
very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please

HomeForumsRelationshipsvery confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please

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  • This topic has 496 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by John.
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    damn, this is really hard.  She also said i overthought things too.  read too much into stuff.  maybe I’m insecure, what a nice thing to find out at this age…

    this is enlightening but also really freaking sucks at the same time.  Holy cow! I’m blown away… Kind of stings a bit.


    Dear John:

    Enlightening is a good thing and I do agree, becoming more aware does suck at the same time. For a while, it does. Then it gets better because you learn to function for your best interest, not against your best interest. Do post again anytime, I would like to read more from you.



    Well after all this, this is what i’ve decided to do.

    I’m taking a break(possibly permanently) from my current GF.  I really need to evaluate how i do feel about her.  Maybe i think i’m in love or maybe i’m just liking the companionship?  I am going to tell her everything, that i’m worried about the drama in her life, and also that i don’t think i’m ready for this yet, considering i’m still having trouble letting go of my ex.  I don’t think I should be thinking about her and missing her like i do before i try to build a new relationship.  I do find myself comparing, which isn’t fair to anyone.

    For my Ex, She hasn’t contacted me since her birthday.  So either she is done and is trying to make a point(which is probably the case), or texting me like she has has brought up feelings with her as well and she doesn’t want that, or doesn’t know what to do.  So i’m going to give it a few days longer, then send her a text just simple asking how she’s been and if she’s having fun with her boys(her oldest is home for a couple weeks from the marines).  Then see her response.  then I may send her that “letter” anyways or not depending on her response.  I know what you all have told me, but i figure, if i do send it and she gets upset or pissed and says no, then i will know for sure and won’t always have that “what if” in my brain.  I know i should wait and slowly build up, but if this is something she wants or is thinking about, then why not?  Or if i do wait, and things do get serious with her current BF?  I don’t think my letter is demanding or needy.  I was completely honest in it and just said in a nutshell, if she is having feelings and can give us a chance, then why not?  And that i know i have my own issues that I did not realize when we were together and I need to fix.

    At the end of the letter, i asked if she could meet and we could talk, regardless of her decision.  We never did have a real talk after the break up.  Just a lot of angry and hurtful texting, which texting is so hard to interpret.

    I don’t know.  I do feel like if i wait too long, that if she is thinking about me or us that she might decide to wash it all under the rug.  Very difficult.  I wouldn’t be so confused if she hadn’t sent me selfies, or talked about missing my girls and my dogs and that she said no-one has ever cared for her like i did.  There was more things that she said that makes me wonder.  Why would someone do and say those things if they didn’t have second thoughts?

    Man this is messed up.  How can i love someone like that?   Seriously unconditionally.  It’s crazy to me.  I need to end this though.  Either something is going to happen or it’s not and I will be done contacting her all together.

    So let me have it.  tell me what you all think and how I’m screwing up here.  seriously don’t hold back.


    Dear John:

    I read only a part of your recent post because I need to get away from the computer. Will read and reply when I am back, in about sixteen hours. Maybe other members will reply before I am back.

    One point regarding what I did read: before you talk to your current girlfriend, think and figure out what you don’t need to tell her, what will not be useful to tell her. Say just enough to accomplish your goal (to take a temporary or permanent break from the relationship with her).



    yes, I suppose you’re right there.  I just hate not being completely honest with her.  It kills me.  Especially because i wasn’t with my ex.  And that hurt her the most.

    Anyone else?  This is so hard.  I’m so torn.  I don’t know if i should just count my losses and quit all communications with my ex or if i should try?

    I have talked to my best friend about this and he said that none of my friends like her now because of how bad our break up messed me up.  And they felt like she controlled me.  Which she didn’t.  I created things in my head.  When she couldn’t see me, i would just hang out at home and not do anything, I quit hanging out with my friends like i used to.  All of which was my decision.  She even told me to do stuff with them and i didn’t.  I painted a bad picture of her with my friends.  Dang.  I don’t know.  Maybe it is best if i just end all of this now.  It’s so hard though, so hard wondering.  I know there are  a million what ifs and scenarios.  but seriously, i really was never happier than i was with her.(of course this is before the tornado of drama all hit).  I still regret the way i handled everything.


    Hi John,

    I can see you’re in a lot of pain.

    After the ugly breakup when she told you never to contact her or her friends/family again, her harsh words got through to you, and you respected her wishes. She got on with her life and met a new guy; you got on with your life and met a new girl. Then, after a few months, you found a personal item of hers and sent it to her with a letter apologizing for your behavior in the relationship and asking for clarification regarding why the relationship ended. It seems her angry feelings toward you had softened and she responded that during the relationship you had changed and it brought up some red flags for her. The two of you continued texting each other with some light flirting, she even initiated some of the texts messages. She sent you a selfie, said she missed your kids/dog (but didn’t say she missed you), showed a little jealousy (or you interpreted it as jealousy) when you told her you’d been seeing someone, and she even told you that no one has ever cared for her like you have. All of this got your hopes up — WAY up. You became obsessed with getting her back. You continued to text her, but then she stopped initiating any texting and even began texting you less and less. This drove you crazy. At one point you asked her if she would meet with you and she responded that she didn’t think it was a good idea and to “have a great rest of the week”. To me, that statement means that not only does she not want to meet with you, but she also doesn’t want to text with you, but it seems that you didn’t interpret it that way. You sent her a bday card that she received before her birthday, and you also sent her a very deep and meaningful text message on her birthday (5 days ago). She responded via text message with something like “you are incredibly sweet. Thank you” with a heart emoji, but then that was it, nothing since then.

    So, as I read more and more from you, my thoughts about the situation have evolved. I think she genuinely cares about you and thinks you’re a good guy and probably felt some guilt for her harsh words to you at the end of the relationship,  and after a few months of your respecting her wishes of not contacting her, she was happy to hear from you because it gave her an opportunity to relieve her guilty conscience. I think that deep down she knew that her ending the relationship the way she did devastated you to your core and it bothered her for those months you had no contact. I believe that the light flirting, etc., within your text messaging was her attempt to lighten things up between the two of you so that she would feel better about what happened, but nothing more. You’ve interpreted this current silence from her as either 1) she’s done with the whole thing, or 2) she has feelings for you but is confused.  (I already told you in earlier posts that I don’t think it’s #2.) So you’ve decided that you are going to wait a few days and then text her again, and based on her response you will decide if you are going to send her a letter that you’ve already written that tells her that you’ve changed and want her back, and at the end of the letter you ask her (again) to meet with you.

    I believe that you are misinterpreting what is going on and that it’s your inability to accept what is actually happening that is making this situation worse and creating your continued suffering. If it were me, I wouldn’t text her again or send her the letter, but I believe you will do both. At this point, I think you appear desperate to her and that the time may come when she’ll resort to using harsh words with you again to get you to back off, just like she did when you two broke up. I hope that my above analysis of the situation is totally wrong and that the letter brings her back to you, but I don’t believe it will happen. I hope that if she tells you to move on, that you will, and that you won’t contact her again. You deserve to be happy. You can be happy without her. If she doesn’t want you back, I hope you’ll choose to be happy without her.



    Wow. I never thought about it all that way. Kind of pisses me off. Why in the hell would someone flirt like she did (I know you told me why) if she knew how I felt. Almost feels like games or a power trip.

    Yes I was devistated. I guess I don’t understand how someone that showed me so much love could just be done. Yes it still hurts and I am continuing my suffering.

    Just freaking sucks.

    Thank you B. You did help me see how desperate I am appearing and would be if I did text her and send her that letter.

    I wish she wouldn’t of contacted me again. I was getting so much better until then.

    I hate hurting like this. I would never wish this pain and confusion on my worst enemies.

    Thanks again. I’ll keep you all posted on what happens in the next couple weeks.


    “Wow. I never thought about it all that way. Kind of pisses me off. Why in the hell would someone flirt like she did (I know you told me why) if she knew how I felt. Almost feels like games or a power trip.”

    In your original post you wrote “In our texting she would make little comments  Some seemed like light flirting.” Maybe you interpreted it wrong. Maybe it wasn’t flirting. Maybe she was just trying to break the ice between you two, make you feel better because she knows she deeply hurt you.

    “Yes I was devastated. I guess I don’t understand how someone that showed me so much love could just be done. Yes it still hurts and I am continuing my suffering. Just freaking sucks”

    Yep, it sucks, but it happens every day. When you break things off with your current gf like you said you were going to do in your earlier post today, she may be ask herself the same question — how could someone who showed me so much love just be done?

    Thank you B. You did help me see how desperate I am appearing and would be if I did text her and send her that letter.

    You are welcome. It’s just a theory, of course, but the one thing I know for sure is that desperation is a huge turnoff for many women.

    I wish she wouldn’t of contacted me again. I was getting so much better until then.

    This statement of yours I don’t understand. She only contacted you because you sent her that earlier letter (with her personal belonging) asking her for clarification, right? So she took that opportunity to clarify things for you. If you hadn’t sent her that letter, she wouldn’t have contacted you, I am thinking.

    I hate hurting like this. I would never wish this pain and confusion on my worst enemies. Thanks again. I’ll keep you all posted on what happens in the next couple weeks.

    Hang in there. You come across as a good guy. Whatever you decide to do, try to accept the outcome even if it crushes you. No more overthinking and hearing only what you want to hear, as others on this thread have already spelled out for you.  This experience has been a good learning one for you. Yes, let us know what happens! 🙂



    I did want clarification. Which she did. But after that she kept initiating conversation.

    For example we started talking on a Thursday night. It continued very steadily through Friday afternoon. Which one of the texts I sent her is “if she’s been riding much?”  (We used to ride quads together). She said “she doesn’t have anyone to go with anymore and the last time she went was with me” so I said  “we could meet up sometime and go for a ride. You never know what the future holds. I’m always down for a ride. “she responded “ down for a ride huh?!  LOL sorry…never know”

    i just responded “funny girl”

    and she sent an emoji ?

    Ii didn’t respond back. Later that next night she texted me out of the blue

    “check out the moon tonight!”  (The moon was one of our things.)

    Then texted back and forth that night and she asked me questions about my GF. This was after we agreeed not to talk about our current gf and bf. (her idea btw)

    she even asked me if I e moved her in and previously did admit to being jealous. It was later that night usually she would normally be asleep and that’s when she sent me the selfie saying “so you do t forget me”

    So I guess that could be misunderstood as flirting. Really felt like it to me. That’s what I meant by I wish she wouldn’t of contacted me again  if she would of left me alone after telling me why she really left  that would of been great  in fact I felt great after she did  it felt like I got the closure I needed and I was happy. I felt like I could finally move on. but then when she kept texting and said those things  that’s what sparked me up again.  That’s why I was confused and still am

    what u said does make sense though.  To an extent.  I guess if I still didn’t have feelings for her maybe I would of been able to see it different  but to me it feels like flirting. I even told my good female friend about it and she got pissed.  She thought that my ex was playing games and screwing with my head.

    I do need to just forget about her though. It’s just hard to do. I try. It’s just difficult.


    Ok, I see where you are coming from. It’s confusing, I agree. She may have been genuinely happy and relieved to hear from you after months of regretting her harsh words to you, and she may have been sincerely curious about your love life and maybe even a little jealous since she is now  in a long distance relationship and perhaps lonely in it. Maybe a combination of all these things is what was coming across in those text messages to you. But the key now is that she has stopped initiating messages with you, and her responses to you are now very brief, and she didn’t take you up on your offer to meet. Don’t let the earlier flirtatious behavior blind you to what may be happening now, that she  is pulling away.

    I hope she wasn’t playing games and screwing with your head like your female friend told you. It’s my feeling that she cares about you, didn’t want to hurt you and is relieved that after a few months of no contact she knows you are okay,  enjoys occasional correspondence with you, but isn’t looking to rekindle the romance with you at this time. If she’s confused about her feelings, the best thing you can do is to give her space to figure it all out. She knows how you feel already. Don’t tell her that you’ve changed; show her that you’ve changed.



    Thank you.

    I’m really not obsessing. I just miss her. Ive missed her everyday since she left. It feels like my heart breaks over every day and she is the only one that can put it back together.

    I don’t know why I feel like this.  I think like I’ve said before I’ve never loved someone like that before. I really think she was my first real true love. I knew within a week of meeting her that I loved her. I never believed in that shit. I always thought it was bullshit. Then it happened to me.

    So by proving it. That means me not contacting her anymore?  Help me out here. I want to do the right thing. If I texted her happy mother’s day Sunday would that be a bad idea. It will be a week Saturday since she contacted me last. Or should I just wait and if she doesn’t again forever leave her alone?  I can’t help but think she has these feelings too but. Is too afraid of being hurt again. She was betrayed by her own family when she got her divorce. Then when we broke up I betrayed her trust by talking to her friend trying to figure out what happened. Because all she ever told me was it had nothing to do with me and I deserved to have someone that made me happy(she didn’t think she did at the end). She just always said that she was screwed up and not meant for a relationship.


    What’s speaks volumes to me is that she has stopped initiating contact with you. I mean, if I’m swapping text messages with a guy and he knows I have strong feelings for him and he stops initiating contact with me, that would be a sign to me that he’s not all that interested. It’s a social cue. So I would back off until he gave me a different cue. You say that based on her past hurts she may be too afraid to reveal how she really feels about you. Don’t forget , though, that your relationship spiraled downward after you inserted yourself into her issues by trying to help out too much when you should have stepped back and given her space. You don’t want to repeat that mistake.

    I’m thinking that because you are on good terms with her now, see where the friendship goes. Let her be in the driver’s seat. You are in a much better position than you were when she told you not to contact her ever again — feel happy about that! Be patient, give it time, and see how this plays out. Like I said earlier, get used to sitting with uncertainty; although it may feel like a terrible place to be, it’s a valuable skill you’ll need for the rest of your life. I wouldn’t pressure her or make her answer questions she’s not ready for. I would slowly rebuild the trust with her, if she is willing. You can continue to meet new women and date while you do this. Keep your options open! You’re a single guy (or you will be if you decide to break up with your current gf) and I’m willing to bet that girls are interested. Get out with friends and meet new people. Do things you love doing. Have some fun! Take a break from this situation for a while. You’ve been under this black cloud for a while and now need to get out from under it. If you don’t hear from her in a month or two, drop her a quick text to tell her about some fun adventure you had, nothing heavy, like friends. Cheer her up with your happiness! You just may hear from her before that, though.

    So, to answer your question, if it were me, no, I wouldn’t send her a happy mothers day text. Let her miss not getting an expected text from you. Less is more, in my opinion. This advice, however, is only to give you a different perspective, help you see this situation differently, but you understand it so much better than I do and need to do what feels right for you,



    This is a book. Sorry

    So there’s more to my ex’s relationship than I’ve told you. I just realized a coincidence. I could be full of crap but here it is.

    So we were happy. Really happy for a long time. I fact in February 2017 she found out that her brother was getting married in late September 2017. At that time she told me I was going. It was going to be in vegas(that’s where he lives). So I was thrilled. Of coarse I wanted to go. It was going to be a 3 night 3 day trip.

    Fast forward to late August. I was at the doctor and I was filling out my paperwork and I texted her “can I ask you something?” (That was one of our things too). She said “of coarse, anything”. I asked her “ will you be my …” then I said “emergency contact?”  She said” of coarse” and “next time you start a question like that it better be in person?”. (These may not be word for word but really damn close).   So later that week she told her boys that she was buying tickets for the trip in one month. And her oldest son (19) flipped out and was pissed or upset that I was going. He then dropped the bomb on her that he planned on going into the marines after the wedding and told her he thought it was going to be a family trip with her and his brother only.

    Well they fought about it for a week or so and eventually she caved. I wasn’t going. I didn’t tell her how I felt because I thought she was dealing with enough shit. I just said I understood and let it happen.

    well they go on the trip. I dropped them off at the airport and she could tell I was hurt. I was even watching her dog for her now that I wasn’t going. I was just trying to be there for her.

    That night she tried calling me and I missed her call. I called right back but no answer, twice. Not even a text that night after. She did leave a nice message saying she would call me when she can.

    Well as the weekend went on I was good and waited to hear from her before I texted her, but she never would text me so I did around lunch and at night. But the messages were brief. Long story short we never talked on the phone once that weekend and hardly texted at all.

    Keep in mind just one month earlier she went there for the bachorlette party weekend and I left her alone then as well, but she made sure to text and call a lot and always told me she loved me and missed me.

    Well I pick them all up from the airport and she acts like she hasn’t seen me in a year. But they had to hit the road. So the next morning I waited to text her till about 11:00 cause I figured she would be busy at work.

    Pause- up until this point we texted on and off all day from before she left for work until we went to bed and talked at least twice a day. – back to my story

    When I texted and asked her how work was she told me she didn’t go in and had the day scheduled off. I thought it was odd that she was home all morning and didn’t text like she normally did. But I didn’t say anything. We hardly texted that day as well. That night we talked. Finally after 4 nights(besides the 10 minute car ride from the airport to my house). She was real brief and impersonal. I asked about the weekend and wedding and she told me as if she was reading an itinerary. Real quick. Maybe 1-2 minutes. Then she was done. Goodnight.

    In the next 4 days texting was at a minimum and we didn’t talk on the phone ( her choice). That weekend she told me we needed a break. She said she was f&$@ed up and wasn’t meant to be in a relationship. And it has nothing to do with me. I was destroyed. How can only one month before she can be joking/serious about marriage and now this?

    Well we texted a little bit and one of her texts was pretty bad. Some of the words was “this was never intentional” and “I’m not a hypocrite” and that “you should move on and start a new chapter in your life”. I was lost and crushed. This went on for two weeks. We kept in touch but not much. Some of her texts were mean and hurtful like she was trying to get me to leave her.

    After two weeks she told me she missed me and we need a weekend together just us. So I made it happen. That next weekend we stayed out of town together. It was good but she told me more of all of her problems she was facing. Then she told me about the wedding finally. Well I forgot to say that her brother is in a biker “club”. A pretty big one. So for the wedding the rented a hotel in the middle of the desert for everyone one big biker “club” party. She told me about one of the guys. He had tattoos on his head. She said he asked her to go back to his room and make bad decisions. I asked like what and she said i don’t know but thought it was funny. After that weekend things got kind of better for a couple weeks then she turned cold again.

    It was coming up on our one year date of meeting each other and we haven’t seen each other for a week. And she didn’t want to on that weekend either. So for our “anniversary “ of one year I had flowers delivered to her work three different times that day. I thought it would be romantic.  Well  that backfired  when they delivered the second batch she texted me “more flowers, seriously? I thought we talked about moderation.  They are beautiful though”  so I told her about the third delivery and she felt like an asshole .  That night we talked about it and she said again she was f$&@ed up  and broke.  well that next night I went to text her friend about the flower comment to see what she thought because my ex really wouldn’t talk much  or really tell me what was going on.  I accidentally sent it to her  that’s how she found out about me talking to her friend.  The next day is when she broke up with me.  She said it wasn’t the reason and that it had nothing to do with me and that I deserve someone better.  And that she is broken and not meant for a relationship and never thought she would be better.

    Well I found out barely a month and a day after she broke up with me she met someone else and that’s the guy she is with now.

    Thats when it got real ugly.

    So fast forward to a month ago  that’s when I sent her that letter.  I asked her straight out if she messed around or even cheated on me in Vegas and that’s why when she got back it felt like she couldn’t be with me or talk to me as much or like she did before  there was just some kind of wierd tension.  She was hurt that I would think that, but really gone for a wedding party weekend and then everything changes?  She said she never ever cheated on me and never would.  That’s when she told me about the red flags.

    well I guess my point to all this is that she visited her brother last weekend in  Vegas and that’s when she stopped texting me again.  Just seems odd to me.  Really makes me wonder if something did happen and going there brought up guilt?  I could be full of crap  just kind of hit me though.

    Sorry about the book.


    I wrote my book before I saw your response. I will take your advice. Thanks.


    Hello John, Please read the entire thing before replying or sending that letter/card.

    You mentioned she is seeing someone else. How long exactly has it been after the break up that both of you are in new relationships?

    I  really do understand the kind of love you are talking about but I want you to understand something. Take a rope and cut it into two halves, now try putting them back together. Can you? You may tie a knot at max or if by some magical force you do manage to make it back into one rope again, there will always be a scar at the point it was broken.

    I believe that the reason both of you broke up is not that you interfered in her life, in a relationship that is inevitable. But that you stopped giving her the kind of respect that you gave her in the start. You wanted her to put you first, all guys do that to their women and it is not nice. You are basically asking a person to strip down their pride, their self-esteem and give it all to you. Would you do that for someone? Take the example of your current GF, would you do that for her. Forget about your children and your own self, and give it all to your Gf.

    You also said that your ex and you barely went through the day without talking, for ten months. Pretty much seems to me to be the honeymoon period of romance as they say. And that constant contact made you needy and it is natural that it would happen to anyone in the same circumstances but both of you should have set some rules around it. when one falls too hard too soon for someone, Yes it can be love but more than Often it is because you needed that kind of constant support in your life. Perhaps you are going through something difficult in some other sphere of your life… Your job does not give you satisfaction, Maybe you feel you are not able to give your children a lot of time that they deserve, maybe you do not get enough time to pursue your hobbies or activities that made you happy other than love and romance.

    As far as your current GF is concerned, the mere fact that you called her NEW means she is just a replacement in your mind, you don’t have serious feelings for her no matter how good she is and your mind keeps on telling you that she will never be able to give you the kind of happiness your ex, did. I think you are still trying to find a solution to your troubles through people. Trust me, I know better than anybody else.

    I think it is unfair that you are talking to your ex while being in a relationship with another girl. This is cheating. And if you are cheating that means your emotions for your current girl are either not true or you don’t want to accept that this relationship is mature and a little less maddening than your last.

    Yes, love makes us crazy but being rational or irrational is in our hands and if we have acted irrationally it is best to walk away and work on our demons. I know you don’t want to listen to this but Trust me this is the right thing. You have to let your ex go, no matter how tempting it is to talk to her. The little communication you have is making you more and more clingy again, look at you getting a customized card printed. Would a man do that unless he really really want someone back to the point of necessity? Anita’s points make sense here, she was your drug. You need to sober up. Your current GF sounds mature, tell her about your insecurities and problems.

    The greatest thing about love that is meant to be is, It will come around. More strongly and in a manner that lasts. If not, the madness and the passion might take us to the point of insanity.

    Think of your actions, from her perspective. She: I was in a beautiful relationship with a man but instead of taking care of his affairs, he meddled into mine (Children are the greatest thing to a mother, that is solely her affair unless she accepts a man worthy enough to be their father). I was in love with him, I missed him but I did not miss the way he regarded me as a weak woman who needs help at every step. I am not that woman. A few months later, he tells me how sorry he was for his actions and I forgive him because of his regrets. But I am still not sure of his actions, after all, he did change unexpectedly when we were together. Who knows if he does the same again. But still, let me be in touch with him and see how he is now.

    Sending that card now will make her sure you have not changed. I know men have the attitude to fix things, but not everything should be fixed by us, some things should be left to time. Wounds heal and If there really was love involved, Things will come back together to give you happiness.

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