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January 24, 2019 at 6:02 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276575
ParticipantHi kkasxo,
So I have a small Nokia pay as you go phone for emergencies because my smartphone is a Work phone and there is no network coverage where I live, so people can message me through the internet but not call me on my number. Anyway, what’s the point you ask?! The past week I have been turning off my smartphone when going to bed, completely turning it off and just having my Nokia on silent in case of emergencies. It’s super old- no internet etc on it and no-one messages me on it. I think it has helped me sleep a little better. I don’t feel this draw in my sleep to wake up and check my phone. So anyway, it’s just an idea!
I was sad and hurt reading what you wrote this morning – wait…….this is not a criticism!!!!! Thank you so much for posting. You are 100% right. What you said, it’s the truth. I was only sad and hurt not by you, but by him. He didn’t think I was worth fighting for. Im actually so mad. But sad too. So I’m here. Knowing that, but still feeling broken and lost without him. I’m not sure how to get over this.
Id love to think in October we’ll be so much better. Perhaps Kkasxo will because she’s experiencing so much change right now. I feel O have plateau-ed. My mindset and heart are not changing- I don’t see anyone better than him in terms of the connection we had and his personality and I think I’m done now. So get used to what you’ve left Shelby. Depressing but true.
Thank you for your honesty, you’re right. We do need to hear these things. I have so much respect for you for saying it, even it I’m sad now. Sometimes I do genuinely feel like flying away somewhere, but I guess my heartbreak comes with me.
January 23, 2019 at 12:59 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276489Shelbyville
Thats interesting. Definitely worth researching. I find knowledge and information helps me feel more in control. I can’t imagine happiness in the future to be honest. It’s kind of like finding a unicorn in my sphere of possibilities!
Im not doing much this eve, I’m already in bed because I now have an upset tummy. Typical! I have a very sensitive tummy though, and can’t really eat fried food so the steak today was probably a bad idea!
January 23, 2019 at 11:25 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276473Shelbyville
You are inside my head!!!! It wasn’t a good enough reason for me to process. What if what if what if is too loose an end for me. Ugh, maybe one day I’ll shrug and be over it. But today is not that day.
I hate needles too but having suffered chronic pain for years, I guess I had to get over it eventually so I just look completely in the opposite direction and they usually ask me silly questions to distract me. You did really well to go on your own, you little diamond! No help from ex needed!! Success!
Nowhere exciting for me- it was a meeting I had to attend for work on behalf of my boss. But I did have a nice steak lunch!! I’m tired now though, travelling tires me.
I had time to think as I gazed out the train window. I just wonder will I ever be happy. Will I ever have a feeling with someone better than the feeling with my ex and the resounding belief I still have is no. But I’ll give my therapist the benefit of the doubt for now. I can imagine you are so sick of feeling terrible. It’s exhausting. But maybe it’ll just take some more time I’m afraid….
January 23, 2019 at 8:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276409Shelbyville
I have to admit it. No I don’t feel as bad as I did on Day 1. It’s true. I was bereft back then, the rig had been completely pulled from underneath me and the life I had known for the most part abruptly ended. I was scared, but in a different way as anyone who deals with loss is. The scared I feel now is more of a long term one, where I wonder what will become of me now. Do I get loads of dogs and sit out my days alone?!
I miss him massively and genuinely there are moments that strike me where I feel- what are we doing. It has always felt ‘right’ to be with him, he said many times that it felt ‘right’ with me too. We couldn’t explain what we meant by that, a gut feeling I suppose. I still feel it. I absolutely recognise some serious problems with that relationship but some inner something still tells me, it’s right with him. I dunno. Maybe my lack of self worth! Who knows!
Routine is Queen at times like this, it’s keeps the ship steady in shaky waters, so let’s try it.
Im on a train beside a guy who is maybe 21/22 and he’s been on the phone to his girlfriend for 30mins now with no signs of ending! I feel like puking!!!
January 23, 2019 at 2:47 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276363Shelbyville
You definitely sound like me, a couple of years ago during our first breakup. Very quickly it became so much bigger than heartbreak, with the dark thoughts and anxiety and freaking out. At one point, I’m pretty sure I didn’t even remember my ex because I had got so caught up in an emotional crisis. It became bigger than the breakup and I was scared. My hands shook when I put cereal in my bowl each morning. I had to take sick leave from work for a couple of months, see a therapist twice a week, take medication. I’ll never forget my Dad. He had never been to a supermarket, I know right!!! But my mum used to do that and then I took up the chore. So one day, I was bad, I was taking Xanax which I now realise does NOT agree with me and I felt like dying. I thought I’d end up in a psychiatric institution. I actually can’t believe I’m revealing all of this, but nonetheless, if it helps you to understand…. Anyway, he put on his ‘good’ clothes, got some shopping bags and packed me into the car to go to Tesco!!! I’m not kidding, him pushing a trolley and picking up everything on EVERY shelf asking me what it was used for was the a moment in my life where I could not have loved that man more! He did it for me, he tried something to help and it worked. I felt safe with him and I started to see out of the tunnel. I immediately stopped taking Xanax and started to improve.
Medication is not for everyone but I think sometimes we suffer enough in life and if there os something that will help us see the light at the end of the tunnel, we should help ourselves on a temporary basis! When we are low, sad, broken, our brain doesn’t make enough serotonin. That has consequences, we need serotonin to be happy. My GP gave me a serotonin booster to help add a few extra serotonin piles to my bank. To let me see out of the woods and then I could start working on the rest myself. But the type of medication is n.b. A long term antidepressant for serious clinical depression would not have suited my scenario.
I am so proud of you for already bouncing back. Do you see how much quicker you a recovering from your spirals now that 3 months ago even??? Yes you still get them, but the time between them is getting longer and the impact they have on you is shortening- recognise that!
Routine is key. My therapist made me make a plan for each day, to get up, shower, go for a walk, cook dinner etc, so well done, you’re already on that path!
Btw, it’s a rubbish time of year, everyone feels rubbish, so do not beat yourself up for it. You’re also engaging in lots of therapy- TINY BUDDHA is therapy- talk therapy, which is just as effective as any other! You’re helping yourself all the time! Even when you have wobbles (natural), you continue to help yourself. Now that is self love! No books or blogs needed!
Im not sure where Norfolk is, forgive my geographical ignorance, but I feel it sounds lovely! Like something from Downton Abbey or something! I live within driving distance of the sea, which I feel I will always need to do because I’m drawn to it so much.
I want to thank you for your kind and generous words on here. But sometimes I fear I’m not as strong as you perceive. I WISH I was standing up for myself, but in honesty, I’m probably not trying to get back with my ex merely because I know he doesn’t want to. Not because I know my worth. Sad but true. I’d probably get back with him tomorrow if I could. Sometimes I feel I will contact him again soon. I don’t know. These urge seem to co-incide with hormones! The joys of being a woman!
I’m on a train today, I haven’t been on a train in ages! I don’t think I was ever on a train with my ex! So I’m trying to get back to being the independent woman I used to be when I traveled to Africa and USA alone and was strong!
January 22, 2019 at 1:14 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276265Shelbyville
ParticipantThank you so much for posting and for your support. I will definitely try the advice you shared. Thank for taking the time to help.
January 22, 2019 at 12:43 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276251Shelbyville
I completely understand and empathise with you. Ok firstly, I increased the serotonin booster medication. My GP has been with me since I was young so he wasn’t someone who was just shoving pills into my hand. He said that I’m just going through a tough time where I can’t see out of the fog and the medication just helps me clear the haze until I’m able to do it on my own.
My therapist also felt it was a good decision and smart and self care. He said for highly sensitive people all of the emotion all at once can be overwhelming so the medication helps me to get a grip on it. Within 8 days, I literally looked back on myself and thought ‘wow, how was I even IN that darkest of places’. Also my therapist says he sees no reason why I need to be on it long term, so we’ll look at reducing the dose again in a couple of months.
Secondly, perspective. A big big part of it. So…a spiral is in our heads. The world becomes what is in our heads. Our truth becomes what’s in our heads. It’s not true of course, but you can’t see that at the time. So that dark dark day, when I went for a walk, I saw the countryside, I saw the leaves on the trees, I saw my neighbours, I saw people going about there business. THIS was real life, not what my mind was telling me. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t skip gleefully back home that evening, but getting out of my head, stopping the spiral in its tracks by physically moving just seemed to keep me from the brink.
Can I just add a sidenote, you said something funny, well more incorrect. Yes your family suffered pain, but no because of you. Nothing was because of you. The trauma caused them pain, what happened caused them pain- something u admit was completely out of your control so it was something that happened TO all of you not BECAUSE of you. There is no blame. Also, do you know what unconditional love is? I do, I have it for my family, especially my baby nephew. I would do anything for him, I’d give my life for him, because I love him. However, that love comes with risks….if I open my heart to love him, he might get sick, he might run in front of a car, he might choke, these are all associated with love, but it’s worth it. Your family loves you, something happened which they too must deal with, but they are still standing too aren’t they??? After all the pain, they too found their own survival methods. So don’t worry about trying to protect them too much, they love you and that’s why it hurts them. But they’ll be able for it. x
January 22, 2019 at 10:14 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276153Shelbyville
You are not crazy. Wanna know why? Because I’VE felt exactly what you’re feeling. Oh my god, you’ve nearly described how I’ve felt in some of my spirals. I promise you, it is a natural reaction. It’s absolutely frightening, terrifying, I mean……when I think of it now…..I was lying on the couch, realising I just wanted to die. I really did. I told my therapist Ibwas ready to go, my life was done. But thinking these thoughts and doing something about them are different things. Very different as he explained.
One Sunday evening I nearly threw up with the pain in my body and soul, I was screaming and frightened. My sister and her family were far away for the weekend and could nothing for me. I had previously relied on them heavily, I called her and howled down the phone about the pain. She was distressed but had reached a point where she could do nothing at a distance. She said ‘Shelby, I can’t help you. I love you and I’ll be here for you always, hey you can live with us if you like, but right now YOU have to do it for yourself. I can’t pull you out of the hole, you have to WANT to get out of it. You have to help yourself like you help others’. I hung up and was even more upset, feeling lonely and abandoned. And when the tears screamed to an end, and I had adjusted to the level of pain and I realised ‘she’s right, I need to do it myself, FOR myself’. I got up and put on my trainers and went for a long walk. I felt marginally better when I got back and called my sister. She was bawling crying hoping she hadn’t set me over the edge. She was so worried. But she knew her limitations. SHE couldn’t take away my pain, SHE couldn’t make me happy, I had to try, myself. She is always there for me, but now I try a little more myself.
Maybe you will have a moment. Now, don’t think I don’t know how bad the spirals are. But I printed out a sign and it’s on the side of my desk that says ‘This too shall pass’. It was my anchor for when anxiety used to get a grip. It’s just a tether to reality.
Do whatever you need to survive right now. Do what you need to, never mind what anyone thinks or says. Your natural instinct will find something to help you survive.
Dont worry bout therapy, I honestly know it takes a good bit of time to work through things. I’m sorry to say, it’s often more than a couple of months.
The biggest thing that hit me in therapy was my therapist said ‘of course you’re in pieces, you have been hit by a proverbial double decker bus and anyone who says otherwise is wrong’. He says it’s absolutely right and true that you are on the floor you poor poor thing. Don’t try and get up, you should acknowledge the enormity of your loss. Each time I looked for the path to healing, he would again reiterate and I think he knew. Be sad, be broken, be down, be devastated, be weak, aren’t you entitled to? For the moment.
Perhaps you spent such energy trying to heal and move on not worry people that you didn’t appreciate the impact of the traumas at the time. I say traumas because it was more than one. First, the original one. But it was traumatic to break up with the man you love too. Two traumas. That’s A LOT. You are absolutely doing as good as anyone could be expected to in that situation.
January 22, 2019 at 6:51 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #276073Shelbyville
Sorry I’ve been away from my desk at meetings and just back. Tell me about the spiral….what happens? Let’s take the scariness out of it, that’s what my therapist says.NOTHING can hurt you, I promise, you are safe, in a building which won’t fall down or on the edge of a cliff or facing a gun, you WILL BE ok. So let’s see if we can shake some of the fear from the spiral.
I’m giving you a hug right now. I truly am, you will be ok. Can I tell you something? The thoughts you are having are lies. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m by no means saying you are lying, but I’ve had those exact spirals…I have. I recognise them so well. It’s fear and pain twisting your mind. Telling you you won’t ever get better, it’s simply not true. You can, it is very possible.
So basically, from what little I know about healing and psychology, you endured the most painful thing you have ever felt in your life. To move on, you will have to feel that pain, every debilitating, shattering, excruciating piece of it. Remember my analogy about the thorn and you can spend your whole life moving about trying to avoid anyone bumping off the thorn or navigating ways to manage the pain from the thorn, but that’s not a great life. If you pull out the thorn, if hurts like a beeeeeeeep, but it’s gone forever and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.
You only started therapy recently, I have been going to therapy for years – it can take time. Emotional issues are deep rooted and just need a good bit of work and time…..but hey…you’re 26….you’ve got time right? Let’s say I said to you, Kammy, if you’re willing to work hard, your pain will be gone by the time you turn 30, would you do it? I think you would, you’d hate the sh*t for 4 years, but think of the other 60 or 70 years you have left after that that would get to be amazing!
Don’t let your mind fool you, you can withstand this. We’re here with you and you are most certainly not alone, I can assure you. Kick Martha’s ass, it’s a bad week, you’re letting the pain in ever so slightly more, but I’ve been told that a millennia old mechanism that protects us ensures we don’t let in any more can we can survive at any given time. I have faith in you.
January 21, 2019 at 10:06 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275973Shelbyville
If I stand back, I can see it. He’s petrified. He often told me in deep conversations of how scared of the future he was. He described his point of view a few times and it was EXACTLY the same strange point of view I had before I met him. We actually were very similar when we first met. Anyway, it’s makes no odds now. He’ll never explore his reasons and is happy to just live a life where he is not presented with questions or any pressures.
I must say, you’ve given me a good idea. I literally asked my therapist how would I live out my life now until I die. I explained that I fundamentally do not believe any future happiness awaits me. That’s it for me now. However, I feel I have a life now and can’t exactly hand it back, so what am I supposed to do with it? So maybe I can just go around doing my best to make others happy!
You’ll be ok. You’ll make it through again, it’s just natural to want to have him comfort you because you are in need of comfort. What can you do to comfort yourself? Can you some meditation in bed? Breathe through you feelings and maybe ask yourself some questions, like why do I need to contact him….and question each answer.
The therapy this evening definitely helped as I was spiralling some I think. He said I can’t see the wood for the trees in the sense that it’s just 4 months after being 4 years with him and having such a special relationship. So he said I’m still being too hard on myself to try and be ‘better’ or be moved on. He added that he feels it’s probably far to soon in my particular case to be looking at the prospect of a new relationship. So I’m relieved!! Because I was only considering the notion because everyone kept telling me it’d help!
Im going to the swimming pool tonight with my cousin. Hoping it’ll help me sleep better!
Would you burn some anxiety in gym?
January 21, 2019 at 6:31 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275943Shelbyville
Sorry I meant to answer you further. He maintains it’s that he’s ‘not cut out’ for ANY relationship. My therapist feels if I quelled the need for more, we probably could have stayed together long term, with nothing more on offer, but meeting as we had been doing for the previous four years. For me now, I question everything that was said. Was he not as happy as he appeared to be with me etc? My head is fuzzy and my heart is broken!
That makes sense, I’m not happy doing ANYTHING at the moment and certainly don’t feel good about myself. To say I’m surviving is about the most I can muster now, strong, sensible independent woman is not something I feel right now, but would love to have that opinion.
Im missing my ex massively. It’s so hard because when we’re together it’s just easy…in a way….I’m happy. But when I think about it overall, obviously I was not, because I wanted more. But I adored being with him when it wasn’t frustrating and I still can’t figure out why I can’t DO something or CHANGE something to make this work between us.
January 21, 2019 at 5:21 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275925Shelbyville
Im right there with you today. I cannot focus and I feel rubbish!!! BUT….I’m still great. Yes I am, Martha ain’t gonna get a grip on me today… do not hate the person you have become. You dislike being broken hearted. You’re still a kind, funny, caring, intelligent woman aren’t you? Someone didn’t come with Kyrptonite did they and strip you of your lifelong powers?!!! Now you just had additional stuff – heartbreak, anxiety and pain. Of course, that’s not nice, but it’s not the sum total of who you are, it’s merely what has prominence at the moment. The old Kammy is still there, you can’t have a personality transplant, but you’re just dealing with a lot of stuff right now! Plus I like you…and I’m usually a good judge of character! Be nice to yourself. Right now, say something nice to yourself in your head. Even if it’s silly, think of your best friend being in your situation right now and came over to your desk to ask for help, what would you say? Say it to yourself now.
The peaceful feeling when you’re away from your ex makes sense. You’re protecting yourself from further hurt. But you are kind of between two stools, because you are not fully saying ‘okay, being with you increases my anxiety and I often get hurt, so no more’, but you’re not saying ‘ok, Im scared, but I want to be with you’, so I guess for both your sakes, that’s why a decision would eventually have to be made. It’s cruel on both of ye to have no certainty as to where ye are at. It’s not to be rushed, and therapy will definitely help, but ultimately I’d say that’s what it will come down to, when things such as the special date pass etc.
Big hugs for you.
January 21, 2019 at 3:27 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275911Shelbyville
He said he found being in a relationship really difficult, he didn’t believe it would be as hard as it was. He never explored why. That would have required some sort of discussion with a therapist. All we can do is surmise. My therapist feels he was absolutely terrified and also had an obligation to his family of origin that started when he was much younger which does not allow him to build himself his own separate life. Who knows. I know I just miss him deeply. I am still trying to create bad elements to him, but personality-wise, he is still the best man I have ever known. Kind, caring, generous, chivalrous, respectful, passionate. Anyway, i’m going down a rabbit hole, so I best stop now!
In fairness to my mate, he has not expressed any romantic interest, so I could just be running off with my imagination. Either way, I didn’t enjoy it. Also, while the weekend was nice, I still felt so lonely. I loved being there with my sister but would have also loved being back there with my ex. I definitely know I am not in acceptance mode because I still hear in the barrels of heart echoing around, that we might still be together yet. How looney am I?
Do you have more peace with or without your ex? Remember, our minds are complicated things and sometimes we can be sabotaging too when we don’t know we are and fear could also be controlling us when we believe we’re in control!
January 21, 2019 at 1:30 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275905Shelbyville
Perhaps you are just in the depression phase of the process, it may not last forever and I definitely think once you get back to the routine of lectures and tutorials that you enjoy, it will give you more motivation to do other things.
My big issue is that he says he doesn’t want a relationship. Ever. He says he has realised he is meant be be alone and that if he could be with anyone in the world, it would be me, but he’s better off alone. If he goes and finds someone else….I will be insanely angry. I’m aware he’s a man and I’m sure he is not going to join a monastery but that’s different, if he’s just messing around the way he always used to before he met me. But if he actually starts going out with someone else, I’ll be devastated.
Today, I am very sad. Actually I feel sharp pain. Again, I’m guess it’s hormonally triggered but it’s still hard. I don’t feel as though I have progressed much and feel like I just want to be with him now. That is seems so silly and stupid that we are not together. I don’t want to be with anyone else. I realise I’m still extremely unhappy and while people will say it’s been months now, and it has, it still feels like it happened a couple of weeks ago. It’s so weird.
January 20, 2019 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #275843Shelbyville
ParticipantP.S- I hope you’re ok. Tummy bug massively going around. Trying drinking cooled boiled water.