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October 25, 2018 at 10:14 am #233301
Haha that did make me giggle! But it just goes to show how many people are actually out there prying on people who are vulnerable! Sickening isn’t it?!
October 25, 2018 at 10:23 am #233307RebirthandRestart2018
ParticipantIt really made me feel a bit angry but as part of my new ‘journey’ I’m trying not to let outside influences overwhelm my reactions…..so far so good today.
I hope you both are able to relax a little tonight as you both deserve a bit of peace.
October 25, 2018 at 10:37 am #233311Kkasxo
Well done to you! I wish I could say the same. I’m finding myself angry again at the thought of him being at the concert that I should’ve been at enjoying myself. Asshole.
October 25, 2018 at 10:45 am #233315RebirthandRestart2018
ParticipantIt’s a tiny step and also just trying not to let my attention gravitate towards my ex. It’s very very hard isn’t it.
That’s it! Just let it out and be angry if that’s what you’re feeling. Smash a plate or scream into a pillow (seems to work for me!). You can release the tension and definitely give yourself permission!
October 25, 2018 at 10:57 am #233323Kkasxo
Ha! I’ve always wanted to smash some plates when I’m angry but I never got round to it.
Im so angry right now I literally want to cut off all contact. For real this time. He’s outdone himself many times this one’s just another one to add to the list. Is that the behaviour of a man who’s trying to win the love of his life back? I think not.
Thats the joke of it all. I haven’t even let him properly back in and everything I knew was coming happened! I must remind myself to listen to my intuition and gut feeling more often!
October 25, 2018 at 11:54 am #233333Shelbyville
Thats insane, although I could easily see how people get duped. People are searching for so many answers when heartbroken or lost, they’d do anything to understand why the pain is there or how to heal it, that I reckon some do get caught out. I’m not gonna lie, I even considered a fortune teller this week- pure rubbish- but desperate times and all that! But not gonna waste my money!
Be as angry as you want. Your ex had an amazing, kind loving girlfriend and he let her go. Then he tries to get her back and then doesn’t appear to be moving heaven and earth to do so. It would PISS me off. It’s natural. I’m mad at my ex for not texting at any point to see how I’m doing after her ripped the carpet from under me, when I know he’s actually doing the right thing! There’s no understanding human emotions sometimes!
I wish I felt like I have made progress in 5 weeks. Okay, I’ll admit, I’m not as terrified as the first 15 days when I was afraid to be left on my own at any stage in the day. I go to work, meet friends, walk, help out others when I can- all these things indicate some progress. Having not seen or heard from him in 5wks also, I’ll admit, the recent memory of him is fuzzy. It’s more reminders of past experiences with him that now stab me and the fact there will be no more.
But I don’t think there is a moment of the day I don’t think about him. I regularly plan to contact him and try in some way, shape or form reconcile. That’s where I’m at now I guess, just trying to quell the internal conflict.
I miss miss miss him. There are no other words to describe it. My sweet lovely brother in law said this the further away from the event I get, the easier it will get. I explained I still feel like sh*t and he said ‘yes…..but it’ll be less sh*tier in time!’
October 25, 2018 at 12:11 pm #233343Kkasxo
I do think that’s what haunts you and I the most, the momories of the past and the knowledge that there will be no more. BUT there will be new, perhaps better memories to make with someone new down the line? I don’t know, that’s what everybody says right so there must be some truth in it.
I think your brother in law has a very good point. Whether you acknowledge it now or not it does really somewhat get easier with time. You say yourself you’re not as terrified as you was some weeks ago. His memory is somewhat fuzzy. In the next 15 weeks it’ll be even fuzzier, you would’ve adjusted some more to your new life and new routine.
I don’t mind the notion of time if only I had some sort of guarantee at the end of it that it will indeed get easier. Also wish I had a fast forward button, that would be handy 🙂
October 25, 2018 at 12:54 pm #233357Shelbyville
ParticipantAh Kkasxo, the lifelong pursuit of certainty! You can join my treasure hunt troop. An argument my therapist and I have a lot is that he says I can be happy again and more fulfilled with a new partner, I debate that he can’t say that for certain. He says we can only be sure of death and taxes!
You’re young, you might take some time for yourself for a while but I think you could meet someone if you wanted. I acknowledge I’m not ‘old’ but for me, like I mentioned in previous early posts, he was it for me. I couldn’t imagine anyone better (still, even with his commitment phobia) so I can’t see myself healing, meeting the man of my dreams & having a family in the next 3-4 years! I reckon I’ll still be mourning the loss of this particular fool!
I’m ok tonight- always a worry- because it tends to usually be denial or related to a plan to re-unite but hey, I’m rolling with it at the moment.
I just renewed my car insurance and actually shopped around & got a good deal but then it stung when the guy on phone asked did I still want my ex on my insurance plan- I had forgotten he was on it. I said no and it INCREASED my premium. Fml!!!!
I hope the pampering session is making you feel better! Just this eve, I put in my phone a reminder for October 25th next year to post on this forum and see how I’m doing then!!!
October 25, 2018 at 1:23 pm #233369Kkasxo
I probably do believe that perhaps one day I’ll meet someone else and eventually go on to have a family etc because those things just happen in time naturally right? However, I truly did believe my ex was it for me too.
I have been in a relationship prior to this one for nearly two years and I can hand on heart say that the end of that relationship was nothing like this. To be quite frank, I can’t ever remember being that bothered about it.. Mind you yes I was young, yet at the time I recall it being ‘love’.
When that relationship ended I remember the sense of relief and excitement to go on and explore life on my own. I took a deep journey down the path of ‘self discovery’ and really convinced myself that I will take my time to figure out my life by myself for myself. I knew that I wanted my next one to be my last because that’s just who I am as a person and with that I was prepared to wait forever. I was alone for just over two years and in that time I didn’t date, I was just genuinely so content on my own I really didn’t even like the idea of someone coming along to disturb my peace. Within that two years I also built up a very high expectation of what this new partner is going to be like. Going back to what I previously said, I knew exactly what I wanted and I was in no rush to get it.
And then he came along and exceeded all my expectations. And we truly did have an amazing 3 years together, we really really did. I didn’t think it would ever end. He was my one.
Now looking at it from the other end I can honestly say I’ve completely lost myself in the process. I don’t recognise myself at all and that’s the saddest bit. But the one thing I do realise in all of this is the person that he is right now is not someone that I recognise either. Right now he isn’t the man who came into my life three years ago exceeding all these expectations. I feel that he’s lost himself too in the process of all of this.
As sad as it is, I just don’t think we’ll ever get the happy ending that I was so sure of for all these years. But at the same time I can’t imagine loving anyone ever again. Not like this. It’s impossible.
Regarding your car insurance haha! I renewed mine on my birthday a couple of weeks ago and Iust admit I left my ex on because the price difference was crazy! Oopsie.. he doesn’t need to know eh?! Oh & my pampering session did nothing for me. Even the distractions aren’t doing much right now which is a first and quite worrying.
October 25, 2018 at 1:27 pm #233371Kkasxo
ParticipantP.S I’ve just set a reminder on my phone too for this time next year! I honestly cannot wait to see where we are at
October 25, 2018 at 1:58 pm #233373Shelbyville
I was tempted to leave him on my insurance but in the end, I thought it would just cause me pain if I was reminded of it, so he’s gone!
I think it’s normal to feel in a devastating break up that you ex was the one. That you will never meet another like or better than him. But I think that’s part of the process. You love him, wanted your life with him, if you could contemplate someone better existing for you, then you wouldn’t have put everything into that relationship. (She says as she prepares to adopt 20 cats and mourn her ex forever!)
Im only relaying the advice, but trust me, it’s not like I believe it. I too felt I met the one, the one forever. That’s a big impediment to moving on in heartbreak apparently. We’re supposed to acknowledge we’re sad and disappointed that he didn’t turn out to be our soulmate, rather than be sad and disappointed cos we feel we’ve lost our soulmate. Cos apparently if our exes were our soulmates, they’d be with us.
If only what I type could sink in to my brain or heart!
October 25, 2018 at 9:33 pm #233409Shelbyville
Like clockwork, waking at 4-5am feeling horrendous. It’s the most time of day I want to call/Text him but it’s the most inappropriate time of Day to contact anyone, so I don’t.
He could think I’m completely desperate or he could get ignore it. These are the thoughts that run through my brain right now. I miss him most now.
Sorry for the lamenting post, it’s just hard.
October 26, 2018 at 12:01 am #233415Kkasxo
ParticipantMorning Shelby,
Try to look at this way, you most wanna contact him each morning around 4-5am but the likelihood of that is you won’t bwcause it’s an inappropriate time so you win!
How is your anxiety this morning?
October 26, 2018 at 1:22 am #233417Shelbyville
ParticipantI guess! It’s always an inappropriate time, but then I spent the day thinking about contacting him. It’s such a vicious circle!
Anxiety is not great this morning. Well I’m assuming it’s anxiety- I’m not actually sure- I have a real pain in my chest, where my heart is. I mean it could be indigestion but it feels really weird, like a physical manifestation of where the pain is at the moment!
And another wonderful weekend beacons- yuck dot com and I used to LIVE for the weekends when I was with him.
How was your eve?
October 26, 2018 at 1:44 am #233421Kkasxo
ParticipantAh that feeling! I hate that. Hopefully it passes as you get on with your day.
My evening was okay I guess. I actually woke up to the news that the concert weren’t as great as we hoped it would be through a mutual friend so somewhere inside me I’m like HA! KARMA!
I too am not looking forward to this weekend. Some friends asked me to come out to a Halloween event tonight a few days ago and I declined as I just do not feel up for the socialising and now I’m feeling a bit rubbish as I know I will have to spend the whole weekend trying to occupy my time with meaningless things! I’m honestly running out of things to do!
Have you got any plans at all?
Honestly I wonder if any of us actually live remotely close to one another! If so, we should organise that pity party sometime! Few cocktails and long chats about how shitty heartbreak is!