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  • in reply to: Why do we always want what we can't have #66552

    Hi Steve,

    I admit on your last posts I was lurking a bit but never answered because everyone was saying what I would have said. 🙂

    But you choosing between two girls and then them changing their minds reminds me of an old obscure movie. It involved a guy, and a girl, there was a murder, and they caught the killer (the guy) because ~ wait for it ~ she kept a diary. In real life this wouldn’t have been shocking, but in the movie it was. He was truly mystified. He viewed her as a bit of an object and was blown away that she had her own feelings, thoughts and will!

    In your old posts it seemed (to me) that you were choosing between two options in the store. But then you go back and both brands have been discontinued! LOL! Now, I could be wrong, but that was the impression I got. Always remember that women are very powerful and are actually the same as men ~ only the plumbing and the hormones are different!

    Then there’s the “I wouldn’t want to be part of a club that would have me as a member” mentality. Instead of thinking, “Girl A dumped me and now Girl B wants me, but she must be really bad if she wants me, Girl A sure doesn’t!” Or, you can view her as a Gift. As in “Girl A made a mistake, but Girl B is smart and sure knows how to pick ’em!”

    Lastly, view dating as fun! You don’t “Need” to get married. You can just have a good time, meet new people, and of course, Who Knows??? But don’t be attached ~ I think that’s the key to your happiness.

    in reply to: Feeling guilty and trying to forgive myself #66512

    If I was your girlfriend I’d be more horrified by you cutting yourself than giving some stranger a sloppy drunken kiss! Seriously.

    I think you’ve done all you could. Blame it on the Spirit of Alcohol. Why do you think they call it “spirits”? Because alcohol makes you say and do things you would never do! I truly believe it is spirits, and not “you” at all! Ever gone into a bar or a liquor store and felt that “Ewg” feeling? I can’t go to those places without it being like a sock in the gut. By the way I do intuitive work of all kinds and let’s just leave it at that.

    If you must tell your girlfriend, do so and tell her you’re swearing off alcohol for the rest of your life. If you don’t want to do that, then don’t burden her.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Unable to feel fully happy in my perfect relationship #66460

    The good news is you will only spend more and more time with him. If he was indeed a serial monogamist, one day, you will easily fly by the “two year mark” or however long his longest relationship was. Then you will fly by the “decade mark”, and have a good laugh. Of course everyone in his past was gorgeous ~ they were all twenty year old kids at the time! LOL.

    Grown ups fall in love with depth and soul, which illuminate the beloved from within. It sounds like he is a grown up now. So you have nothing to worry about!

    in reply to: Death anxiety and constant worrying..help! #66435

    Anytime! 🙂

    in reply to: Death anxiety and constant worrying..help! #66423

    Hi Again!

    OK, so as long as we’re meditating on death, consider this: Imagine the eons of time that must have existed before you were born. About how your genes were in your parents, grandparents and relatives. A part of you was seeing out of their eyes. How the cells currently in your body were literally part of something else at the time/s. In/As grass, cattle, plants, water, etc.

    Now think about how a part of you will one day see out of your children’s, grandchildren’s, etc. eyes. How your cells will literally, once again, be part of water, plants, air, etc. Sure, your current consciousness will be transformed, but it will change, as it always has.

    Humans, eons ago, before language, before “thought”, lived, evolved, “Made it”. Their consciousness simply evolved. Same with the Earth. Same with the Universe. And, at a quantum level, aren’t we, at the end of the day, The Universe? We’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.

    Change the meditations from fear to cosmic connection.

    in reply to: Am I being unreasonable? #66412

    Just be careful that you don’t end up paying for medical school and then later he divorces you once he’s a doctor. Of course, it sounds like you may want that!

    I don’t know how it “works”, but, is he actively a PHD student? From what I’ve seen being a med. student is all consuming! Everything and anything in life can be all consuming. A job. A baby. Being a student. Marriage. Keep in mind that you may still want to be in your current job as he starts his practice.

    Are there any relatives to help with the baby?

    Have you always felt this way or can it also be hormones? I remember I was terribly depressed the third trimester, with all my pregnancies. You hear about post-partum depression, but you can get depressed during pregnancy too.

    Think of this as a phase in life. You may have to be a working mom for a few years. Think of it this way: You will, in turns, either be a working mom, a stay at home mom, a working empty nester or a retired empty nester. Each lifestyle comes with its own unique culture and hardships. Don’t put all of it on your husband! And if you divorce, it is so much easier when the child is an adult! It’s not worth the trouble at this point!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Death anxiety and constant worrying..help! #66376

    As Westerners, we don’t think about death. But the Buddhists would tell small children, “If you want to think about anything, ponder on when the hour will be when you die.” (!) So a Master might say to you, “You’re doing good, kid!” LOL

    In all seriousness, though, you are experiencing Existential Terror. I’ve had bouts of that, in the car. (Not good.) It passes.

    Instead of blocking it, maybe go all in. Read up on all the Stages of Dying. Know what to do, and what papers to collect, when your parents are leaving this earth. (There’s a great series on this in Oprah Magazine this month). Go to a Buddhist teacher and tell him/her your concerns ~ they will help you. Who better? .. Meditate on the fact that we’re not afraid of losing our consciousness when we go to sleep, and death is no different. Do you remember your past lives? Probably not, but your likes, habits and inclinations can give you a clue! Read The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.

    IF you are becoming prone to panic attacks anyway, get a lot of sunlight, and clean up your diet. If that doesn’t help, a physician.

    But most importantly, and paradoxical to the laundry list above, give most of your attention to your school, friends and family. That is what life is now all about, and the lesson of death ~ to enjoy life.

    in reply to: Trying to Accept Not Moving Out #66335

    There’s a time honored tradition of getting several roommates and living in an apartment together. Also, can you run your own side business? Like landscaping (as just one of many examples), and see how that goes?

    The world has changed in the past few decades. The good news is you’re a guy and don’t have this biological time pressure that girls have to start a family. Also, houses are overrated.

    And I notice that you won’t really be fully respected as an adult until you hit 40. LOL. Before then you will be a “kid”.

    Study and practice meditation to let your anger go. Or, fully embrace it and have a private tantrum where you yell, scream, hit things.

    in reply to: My Ego #66303

    Have you met the co-worker? Would you be jealous of any co-worker? Do you have prophetic dreams? Let your intuition be your guide.

    I don’t think you’re overreacting, though some may disagree.

    When my DH was hiring secretaries I said, “She better be a grandma.” His secretary is over 60 years old! LOL! *Could* something happen? Of course! She’s a very good looking 60! So you see, there are no guarantees. LOL

    If you trust him, and if you don’t get any weird vibe from her, it should be OK.

    in reply to: Dealing with my not so famous dream #66278

    Hi Alpal,

    I’m a “mere” housewife too, and some people just cannot wrap their heads around it. It helps that I have kids, so then it is more understandable. As you get older, you more become one of the oldest, if not the oldest, person in the room. It’s easier to stand in your power, in your acceptance, and in your decision when you’re 40.. 60.. 80.

    If I were in your shoes (your mileage may vary) I would finish the degree just to shut everyone up and to have that in my back pocket.

    I would also have kids if you want them (they also help “justify” staying at home).

    Third, I would make it a home to be proud of, and invite everyone over for holidays. Use it as a meeting place. Do volunteer work. Be the Matriarch of your family, and the Queen of your neighborhood!

    Keep your head up, sister! I live the dream and “get it”!

    in reply to: TIME TO GET OFF THE ROUNDABOUT #66260

    There’s a saying, “As the fruit grows the blossom falls off the tree.” Meaning, you don’t have to suddenly end or stop everything, you simply slowly replace them with something else. And gradually the negative influences will disappear.

    Can you go to AA? Get a part time or “hobby” job? Run a children’s program? Meet people at Meet Up’s? Go to a meditation workshop/retreat?

    Sometimes a lot of seemingly little things (or one little thing in particular) can “break the circuit” and get you back on a good track.

    Blessings, and Good Luck!


    in reply to: Long Distance Love, Over via Email… #66233

    I am sorry you’re going through this. The older we get, the more difficult it can be to get invested in someone emotionally.

    What you had was a perfect storm of Distance and her Immaturity. You almost can’t get mad at her ~ she is still immature, half baked, crazy. I’m sure she will be a lovely person ~ in ten or fifteen years. Unless she is very young, she is a late bloomer. What mature adult woman lets herself get caught up in a long distance relationship unless it was serious?

    Instead of saying, “It’s all over!” try saying, “Maybe one day, who knows?” This will help you cast her loose, mentally.

    Consider her a blueprint for what you DON’T want in a relationship. And then, when ready, find a mature, local woman.

    in reply to: What's the point/Why Bother? #66211

    There’s a saying I love: “I believe in Aslan even if there is no Aslan. I am a Narnian even if there is no Narnia.”

    So you see, you don’t have to believe in God. But wouldn’t it be nice to Act As If? (And besides ~ Who knows??) And in all the holy texts from all religions there is a common theme: To help others. That rings true whether you’re an atheist, a Buddhist, or just a regular human!

    Sadly, it is true that life and/or the planet will continue on, if we drop dead or stop living life. But if you look in the mirror you will see a person crafted and altered through millions of years of evolution. We are made (for whatever reason) to love, help, run, play. Wouldn’t it be a shame if you realize The Meaning and it’s too late?

    At least begin. Start by doing exactly what you feel like, something that brings a smile to your face.

    in reply to: What's the point/Why Bother? #66205

    Hi Seeker,

    People have been asking that question since the beginning of time. The Book of Ecclesiastes and the Bhagavad-Gita are two texts which might be of interest to you.

    I found that it all boils down to either serving God and/or living according to your true nature.

    Another theory is that we are here to experience life that only we can in our unique way ~ and that God then experiences that through us as we are part of God.

    Forget your Shoulds or “I think”s. Do what lights up your eyes and puts a spring in your step. And if you can find something that also helps other people then that’s even better!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: Do I talk to him about it?? #66193

    Wow, you’re seeing more of him as a friend than I do with my actual friends! LOL

    Can you be “busy” enough so that you only see him (as a friend) once a month?

    Talk on the phone only once a week?

    Text only once a day? (a one line text, no conversations)

    As he feels lonely he will seek company. And as/if he misses you, he will start the conversation.

    The trick on how to do this is to claim busy-ness and at the same time plan an outing with him a few weeks in advance. I think you need to do this for your own sanity!

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
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