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  • in reply to: Family vs Wife #189515

    Hello marco,

    I do not think there is any option on this site for private messaging.

    But on the similar lines, I will recommend that whatsoever may be the situation I will suggest you to apply the 3 choice formula along with other things mentioned in post#184261.



    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #187155

    Okay, great. Good to know that you are doing something or the other in some form. Also just got to know from you right now what is a Hospice. From you initial post I considered it to be some place where some special kind of help is given to people with similar situation as yours. I am not bothered by your or anyone else’s post. You may not have liked the idea of applying something as practical like acupressure, but please do carry on with your conversations if that is making you feel  good.


    Best regards,




    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #187123

    Hello Eliana,

    Thanks for the blessings!

    I just wanted to know if you have been able to make advances towards the betterment of your situation.

    Or is it just the day/event in the title of the posts that have changed but the original situation still remains the same?

    (Used only for reference)

    Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve

    Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday

    The positive action that I am referring to is not about “Be positive, everything will be ok”. It is very difficult to think positively in difficult times. It is about taking some kind of positive action. Is there any positive action that you have taken between all the time from the end of first post and at the start of the second post? For example, in your very first post it mentions as “I just want to go to hospice”. So is there something that you can act upon it? Can you make a call to them and inquire? Or do you need me to look that up around your area? Or do you just need a push of motivation to get up and doing what is required? Instead of non-action due to ill-health make your health condition itself as a source for that push….for that action. This is just an example. You may be knowing what is the next positive action that you can take.  No amount of any conversations on this site is going to help permanently (although momentarily) without taking the required surrendered action. Moments are passing and days are passing and you do not want to be in the same situation on the next festival or event of the year. I hope you are getting the point. Don’t stay “stuck” in the mud for too long.

    Also, did you get a chance to go through the write-up on Acceptance & Surrender. If not I have re-posted it here as No. 1.

    Use it to sail through your situation, while taking some kind of surrendered action.

    I do remember that you were not able to open at the yoga/pranayama links, but I did not resend them as you mentioned you have back problems.

    How about something that the Divine has built in within us? There are points in our body that corresponds to every organ of the body and stimulating those points (by pressing with the finger(s)) will activate those organs. These are Acupressure Points. You simply need to press those points to activate your digestive organs. You may have already heard about it but never got a chance to look into it. Please take a look at No. 3.

    The below 3 points are intentionally in sequence so go through them in that sequence.


    Acceptance and Surrender (Write-up)
    Source: http://www.commonground.ca/OLD/iss//0406155/eckhart_tolle.shtml


             2.1] How to consciously deal with illness – Eckhart Tolle



             2.2] Eckhart Tolle on Coping with Cancer




    9 Best Acupressure Points to Treat Digestive Problems:

    9 Best Acupressure Points to Treat Digestive Problems

    (Please note: in the above link, the images for 2 of the pressure points are missing. I looked up their names by doing an Image search over the web and they are available for you to see the location of the points.)


    Warm regards,



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: How do I end loneliness #186915

    Hello Nobody,

    Perhaps you may not like it but a simple answer to the simple question is -> by enjoying your own company

    Below is a pictorial link which explains everything that I want to say.



    Warm Regards,


    in reply to: Sad, rejected and lonely on my birthday #186629

    Happy Birthday!

    in reply to: Energy Healing #186519

    Dear Christine,

    free energy healing
    overwhelming feeling of joy. Joy that comes from within
    amazing experience with receiving love from others and allowing myself to give love also.
    an overflowing river that continues to run through me.
    I highly recommend energy healing.
    I love meditation. Meditation has helped me tremendously over these past couple months.

    Dear Sydney,
    trained in and use several different modalities as well as a number of processes I developed myself


    Dear Christine, Sydney,
    Based on your above comments, would you mind, if you prefer to share either one or more of them in the below thread.


    Although, the name of the thread is relaxation and meditation techniques, but if you scroll through the other posts in this thread, it has turned out into “healing techniques”.
    Meditation comes from the word “medery” which means healing. Sometimes I wish there was a way to rename the thread as “Life Healing Techniques” because it could be about healing anything – the mind, body or the soul.
    So anything that you might want to share which would be healing to others in any way.

    If you do choose to post at least I am going to use it in my own experience when faced with life challenges and also in my posts on this site I do keep people pointing out to this page.

    Warm Regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Erection problems with girlfriend #186517

    Dear Sebastiaan,

    Yes you have posted in the right thread (Share your Truth) since in reality there shouldn’t be any category for anything because everyone is always ‘Sharing their own Truth’.

    I am not someone from the medical arena but I do know about this issue based on readings and hearing about it from people. So would respond to you based on the same.

    Erection problems are usually termed as Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
    When men become sexually aroused, hormones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels all work with one another to create an erection. Nerve signals are sent from the brain to the penis. This, in turn, allows blood to flow to the tissue in the penis. Once the blood fills the penis and an erection is achieved, the erection is then maintained.
    When someone suffers from ED, the blood that should flow into the penis and causes it to become erect, does not flow with the amount it should flow. This amount of blood flow is interrupted by either a physical or psychological condition or a combination of the two…more on these below.

    Physical reasons
    Physical health conditions like diabetes, heart issues or taking certain types of medications do affect in ways further causing ED.
    But after you mentioning your age I do not consider this to be the case with you. You will need to find out if you do have any.

    Psychological reasons
    This problem to the area between the legs (reproductive organ) is usually due to a problem between the ears (brain, mind)
    Issues in the head are due to anxiety, insecurity, nervousness, etc.

    It could be either General anxiety that you have in your day to day life with other daily activities OR it could be even Performance anxiety (anxiety either to perform the best or that I am not performing the best or that she should feel a particular way about my performance).

    “I already stopped fapping and watching porn “
    “i was kinda addicted, maybe once or twice a day”
    I have read medical practitioners in this area of expertise suggest that the male hormones keep on generating the semen (spermatic fluid) within the testicles. So if you suppress the urge for its outflow then it is going to find its own outlet through nocturnal emissions or wet dreams (a wet dream is when ejaculation occurs while you’re asleep). Or even when you are simply sitting you can sense a small amount of the fluid coming out.
    Hence doctors suggest you to find its outlet through masturbation but only when you are sexually excited or when you feel the sexual tension caused due to this constant generation of the spermatic fluid. It doesn’t sound to be harmful if it is not made into a habit.

    “and i’m doubting to buy viagra”
    If you do this then do it with the awareness of its effects along with its side-effects.
    I would recommend some natural foods, nuts and fruits that assist in this matter. Look up on the web for natural remedies on this.

    Also it requires changes in lifestyle like –
    -stopping tobacco use
    -drinking less alcohol
    -getting plenty of rest
    -eating a healthy diet
    -exercising regularly
    -reducing stress and anxiety

    If ED is caused by a lack of blood flow then circulatory health becomes key in prevention. A common way to improve blood flow is through exercise.
    Some cardio-based exercises include: running, biking, swimming, and aerobics or even brisk walking.

    Erectile Dysfunction is affected by the mind which in turn affects the mind and thus worsens the problem due to this cyclic loop.
    So it is not just physical health that you need to focus on, but mental health too.
    Look out for simple relaxation techniques. Also, there are lots of techniques on the web to have proper blood circulation in the brain and to the entire body. You also need to make yourself mentally strong in other usual activities of the day.

    Occasional ED isn’t uncommon.
    If doing the mind relaxation exercises, and the techniques to increases the blood circulation, and the changes in your lifestyle don’t reduce your symptoms and if you develop erection problems that get worse over time, then it is definitely time to contact your doctor. Yes you mentioned you do not want to go to the doctor, but this is again anxiety. An experienced doctor specialized for this condition is there to help you in this matter. Take it that way. He will then find the root cause of your underlying condition – be it physical or psychological.


    Whatever it may be, don’t allow yourself to think that you have a major problem, and that you need to perform well the next time you meet and also end up doing too much of searching on the web.
    Going with the flow of the moment is the best thing to do. Don’t keep yourself waiting to meet her, neither suppress your desires with her (of course with her consent).

    Don’t try to make it so “hard” to understand all of the above.

    This is all more usage of the mind. Just live spontaneously and allow yourself to enjoy those moments.


    With some physical activity and learning to relaxing yourself will help you get rid of all this.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Energy Healing #186449

    Hello anita,

    I have faced the issue multiple times – submitting a post and then its not reflecting under Topics with the name of the latest person who recently responded to the post.

    But then when I opened the post after some time my latest response was in there. Which means the actual post does get submitted although it does not immediately reflect on the topics page and shows up after some time.

    So then in order to know more, I wrote this issue to the technical person of the website and below is the response I received.

    “What you’re seeing is the page caching at work, which lets us serve a lot of people without crippling the server resources”

    So it seems to be an intentional technical feature of the site.

    Have a wonderful and joyous new year!





    in reply to: A great resource on Inner Peace – [FREE eBook inside] #186435

    You’re welcome, Alexandra. It’s a good book.





    in reply to: Update on my never ending stressful relationship #186433

    Dear Alexandra,

    “How do i stop this need of wanting to be loved by people who dont?”
    The only answer to this, and the one that you have already answered at the end of your last post, is Self-love. All we can do is fill up ourselves with so much of self-love that we then extend it to others. In that case there is no wanting or needing from the other. I know it sounds promising but difficult, so more on this below.

    It also appears from your posts that you are emotionally or energetically clung/attached to this person and are unable to leave. Yes, this happens. Don’t worry about that. You can certainly nullify, settle or loosen your karmic debt accounts with other people. How? By doing the below energy healing exercises.

    1) From what you have explained you still have the energetic cords (ties) of attachment with this person. These cords are invisible since they are at an energetic level. They are also called as psychic ties and they are especially in relationships. They do not necessarily cut the relationship but cuts the negativities in it. Either something may change for the better and you will continue with this person without any issues OR you will move out of this and be able to find new love again. Nobody knows what is going to happen but the cords of attachment need to be dissolved.

    Please go through the below links to know more on what it is and what to do-

    Calling upon Archangel Michael with his golden sword is a very famous way of cutting negative cords-

    There are many ways of doing this. Simply do a web search on “cutting energetic cords of attachment”

    If you prefer something visual then there are lots of videos on YouTube too.

    2) Forgiveness Exercise:


    Chant the above as many times as possible. This is very effective. You can do this whenever you are not able to do the 1st one….or even when you are cooking, washing dishes, standing in a queue, etc…

    Do both the above ‘energy healing exercises’ and see your situation change for the better.


    “i wish i could just find someone that could love me without me fighting so hard for it, but how do i stop the viscious cycle of finding these people that dont love me.”
    As mentioned above this is contradictory. You cannot wish to find someone to love you and still want to stop the cycle of finding people who don’t love you back. Wanting is lacking and how will lacking fill up something.

    “I have never ever thought of myself first, let alone try to love myself, “
    From now on you are going to focus on yourself and self love.

    “If there is a panacea, or cure -all to life, it is self love.” ~Paul Solomon

    “how does one person go about loving themself? i know nothing of it ?? I know though when i love myself and be kind to myself then i can be strong enough to over come whatever life throws my way..”

    By practicing more of self love…
    Irrespective of whatever has happened in your past you can bring back self love again because love is always there with us and it doesn’t leave us we leave it. It is only masked with the negativities of life.
    “Your task is not to seek for love, but… the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

    You might want to take a look at ‘Secrets to Loving Yourself!’ by Aine Belton
    Earlier there were free ebooks available but now they don’t seem to be available. I have 5 of them taken at that time when they were available for free to download. Just to give you an idea of what they are named as-
    1. SelfLoveSecrets
    2. 10 Road-Blocks to Self-Love
    3. LadderofLove
    4. MagicofReceiving
    5. 15 SelfLoveMantras

    I found one of them to be here

    If you liked the above then you may also want to take a look at the 30 days Self Love Journey by th same person, which is much more than these books. It is not free but it is very inexpensive.

    The below page has the details of what you will get from this new journey of yours –


    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Family vs Wife #185567

    Hi marco,

    How have you been doing.

    You asked me for my thoughts and I have provided you my inputs (two posts above).

    What is your opinion on that? Also, if you have any other option than the 3 above then please let me also know and if that sounds good to me that can be added to the 3 options suggested by spiritual master Eckhart Tolle in dealing with any difficult situation.


    It would be nice to hear from you that in some way or the other you have been able to, at least, strive towards the betterment of your situation.


    Warm Regards,




    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #185565

    Hello Eliana,

    Haha…yes on some speakers and headphones the music takes over the foreground and becomes louder than the content.

    I searched for a link and found the below one that contains a write-up of what is read by Eckhart in the above audio book (taken from ‘Chapter 6: Acceptance & Surrender’ of the book ‘Stillness Speaks’)

    Source: http://www.commonground.ca/OLD/iss//0406155/eckhart_tolle.shtml


    “My mind is going in a thousand directions. “

    That is what you may not want to be doing….allowing the scattering of mind in different directions. If that happens bring back its attention and focus in the “here & now”.

    “I keep thinking about all the worst case scenarios”

    This is what the mind tricks and does to us and we need to be aware of it and not get fooled by it.

    Don’t take your mind, or the thoughts it creates, too seriously. Just look at it as if your mind is trying to trick you and creating a story out of your situation.

    “Worrying or overthinking is like creating a mental story of a situation even before the actual event has happened and then using the same story to scare ourselves”

    There is a difference between “I lost my job. I’m now devastated. I’m now broken. How am I going to pay my bills. How will I take care of my family. My wife may even think of separation. How do I take my kids to a vacation”


    “Okay, I have lost my job. Accepted. What is it that I can do NOW? Perhaps call an ex-employer where there are still chances for me to get back to the job. Or maybe call up a friend to check if he has something for me. Or start applying for newer opportunities. Or learn something new in my area of work. Or do something else that I have been waiting to do since a very long time”

    Once you have realized that your mind is creating stories, then take surrendered action towards your situation. Take some kind of positive action. Some kind of positive action is always better than no action at all. Do anything that you can do to bring about a change in your situation without allowing the mind to create stories about the future. What can you do NOW is all what you need to see. The future will take care of itself because that is another NOW at that time and you are going to take surrendered positive action in that NOW. Isn’t it.

    Read the above link that I have sent and you will bring about a change in perception about your situation.

    Also, like you said, keep looking out for more content from Eckhart Tolle. There are tons of them on YouTube.

    After going through them, you are guaranteed to feel peaceful about your situation and also be able take positive action towards the betterment of your situation.


    Best Wishes,


    in reply to: Meditation Tips #185557

    Hello FullMoon,

    You can take a look at the below link where I, along with the other members of this site, have submitted a few techniques.

    Relaxation & Meditation Techniques


    Also the one posted by Peter is good.


    All the steps in the above link are easy to understand and self-explanatory.

    But if you still face any issues about anything please feel free to post


    Warm Regards,




    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
    in reply to: Alone, in bad health, and depressed on Christmas eve. #184823

    Hi Eliana,

    Sorry for the late reply.

    I read your post the same day it was posted. I then also looked up after reading about drinking 5 cups of coffee and found things like this in the dont’s for constipation – “Caffeine is a stimulant so it can cause you to have a bowel movement. But it can also cause dehydration, which can have the opposite effect and lead to constipation”. Perhaps you may already be aware of this or may be you are taking a laxative coffee or perhaps is something to keep a watch on.

    Inspite of the issues you are facing it is good to see you that you have come to this site to help others.
    When you work towards resolving others problems, you diminish your own. Isn’t it.

    Yes, you are going through certain troubling and unfortunate situations regarding your health and finances.
    Try your best to separate out your life from your life-situation. Try to create a distance from the life inside you with the health conditions of your body. Be more in the soul conscious stage than in the body conscious stage. Take life moment by moment.

    Bring deep Acceptance and Surrender to your situation.

    Take a look at the below beautiful video on Acceptance and Surrender.





    in reply to: confusion and analytical mind #184819

    Dear Ben,

    It’s good that you have been following the teachings of master Eckhart Tolle. Things are going to be simple for you to follow.

    Take a break for yourself from all of the spiritual healing techniques and self-help books.
    I’ve done and gone through them so you need not do the homework. What I am going to suggest you are also some of the spiritual healing techniques but only the ones that are necessary for you and something that will work.

    Yes, understanding the concepts theoretically is far much different from experiencing it experientially but is possible through doing them practically. I am going to suggest you something from Eckhart’s teachings of “The Power of Now” and “A new earth: Awakening to your life purpose”. But these are going to be practical exercises and will be required to be done regularly and diligently. You need not have to do anything else for the overactive mind.

    The root cause of all pain and suffering caused is due to an overactive mind. I will go ahead even further and call it a hyper active mind.

    “…over analytical and active mind, overwhelming of thinking and confusion about everything…”
    All of these that you are experiencing are nothing but “hyper mind activity” and not really happening in reality, and I’m sure you are already aware of this.

    When your mind won’t let you alone, feel the inner energy of your entire body.

    All you have to do is get out of your head and bring your attention back to the awareness of your inner body.

    Feel Your Inner Body:

    If you are not familiar with “inner body” awareness, close your eyes for a moment and find out if there is life inside your hands. Don’t ask your mind…go to the hands directly. By this it means to become aware of the subtle feeling of aliveness inside them. Raise your hand and with your eyes closed try to find where your lifted hand is. It is there. You just have to go there with your attention to notice it with your eyes closed. You may get a slight tingling sensation at first, then a feeling of energy or aliveness. If you hold your attention in your hands for a while, the sense of aliveness will intensify…

    Then go to your feet, keep your attention there for a minute or so, and begin to feel your hands and feet at the same time. Then incorporate other parts of the body–legs, arms, abdomen, chest, and so on–go into that feeling until you are aware of the inner body as a global sense of aliveness. Feel the entire inner body as one single energy field.

    Practice this exercise to get a feel for the energy in your inner body. When you know and recognize that feeling, you can call upon it anytime you want to feel peaceful and happy. If you are yet unable to feel the entire body at once then choosing any one part of the body will work equally. For me, the chest or the heart area is where I can feel it most easily as it is more intense there. If the feeling for you is more intense in one particular area of your body then you can focus more there.

    Daily morning and night routine: 

    When you are unoccupied for a few minutes, and especially last thing at night before falling asleep and first thing in the morning before getting up, “flood” your body with consciousness (energy field inside the body).

    Close your eyes.

    Lie flat on your back.

    Choose different parts of your body to focus your attention on briefly at first: hands, feet, arms, legs, abdomen, chest, head, and so on. Feel the life energy inside those parts as intensely as you can.

    Stay with each part for fifteen seconds or so. Then let your attention run through the body like a wave a few times, from feet to head and back again.

    This need only take a minute or so. After that, feel the inner body in its totality, as a single field of energy. Hold that feeling for a few minutes.

    Be intensely present during that time, present in every cell of your body. Don’t be concerned if the mind occasionally succeeds in drawing your attention out of the body and you lose yourself in some thought. As soon as you notice that this has happened, just return your attention to the inner body.

    All throughout your day:

    The morning and the nightly daily routine are itself going to be highly beneficial for you to carry on with your day without much of the “troubling” mind.

    But use your day-to-day activities itself as a form of spiritual practice in bringing peace to your situation.

    Use the mindfulness practice in all that you do.

    Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way:
    on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” ~Jon Kabat-Zinn

    This is not going to be difficult work. Also, I am not referring to the mindfulness meditation. In fact I suggest you won’t even need meditation. Use your daily life itself as a spiritual practice. Practice mindfulness in all of your day to day activities. To experience life fully and enjoy fully you will need to live in the moment.

    1. Think of a to-do on your list. Something that’s tedious or seems trivial is ideal . . . like washing your hands or walking the dog. It could be something you usually do unconsciously, just going through the motions to get it over with . . . like packing your kids’ lunches or mowing the lawn.
    2. Decide to do it fully. Doing something fully means giving it your full attention and doing it on purpose. By never doing anything unwillingly, you become internally aligned with the external activity instead of there being a conflict and not allowing the mind to wander.
    3. Engage all your senses. Smell the grass you’re cutting, feel the wind blow against you as you go, see the trees around you, listen to the lawnmower.

    It may not feel natural or make sense at first. But it will become second nature. And the more you bring those present moments into your life, the more our old conditioning (our tendency to worry, to become anxious, to feel depressed, or to engage in unhealthy behaviors) is released.

    Practicing present moment awareness with simple items on your to-do list or small challenges in your everyday life retrains your mind and better prepares you to deal with problems of any size and nature. So eventually you can transcend them with ease.

    Mastering the art of breaking down life into the present moment is just one important step in raising your level of consciousness to transcend any struggle that arises in your life.

    This can even be done with an as simple activity as walking.

    Try walking for a while as if your feet is kissing the ground.


    Feeling your inner body and mindfulness will cut the link with any mind activity (the root cause of all problems), making you present, giving you a sense of peace, happiness and joy again. With the help of mindfulness and inner body awareness you will be able to live a happy joyful life again and that too inspite of any other challenges it throws. How beautiful that would be like?

    Follow all of the routines mentioned above and see how it feels without attaching your mind to any results. The mind will ask “Is that even working?” or “I am unable to feel anything”. This will mean that the mind has taken over again. Return back to the energy of your inner body. It is always there. You will begin to feel happy, peaceful and joyful again.


    You also asked – “…..What I do next to the purpose of the universe”

    Take a look at the below videos. You can listen and re-listen to these, but just these. Remember you are not going to touch any other spiritual practice or self-help books 🙂 . Do not allow the “monkey mind” to jump from one video to another, from one book to another, from one spiritual article to another. Because all you ever need is in this post.




    All of the above practices are going to take care of all the issues mentioned on your post.

    But I will also suggest you something to do additionally and alongside.

    It is called the ‘The Wayne Cook Posture” from Donna Eden’s Energy Healing Techniques.

    It is used for brain fogginess, clouded mind, not having enough clarity in thoughts.




    This is a simple technique but not a substitute for Presence or mindfulness. In fact you can combine it in a way by doing the Wayne Cook Posture to unscramble the energies in your body and mind making you ready to practice Presence and Mindfulness all throughout your day including the daily morning and nightly routine.


    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.
Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 289 total)