just have to hold on. 🙂 We are here for you. I’m not going anywhere. You can check in as much as you like. I will answer as soon as I can.

    Once you get the answers, you can take control of your life. That is the goal. You have that to look forward to.

    Try gratitude journaling. It seems too like you have negative thought patterns which you have not yet learned to positively reframed. This is an article I wrote today for Forbes on this very issue: HERE

    So you have a why. You want to see what will happen once you get the answers and take control. You want to not cause those you love the suffering of you ending it. But you need to dig a little deeper and find more whys.

    Here’s some suggestions:

    1) To help others go through what you are going through

    2) To advocate for causes related to your issues

    3) To find happiness and purpose

    4) To know yourself so you can be vulnerable and open in a relationship without leaning too hard on the other person

    5) To establish boundaries so you stay safe in your relationships or know when to walk away

    6) To love yourself unconditionally. I want you to start working on this one right now.

    7) To forgive yourself and others.

    8) To follow something bigger than yourself- maybe an organization, cause or even a faith

    9) To make meaning out of the mess. Your mess is your message.

    10) And to be mindful in the moment. I suggest starting to meditate. Try Insight Timer for free ones.

    Can you think of anymore?

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #380827
    Sarah Jeanne Browne


    I’m so proud of you again for getting help. I know it’s tough. But you’re almost through this! You just have to hold on. 🙂 We are here for you. I’m not going anywhere. You can check in as much as you like. I will answer as soon as I can.

    Once you get the answers, you can take control of your life. That is the goal. You have that to look forward to.

    Try gratitude journaling. It seems too like you have negative thought patterns which you have not yet learned to positively reframed. This is an article I wrote today for Forbes on this very issue: HERE

    So you have a why. You want to see what will happen once you get the answers and take control. You want to not cause those you love the suffering of you ending it. But you need to dig a little deeper and find more whys.

    Here’s some suggestions:

    1) To help others go through what you are going through

    2) To advocate for causes related to your issues

    3) To find happiness and purpose

    4) To know yourself so you can be vulnerable and open in a relationship without leaning too hard on the other person

    5) To establish boundaries so you stay safe in your relationships or know when to walk away

    6) To love yourself unconditionally. I want you to start working on this one right now.

    7) To forgive yourself and others.

    8) To follow something bigger than yourself- maybe an organization, cause or even a faith

    9) To make meaning out of the mess. Your mess is your message.

    10) And to be mindful in the moment. I suggest starting to meditate. Try Insight Timer for free ones.

    Can you think of anymore?

    in reply to: End off the Road!! #380763
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    First of all, I’m proud of you for reaching out for help. Since wed is your follow up, try to find some ways of coping til you get the answers. I had something happen to me today that made me want to give up. I was very drowsy, and it’s been like this for two weeks. I thought I wasn’t eating healthy enough so I kept trying different things. Then I told my mother who said the same thing happens to her a lot. She told me it was sinuses. I took a sinus med and felt all better. The point of this? The whole time my brain was telling me to give up. I was filled with negative thoughts, worries, ruminations and catastrophizing. My own bran was using my fears against me. And it turned out to be fixable.

    That’s not unlike your situation. There are solutions, you just don’t see them. One thought that helped me through this time was thinking “I’m just going to be curious about what is happening next.” My brain wanted to just quit. I was done. I was like, I can’t function or live this way so why do it? And it turned out to just be my sinuses! I used this thought of just being curious for how things to resolve themselves to fight back persistent negative thought patterns. It worked.

    You don’t have to have all the answers now. I hope you get on Lexapro and if not, they find another med which will work for you. Your evaluation uncovered many helpful things and it’s all coming together! There is a way through this which is to keep going, to just be curious about how things will turn out.

    I’ve had suicidal ideations most of my life. I always wanted to just give up. So I know how you feel. I kept going because I wanted to help others. What is your “Why?” Do you feel you have one? You need it to be strong enough to hold onto through this. It could be a dream, a way to help others through similar things, a relationship, a faith or religion…anything that gives you meaning. I recommend the book Man’s Search for Meaning by holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl. You are not the first to feel despair and hopelessness. So many feel it. But there are people who have written great things about it. He is one of them.

    I’ll be praying for you. Please keep telling a professional how you are feeling, and if you are suicidal, call a hotline or go to a psych ward or call local authorities. It’s okay to need help right now. But you’re life isn’t over. You have so much more to give and experience. No one can take that away from you- not your past, not your mind etc. No one can take away the goodness that your life has to offer. You just need to remind what’s worth holding onto.

    For journaling, there are many different types. If you are exploring negative feelings, it could bring up trauma. I would self advocate and ask for other journaling methods. Maybe try gratitude journaling. See how that feels.

    All my best,


    in reply to: Struggling badly #380697
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I think you need to look at how far you’ve come. You’ve overcome so much. You are not your past. You are not the bad things that happened. They weren’t your fault. If people are only half in and half out with you, that’s not a real relationship. If you are seeking support, this is a great start. There are also facebook support groups to look into such as for  PTSD. https://www.facebook.com/groups/WmnwPTSDUnitedSupportGroup is one> i’m not in it so I don’t know if it’s good but just search “ptsd support” under groups to find more. Keep reaching out. You can find local ones too. I would also recommend a therapist to help you with your suicidal feelings. It’s okay to ask for help. If you feel like you are drowning, it’s time to ask for help. Coming here is a great place to start, to get some support, but do tell a professional that you’re feeling this way.

    I get lonely a lot too. I don’t have many close friends even though I’m very social. My family isn’t super close either and Ihave trauma as well from some of them. I grew up with no one to talk to or turn to. So I get what you are feeling. I recommend the book Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. It helped me when I was at rock bottom.

    You are not alone even though you feel like it. You are worth it.

    List out some things you like about yourself.

    List out some positive affirmations.

    List out some gratitude things. “I am grateful that I have made it this far…”

    Try anxiety journaling where you write what you are anxious about for ten to twenty minutes to get it all about. This is also called worry journaling.

    Here’s a meditation I love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZEdkZsaUQ8

    Try escaping as well. Do something just for fun. When is the last time you really laughed or smiled? What were you doing?This might sound silly but I watch prank videos lol 🙂 I like Impractical Jokers a lot.

    Remember that this feeling will not last. Come here, reach out to support groups on facebook and in person, go to your therapist and try these coping skills I have listed. Read that book if you get a chance. 🙂

    I know it’s hard right now, but better days are coming. You just have to know you’re worth it. And you are.

    in reply to: It hurts #380692
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I understand- I’ve had someone in my life once give me the same type of criticism. Know that it’s not your fault you are being treated this way. The only way to win IS to love yourself.  Look up exercises online for finding self-compassion (Such as by Kristin Neff) or radical self love advice. You need to let the weight thing go or it will ruin your life. You are already beautiful. We are fed a lie by society that we must look a certain way to be attractive. It’s not true at all. It’s just what we have known all our lives and believed. Don’t lose yourself in that.

    If you want diet and exercise tips, here are mine- I’m a mix of vegan and keto. If you don’t want to go vegan, look into keto at least. I am fuller faster and longer because of it. I also recommend steel cut oats for breakfast. Not rolled oats. STEEL CUT. They are a little harder to prepare but worth it. I lost a lot of weight doing this and it kept me full almost all day. I do this or a mix of any keto friendly cereal (catalina crunch is another example). I eat an avocado a day for the keto, plant protein drink, roasted or stir fried vegges (From a food kit) and an apple and banana a day. As long as you are HEALTHY, a diet plan is okay to have. It’s fun to find recipes too. 🙂

    For workout, I’ve tried EVERYTHING. And I’ve found a)I love nature b) jogging is doable. So I’m not super in shape but I mix a run and fast walking when I’m outside in the cool evening. (or whenever you want). It’s taken a few months to get it a part of my routine but I enjoy it. The runner’s high is a real thing too!

    I hope that all helps you regain control. Remember- you are beautiful.

    Edit: For the isolation thing, try some facebook support groups!

    in reply to: Toxic Family- leaving my stomach in knots #380439
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    So, if they are bringing you down and affecting your mental health, then put in place healthy boundaries or walk away. I would separate myself as much as possible from people who emotionally abused me like they are of you. Even though it’s family, it’s okay to do your own thing. You can pull from other support like friends or a support group or therapy. You don’t have to take the abuse. You are good enough; you are worth it; you deserve better.

    in reply to: wouldn’t be a mercy if i just ended my life? #380432
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    If you are having suicidal ideations, you need to tell a professional. Your meds may need adjusted too. I was on zoloft in my teens and it gave me suicidal ideations. I got off it. I’m not saying that’s what happened to you, just that’s it’s a possibility with some antidepressents.

    When you feel down, try to meditate on what is going on in your soul. Ask yourself, “What do I really need?” Write this down. Then share it with someone, a safe space. Try surrendering, letting go rather than giving up. There’s a whole life ahead of you to be lived that’s worthwhile. When we are suicidal, we have tunnel vision. We can’t see outside of our feelings-that’s called emotional reasoning. Even if you do not have CBT in your therapy where you live, you can look up many resources online and use with your negative thought patterns.

    If things do not get better, you might want to ask for help and even admit yourself to a psych ward. It’s okay to need help. It’s not okay to ignore it. We can only do so much for you here. We do not have all the answers. We cannot make your pain go away with one message of support. You must ask for help in your area. If something doesn’t work, keep trying. The point is to be vulnerable with yourself and open about your emotions. That will ease you.

    I am hoping you hold on. Your life matters.

    in reply to: How to fix a toxic relationship #380240
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Hi there,

    I’m sensing some codependency on your part. You are looking for comfort, validation, emotional support and love in a one sided manner. She is not reciprocating your level of care, even if she is unstable as a reason. This is a pattern. You push more and more to get what you need, and end up falling down because of it. If she was able to be emotionally supportive, she would be right there with you. You two lack intimacy, the closeness you need for a functional healthy relationship. She told you off for pushing too hard. That says to me you are both clashing in fact ontop of not communicating right. She contradicted herself by telling you she wants to know how you feel but also shutting you out.

    I would honestly either set a boundary where you don’t keep reaching out if she ignores you and let go a little OR walk away. If I were in your shoes, I would be running. You are not there to save this person and she cannot save you. All you can do is accept the situation and recognize that your needs are not being met. What you do from there is up to you.

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