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January 16, 2020 at 2:02 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #333927
ParticipantHi all
@ ML… I’m sorry you’re hurting so much right now, the shock alone must cause some serious reverberations for you. What you are facing is the loss and comfort of the person in your life coupled with the loss and comfort of the future you had planned out in your head. I don’t know why your ex ended it, if it’s something that tears you up and it was done quite abruptly and you don’t understand why, maybe that’s something you could have direct conversation about, in order to move on and grieve. I don’t know how feasible that is. After that, Michelle is right. No contact, albeit extremely difficult is the best way to move forward and try to create a life without that person. It’s not always easy and we’re human, sometimes we’ll end up making contact, but best to at least try anyway and then you’ll at least feel like you’re doing something to help and look after yourself. Grief now. It was 6 years….that’s a long time to be creating the hypothetical future you thought you were going to have and has now changed. Just keep on keeping on until you’re a little bit stronger to actually move forward with completely different plans. That is hard to do in the midst of devastation so just keeping doing little things every day for yourself to keep your head above water.
@Adelaide… well done you. Congratulations. Might sound funny to say congrats for your heartbreak, but you were brave. You opened up your heart and that makes you an amazing person. I berate myself all the time for feeling so strongly about my ex and ‘not getting over him’ quick enough etc but I still sometimes say to myself “Shelby…at least you loved. At least you opened your heart” and I’d rather die knowing that I opened up my heart to love (even if it didn’t work) than die having never felt an open heart.There is some work for you to do now I think in terms of self worth. You definitely became attached to her and made her an important element of your life, but if she doesn’t feel the same as you, then she can’t help how she feels. Everyone is entitled to how they feel even though it hurts, even though it’s heartbreaking and you want it to be different. It just means she’s not your person. A little time and distance will help a lot to overcome the anxiety and the pain of separation. It is so extremely hard to do, but in my experience you’ll never truly get over someone if you try to remain friends, because let’s face it, you’re not trying to remain friends, you just want to stay close to them and in the far back of your mind the hope will always be there and you could end up just getting hurt again and again when that hope isn’t realised.
You should be incredibly proud of yourself for opening up – I am of myself (sometimes!)- and just try to take it day by day until you’re a little stronger and a little further from the heartbreak.
@Michelle….oooph….there hits a trigger! I might aswell admit it. Completely rational and well meaning advice as usual but I have this thing that I always slate myself over…not being able to soothe myself and it’s the message I get from others a lot throughout my life too. I don’t want to be so dependent on other people, I admire self sufficient people so much, but time and time again I see how much I need people. I get ‘scared’ sometimes, I’ve tried in therapy to figure it out but it doesn’t seem to be changing much. I’m insanely busy with short term work projects at the moment and whilst working late the other night in a busy hot environment, I felt extremely feint and ill and I got scared and literally only wanted my ex there to come and protect me or take care of me. I don’t know. It is what it is, but it always makes me feel ‘less than’ to not be able to look after myself, to always need someone to mind me or save me. It makes me sad and feel inadequate like everyone else in the world is a grown-up but i must never have drank the grown up juice.Anyway changing the subject, have a wonderful trip to Asia, safe travelling, I can’t wait to hear all about it.
@Kkasxo – how is the new job working out? Are things looking up a little for you? xJanuary 11, 2020 at 5:24 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #332657Shelbyville
Thanks for your advice, I completely understand your analogy for genie – it’s a good one. The only thing I would say is that the book wasn’t all horrendous and rubbish and i just reading it because I couldn’t give up on the horrendousness of it. The main character in most chapters was endearing and there were honestly some very good chapters. I’m not disagreeing that the book wasn’t for me, but it just wasn’t so black and white, good and bad elements.
I guess you’re probably right about the recent contact. I’d be mildly curious too if I was in his position with the different turn of events this time round. I deleted his birthday message and NYE message on my phone and I’ve stopped posting on the social media platform he had been viewing. So I’m taking small steps, I know it’s not the full amount of steps needed but it’s what I ca do right now.
I’m a little frightened of getting attached/reliant on new guy. I’ve been trying to maintain a little distance but fail miserably and just end up wanting to talk to him the whole time. Having said that, I also don’t have a life plan or direction going forward currently so my mind is a little bored and that may make me prone to constant contact and stimulation.
I truly believe that my ex would in no shape, way or form entertain the idea of a 4th reunion, he barely wanted the 3rd and indicated his regret about the 3rd reunion when he was ending it the last time. To be honest, the physical connection is an important element for me. I didn’t realise that before I met him that it’s an important factor in my life. I never had that kind of connection with anyone before or anyone since. So whilst I’m trying to become so self loving and self aware that I’d accept being happy on my own…’s like a deeper part of me thinks ‘lolz, good luck girl if you think you can survive with a immense physical connection to someone’! I considered the idea of just a physical relationship with my ex (not really a possibility on his part) but nevertheless, I don’t think my subconscious will let me shut down thee niggle of having a couple of bay-making years left. Even though I have current desire nor prospects to have kids, but I have a feeling it would rear its head again if I had any sort of relationship with my ex. Again, not a possibility but this is more to do with the wishful thinking in my head, Anyway, it is what it is, I just have to put up with the sort of…longing. I try not to think about it, but again, stupid lack of direction means I give to thinking about my ex a lot.
Speaking about the work front, I have taken on a short term contract for a project with someone. It’s only 4-5 weeks work and not massively well paid, but it’s interesting and could create further opportunities for me or give me a chance to network. So the busyness of that has started which is great because it gives me a purpose and distracts me enough at times from thoughts of my ex relationship.
@kkasxo – Happy New Year….can you believe we ‘met’ in 2018 and it’s not 2020. And you are totally correct, I was broken as you that year. It’s been a tough old road. I agree, I have come far from those days I first began writing, 15 days after my second breakup. So for anyone reading, YES….the initial searing pain does abate…I promise. So that’s something I guess. The longer term stuff takes a bit of work I guess.You ask me how I’m doing…..really! You’re so funny and I feel you get me so well! Really…..I’m okay. Not terrible, but not great. i actually don’t really know who I am. What do I stand for, what’s my purpose, what do I really care about? I’ve experimented a lot over the past few months, but it’s hard to fathom at times. I know I’m not where I want to be. I would love to be looking at my ex relationship in the same way I look at exes from a million years ago, but it’s not happening that way. Very different circumstances I guess. I’m sad that I’m not over him I suppose. Also sad that we’re not together in a healthy and fulfilling way, but that’s something I’m trying to work on- things I have no control over and trying to accept that.
Well done on securing work, it’s tough out there right now. But you kept on grafting and I’m sure the future prospect of an income- albeit less than you had hoped for – will allay some anxiety. You’ve been through so much, but it’s not what defines you. It’s part of your story, it’s not all of your story. Hope you can remember that. You have been through some dark and struggling times and these days you’re watching Netflix, cosy in bed and preparing for a new job. No matter which way you look at that, it’s a win for you and your mental health, so I am indeed proud of you and could only hope to have half the resilience and common sense that you do.
I ABSOLUTELY hope 2020 is better to us and will set about making as good as I can myself. Looks like you’re already getting off to a good start x
January 8, 2020 at 6:45 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #332069Shelbyville
Participant@Genie, sorry for the delay in replying. My head has been a little all over the place for the past while and I’ve been trying to figure out my next plan of action in terms of employment.
Firstly, I’m so sorry. I really am. I’m sorry your heart has been broken and now your confidence is shaken and you’re experiencing panic and anxiety. I know that feeling well. I don’t know if I can offer any advice per se in the sense that you will have seen my recent posts and realised I haven’t exactly come out the other side. Yet (I hope I will). However Michelle’s advice is always pretty on point and useful.
With regard to the new guy, I know it can be scary and intense. So I’m extremely close to my new guy now. It’s weird. I explained that I wasn’t in a position to be in a relationship and it was causing me anxiety and it was overwhelming and didn’t feel right and he understood and was extremely kind about it. We took a couple of weeks without contact and then he got back in touch and said he had thought long and hard about it and wants me in his life as a friend. He feels I have greatly enriched his life and he loves the conversations we have which are deep and enlightening, He says I have helped him boost his own self confidence and he’s going to spend much of this year on self growth and development. He’s a wonderful sweet guy and I truly want to see him happy. In the past while I have tried to push him away a little, bluntly telling him that it could be quite unhealthy to maintain such a relationship with the object of your affection. He keeps giving me logical and convincing reasons to remain friends and I find it hard to end the relationship entirely.
He has been a huge support to me recently and I have stated to him that I’m hurting from a past pain and need to address that myself as I feel I’m relying on him too much to fill the gaps I’m feeling in my life. I explained that every interaction with him makes me feel better but it’s a temporary solution and I don’t want to end up reliant on yet another man to make me feel better. I have to do the work myself. He said I’m being stubborn and shooting myself in the foot and that he cares immensely about my overall wellbeing and happiness and if you have someone in your life who supports and helps you, why would you sabotage that friendship and feel like utter crap?! Again, I saw his point. So we’re close friends now. We only know each other about 6 months and sometimes it feels like 10 years. I don’t see him as the guy I want to be in a romantic relationship with, but I’m acutely aware that he’s filling some need currently. I don’t want to hurt him either.
So, my long winded point is that, your new guy might be amazing and I completely understand the need to know is it self sabotage or whatever. But at the end of the day, I think Michelle will tell you this, if our exes are still pretty forefront in our minds….on a pedestal as you say (couldn’t have described it better myself!), then we’re not in a position to fully move on and be completely healed and self assured and confident and ready to fully open our hearts to someone new. Our hearts are not healed or whole enough to give to someone yet I think. I could be completely wrong, this is only from my own perspective. For example, the new guy is unreal when it comes to communication and emotional understanding and caring support, something my ex could never give me. So in many ways the new guy is more of a great guy that my ex will ever be…….and yet……my ex still trumps him. For no particular reason, only the little small things that I loved. WHY won’t they minimise and the larger problems we had maximise? Don’t know, rose-tinted glasses I guess.
I have not been to a therapist in months as I’ve been travelling and then out of work so finances are not the best, but I feel I need to go back. Even just for one session until I can afford more because a lot goes on in our minds and sometimes if left unrestrained, we can work ourselves up into spirals. Sometimes perspective can be helpful, so I’d recommend talking to a professional if you are in a position to do so. I hope it helps alleviate some of the anxiety. I will say that initial anxiety, panic and depression subsides, it seems to be temporary, but you may already know that if you feel you were at least able to get back out into the dating world over the past few months.
As for me, Michelle, most of my brain told me that the birthday text was a moral obligation on his part, but then he started checking in on all my social media posts- bear in mind that I had been so lucky up to now that my ex was insanely private and hated social media and never ever uses it. He initially set up an account before he met me, but never used it once while we were together and encouraged me to avoid social media too, but all of a sudden, though he has had not activity on his page since 2013, he now checks all my posts. I never deleted or blocked him because it didn’t even enter into my head, because it was a non-issue as I felt his account was dead anyway. Now you may ask why don’t I just delete him as a friend and also his best friend who sometimes sends me the odd greeting? I’m not ready. Yep, I’ll be honest and say it’s feeding into my hope.It’s not helping and I found myself posting the odd bit of content just to check had he checked it. I’ve stopped doing that now. I also texted him New Years Eve to wish him a happy new year and he replied with the same three words I had sent him saying Happy NY. So there was clearly no invitation for further conversation and I left it at that.
He never is not on my mind and I wonder how or when does that fade? I feel like the third time we split last May, I kept going, determined not to let it derail me this time. I was incredibly busy with a big event at work at the time, completed my makeup course, did my exams, handed in my notice at work, travelled to Oz and NZ, took on a new short term job in a different industry where i got to experience a new environment and meet so many new people. I met a great new guy and even tried a new romance with him. But still, it doesn’t seem to have had any effect. I want to be back with my ex, and yes I know it wasn’t fulfilling me, but the need to just be in physical proximity to him still overrides. How frustrating! I feel like I’m lying to the world, that I’m faking a life I’m not really living. But I’m doing it with an honest heart. I tried all those things because I was trying to make myself happy or happier at least. I still can’t let go, I don’t know how and then I don’t want to.
So that’s me, I’m not the greatest person to be getting advice from as I still need the advice myself. But I do care and I do empathise with anyone else going through similar situations. Mine is evidently not a unique scenario and I’d love to close my eyes and be 10 years down the road, superbly happy and looking back at this period of my life with puzzlement as to how I could have felt this way at this time. But that’s not how life works. So for now I’ll try and manage getting through each day and try not to rely on others too much and make myself more resilient. I don’t know where I’m meant to be or how to move this process along, so I’ll hopefully get to see my therapist some time in the next week.
Michelle, I can’t believe you’re going travelling again, the envy is real! I feel almost daily now like hopping on a plane, but alas a lack of any kind of financial standing prevents those notions! I’m excited for you and wish you the most wonderful trip again.
@kkasxo, how has 2020 been treating you so far? I got a few more rejection emails this week, but I’m hoping the universe is filtering out where I’m not meant to be! How is Mr. A? Did you manage to make it through the Holidays unscathed? xJanuary 3, 2020 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #330967Shelbyville
Seeing your post now, I’ll be able to respond more fully tomorrow. You’re not alone as you’ve probably gathered by being on this forum!
@kkasxo- happy new year! I can’t believe it’s 2020 now. Time is strange. I’m okay, still no job 🙁 Also my mind is all muddled again regarding the ex.
How are you doing? X
December 24, 2019 at 12:36 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #329225Shelbyville
Participant@Michelle !!
How coincidental! I was actually thinking about you whilst having breakfast this morning and then I happen to sign into Tiny buddha & you had left a message! Sixth sense perhaps!!!
So lovely to hear from you, are you still travelling? Thanks for your supportive words but I often feel like a bit of a fake, because today I’m feeling very emotional and lost. Typical! The improvement just doesn’t stay consistent! Now, I’m sure hormones are a bit to play this week too, but it’s a tough time of year.
Im working today – wow retail at christmas is like the jungle!!! But I’m loving the experience even though i’ll probably be broken by the end of it!
If you celebrate Christmas enjoy, or if you’re still travelling I hope you’re having an amazing time.
December 21, 2019 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #328899Shelbyville
ParticipantHi @superx
Ah ok… definitely missed a heap in the middle of my story too! So yes, we split over a year ago, but long story short, I kept in light contact after the split last year and just wanted to get back with him and we reunited in Feb/Mar of this year for a couple of months.
Needless to say it didn’t work out again and he ended it- for the very same reasons- a third time actually- in May of this year. So really it’s only been 7 months since the split.
What I will say is this- we didn’t speak a word since he broke up with me in May. Not one single text, nothing. So…..last year I remained in contact and it didn’t ultimately help. Few months ago we completely ended communication and since then I quit my job that was making me unhappy, travelled to the other side of the world, met new friends and took up a job (albeit temporary) in an entirely new field.
I think you can see where I’m going with this. Yes I still miss him, yes I’d love it to work out – but I’m nowhere near as devastated as last year. That’s normal you know… feel devastated. Like I said before, it’s like weaning off something and that just takes time and discipline.
For me I was in the unusual situation these days where my ex had no social media as such & was not a tester really- even when we were together! So it wasn’t difficult to avoid anything to do with him because he wasn’t in my sphere as such.
As you probably have seen, he messaged two weeks ago for my birthday, out of nowhere and honestly… has set me back a little. When you kind of lock a door and try to throw away the key, then you feel that maybe a chink of light is coming through the door again…’s hard. But I’m trying to get back to feeling as strong as I did before he messaged.
No contact has helped me but as you can see it’s not what I initially chose and everyone has to follow their own path. Someone could have said to me- and did- last year to have zero contact but I guess I wasn’t ready for that. My heart and mind needed to do what I needed to do at the time, whether it was right or wrong, even if it caused me more pain. I don’t regret it, it must have been my journey to get me to here.
Commitment issues are his issues, not yours. For whatever reason, it really has nothing to do with you. But it’s something that really needs to be addressed by him if he chooses to (which I find a lot of men are unlikely to do). It’s difficult for it to work long term if that’s his excuse, so try to protect yourself as much as you can. Don’t you deserve to be chosen? Take care x
December 20, 2019 at 12:55 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #328765Shelbyville
ParticipantHi @superx
I’m sorry you’re going through this. It sux. The pain is overwhelming and upsetting.
Dont get anxious that you’ll have a similar scenario to me, every single human is different, everyone processes things uniquely and in millions of different ways.
No contact, seems to be the key in many ways. I was doing ‘ok-ish’ until he re-emerged and sent me a birthday text. What I will say…..I’m certainly not where I was pain wise three weeks after the original split. It does fade. There’s no way I can prove that to you, you’ll figure it out yourself.
Of course I think a lot about him now again, but I don’t have that absolutely devastating ‘die if I don’t contact him’ mentality. I maintained no contact after it finally ended and it makes it less acute. No reminders, no conversations to over analyse, no safety net of always having him at the end of the phone….and like any vice, you body, both physically and mentally does start to wean off it, if that makes sense?!
Try and hang in there, you’re doing this for you.
@kkasxo, how are you doing?December 12, 2019 at 1:40 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #327315Shelbyville
ParticipantHi @kkasxo
That sux. I know exactly how it feels, especially when you’re banking on it, that’s the way it was for me with that big rejection a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t have a Plan B after that one & then I didn’t get it and was gutted. Let yourself be sad and disappointed, it’s sad and disappointing. Then hopefully see it as not meant for you, that the universe knows more than we do and is directing us elsewhere.
I was never much of a ‘Whats for you won’t pass you’ type of person, but lately I’m giving into it a little more and it helps somewhat. So give it a try, when you’re feeling less gutted.
Im still sick but muddling on. Met the nice guy friend for food after work today (which I can’t afford right now so it was irresponsible of me!) but I did it anyway. He puts me in good form but I’m keenly aware that I could be using him (unintentionally) to fill a gap in my life. I need to be careful for everyone’s sake.
He said to me this eve that I don’t have an anchor. And it’s true, no home of my own, no job, no partner, no kids, no direction. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be now and where to go next.
Maldonado got another email job rejection this evening so I’m right there with you… xx
December 10, 2019 at 2:18 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #326951Shelbyville
ParticipantHi there, having a tough night tonight. I’m feeling under the weather which always seems to be a trigger for me. Maybe because of the vulnerability of being sick.
Definitely still have the fight or flight (usually flight) response quite to the fore for me
December 6, 2019 at 2:26 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #326357Shelbyville
ParticipantMy mind has gone into longing mode again. Stubbornness & pride stopped me contacting him after our third break up, there didn’t seem to be any point. So I muddled along as best I could. That stupid text, which probably was nothing to him, has thrown me for a loop again. Opening up the thoughts of contacting him again, should I, should I not… It’s silly I know, but it’s how I feel. I could say something self critical here but I won’t, because I’m trying to change & grow and being mad at myself for having these thoughts and feelings is not being nice to myself. It’s telling myself it’s not okay to be who I am.
So I still miss him. I wonder was the message his attempt to open up communication, I wonder was it just because I told him in the past to contact me on my bday. Will I forget about it on a couple of weeks again and be able to continue on my life as I had been? I’ve no clue.
I think you might be on to something regarding the CV. It’s all about algorithms and things these days I’m told! Maybe it might be worth looking at mine again.
I’m so sorry you’re hurting it. I do think it’s important though to not give yourself such definite negative messages that you are always broken etc. Maybe…..maybe not. None of us are clairvoyant, I can’t say how I’ll feel in 5 years time. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be living with the vividness of the memories, but I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’ve read and seen people recover and be happy after the most horrific traumas. So have hope. Don’t lose that.
Therapy is fairly important in the treatment of PTSD I believe so I wonder would there be any opportunity to apply for another 6wk round of therapy? Remember too that I and others are always here on this forum if you need to vent or clear your head or need a word or two to convince you that ‘this too shall pass’. Absolutely nothing in this life is permanent, no matter how much your mind might try to convince it otherwise.
You’re smart, funny, kind, resilient and caring. It’s tough……yes……but you’re tougher. Start telling yourself that regularly. X
December 5, 2019 at 9:14 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #326169Shelbyville
ParticipantThanks for the vote of confidence, I know that no matter how much he hurt me, I can’t bring myself to hurt him. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not self-aware enough to also consider the possibility that I’m not doing something to hurt him because I don’t want to create bad blood or give him a reason to not dislike me….so who knows. At least I’m aware and consider all aspects, albeit not sure which one is correct.
I will say one thing and I feel I can say this with conviction which is weird given I know nothing about my ex’s life now. I definitely don’t think texting me yesterday and my response would have boosted his ego. He doesn’t operate that way. He has never displayed any characteristics of a narcissist. Don’t get me wrong, i’m not lauding his merits, all I’m saying is that I’d be fairly confident that he texted me the other day against what he would have preferred to do I think. He’s not a communicator, he would always rather leave sleeping dogs lie, he would rather something fades away into oblivion without drama or discussion. He did it because I think he felt he should. I can imagine the mental dialogue he would have had about sending the message. I think he felt it was the right thing to do, even if he felt he would have preferred to leave it. Little does he know, he should have left it. It would have served me better as it was pointless and lacked much information to determine the sentiment etc. As I said I haven’t and won’t hear from him again, so it was a bit of a shot in the dark for no real reason or purpose. Just frustrating for me but I’m trying to stay on track and not fall into my previous traps where I see it as an opportunity to open up communication again.
I might aswell be honest on Tiny Buddha that those thoughts have gone through my mind. There is not point in me pretending to be someone or somewhere I’m not, in case maybe someone else in a similar situation reads this thread and thinks I’ve got it all sorted now and self-cared my way out of heartbreak. I haven’t. I still miss him, this latest text has made me miss him more and it’s STILL hard everyday. But it is what it is. He left me. That has not changed.
As for jobs, I feel like giving up! Why will no-one hire me??!!! I’m awesome! I’ve just been scouring jobs websites again today and submitted an application for a few more so fingers crossed!
@kkasxo, any news on the jobs front after those interviews?December 4, 2019 at 1:37 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #326039Shelbyville
ParticipantHaving a very ‘woe is me’ moment tonight. The text has thrown me. Backwards in some ways. Also the consistent professional rejections this past while for jobs I really thought I’d get is hitting me harder.
I’m feeling a bit lost and…….you guessed it……like running away! At least I’m consistent in my fight or flight response!
December 3, 2019 at 3:41 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325897Shelbyville
Participantlol, you get me so well! I don’t know what he was thinking to be honest. You’re correct, he’s always trying to do the right thing. In previous years I’d have asked why he didn’t text on my birthday, even if we were apart, but there would have been communication between us back then. Nothing like this.
He walked away, closed the door and didn’t look back. But I suspect he knows his mate messaged me and perhaps doesn’t want to be the bad guy & therefore feels he can sleep with a better conscience perhaps if he feels, ‘oh well it didn’t work out with that girl, but at least we’re not on bad terms’. Well he’s never call me that girl, but you get the idea.
I don’t know what he was thinking. I don’t know him now. Unfortunately I got the text whilst in the company of my sis & husband as we were discussing a different text message & I got a shock and flustered and then had to explain why. Needless to say they were not impressed and some not so savoury language was used by them!
I left it a few hours. They told me not to reply. I wondered is this a test? A self-love self-care yest? I should not reply in order to show up for myself. But basically I felt not replying would hurt him. And I can’t hurt him, or anyone. I just can’t do it. I can’t be responsible for causing someone to feel bad, even if they caused me pain. So I simply said thank you and left it at that.
Tbh, I don’t expect to hear from him again. I don’t know if he’s in some weird emotional 12-step programme or just wants to clean the slate, but I’d say that’s about it.
Talk about a rattling!
December 3, 2019 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325891Shelbyville
Participantooooph….that stings. I know it. That feeling. But you know it’s not true right? What they think? They only have a small amount of the whole picture, as one would expect, so they make banter and conversation based on what they do know, which is very little in the grand scheme of things. They work off information or non verbal cues from us- you’ve stated abruptly in the past I think in convos with your mum that you and Mr.A are nowhere near certain milestones like a mortgage etc.
So whilst it’s hard to hear, it doesn’t make it true. Just what they view from their limited standpoint. But feel blue if you need to and pick yourself up again. Nobody knows the future, we create it by taking steps in infinite different directions. So don’t write yourself off because of a little harmless banter, it’s not more than that.
Im absolutely thrilled for you about the interviews, nice to get a bit of momentum going. Plus each interview under your belt will make you less nervous for the next, or so it was for me at least. Best of luck with them- keep me posted!
Try and catch your thoughts about Thurs night and change them. You’ve got a right to go out and enjoy yourself, enjoy the music. If you want to get to a certain place in life you’ll make it happen – you will get to that point, when you can’t stay where you are for one minute longer.
As for me…. SPOILER ALERT….I just received a text from my ex with just a birthday greeting. Out of the blue. No contact or communication for almost 7 months. Me trying initially to survive and then move on….and bam. There it is. I mean, I think he probably has some ludicrous idea that sending a bday wish is ‘the right thing to do’. My head is scrambled.
As for the nice guy, I agree, could be hard to have a friendship, I know the risks. I feel he deserves for me to at least try, but I’ll have to maintain boundaries and discuss it with him. I’d hate to lose him entirely, but from my experience, not remaining in contact is the most optimum way to move on so we’ll see.
December 3, 2019 at 3:35 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #325767Shelbyville
ParticipantAw thank you, I hope for the very same. The past few years have been a very mixed bag of drama and pain and uncertainty. I could do with a bit of positivity and happiness for a change!!!
Wow, sounds like you developed an I stand rapport with the top person- that’s fantastic. I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you. What’s meant for you will not pass you. I still haven’t heard anything from the second company I interviewed for. It’s been almost two weeks and I expected a call either way last week, as indicated by them at the time of interview. I expect they have filled the role now, but one would think the professional thing to do would be to let all the unsuccessful interviewees know! Oh well!
Im on a day off from the makeup store today so I’m going for lunch with my cousin and meeting my sisters later for a late dinner! Also going to do some shopping for my family- as I get a discount in the department store, so I have a list a mile long that they have asked me to purchase for them, so might as well get that out of the way today too!
The nice guy ‘caved’ and contacted me last night. He said he misses me in his life, even as a friend, so we may be able to build some sort of good friendship out of al of this. Fingers crossed.
My ex’s best friend messaged earlier to wish me a happy birthday. I never thought he actually liked me, but he tends to like my few social media posts and messages me each birthday- even if I’m split up from my ex on that particular birthday….which has happened….oh I don’t know…. more than once!
Anyway, I’m really happy to focus on myself and my future in 2020, I’m going to do my best to make moves to change my life in a positive way! Here’s hoping…..just gotta stop looking back over that damn shoulder of mine!!!
Have you anything nice planned for the next couple of days?