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  • in reply to: Painful Breakup #426437

    Dear Shepard Moan:

    I will reply further in the morning (it is Wed 6pm here). If you elaborate on “I really found it is hard for me and I self myself many times for being controlling“, it will help me understand what is so painful for you.


    in reply to: Painful Breakup #426418

    Dear Shepard Moan:

    I am sorry that you are going through this difficult time and I hope that you will be feeling much better soon. I want to place what you shared into categories that I will name. I will be adding the boldface feature selectively to the quotes in this post.:

    1) His Wrongdoings, Apologies and Promises:

    “Early in our relationship, my ex was sleeping with someone else. He confessed that to me and I forgave him… One day, I found out that he has been shitty talking about me to his female best friend and I also found out that he was still chatting with the girl he slept with, despite of him promised not to do it. He apologized and promised not to overshare our relationship to his best friend and to cut off this girl…My ex apologized to me for telling an incomplete stories to his female best friend.. He kicked me out from his flat mid night… few days after that he apologized …”-

    – His apologies and promises do not indicate that he thinks that he did something wrong and intends to correct his wrongdoings. His apologies and promises are dishonestly manipulative, meant to resume the part of the relationship that he wanted to resume, with no consideration of what is true and what is untrue.

    2) His Lies and Gaslighting of you:

    “One day, when we were working together, I saw a chat from a girl name ‘A’ (different girl he slept with) with a flirty chat from him that he said it was not flirty and she just a friendHe called me insecure and I blamed myself at that moment to not trust him… every time I expressed my feeling to my ex, he just said that I was insecure. Many times when I communicated my insecurity, he dismiss my feelingI felt like I was crazy for asking a bare minimum… He blamed me for looking at that video in his computer…Many times when I communicated my insecurity, he…  said that he didn’t want to help, he said I need to go to my therapist not him… The worst thing was his best friend asked him if the video was real and my ex said that I was a liar, they both called me ‘mental’. Meanwhile, I could swear that the video was real and I have many proofs of that. I was so broken to be called mental…I self blamed myself thinking that the reason why we broke up was because I checked his computer“-

    – Gaslighting is  form of dishonest manipulation where he (the gaslighter) tells you  (the gaslit) that what you CLEARLY saw or heard, didn’t really happen: that what you saw, you didn’t see, that what you heard, you didn’t hear, that what you clearly understood, you understood wrong… that you are insecure, therefore only imagined that he did something wrong. Or that you were wrong about the way you found out the information about his wrongdoing, therefore .. there was no wrongdoing on his part.

    The gaslighter leads the gaslit to doubt her own sanity, and to feel confused, guilty, broken, crazy and mental. And/ or a liar.

    3) His gossiping and talking negatively about you behind your back:

    “I found out that he has been shitty talk about me to his female best friend… My ex apologized to me for telling incomplete stories to his female best friend…”.

    4) His cruelty (in addition to the above):

    he kicked me out from his flat mid night, he throw my clothes from his window. I was alone in a foreign country“.

    5) His words: “All of his words calling me unattractive, moron, bitch, useless were dancing in my brain until now”.

    6) Your Love:

    I really love him and I was doing everything I can to understand him. I just wanted to support him and made him happy. He was my first love and he came from a very difficult childhood and I just wanted to be there with him… I love him but I don’t like myself in our relationship… I feel really stupid for still loving someone who has been treating me that way… I feel so broken. But, I find it is hard to hate him.”-

    – your first love story was a success in terms of your love for him: you felt empathy for him for having had a difficult childhood, you supported him emotionally and practically, you repeatedly forgave him, and more. You are a loving person: you have it within you to truly love another person.

    Take this knowing with you as you move on and meet a man who will love you back: a man who will have empathy for you and treat you honestly, fairly and kindly, a man with whom you will like yourself and feel really smart for still  loving him. It can happen and it will.


    in reply to: Extremely painful breakup and confusion #426416

    Dear Stacy:

    You are welcome, and thank you for the Christmas and New Year wishes!

    “I think the minimization is also a protective technique to try to prepare myself for any possible disappointment: if I never get too enthusiastic about anything and downplay its importance, then I won’t be so embarrassed or hurt when it inevitably blows up in my face”-

    – when we were children, as is true to every child, early on we were enthusiastic about everything.. could have been anything. And in that optimistic, enthusiastic, trusting state of mind and heart- we were hurt, disappointed and the pain was acute. We were oh so terribly surprised. It is the Surprise Fall from that complete trust and optimism that hurt us as children so very much. Once that happened, we become careful to never again be that optimistic, enthusiastic, and trusting. In a forever-careful, alert state, we hope that if we fall, it will be an expected fall, not a Surprise Fall, and therefore, it will be way less painful.

    The messy part comes in where I worry that I really DID exaggerate something I perceived as negative that actually wasn’t“- I think that you exaggerated everything about the ex, the positives and the negatives. And everything in between.

    “I’ve now had every guy I’ve ever dated tell me I look for problems and believe in them so hard that I eventually create them. I can’t trust my own judgment after hearing this much feedback”-

    – trusting yourself to evaluate people and situations correctly is something that you can learn and develop. It’s not a life sentence to distrust yourself. You can learn little by little every day, and find yourself in a few months or a year or so.. surprised by yourself.

    “I can’t tell what’s real from what’s not anymore and if I’m truly at fault for sabotaging my relationships – especially my latest and he was right, then I feel hopeless. The self-blame overwhelms me, and like you said, I don’t really allow myself any room to consider that my ex wasn’t perfect..”-

    – Well, your ex wasn’t perfect, not even close to how perfect you .. greatly exaggerated him to be. I wonder about your self blame as it took place in your childhood. Do you remember what thoughts you had when blaming yourself for your family’s dysfunction?

    I feel like I’m getting worse because I’m realizing he didn’t even try to argue with me and tell me that he still found me attractive after admitting to wandering eyes for other women… I see that his passion for me/us fizzled from where it was originally“- what do you feel, I wonder, about the fact that every man’s passion for any one woman fizzles out over time from where it was originally?

    “I’ve read the whole point of going no contact is to work on myself and focus on moving on or else the effort is pointless. Sometimes all I want to do is just reach out and try to get closure of some sort“- what would be the best sort of closure for you, if you met him soon?

    “Sometimes all I want to do is just reach out and try to get closure of some sort or maybe say goodbye to him“- if only you could say goodbye to the perfect version of him(“I don’t really allow myself any room to consider that my ex wasn’t perfect“)

    “I had a dream last night where I confronted him and started arguing with him, telling him everything I’ve been wanting to say. I woke myself up yelling at him and crying“- I wonder (I hope you’re okay with all my wonderings..?) whom, if anyone in your family of origin, you wanted, for a long time, to confront (but didn’t), argue with and yell at (.. but didn’t..?), tell him or her everything you wanted to say for a long time.. but didn’t?

    “Right before we broke up, he admitted his biggest celebrity crush being Taylor Swift and how if a man were to get with her, then that’s the ‘ultimate prize and indicator he’s won in life.”… It just hurts knowing how much he meant to me and how little it seems like I meant to him by the time he was checking out”- putting aside the issue of what you meant to him at that point, his comment about a celebrity reads.. immature to me, like something a preteen would say.. don’t you think?

    Thank you for this. It means a lot to me to be perceived as capable and smart, and I value your perspective“- thank you and it is true: I do perceive you as capable and smart. What we’ve been discussing here, your difficulty with correctly evaluating people and situations (via minimizations and magnifications and placing him on a pedestal of perfection where he does not- at all- belongs) is not a result of lack of intelligence but a result of your emotional blind spots that make it difficult to see what’s there.


    in reply to: Love lost #426409

    Dear Ben:

    You are welcome and thank you!

    (I am adding the boldface feature selectively to the quotes in this post): “I’m finding doubts are becoming quite pernicious. The other day I argued with him…(friend)   fills me with doubts, saying I am being deceived, led on, that I am being naive. If all the drama with the ex happened, how could I have been loved?…  I sometimes wonder if he really does love me or if perhaps he thinks he does. He says the right things, and I feel better. Then, doubt comes along and I start thinking ‘Oh but did he say this to the other guys?’…”-

    – These ongoing, pernicious doubts and arguments within your head (does he love me? does he not? here is why not, etc.) read like a product of the very painful experience that you suffered as a boy, the throbbing of that boy’s emotional wound: “I was never recognized as a man by (your father), just as a sort of… idk… mistake…  I don’t love myself … I remember when I was 17, I shouted at him for at least an hour about all the pain he had caused me..  I was drunk after a party… I still create arguments in my head with him.. but… I want to love the world I live in and this negative energy is draining”, October 31, 2018.

    This negative energy you referred to more than five years ago is still with you, fueling these doubts and arguments. The boy within you can’t believe, not for long, that he is loved because growing up .. he wasn’t loved by the man who- at the time, and for years-  was the most important person in this boy’s world.

    I don’t know what’s on the mind and heart of your boyfriend. It reads, to me that he is sincere and that he loves you, but I do not know for sure, as in 100%. What I do know for sure (100%) is that as a boy, you sincerely and greatly loved your father and he broke your heart. This is and has been the emotional wound that’s fueling this negative energy, this pessimism about the possibility that.. it is possible that you are really loved.

    I wish you had quality psychotherapy where this emotional wound can be adequately addressed and healed…!

    “At the moment, he is coming to visit in January for a while… I can sense he’s giving me less attention… Even so, he’s called me more or less twice a day for the last week. He sends videos every now and then showing me around the farm and countryside. My mind focuses on the fact the calls are shorter. Then, enter the conspiratorial thoughts… ohhh he’s not talking as much because, now he isn’t alone in his room studying, he doesn’t need me anymore. This proves he doesn’t love me, merely thinks he does”-

    – For as long as your emotional wound from childhood is not adequately addressed and healed, you will keep looking for the proof that he (or anyone in his place) doesn’t love you so to protect yourself from the pain of relaxing into love and then falling into despair. The logic of this self protection is that if you don’t relax into his (or anyone’s) love, if you keep yourself ALERT to his possible non-love, then the fall will not hurt as much.

    “Maybe as its been a long time I feel a need to reconnect with him properly, without the ex lurking in the background. I hope the visit will help ease my mind somewhat”- It is interesting that it’s not his ex that is lurking in the background as much as it is the man who broke your heart long ago, that is lurking in the background.

    I hope that your mind eases even sooner than his visit. I wish it eases today, or tonight and every day,  as you embark on the journey of emotional healing.


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #426368

    Dear Eva:

    You are welcome and thank you! I wish you a meaningful, interesting and pleasant 2024 !!!


    in reply to: Weighed down… #426366

    Dear Natalia:

    In regard to “I need to find out some resources here because I’ve never taken care of a sick older person before, don’t know what do expect“-

    – there is a member in the forums who takes care of her sick old father, and seems to have lots of information, resources and experience on the topic. There is no way here to send personal messages to members, but if you start your own thread (go to Forums at the top of the page, scroll down to All Forums, choose a Category, etc.), and choose a title that makes the topic clear (caring for a sick, older parent), I bet she’ll notice and reply to you there.

    I hope that you calm down best you can, and that you take care of yourself first, before attending to your mother or to your father. If attending to them distresses you too much.. don’t attend to them, at least not in ways that distress you more than you can handle.


    in reply to: Weighed down… #426365

    Dear Natalia:

    You are always welcome to post here, Natalia!

    My psychiatrist… never tells me and my appointments just get cancelled… her secretary books the appointments and doesn’t check“- I wish everyone did their job attentively and responsibly…!

    My mom decided to book a trip without telling anyone and invited herself to my brother’s house… they had to drop everything to cater to my moms whims!“- she feels entitled.

    “I’m so upset , she’s probably going to do this to me next ! Just show up unannounced and expect everyone to drop their daily routine…. I don’t understand why she pretty much thinks she owns me and my brother and our homes, she even shows up at our work unannounced”-

    – you wrote six days ago in regard to your mother: “I felt really bad for her that she had to make such ‘sacrifices’ just to bring us to Canada“- I am guessing that she thinks that she owns you and your brother and that she is entitled to show up unannounced to your homes and places of work because of the sacrifices to bring you and your brother to Canada (refuge camp and all), sacrifices she may have repeatedly told you about, so that you feel you owe her..?

    “I’m also on the hook to help my dad and will need to help him move in with us as he is losing his rental place a lot sooner and has no where else he can afford to live. I need to find out some resources here because I’ve never taken care of a sick older person before, don’t know what do expect, I’m sick with worry and actually have been having many bad thoughts lately about giving up for good”-

    – My goodness, Natalia.. You are under pressure at this time on two fronts: your mother and your father. More worrisome is the latter. It happened in the last few days (after you last posted here) that your father has to leave his apartment?


    in reply to: Being bullied and how to respond #426363

    Dear DC:

    It’s 7 degrees Celsius here, winter, USA, warmer than normal. It’s Mon 8:44 am here, Tues 12:44 am where you are at. I think that I wished you Merry Christmas a few moments before midnight of Christmas Day. Good night to you, DC, a pleasure to chat with you!


    in reply to: Being bullied and how to respond #426361

    Dear DC:

    Good to read back from you, and so soon, thank you. I am staying home this Christmas. I like being home. It is very windy outside.. I just hope to keep my internet.. wouldn’t be much fun being at home with no contact with the outside world!


    in reply to: Why friends disappear? #426357

    Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays, EvFran !!!


    in reply to: Love lost #426356

    Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays, Ben!!!


    in reply to: Too invested in others- feeling tired of that #426355

    Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays, Milda  !!!


    in reply to: Being bullied and how to respond #426354

    Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays, DC !!!


    in reply to: Something I realized about my anxiety attacks #426353

    M e R R y   C h R i S t M a S,    Mr. Ritz    !!!!


    in reply to: I changed jobs / feeling sad and scared #426352

    Merry Christmas/ Happy Holidays, Caroline!


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