Forum Replies Created
February 17, 2023 at 5:38 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415520HelcatParticipant
Do you use imgur at all? My account is called usernamealgorithm.
HelcatParticipantHi Tee
I take back my previous statement. Moderators did do something. I appreciate that feedback was taken on board. It helps to feel heard and not alone.
Those experiences with my family are definitely triggers that make me feel hurt and make the situation more painful than it should. I can separate the reality of what is happening now from those experiences though.
I’m not seeking approval. I was seeking civility. At best, I expected to be treat like a co-worker that isn’t liked.
I said my piece, I feel heard. That was all I really wanted and needed. Thank you for that! Anita made her decision. She is free to @ me if she changes her mind. I just don’t want to live with unresolved conflict in my daily life. I will be fine. I have no hard feelings.
I wish you all the best too! You help a lot of people and I wish we had gotten to know each other a little better before now. Good luck with your health. 🙏 ❤️
February 16, 2023 at 1:21 pm in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415487HelcatParticipantI’m sorry Eric. I’m leaving this forum permanently. Good luck with everything.
February 16, 2023 at 10:56 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415476HelcatParticipantHi Eric
I’m sorry today has been a unique day for me. I can’t really be here for you today as much as I’d like to be. I might have some time later tonight to write back to you properly. Otherwise, it’ll be tomorrow.
I know that it’s really tough for you at the moment and I’m sorry.
You don’t deserve the pain that you are experiencing right now. I would encourage you to use any self-soothing skills that you’ve amassed.
Take it a little bit of time at a time. Do your best to distract yourself and get through these difficult moments. You have been so brave posting those pictures. It will require you to be brave a while longer. But you are strong even though you might not feel it right now. You’ve had painful experiences before and you’ve gotten through them.
HelcatParticipantHi Anita
I think that anyone thinks that you are a bad person. Not even myself. I believe that you are a good person, I have a lot of respect for you.
There are a lot of abusive behaviours in the world many people have them. It doesn’t mean that they are abusive people. It doesn’t make them bad people either. Frequency is an important factor. Any mistakes that you made were infrequent.
I empathise that discussing any of these issues is a trigger for you. I’m sorry that it is. But not talking about issues is also not healthy either.
I mentioned before in a post that was deleted that you were able to overcome your behaviours with other members. I only returned because you had done so successfully. For more than a month you treat every single member, on every single comment flawlessly. I believe that my return was a trigger for you that caused some minor issues. But nothing severe. I expect that you would be able to continue with your excellent work of overcoming old behaviours once your feelings settle.
I’m sorry that you feel hurt by me infrequently expressing concern for other members.
HelcatParticipantHi Tee
Thank you for understanding and for not asking more questions about the abuse. It’s difficult to talk about.
Your explanation regarding Anita’s comment was very helpful. It helped a lot, after that it kind of clicked into place and I understood what she meant and what her intentions were. I didn’t feel any pain about it after that.
Regarding the staying silent for peace. I think it’s a very personal choice. There is no right or wrong answer. It’s personal preference.
I appreciate that you gave me the opportunity to discuss feelings about all this.
The comments did bother me because she expected that she could express herself, yet I should stay silent despite how I had been treat. I expressed to her before, if she wants me to stay silent. She should cease making these types of comments.
I value healthy communication, that’s why I think this community is important. I get along well in the workplace where again healthy communication is valued. In the workplace if one person starts ignoring another coworker. That’s not acceptable. I also felt that ignoring people was a form of abuse for someone who values talking to everyone.
It was additionally hurtful because I had communicated with her for a long time. I actually considered her a friend. But one interaction that she felt uncomfortable with was enough to start treating me unfairly.
HelcatParticipantHi Dave
It’s nice to hear that you had a short family trip. It’s a shame that the older kids are catching on. That would be a challenging conversation to have.
Your second couples counselling session sounds intense.
The communication and initiative comment is confusing to me. You seem to communicate well. What exactly does she want you to take initiative with?
I can understand your feelings of feeling out of control and emotional. It seems like the ball is in your wife’s court to decide what to do.
I can understand wanting you to have other activities in your life.
So do feel like your wife is holding back because she feels like if she goes all in then she believes that you would go back to how things normally are?
I can understand the confusion caused by your wife’s hesitation when it comes to making this decision.
I would also add that it’s not the worst sign. She might not be ready yet. But she’s not on her way out of the door either. If all she can do is wait and see, it’s technically her trying to give you a chance.
What exactly she wants you to do in the relationship, I’m not sure. You’ll have a better idea of that.
HelcatParticipantAnyway… My point was that when someone finds drowning or suffocating shocking to the point of disbelief. It hurts because are worse things that happened to me.
HelcatParticipantIt was minor compared to what others have been through. I was willing to try and fight and even risk potentially dying to stop it. I was easily overpowered but eventually she understood that I wasn’t allowing it to happen anymore. Social work got involved around that time.
HelcatParticipantHi Tee
I see the confusion. I was very small as a tween because I was starved. The sexual abuse was fairly minor. I didn’t really notice it until I started to hit puberty when it started to escalated and I developed a sense of modesty.
It was when I started to fight it that the drowning and suffocating started. As an adult now, looking back I see myself then as a small child. I wasn’t a toddler.
February 15, 2023 at 6:05 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415424HelcatParticipantHi Eric
Thank you for explaining that you have difficulty trusting people, don’t like gossip or misunderstandings and feel like you’ve lost freedom to relax.
I really appreciate you clarifying and explaining everything. It helps me to understand how you are feeling.
I can understand why you feel that way. I think that on some level people feel this. But often people try not to think about it because thinking about it can make them feel worse. I hope that you get used to the situation and in time it is less painful.
Not to worry about the bag. Every time won’t need to be as fancy. Although I’m sure you will spoil her, but not in a bad way.
HelcatParticipantHi Frozenfireflies
Unfortunately, Anita has chosen to leave the forum. I’m not sure if she will return.
Your thread reminds me of arguments that I’ve had with my husband.
Common themes, criticism, feeling unheard and the difficulty with compassion and empathy. Feeling hurt during disagreements.
For us, we both have previous histories of abuse. Having disagreements is a trigger for us.
It has been particularly hard for my husband to stop raising his voice because his family culture is quite loud. It’s been quite a long journey before he was able to make headway.
It’s unique because difficulties with verbal abuse which sarcasm, hostility and criticism can fall under are very common in society.
It’s sounds like you are trying very hard to help him change his behaviour. It sounds like he feels defensive when that occurs during arguments.
It is easy to feel blamed on both sides when someone critiques our personality or behaviour. You expressed feeling this too.
I was researching somewhere about this issue for myself and I read that these behaviours only stop when we refuse to interact with them.
This is actually what calmed things down and helped with my husband. When things start to get heated I just say we can talk about this later when we’re both feeling calmer and walk away for a time. I don’t ignore him. I just do something else in the house and wait until we’re both feeling calm enough and ready to talk.
Frequency of arguments is really important too. Too frequent and it is hard to recover. Calm times are needed. This might especially be important for someone such as your husband who feels overwhelmed a lot. Is he the one that often initiates arguments?
It helped him to understand that my intense fear of raised voices is because of my previous abuse. Instead of feeling like I was afraid of him he began to understand that I was afraid of the memories raising his voice triggered.
Another thing that helped is trying really hard to manage my own behaviour. That way he didn’t feel like he was the only one with issues to work on. We did it as a team together. I have pain issues and can get argumentative when I’m in pain because it distracts me from it. By noticing when that I’m in pain after physical activity and just not talking during or afterwards I was able to cut down on arguing. Now, there is no talking we just relax and watch tv then.
I wonder if there are any common times arguments occur for you both?
You mentioned that your husband finds it difficult when you are emotional. This doesn’t mean you need to change who you are or suppress your emotions. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with being emotional. But perhaps helpful habits to help with this can be developed since he expressed difficulty with his own emotions when this occurs?
I hope you don’t mind me using that as an example.
Communicating needs can be helpful too. It seems that chores are something he complains about. It’s good that you have been trying really hard. It’s difficult when people have different standards. “Could you please do X?” instead of a disagreement I would imagine could be helpful to you.
This could be framed as “I find it helpful when you remind me to do something because I forget when I’m busy. When there is something you would like me to do could please remind me… Insert your name did you remember to do X?
Again this is just an example. Please let me know if any of this is helpful or unhelpful. I’m not trying to blame anyone, just share what helped us.
I’m sorry to hear that there are difficulties with intimacy. It’s a challenging situation that you are in.
February 15, 2023 at 3:56 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415419HelcatParticipantHi Eric
I’m sorry that this decision to share pictures has been painful for you. It doesn’t sound like people have been cruel which is good news. I understand that it is still very tough for you though and that the questions are painful too.
I think it was a very brave thing that you did. I’m glad that your girlfriend encouraged you to make the decision and didn’t pressure you. I’m glad that you made the decision out of good feelings but I can understand why you regret it.
I hope that in time these feelings will get easier. That no one will be cruel and then you can start to relax.
Do you feel like you are waiting for people to say something bad or judge you?
It doesn’t sound like she had a bad reaction to the bag. It is understandably shocking to receive such a wonderful gift. I don’t see that as a bad thing though. You have succeeded in a goal that is important in your culture. Showing that you can provide.
February 15, 2023 at 2:23 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415416HelcatParticipantIf you shared pictures of your relationship on social media for Valentine’s day I would consider it to do with the date. Giving her the bag you expressed anxiety about too.
I’m just curious how she responde and trying to understand what happened. Last I heard you were unsure about posting online. Did you go through with it?
February 15, 2023 at 2:01 am in reply to: Pls i beg, anyone help me with this every year issue of mine #415413HelcatParticipantPlease tell me more! This will help me understand what is going on with your anxiety right now.