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March 17, 2021 at 6:49 am #376205
ParticipantHi Sammy, glad you had a nice mother’s day, my mother was very happy with bouquet of flowers she received from myself!
Today is the best I’ve felt in ages, been very energetic and upbeat with everyone at the place I work and I’m trying to focus on the goals and things I want to do this year that I will enjoy, granted I know this is an upswing on the roller coaster of emotions but it sure does feel good and a relief to get away from those negative and sad emotions, I just wish this would last for ever! I think I am slowly coming to terms that it is really over now and that she has really moved on for good this time which is for the best for both of us.
In terms of moving on to try replace the void so soon, don’t worry I’m not actively pursuing this and being desperate because I know need to heal first and also it’s not something I want to chase, I’ve tried dating apps and they just do not work for me anyway, I would definitely rather meet someone in person in a unscripted scenario, that was what felt really good when I first met her, it came out of nowhere!
Again you are actually on the money with how I’ve been, my previous relationship was too comfortable and I took her for granted, a case of I didn’t know what I had until I lost it and she really was a nice attractive girl who if met at this point in my life I would of appreciated a lot more so yeah I was definitely approaching this most recent relationship to make amends for my previous one.
One thing that is annoying is she likes to like my mother’s and sisters statuses on fb, she really liked my mum and they was still messaging before Christmas on a friends basis which I wasn’t happy about but let it go because I didn’t want to seem petty and interfere, however since she broke a promise to my mum to leave me alone she has since said she doesn’t really want to communicate with her like that anymore and kept any response short just to be amicable, I suppose this is something I will have to live with for the moment but will undoubtedly fizzle out.
I know what your about time for starting a family etc., it’s not something I constantly fret about, I think just with social media and people who are close to you experiencing these moments, I personally get lost in the pursuit of happiness in my mind and leaves me feeling empty and abnormal, I know that’s not really the important issue at the moment, it’s healing from a big loss that has affected my life that takes priority, I am starting to truly believe this can all be learning curves to a better path so I won’t stop believing, I know everyday is going to be up and down for a while and that’s why I appreciate this thread and you fine people for listening and responding, for me personally it really means a lot to have this support.
March 18, 2021 at 4:34 am #376240Sammy
Participant@Jay2023 glad you had an equally happy mummy!
Soak in the feeling you feel today and write it down if you have to, it will be a reminder on the low days you can and will feel good again! Once you start feeling consistently good, you will not allow yourself to feel sad for long. You’ll get more clarity.
Dating apps are tricky but unfortunately the only way to meet new people these days! Healing for you is priority, once you do by then restrictions should be lifted and you can meet someone randomly!
How interesting!! I thought as much when you said you regret your prev relationship to this day. Reminded me of Danny who went into a relationship with ‘C’ to avoid facing what he had lost with ‘B’.
Men do it all the time, my ex didn’t realise what he lost until it was gone. With me and him there was too much water under the bridge but him making amends healed me and him. It made me feel like I was finally seen and heard by him, he had really reflected on his part in the pain and hurt. It made me really respect him for his courage, I was no longer hurt but happy he was growing and now I don’t look back with feeling of hurt.
You do realise that it’s never too late to make amends. I’m sure you said sorry to your previous ex but that’s just a band aid for both parties. It covers up painful time without actually making it right. And it remains there somewhere deep in your subconscious, as you are now aware it caused you to make amends to the wrong person and through a new relationship by seeking something to make yourself feel better, by being better to her. Really you need to face the past wound in my opinion.
I still do not get to this day why you men only appreciate what you lose. I’d love some light shone on this by you and Danny. What goes through your mind?
Do you men not comprehend that in situations where the women knows she can do better or when your down and out but she still stands by you and gives you the time by taking a huge risk in investing in the potential proves how loved you are?
Do you not imagine you fulfilling the potential? Do you not visualise yourself at that point of life that you are now to know what you have is special and if someone can value and love you at your lowest then at your highest you’ll be incredibly loved? Therefore you should pull your socks up and show her what she means?Now you find yourself giving all you can to the new relationships by being better, but those women still walk away. They don’t appreciate you like the woman who tried to stand by you at your lowest. Why do most men comprehend the folly of their decision later? Genuinely curious!
I’m confused who is messaging your mum? Your current ex or prev ex? Either way just don’t be so hasty in cutting off those links let them die down naturally. I struggled with letting go of my exes family, they were part of my life and everything I knew for 5 years. My ex was kind enough to allow me to remain in contact even after he tried to win me back, if he had taken them away or stopped interaction it would make everything more acutely painful. Allowing me to naturally create space was easier. I still love and care for them all but know I can’t message or call like I once did.
And don’t compare yourself to others, I’m sure you’re old enough to know social media is mainly for those seeking validation (I’m guilty of it) and selecting only the certain elements that protray happy lives!
Funnily enough the people you want to get to know or connect with, are the ones who are genuinely happy in life and you will not find on there.
Social media can cause you to spiral if you believe everything you see on there is real, instead appreciate what you do have. Its clear you have good friends, lovely family and a career, no responsibility etc.
If you’re pursuing happiness, look inwardly. It’s the only place you’ll find it. I asked myself am I happy with who I am, what I offer to the world etc once you start healing inwardly and have grace you’ll feel happier.
You can never find happiness in a relationship, new car, phone etc
You’ll keep chasing after the next thing, it will never be enough.I’m glad you are working on healing, I’m glad you are going down the right path by reaching out for help instead of suppressing all your emotions.
You will get there Jay and be a better man for it! I’m sure of it. X
March 18, 2021 at 6:10 am #376244Jay
ParticipantAfternoon Sammy, today has been a bit crash and burn, I know it’s because I had a late night and found it difficult to shut off so feeling lethargic today, looking forward to an early night!
Its the current ex who is really fond of my mum and I would never intervene in that, my mum has made her own mind up about that as she contacted me when she said she would leave me alone but doesn’t want it to be awkward as she frequents the place where she works and will bump into her.
In regards to my previous relationship I was just young, immature and arrogant, where she was so sweet and nice there was no boundaries and felt I could do whatever I wanted, I never cheated or anything like that because even then I would never do such a thing but I would go out to clubs and pubs a lot with friends and just generally neglect her but not spend anytime with her which was a shame on my part because we went on holidays together and shared some good memories, for the last 3 months it was obviously fading out and I still done nothing about it and then after she went away for a week with her work and then decided she wanted to break up, I didn’t even take it seriously at first because I was so sure from how much she loved me we would sort things, how wrong I was and then when I realised what had actually happened it really hit me hard because I knew it would be tough to find someone like that again so I learnt a massive lesson, after a couple of weeks of begging to sort things out I just cut contact then found out a couple of months later she had a new bf, I was really bitter about the breakup but after time I realised it was all my own fault, I’ve never bumped into her in all time either so never had to chance to say I was sorry for the way I was, as it turned out she is someone who treats her well and they have kids together so I’m happy that it turned out well for her and got what she deserved. The whole experience did teach to become a better person without realising but put me off of relationships for a long time until I met my most recent ex.
I know a lot of social media is fake and try not to take much notice, it’s OK when your in a good place but can be toxic if your not. I’m all good going strong have no desire to reach out and been nearly 3 weeks now, I know I’ve got a long road ahead though and is so draining with the thoughts rattling around my head but got to keep thinking it’s only temporary and somewhere along the line is going to be happy and content place for myself.
March 18, 2021 at 6:57 am #376248Sammy
ParticipantThat can happen after a high day, but it’s okay. Just got to learn how to surf through or against the wave..like you said an early night and some sleep will aid in reachieving that revitalised feeling again.
Also don’t forget to commend yourself on your progress. 3 weeks NC is an achievement. Bit by bit you’ll be further than you thought. You’re not purposefully wallowing or self pitying. You’re feeling the sadness and recognising it’s normal but actively trying to carry on. So keep at it!
You’re doing the right thing letting your mum decide. Like I said with time naturally communication dies down or becomes less bothersome.
So its just boils down to immaturity and inexperience in men?
The cold facts of life are that no one is obligated to stick around and put up with the other’s bullshit. You should never get complacent becayse no one deserves to live a life filled with stress and emotional pain. You can’t keep someone waiting while you figure out what you really want from life.
Your previous ex rejecting you when you were like that, was the most powerful step she could take in moving forward in life even though she loved you. In the end it was your actions that resulted in that moment. I guess you had to learn the hard way when a woman is done – she’s done.
It is good to hear maybe not to you that she moved on, it may help you heal deep down to make real amends, re engage and express what you just said to me to her. Tell her you are happy she found what she deserved in a letter if meeting would not be welcomed. I doubt anyone would not want to hear that even if they found peace themselves.
It may be the catalyst to letting go of regret and trying to fill a void. It may help you make better choices and set better boundaries for yourself too. Just an idea.
In addiction recovery there’s a 12 Step recovery process, so step 8 and 9 includes the practice of recognising how your behavior has harmed others and seeking to repair the mistakes and damage caused during that phase directly or indirectly if it will cause harm.
I think to become better humans and have better relationships we should do this type of reflection and action taking regardless to demonstrate our new way of life. It shows your intentions and actions are aligned.
As they all say on this thread. In time, this too shall pass. On your down days stay clear of socials and find a hobby to distract you. I know whats it like opening Instagram and seeing a picture of your friends new baby or engagement and although you’re happy you feel you are losing in life. That comes from our own train of thoughts. You need to reframe them. Once you do it consistently you see things differently.
March 18, 2021 at 7:47 am #376249Jay
ParticipantThank you Sammy, I know in myself the nc is necessary so I can stick to this, I have done this on previous occasions for longer periods, the worst pain is thinking about her moving on and connecting with someone else, I know this is going to happen and is going to be better for me in the long run because it prevents her from disturbing my healing but still distressing none the less. I’m saying to myself that this is happening to try eliminate any intrusive thoughts of what if she comes back to me because even though it is not what is right to move forward, based on the history we have I can’t prevent them thoughts at the moment no matter how hard I try.
I’m not sure if that’s the case for everyone with the immaturity, I was young and very different back then and it took what happened for me to learn from it and shape how I am now, I think now where I was single for a long time I appreciate the feeling of being in a relationship, ok so the most recent one hasn’t worked out but at times it felt really good.
I don’t think I will go out of my way to try apologise, it was such a long time ago and wouldn’t want to disturb her life now, she’s happy and everything has happened for a reason, maybe I will be on the receiving end of that happening to me in the future, let’s hope so.
Even describing my first serious relationship brought back some memories of being in a healthier relationship which I haven’t done too much whilst I’ve been in this previous one due to being fixated on wanting it to work and succeed, a little reminder of what I need to get from any future relationship.
March 18, 2021 at 8:49 am #376251Sammy
ParticipantI really should be cracking on with work but the conversation is a welcome break!
I suppose it is easier to stick to no contact but gaining control of those intrusive thoughts requires more steely determination.
Does the fact she is actively looking for someone else not put you off? Instead of making you sad, does it not make you feel ‘If I was her person, she wouldn’t look elsewhere or treat me like this. Therefore why am I wasting my energy thinking of her with someone else? If she thinks someone else can do better then let her find it.
Effectively she was already emotionally cheating on you whilst with you.
My ex even though I desperately wanted him to choose me,after all i had invested for close to 5 years when he tried to win me back, it dawned on me I was doing myself injustice, I deserved to be chosen, not an after thought. I deserved better. But I really did love him, I wanted him to grow up and not hurt someone else like he did me. I knew even if he “beat me” there would be a little jealousy at first but no sadness or wallowing because he would have found his fit, I’d be happy for him.
He hasn’t entered another relationship, but I have. I respect him for being good about it as we are all part of a mutual friend group, I’m dating my best friends bro. He didn’t try to meddle, he accepted I really did deserve better and wants that for me too. I can’t say we are friends because I changed my number. However we have mutual friends so if we cross paths we are amicable and will have some mature interaction.
I don’t know maybe I believe in karma, you reap what you sow. My conscience always makes me want to make an extra effort to not hurt someone. When I do, were all human, even if it was years ago I would still try to make amends. Anything bad in my life would feel like karma.
I reflected on my prior flings when it was over with my ex, some were actually very good guys, where I’d often been the heartbreaker.
I never did anything spiteful or mean but I still reached out to some, it was well received. Even those married. I just felt I had not treated them like I would like to be treated now with honesty, communication, closure and integrity. I feel better for it and I didn’t disturb anyone’s life because I had no ill intention.
I guess everyone’s different. I can’t live with regrets or bad energy.
I’m glad you’re reflecting on what a healthy relationship entails. What you need and deserve. Build your self esteem and love yourself and it will cause positive domino effect in all aspects of your life. Choose you and you choose better for yourself. That doesn’t mean you can’t be selfless, it means you just set boundaries too so when you are not getting your needs met you after a fair opportunity, you walk away for yourself.
March 18, 2021 at 9:30 am #376255Jay
ParticipantI’m sorry to keep you from your work! My job has periods where I get a lot of down time so able to post, only downside is lots of periods where my thoughts run wild.
It will still hurt me to see her on move on with someone else because for a long time I’ve really wanted to be that person, I accepted everything that the relationship would of been in terms of how I would get due to her children and time but I was fine with those conditions and wanted to help her in anyway I could, but yeah her actively looking to talk and connect with other people and not even being bothered by telling me that is the final straw and is making me want to move on finally, I cant keep being her blanket when things don’t work out for her, I have been making excuses for far too long why she exhibits the behaviour she does and there is not many people who would have tolerated it for this long but I will keep reading that passage back because you are right!
It will be the same for me, she will undoubtedly move on first and I won’t meddle, hopefully I’m not exposed to it for a long time although we live quite close so always a chance I will see her out.
It’s a great outlook, I would also feel guilt when hurting others as I know full well what it feels like and is the worst feeling in the world.
I know in time my mind will rule over my heart and I will take her off the pedestal, I could write a whole page of flaws, I suppose when you at this stage of a breakup you wonder if anyone will make you feel the same way you did about that particular person.
March 23, 2021 at 2:33 am #376428Sammy
ParticipantI had a tight deadline to meet and it’s hard to catch a break but I still like to take time out for change of focus when I feel bored or unproductive just didn’t realise how much I had delayed so apologies for the late reply. Lucky you, that you get periods of free downtime but it must suck when the mind needs occupation.
Try downloading a game or even watching Netflix or series during those periods to avoid slipping into the habit of ruminating.
I understand the pain you are describing in wanting to be the person for her but I think it’s more rooted in wanting to be chosen and validated more than anything.
Also because it was mainly one sided the feelings you describe appear to be based upon an idealised version or potential you felt rather than the actual reality. Some people do deserve that pedestal but in this case I don’t think she does.
Soon when that fog lifts, I hope you realise your own worth. You deserve much better than a one sided romantic relationship. You seem like a kind and giving person in a relationship. You deserve that in return.
Just thinking about how much you were willing to sacrifice and do for her makes me think she must have been manipulative all along knowing she was never ready for a commitment to you but knew by keeping you around, she could use you as a blanket when the chips were down. You may have codependency maybe because you crave certainty and clearly absorb other peoples feelings, people pleased with her and weren’t assertive to say anything or walk away yourself when she definitely wasn’t meeting your needs?
She strung you along, why would you do that to when you could commit knowing how lucky you are to find a kind, generous man, especially one who is offering stability and willing to be a father figure and take on 3 children! The loss is definitely not yours in this case. Keep reminding yourself of that.
Remember when there’s pure love but circumstances mean you are not the right fit then when one of you does move on for good, it is usually happiness that is felt above any other emotion. You want them to be happy even if it means it can not be with you.
If love wasn’t as deep and pure it’s indifference. If the love was toxic primarily you feel jealousy.
I loved my ex in a very pure way, he didn’t return that in the same way at that time, or not in the way I needed. In the end after an emotional rollercoaster on/off for close to 5 years, I realised we just didn’t fit, I no longer wanted it, love requires work not you losing yourself and damaging your own self worth. BUT I still want him to be happy and grow, I really do. I moved on before him probably because I didn’t date right away and took my time to fully heal and grow from that chapter. But I respect him a lot more for how he made amends, how he has been since, although he realised some things which could have saved our relationship far too late, he was sensible and stood down when he knew I was serious about my besties bro. We’re not friends by any means but after a year we can finally be in the same room and have small talk, we’ve let bygones be bygones. It feels so mature.
I hope if your connection was real, then you both get to that stage one day and can talk again.
You said you worry no one will love you the way you love. I used to fear that too after my ex because honestly I love very deeply when I commit to someone. But i realised I was overthinking, having expectations. Rather than focusing on having love returned in the “exact” way i give, focus on how I am, who I am with the person. Be with someone who will take care of you, like really take care of you. I mean take care of your soul, your wellbeing, your heart. Honestly to get there you have to do that for yourself first.
Once you start loving yourself in an unconditional way you chose better partners.
In JTs famous words ‘what goes around comes back around’ so I try not to be what I wouldn’t want done to me. Once you start living by those rules overall you make better choices for yourself too.
How was your weekend? I remember in the initial period I used to dread the moments where I had nothing to do and instead of planning or filling it or learning to sit through those alone moments with patience. I filled myself with booze!
March 23, 2021 at 4:08 am #376430Jay
ParticipantHey Sammy, please don’t apologise I really appreciate the time you take when you have it to reply and provide your thoughts. I hope you had a good weekend! As you said the weekends are tough at the moment, I had a drink with friends Friday evening and was nice to socialise but then felt empty and plagued by negative thoughts for the remainder, it is a tough time at the moment with the restrictions, I did get into some gaming with friends to take my mind off things so was not all bad, also at work I do occasionally watch things when it’s quiet on my phone but currently my attention span is not great and not able to enjoy watching any TV fully.
Also my sister has been reaching out to me a lot lately, clearly worried about my mental state as she suffers from depression, anxiety etc., previous to this affecting me we didn’t really have a close relationship and i was often critical of her behaviour not even realising how much we have in common so effectively we have become closer and she is probably the only person I speak too about this when I need to now, as I do not wish to bother my friends or mother going round in circles about the same things, so in a sense something positive is coming out of the process.
She did however inadvertently make me aware of my exes social media activity which she regrets this as it has set me back over the weekend, only a profile picture change and also suspect she could be talking to someone else now which I know is irrelevant for my healing process and she now knows not to disturb me with this information as I’m trying as hard as I can to not expose myself to anything.
So yeah has been a tough few days but the longer time elapses the more I’m accepting everything and looking forward to a new chapter and dumping all the emotional baggage, I feel this will be the lowest point so hopefully things can only feel better onwards, I am taking on board everything your saying from what I deserve and at some point I will succeed in achieving.
March 23, 2021 at 8:20 am #376434Sammy
ParticipantThe thing is rather than actively seeking or actively avoiding those kind of updates or exposure, let them occur because the more they do, the more mental toughness you develop, it makes you more resilient in the long run so you’re not affected so much each time. So what if she’s changed her pic or speaking to another guy. You were already aware of both those facts. So don’t let it have control over you.
My ex obviously went down the get under someone to get over someone route with casual flings, he was a typical boy but my initial reaction was to crumble, I went for the booze to numb the associated feelings.
But @Tim1 and @Shelbyville were great at that time so was my best friend who acted as my buddy. I pulled myself together and was tired of feeling down so I worked on reframing my thoughts. I told myself this was bound to happen. I told myself it was not a reflection of us or me but just him, how he had chosen to deal with the fallout and it was on him. I told myself it was no longer my problem. The last thing I wanted to do was spiral into further doubts about not being enough when the relationship had already worn my self esteem down.
So the subsequent bits on his arm I didn’t avoid hearing about but I just chose not to react to either. Seriously why should you allow someone who doesn’t even want you to continue ruining your days. Just let the wave of emotions pass through knowing it can only get better because you will find your soulmate.
Having people around you who are positive, supportive and inspiring is so fundamental in achieving a healthier outlook. I’m glad you have your sister to lean on who understands the effects of anxiety and depression in a better way. With men, I’ve realised you have it tougher without the same support network as women.
Lucky you, I’m guessing you’re not from the UK if you’re able to go out to pubs or restaurants or even friends for drinks? If you’re rule bending then i don’t blame you I’m tired of being locked in here! There goes my holiday too after today’s announcement. I really hate this new normal!
Gaming is akin to retail therapy for women! So I’m glad you’re able to enjoy that. With tv as silly as this sounds, try watching something that doesn’t require much brain engagement so nothing like a psychological thriller more junk like reality TV. It can be very soothing during heartbreak!
My weekend was spent with my parents even though they are annoying at times I’m glad I got this time with them to be back home. In few weeks I’m moving into my new place. New beginnings. Fingers crossed.
March 23, 2021 at 9:48 am #376439Jay
ParticipantThanks for that response Sammy, actually makes a lot of sense and I was not expecting that to be honest, generally it’s to avoid an exes social media but then you can’t win because you will be curious to know in the earlier stages, be nice when I won’t care! I’ve felt better as the day has gone on to be honest, like you said feel the emotions and ride the wave, it’s out of my control and its hasn’t in the slightest made me want to reach out so I can’t damage myself that way.
Yes guilty I’m afraid I have been rule bending s little and going to my friend I work with for a small social gathering now and again, I am from the UK and I knows its wrong in a sense but I would be going out of my mind at the moment!
Before I started dating her gaming was my go to where I found relaxation and a social element but after reflecting on what I wanted in life I lost interest in doing it as a hobby as it was consuming a lot of my time and did not really do much apart from go out to the pub, anyway its a welcome distraction when I haven’t got a lot to do and have a good network of friends to speak to with on there. With TV you are correct I can’t really watch any indepth that’s new to me, I just rewatch stuff I enjoyed in the past and the football mainly.
I actually wanted to say also that I reread all your entries from this thread from the beginning over the weekend and I have to say the transformation from where you was at the start of your journey to where you are now is amazing, gives me real inspiration to get to where I would like to be. I wished I had wrote a journal from when we split in September so I could of seen my own progress on paper although it’s my mind, just from starting this job the confidence it’s given me has been a godsend.
Moving into a new home how exciting, will be the start of a new chapter for you and timing is excellent for hopefully the end phase of this horrible past year of lockdowns and uncertainty, I wish you all the luck in the world as you certainly deserve it with kind nature to help people in this thread!
March 23, 2021 at 4:31 pm #376462Sammy
ParticipantYou know it’s almost a year since I first posted in this thread. I can recall the desperation. It was exactly 2 days before lockdown began he called time. So this weekend I had a drink to toast my progress, I didn’t think I would be the person I am today. I didn’t think I’d be a new homeowner, ready to start something afresh with someone who had always been there but not visible. It is all timing, everyone has their own. All you can do is grow and learn to take the better roads.
So thank you for the recognition and I’m touched you read over my story. It was an emotional rollercoaster and on top had Covid 19 to deal with it was intense but it led me back to me, renewed hope and faith, taught me a whole new way to do things, see things. I became a better person because of it. I still have the same abundance of love, just giving it to someone who hopefully loves me too this time.
Write your story on here, or write it in a journal. it’s never late. One day you’ll look back in amazement at yourself! I think you already have a lot to be proud of, you mentioned in Sept you became redundant and split up with her. So look how much on your own you achieved by picking yourself up going through the torture of interviews, landing a job! Yes, you went back to her when you shouldn’t have but maybe you needed to learn the hard way, and break up sex is common.
When I contacted my ex for closure there was a moment where after all was said, we had cried and he held me, the temptation to succumb and to sleep with him or feel his body even if it was the last time was intense but something in me knew that was the easier choice. It is the difficult choices that we are fearful of that end up usually being the right ones, I had to instead love myself, which meant not going back for another round. Now looking back it was the best decision and I have more respect for him as a result.
Everyone told me to block and remove everything and I did initially but I found that suppressing was harmful it made me anxious and my mind run wild, hence the need for booze to numb those thoughts. So feeling the emotions and just learning to be more mentally strong makes you better. So don’t actively seek info or avoid. Also like any fear you can run but not hide, so better to face it head-on and allow it to shrink.
No judgement here, I’ve bent the rules a few times myself. It’s impossible to live indoors without social interaction especially when your job is wfh too. My family home has lovely fields to walk in but nothing beats a chinwag with my bestie and now seeing my new bf!
Gaming can be a touchy subject but you’ve come to that realisation yourself that there is a whole real world out there, gaming can make you a hermit if not careful, my ex used to prefer that to a date night. Everything in moderation is best. Junk tv is a guilty pleasure so indulge in it if it makes you feel better!
Just a thought that came to me as I really see you improving and doing better, in future relationships don’t let this make you want to play games to have control or to avoid being hurt. You need to be authentic and vulnerable to form a healthy partnership. I reached out to my ex for closure, most people were surprised as the general rule is don’t contact if you’re the rejected party as you will look desperate, you have no pride but I did it to heal and forgive, it was the best choice as in the end I’ve taken all the steps to be a better version and I know who I am, what I want and need. I know my self-worth and what to compromise on and give. This thread offered so much insight into my behavior I’m very grateful, that’s why I love to balance the scales and give back, So I try my best to be there for others who have experienced the same.
March 24, 2021 at 4:39 am #376472Jay
ParticipantMorning Sammy, a year on and its brilliant to see the progress and able to share your journey to help others and now your at the point where you can look at the experience as a positive point in your life where it took you in a better direction, these situations can make you or break you and i definitely would like to look back and be glad it happened for my own personal growth, I actually opened a a lifetime ISA the other day and plan to contribute to that to help with purchasing a property in the future.
Thank you for acknowledging my progress, maybe it was wrong to let her back in to set back the healing but the way I look at it I blamed myself for how I was at the time and could not get past that in my mind, after being in contact and getting strung along again, I’m in a better frame of mind to let go this time so everything happens for a reason i suppose and also has prompted me to find this thread and discuss to analyse everything better.
Forward thinking for future relationships I would never be like that because that’s not the person I am, I’m honest and upfront, I will learn however from this past experience to be very wary of developing feelings if there not going to reciprocated, although in my defence she was way more into me than I was her at first and without me even knowing the balance shifted, of course I was naive from being on my own for a long time and got a taste of feeling that way which hooked me in and from there it got progressively worse, all learning curves anyway so got to think positive, I know I wouldn’t be where I’m at now without going through all of this so there will definitely be a silver lining at some point. The crazy thing with me is I have lots of friends from over the years and reputation for being a decent person and I’ve never tried to transpire that into having a healthy relationship.
Onwards and upwards, hopefully the restrictions will be relaxed on the said dates to give a uplift in general mood and that will also help with moving on, like you said its difficult dealing with breaking up with someone you care about deeply in normal circumstances, to do it whilst in a pandemic with conditions we are not used to is a much more challenging task so you have to recognise the inner strength it takes to get through a distressing ordeal within that.
March 24, 2021 at 9:48 am #376474Shweta
First of all, if you have brokenup with the people due to some logical reasons, you should not feel sad or guilty for your own decisions.
If you have broken up because you really wanted to get move on, I suggest, you should proud of yourself because you have ended a relationship in a well mature manner. Still, if you feel sad or depressed or alone, Go for a Trip and spend time with yourself and Nature Because nature is the only thing that can heal you internally.
Being transparent is find and to left any relations which has to end is completely Fine! Sometimes things don’t workout the way they should.
So you see, It’s Okay to not feel Happy but it should be temporary! Remember that!
March 24, 2021 at 3:08 pm #376509Sammy
ParticipantHi @Shweta
Thanks for your input. I agree nature is very healing. It can take each person a different amount of time to heal and it comes with range of emotions, but accepting sadness is temporary does help stop you falling into a spiral. If you need anything feel free to post.
Hi @Jay2023
It’s been a long day. Bloody Zoom and Teams!!!! I thought I’d tune out from my workload and reply. Going to be a late night.
The experience was one emotional rollercoaster but I made it. I will not lie on the very rare occasion I still think of my ex, he was my very first experience of pure love. I think the way I loved him, it could have been all so different. I do want him to be loved again in that way and for him to experience loving in that way too. I just know I need and deserve more, we can’t be happy together we just didn’t fit. Our needs and values didn’t align.
My new bf makes me feel like I don’t have to question his feelings and intentions. It’s so different. It’s so great to be able to communicate and not be met with resistance or avoidance. I know it’s early days and I don’t want to get ahead of myself but I know his intentions are serious and aligned with mine and that really makes a huge difference.
I think when you find a higher purpose, you realise that you can not waste life. You can not allow someone else to break you. So I think that’s why my healing was quicker. Everyone was saying it will take min 2/3 years to move on from such a long term relationship. Thinking about being miserable for that long was daunting prospect. When I hit rock bottom I knew the only way was up or stay stuck in this rut and waste my time. When you appreciate time, value it, then your mind set changes you want to be better and do better.
I spent at least 4/5 months going work inwardly. Finding focus, purpose, questioning who I was and my legacy. I built my self esteem. Made major life decisions and steered my own life back in the right direction. It takes you taking control. Saying enough is enough to the self pitying.
I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt, I’m not saying it wasn’t painful to love and be told I was not enough several times. But I could have let that define me or I could let it spur me to prove to myself my own worth. My own worth, my life was not going to be reduced to a heartbreak.
Can I ask why you blamed yourself at that time when you let her back in?
It’s rare to find people who are so upfront and honest about their feelings. Often this is looked at a weakness but it’s not, its an incredible strength to be able to be authentic with your feelings. To be open and vulnerable and risk it. So be proud of that trait.I don’t think you should be wary. Feelings can not be controlled they come out of the blue at times. However how we react is important. Don’t over invest until commited, on the other hand don’t go into a relationship with walls, just try staying objective. Does this person and I have needs, wants, beliefs which align? If they don’t then don’t be afraid to walk away. Love is a straight 50/50 risk. Always will be.
You’re a typical man you got hooked on the chase. At first she was all in ( she was infatuated at best or manipulating at worst) then she pulled away. You wanted what you can’t have. Think back to the beginning when she was “very into you” what was holding you back then?
I didn’t quite grasp what you meant you’ve never transpired that into having a healthy relationship? Please explain, my brain is a little slow right now!
The pandemic has meant developing self sufficiency. The typical support network or activities that are there to help with heartbreaks were inaccessible. So you adapt. Both of us have and its a huge milestone which indicates inner strength. So do make sure you look at the achievements you’re making along the way. They’ll all add up and culminate in your overall growth and healing!