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March 1, 2019 at 2:35 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #282435
ParticipantHi all,
I’m just popping on to show I’m still alive! I’ll write a more detailed post tomorrow.
This week has been intense. I’m quite overwhelmed. My sister having the baby added a lot of responsibility to my life over the past few days being available to her to help. My course is getting even more intense and I actually feel in over my head.
My sisters baby had to go back into hospital due to concerns but the doctors reviewed him and gave him the all clear.
I went fishing with my ex for 10 hours on Wednesday and it was relaxed and peaceful and a lovely experience for what it was. What it was….I’ve no clue.
Im struggling. I feel like water is coming in over me and I need to be in complete solitude for a month.
How are you doing? Still surviving? Any improvement of just surviving?
February 26, 2019 at 11:46 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281907Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle and all,
Today has been a roller coaster. I had a terrible nights sleep worried about my sister in hospital in labour, I barely slept two hours and was also on edge listening to the monitor in case the toddler stirred in his room. When I heard she had a beautiful baby boy during the night I was relieved but was too wound up for sleep.
This morning was a frenzy of getting the toddler ready for nursery and getting him there. He was dubious and clung to me and screamed getting in the car, which he never does. He must have known things were not as they usually are! I ended up with more pain as it was difficult to get him into car seat when he was having a meltdown.
I made it to the city and picked up some essentials for my sister but then the nurses told her I couldn’t go in. (Her husband had been sent home around 6am so he was catching an hour or two of sleep). Eventually I snuck in and gave her the few things she wanted and met my angel nephew. He’s perfect, just perfect. I’m already in love!
I then had therapy and the meeting with my ex and the lack of sleep and monthly hormones and anxiety over my sister and all the change- I just cried for 60 minutes. It came flooding out. My therapist felt it was all the tears and hurt I kept in during my meeting with my ex which I disguised so as not to scare him off.
I explained that I’m fed up. I’m clearly not a person capable of copping on and moving on OR at the same time can’t accept what I know would be the type of relationship with my ex if we reconciled. He feels I’m at the position now where I’m trying to make myself be a person who can accept what is on offer.
Honestly my mind and heart are in knots. I can not believe that I will life a future part of my life where I don’t feel a loss and don’t feel alone. For some reason it’s beyond comprehension or imagination for me.
I love being with him. But I don’t love not moving forward. So how can I reconcile this- that’s my main problem. My therapist says one of the most important things we should learn is how to quit. He said many people put so much weight into the idea that you can get and achieve whatever you dream if you work hard enough, but he believes giving up can be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make in the right context.
It was all so draining. Then I had my course which was intense for two hours!I’m exhausted and now my car is being tested for roadworthiness – I feel like I’m back at school being examined!!!!
Tomorrow morning he and I are supposed to be going fishing – he is maintaining his polite distance in our text communication but made the plan anyway, so we’ll see what will be said tomo.
I felt like running away to a rainforest today – I genuinely truly did. X
February 25, 2019 at 2:50 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281805Shelbyville
Thanks always for your reassurance. It’s a lonely scary place to be and just feeling as though one other single human being understands and empathises with you, means a whole lot.
It does feel like a struggle. Everything feels like a struggle now. I don’t want to spend my life struggling and I’m sad that this is the kind of life I now have, despite my attempts to change it.Not so lost star,
I have read some of your story too and I really appreciate your input. I dont know how to close that door, I have tried. Two months of no contact and still every single moment of my thoughts were about him and the feeling that I would one day contact him again. The lack of a please effff off from him too, just makes is more confusing I guess. In some ways, I morbidly hope that would be the reaction when I reach out, so then I could just hate him and get angry and move on.
Im extraordinarily tired of spirit right now.
Please don’t misunderstand- I don’t feel people such as yourself would be disappointed because you come across as bossy or whatever. I’m literally crying as I read your post. It is because of my regard for you that I feel I’m letting people down. I don’t have to meet people in person to connect with them or have a level of respect, if I feel it’s merited. I admire you and therefore I feel your advice is practical and sage and when I can’t follow it through, I feel silly and unworthy in myself. These are my issues, not connected to others.
I lost my mum to illness some years back and a true miracle happened when my dad met a wonderful kind caring woman who became one of my best friends and step mum. We lost her too to a brief and shock illness. My brothers too have tragedy in their lives and even my sister. I won’t get into their own personals struggles on here.
I’m going to sound a little whiney too I’m sure but my full health capacity was ‘taken’ from me too over the past decade with two surgeries and consistent pain. Look, I’m grateful to be where I am now, living the best way I can despite all that and so so many others have such suffering. So I truly do feel grateful as much as I can, but sometimes, I feel like, what is the really meaning of life. For some……happiness? For others, maybe just to struggle and survive till the end.
I have had such angst the past 24 hours, involving reconnecting with my ex but also my sister has gone into the hospital and I’m mindong her toddler by myself! Gosh, they sure are hard work! Hats off to all the mommas! But I’m waiting anxiously to hear of news of the new arrival.
Its clear my ex has not grown or changed his mindset since we split. So if we did reconcile, it would tentative and with some distance again to start with I’d imagine. Yet, I adore him, I love being in his company and spending time with him. It’s when I’m away from him, I’m anxious. When fear sets in I suppose.
Why couldn’t there be a manual? I can’t navigate this any more.
P.S – my therapist did suggest that I met up with my ex recognising that he is unavailable so there wouldn’t be a threat of it going anywhere near making me happy but during the course of the relationship I grew and that changed.
February 24, 2019 at 1:38 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281593Shelbyville
Welcome back. It sounds like you are still dealing with a lot. Have you started seeing a therapist? I think you should, there seems to be a lot of stuff you’re sorting through and to be honest, therapists can understand a lot better than us at times.
It might be time to say goodbye to your ex, you’ve tried and tried but as time goes on, just reading your posts, it’s not sounding any more like an ideal situation- more like one that causes you both pain and confusion.
Maybe it’s time for you to do you now. Have a relationship with yourself and nurture that- find out what issues have impacted you and learn from them and grow and hopefully secure some peace for yourself?
Thanks for getting in touch. When I started the thread it was 15 days after my breakup but it’s now been 5months. My anxiety levels are not what they were thankfully, due to support, therapy, some medication and the passage of time I guess.
I have been trying to get in touch with myself but some days I find it incredibly profound and hard to figure out, so hopefully my therapist can help me a little more during my session this week.
Yep, he’s trying to be decent. He’s nothing of not decent. It’s infuriating. I have such poor sleep, I’m exhausted and my chronic pain is particularly bad today. Also, I’ve been staying with my sister as it’s just past her due date and she’s been having some pains, so won’t be long more I think. I guess that has me on edge too until she goes in and has a healthy baby and is healthy herself.
Ive come home to my own bed tonight to try and get some rest, and she’s gonna call if there is any movement. I took the next week off work to help her with her toddler when the baby arrives. But I’m definitely out of sorts.
I don’t know what’s going on. Sometimes I feel I’m a disappointment to people on the forum here who give me advice and I can’t seem to understand it or follow it. I’m trying and my head gets so overwhelmed and humbled by all I read and learn. I do NOT know wtf I’m supposed to be doing. I’m lost. Completely lost.
I hope I don’t drag you down with this post, but some of our issues are similar and I’m hoping you can get where I’m coming from. I adore the help I’m getting on here from wonderful people but sometimes I feel like I’m not smart enough or insightful enough or evolved enough to truly understand and implement it.
Since my breakup I have over and over again read and heard that this will change me forever for the better. I’ll truly know myself, I’ll learn lessons, I’ll be the person I was meant to become. I have explained this somewhat to my therapist but he doesn’t tend to go into it too much. He’s clever though, and I feel really understands me so I think he feels I get too overwhelmed at times with existential angst that there is no point sending me down further rabbit holes when I can’t even get out of the ones I’m currently in. I’m sorry if this is a stream of consciousness tonight, honestly sometimes I wonder what sort of a mind I have.
Life is not easy. It’s iust not. And you know what, I’m kind of tired of challenges. I’ve had a lot throughout my life and it doesn’t seem to get better. Good things are taken from me and I’m expected to struggle on. Just because I have to. Life is a gift I’m told. But is this the case for everyone? I’m not doing anything too extraordinary with mine, so perhaps the powers that be should get their money back!
I love being in the company of my ex, but how can it work out when he hasn’t changed, or learned or grown? How can I accept less when even. now I’m sad to be out of his company?
Bring back the years where I sailed through life and never opened my heart romantically I say!
I hope you managed the weekend okay, are you still feeling in a slump? Trust me when I say i can relate. x
February 23, 2019 at 2:08 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281483Shelbyville
Ah i see what you mean now. Thank you for explaining. So I need to decide what it is I want first and then take things from there. I kind of understand now, forgive me for being a bit confused before. Sometimes I think I think too deeply about stuff and often end up in a rabbit hole of psychology!
I guess- it’s time to make that list. I have been putting it off I guess. Probably because I didn’t know what to put on it. Thanks for the kickstart!
My interaction with my ex was totally fine. As per usual. Laughing a lot and watching the rugby and just being normal. In some ways it would just be better if it was a horrible experience and awkward and he was an ass. He walked me back to my car and we sat there for a little while where I started a deeper conversation. He’s taken a sabbatical from work for a couple of months, has spent some time with family in the Middle East and basically still doesn’t know where he’s going. Likes his own company but missed me somewhat, felt it was the more decent thing to do to not contact me and try to not cause more pain.
Nothing I didn’t know I guess. But all my feelings are still there. I’m tired now, so going to try and get some sleep, but we agreed to meet sometime soon again. He admits he’s wary and I am too. It was enough for this evening, I don’t know if I actually will see him again, but it could have gone a lot worse I guess. I’m still standing.
February 23, 2019 at 2:22 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281467Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there,
I have organised to meet up with my ex this afternoon. It’s not that I believe it is the smart thing to do, but I feel like there was no point living as though I would eventually do it either. I don’t think that was any better of a route to move forward.
Sure, it was nearly two months since I’ve spoken to him, butmy feelings hadn’t changed and I always felt it was only a matter of time before I’d contact him again. If I planned to do it one weekend, and i’d put it off, it would only be until I felt there would be a more suitable weekend. I was getting worn out from the constant limbo.
I tried to say to myself many times that it’s over, and that I would never contact him again, but it never sank in really. I would like to be a person who feels differently, that feels I am better off alone or that one day I’ll be happy and even find someone else, but it’s not there, I just don’t feel that way.
I don’t know how today will go, I have no idea why I really arranged it, it’s not sitting well in my tummy, but I think that might be genuine fear. If it is, so be it. I’m at the stage now, where if the outcome is complete embarrassment and brutal heartbreak to my face, then maybe I’ll suffer that to finally move on, because I guess while I’ve done a lot, my feelings towards him are not shifting and I can’t stay like this forever.
February 21, 2019 at 3:39 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281133Shelbyville
I can really empathise with how you feel, our reasons may be different for feeling this way, but the symptoms – I definitely get. I think moving away from contact with everyone might not be the best idea at the moment. I get that the way you’re feeling, it might be nicer and easier to be on your own, but I know a lot of people close to me with depression anxiety etc and isolation has only made them worse whereas being around people, however much you don’t feel like it, stops you from retreating into your head and possibly the lies it might tell you in your darkest moment.
Keep going with the therapy and maybe say to your therapist that you feel you are dis-improving and need urgent help now and actions you can take to help improve your peace of mind. They should be able to guide you whether you need to look forward or look back to get to the bottom of things.
I understand to an extent what you are saying. But my feelings are not changing. I have not contacted him, I’m going to work, I’m considering travel, I have started a new course, I’m planning breaks with families and friends, I’ve started playing guitar again. I thought I was taking action. Or do you mean a different kind of action. I suppose I thought I was doing the right thing and trying to move forward and my feelings would change accordingly as everyone assures me they will, but they haven’t. Am I doing something wrong, or missing something?
P.S thanks for contributing from your adventure!
February 20, 2019 at 12:34 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #281051Shelbyville
Sorry for delay, it didn’t show up that you had posted.
I don’t know what’s going on with me. I don’t know where I am tbh. It’s hard to figure out. I downloaded this healing course thing from a woman who was devastated by a broken heart in the U.S, but it’s all about digging deep and listening to inner voices etc and it’s not really clicking with me. I spend a good amount of time each day trying to figure out ‘what I really want’, ‘who I really am’, ‘why I haven’t been giving myself’- honestly it’s exhausting and frustrating in equal measure. I mean, what the heck does it all mean anyway? Nothing is coming to the fore, I’m not ‘realising’ things, I’m not figuring myself out. I feel like it’s just a waste, and maybe I should just go back to dealing with life like I did before I had any insight etc. I miss my ex. Some days I feel like I don’t miss it as much, other days I feel as if I need to try out to him at every available opportunity. I feel I have no direction.
I can understand how exhausting the depressing feeling must be. I may well be on the road to that myself. What do YOU believe is the way out of it, of moving forward. Don’t think about the answer too much, I’m not talking philosophically- just asking you off the cuff- stand back- what’s the way to deal with this do you think?
A location change could very well be the thing you need, who knows? It may take you out of the cycle you’ve been in where you are?
February 18, 2019 at 9:41 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280627Shelbyville
Meh is not the worst thing in the world I guess. It’s as good as any, until you can figure things out. Are you still attending therapy to try and wade through everything? I hope they can help provide some insight. The more they get to kno you, the more they will be able to discern and hopefully help.
I hve thought about Oz…..on the days I’m not feeling as sad. Or am in denial. I don’t know which. Sometimes I think about going because travel and new settings can often open up your mind and give you better perspective. But I don’t know if I’ll go through with it. Yesterday I would say, Yes I will! Today I’m refraining from calling my ex! And so the cycle continues!
How is the house hunting going? I’d love to be able to afford a place of my own
February 18, 2019 at 8:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280607Shelbyville
ParticipantHi all,
Emotions really are a rollercoaster. It’s so unfathomable to me why one day I feel relatively positive and okay and the next I’m lost and sad and needing to retreat.
@kkasxo, how are you doing? I hope the weekend went okay for youFebruary 17, 2019 at 10:11 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280535Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
I think the unpredictability of everything that bothers me most at the moment. So basically earlier last week, I honestly felt like breaking down in public, I missed him so much and tortured myself with thoughts of him moving on with someone else. This weekend I’m completely fine. Now, whether that means I’m in denial, I don’t know, but I don’t like not understanding what’s going on.
I see now that our different attachment styles most certainly did not mesh together in a practical way. I guess I felt that because I acknowledge mine and am willing to work on it, he could have done the same. But right now I have a reprieve from wanting to contact him, so I’ll take it.
My sister is due any day now, so I’m a bit on edge waiting for the call at any moment. I can’t wait till baby arrives, hopefully healthy and happy.
I hope you are enjoying new experiences every day. The travel option is certainly becoming more prominent in my mind.
February 15, 2019 at 10:26 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280339Shelbyville
I do want space – a little corner of the world to call my own and close the door and not expect anyone and where I can just be. Sometimes I dream of flying away and starting a new life but my heart and head go where I go, so no escaping them!
I can imagine there is a weird feeling at home for you. Here’s why. You, my dear, are growing. From everything you have been through, you have gained more insight and are seeing sides to yourself you didn’t even know existed until recently. Growth means change and MOST people do not like change. It is something to be fearful of for most and and inconvenience at best for others. Your family are used to you putting them first (not consciously), of ‘being strong and never complaining much’, so this is new for them. They are off kilter. This is what growth is- it jars the status quo.
Nowadays I’m a bit better at putting myself first when I need to and let me tell you, the reaction from those around me has really opened my eyes. Many people I love want me to be happy, but they themselves don’t like too much change, so my growth is irking them a little, but baby steps and they get used to it.
You’re not doing what you have done your whole life anymore. You are doing something new. You are allowing your heart and mind to fall, the way you need to, rather than putting in a brave front and pushing it aside. It’s like a Monica closet, keep stuffing stuff in there and eventually it’ll all come tumbling out.
You’re human. With a depth of emotion and just because you’re now at a point where the culmination of your life experience thus far has taken a heavy toll on you, it is just one stage of your story. There is much more to come. Yep, you might look back on this and say 2018/19 was the period when I was in huge depression, but you’ll improve. It takes work and time, but it is most definitely possible. I’ve seen it.
As for me, I have started the night school make up course and it’s super intense actually, but I’m enjoying it and I’m so busy with it, I don’t think about anything else while in class. So that runs until summer so I’m not gonna make any career change before then as I still need to keep a stable income for the duration. But I have theoretical ideas about OZ in the autumn, but I’m a wimp so they may stay ideas forever.
I’m now home and have the house to myself and a fire on and sweatpants and I don’t intend to move this evening! When are you going away?
February 15, 2019 at 5:13 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280281Shelbyville
You’re working. Well done. There are plenty others who would not continue working – me being one of them – but you still are. So take that as a survival instinct – buried deep perhaps, but still there. This is a rotten place to be, I know, but whatever you are telling yourself now about this lasting forever and what you’re feeling, it’s not true. Remember what Michelle and I have said before, when negativity grips you, it gains power from the more you feed it.
When I spiralled my Dad broke the cycle that day and brought me to the supermarket, when I spiralled again while my sister was away, she told me on the phone that I had to do something myself, I just had to take half a step forward for myself. So i put on some trainers and went for a walk, even though I felt like dying, even though I didn’t want to, I did it and that teeny tiny step helped me loosen the grip of the spiral.
Try and keep going to your counsellor if you can and I know you mentioned you might visit your GP too so hopefully that will let you see out off the forest. Have a shower tonight, even if you feel like ‘meh’, or want to put on pyjamas and not do anything, try the shower. Just let the warm water pour over you for as long as you need. Just let is rinse away the heavy burden you have been shouldering for so long, just let the water run. I promise you won’t regret it. I absolutely promise you that, even if it does nothing at all, it won’t make you worse.
I feel very much like you at the moment, where I need my own space. To just close the door in the evening and be myself and not have to deal with anyone or anything, but that can come in time. I know I’ll eventually find my place. However, the support of others can be so important. Keep your sister in the loop and let her support you when she can.
Regarding your mum, think of it from her perspective. She knew nothing of your struggle….and then all of a sudden in a shock announcement you describe depression, PTSD etc…it’s a lot to take in. So let me tell you about my Dad. He does NOT understand anxiety. Like…at all. He really doesn’t understand how people can’t just get up and get out and keep themselves busy. YET….he doesn’t really need to know the ins and outs of the affliction to help me. He knows sometimes I feel sad, sometimes worried with an upset tummy and he does what he can in those times in his own basic way to help me. He’ll talk and say ‘I don’t know much about all this therapy lark and why you’d pay money to someone to tell you what I can tell you and all this anxiety stuff, but I do know you’ll be ok. Get up and out and go for a walk and see how you feel’….in that way, he helps. He says the wrong things at times, but I don’t use it as a barrier to our relationship. I internally roll my eyes and think, I’m glad in a way he doesn’t have a good knowledge of anxiety because it means he’s not acquainted with it himself.
Over time, your Mum will start to understand bits and pieces, but remember she’s not you. She may not be a highly sensitive person, she may not be as curious about reading up on things like this, so we have to accept what level other people can understand. It doesn’t mean she can’t be there for you. Tell her sometimes that your sad, or that you’re feeling low today and could use a cuppa or a walk with her, that may be enough.
Plus we are all here for you and I very much care about your wellbeing, so you are most certainly not alone.
February 15, 2019 at 1:55 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280271Shelbyville
ParticipantNext Steps,
Thanks for the pep talk. It’s hard to still imagine someone who was so integral to my life, is not in it anymore or worse, won’t ever be in it again. I still find this difficult to come to terms with. To be honest, I didn’t dwell too long on V Day as I had my course after work again yesterday and I was just exhausted by last night. I stayed with one of my best friends who lives closer to my work and her family. Her toddler is my godchild, so it was nice seeing them, but actually I just hit the hay early so it was all fine.
One day maybe I will see my ex as someone I can smile about, but right now it just causes me pain and confusion, so I’ll keep working on it. I agree, I am where I am right now – emotionally speaking – and when I try to be better or when I try to change, it causes me angst and anxiety, but it’s something I’m working on.
I hope you had a nice Thursday yourself! At least it’s nearly the weekend time!
Wow 7 weeks of exploring….that’s incredible, I’m jealous! I hope you have the most wonderful experience.
As for V Day, I don’t put much time into it either and I would have been mortified to ever receive anything at work – I agree, it has always been commercial and insincere in a way, so I’m not at a loss for the day itself. It was more the reminder that my colleague had what I thought I would have one day, a husband who loves here at home and it’s afraid to embarrass himself with the cliché that is V Day. I just felt lonely I guess, but the day passed quickly as I had my course after work and it was so intense but I really like. I was exhausted last night!
I’ll hold my hands up and say I needed the security because I think I have an insecure attachment style. I actually like to hear the words I love you or for someone to show me regularly that they are thinking about me….and I know that has nothing to do with him and everything to do with me. I’ve discussed it with my therapist, it’s something I’m working on. However, if I have insecure attachment style, he very much had avoidant attachment style. He could not make future plans. About anything.
We never spoke about where we would be in 5 years time. Whenever I brought it up in a non-accusatory and non-confrontational away about my age etc, he would sort of freak out. He was always very afraid. So he said he didn’t want to get married. That hurt. He did talk about having kids and how we would raise them, but these mentions were few and far between and while the odd time he would give way to the idea, more times he admitted he was very scared of the responsibility of having children.
To be honest, I would settled in the end for even just living together as a step towards some sort of commitment. I spent months looking for properties to rent, but he always seemed reticent for any suggestions I made. It became frustrating. He would have said he wanted a place with me, but then his actions didn’t follow the words.
Essentially I think if he looked deep inside himself, he would find that he did want all those things. I genuinely don’t know another guy who deserves to be happy and have a family more, it’s hard to explain, but he just had it….the vibe….the whatever, he would have been a great Dad. Anyway, fantasising aside, he ended the relationship in the end. He found it too hard. He said he wasn’t sure if he’s cut out to be in a relationship and that he thinks he’s meant to be alone.
I saw this as fear and as I explore it more with my therapist, I’m gaining more insight and it seems to be a combination of fear and an attachment to his family of origin, leaving no room for a life with me. It just makes me sad because he STILL doesn’t know what he wants. With life in general. Before Christmas when we met, he said he’s still trying to figure it out, but he can’t figure out what will make him happy. It’s my belief he’s too scared (for whatever reason) to even explore that. My therapist says he has chosen to not try and that’s as far as he can go. I have grown over these past years, he has not. Because trust me when I say, I WAS MY EX, for many many years. I didn’t let anyone in and had zero vision for a future. I just plodded along and figured I’d end up where I’d end up. But I found therapy and opened my heart to love and then I began to change, to grow.
Anyway, I thought earlier this week, i would meet up with him and try to talk. But as the weekend approaches, I feel I won’t. This happens regularly. I’d love to say it’s because I know better, but if I’m honest, it’s probably just fear on my own part!
Hope you’re doing okay. Let me know if you need anything at all. x
February 14, 2019 at 3:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #280123Shelbyville
ParticipantHi Michelle,
Lovely to hear from you. Where you are sounds like heaven, I hope you are enjoying this time and I appreciate the input you have given on this forum, despite being on a holiday where you easily could tune out!
I have started reading the book recommended on this thread a while back about attachment in adult romantic relationships and I actually had to put the book down after the first few pages because it was like someone had word for word described my situation! It was eerie, but it is providing me with much insight.
My relationship gave me a sense of excitement and protection and pride and kindness and caring. He is not perfect, most certainly, he could be incredibly stubborn and definitely not organised with anything, but I loved him still. What I didn’t get from the relationship was a sense of how much I meant to that person in an apparent way. I could feel he loved me, but he didn’t display it in grand gestures or romantic ways, he did it every day in kind and thoughtful ways. But I did not get the level of security I wanted and I didn’t get the joint excitement and anticipation of planning a future together.
Today is V-Day here. My wonderful colleague who sits beside me just had a huge bouquet delivered to her desk. She very much deserves them, she is a wonderful friend and her husband is lovely. But it still hits a nerve. Not that I ever got a bouquet of flowers from my ex….or a card actually. But he got me a detangler for my phone cable ‘cos he knew that I get so anxious with tangled wires and he got me rose plants last year ‘cos they don’t die in a few days…the damn things are about to bloom at home again now.
I don’t know, sometimes I feel like flying away somewhere but then I remember what a homebird I am and how much I need the support of those who love me!