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ParticipantHi TinyZebra,
Instead of thinking that the Universe is against you, why not try thinking that the Universe is on your side so much that it won’t let someone who’s “Not There” have you! Pretend the Universe is your best friend, your champion, your strongest supporter.
Flip the script on your relationships. You were lucky in love two or three times (even if only in the beginning). They ended (or ended badly) because you are gearing up for the One Great Love. You manifested love before? You will manifest love again (only better and longer lasting!)
And think of this: Scientists (and mystics!) say that Time is One. Everything is actually happening all at once on some mathematical (or mystical!) level. So your Great Love is already here. Believe it! Act it! *Be happy anyway!*
Think of this last guy as picking up on the Energy that you belong to someone else. (You do, you just haven’t met him yet!) Think of it that way.
This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantHi Roohi,
I would wait, but not for long. Meaning, the next time (for instance) you two plan to meet some of his old friends (one or two he had had flirtations with) then you can say, “Oh by the way, now that we’re alone in the car together, tell me about your relationship with them. You never bring your past up? Why do you think that is, handsome?” Be light hearted when you bring it up, never confrontational!
With DH I would say, “You were kind of a playboy, weren’t you?”
He would blush, smile, look uncomfortable, but, being a gentleman, would say nothing about his old fan club.
It could be a generational thing: Young men say everything, older men say not a lot!
That is what you are worried about. Talk, check in, go to one of those couples retreats (for fun mostly!) and then with help you can tease it out of him and calm your mind.
ParticipantHi Roohi,
He probably didn’t tell you because he didn’t want you to think anything less of him. Was he having relationships with multiple women while he was getting to know you? All dating is is finding out if this is the person you want to be with forever. He finally found his Forever girl. You!
Now, if he sees someone on the side while you are married, you have some decisions to make.
Was he a player? It looks that way.
Is he currently a player (even only in his heart/character)? He’s not going to say anything (I really doubt it). Time to have these conversations.
ParticipantThe only way the questions will be answered is when you go in and see.
DH says sometimes “Why do you think they call it Work? If people enjoyed it, it would be called something else”.
If you’re in a place that sucks the soul out of you (BEEN THERE!), you can put some soul back in.
Bring a book, wear headphones (and listen to podcasts), feng shui the office, do random little nice things for everyone everyday, use this time to master meditation, do chair yoga, bring a notebook to work on the Great American Novel, manifest more work to do that you want to do, look for other job offers.
Good Luck!
ParticipantI know. Slowing letting go of contact is for your own sanity. You don’t even have to let him know you’re doing it. For work, can you get a secretary to handle the emails?
And if he is engaged, it is not a healthy relationship on a personal level. When he leaves his fiancée then the time is right. It’s so easy not to take their relationship seriously ~ they’ve been engaged forever, it’s not permanent, you two are best friends. Technically he is not married, so he is still in this nebulous grey zone where, you know, he COULD leave her today and marry you in the town hall tomorrow. So that realm of possibility is out there. It is possible!
But, he is still here, struggling, conflicted.
While the ring is on her finger, break the addiction that is him.
ParticipantIt sounds like you are addicted to him. This is what I did for a friend I was becoming emotionally too close to. Month of the calendar, right? I wouldn’t contact him or return calls/be online for that one day. Next month? Two days. Yes, it took me two and a half years. Yes, there was boundary busting, kick back, the wailing and gnashing of teeth (his end). This usually happens when you’re 3/4 of the way there. For any addiction.
But to this day I have my sanity back and I can relate to him in a detached way. Truly as just a friend.
ParticipantIt’s not about “you” right now, it’s about “them”. It has always actually been about “them”, but crisis makes Reality obvious.
Practical Questions:
If he won’t be with her forever, why is she his fiancé? Will he call off the wedding?
Why doesn’t he buy them a modest apartment instead of a house?
There are many forms of love and many ways to love.
The best way to love him right now is to set him up with a financial wizard and a brilliant therapist!
It’s a great site to look at, it’s in my “Favorite” list. Hopefully you can find something close to what you’re going through. The latest post looks like it’s about a girl having boundaries around seeing her dad, for example. Make yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy reading! 🙂
ParticipantSorry about that ~ it’s hard to ask for sound advice for a particular issue without writing a novella!
A great classic book is “How to Talk so Kids will Listen, and How to Listen so Kids will Talk”.
Bradshaw on family dynamics
Captain Awkward on the web. You could (should!) write more in detail (maybe 2 pages worth) and she give amazing advice!
Good Luck!
ParticipantA month for us is like a year for them. To her this one thing keeps being brought up, and brought up, and it was “SO LONG AGO”. It sounds like (to her) it was a white lie to get out of an uncomfortable (to her) situation. The real issue is she felt she had to lie concerning her dad, and you are easy to throw under the bus. Now she sees you are not so easy and is lashing out. Why is everyone walking on eggshells concerning the father? Sounds very reactionary.
For you this is one thing. Her parents (mom and stepdad) see this every day. There is probably similar things that go on every day.
Leave the girl alone. Talk to the mom. See the family a year from now when everyone’s more mature. Don’t get cast into the role of the Least Favorite Aunt. It sounds like she’s acting like a terribly typical teenager.
ParticipantIt sounds silly, but I got a lot of peace by saying, “I forgive everyone for everything they did when they were under 18”. They are literally Half-Baked. She’s still forming. Sometimes cooking is messy.
And to a teenager, Christmas was SO LONG AGO, OMG, WHY IS EVRYONE STILL TALKING ABOUT IT???
Everyone knows she was (probably) lying. You know she lied. She knows she lied.
Let it go. There will be more holidays!
ParticipantHi Sarah,
It sounds like you are physically or emotionally way too close to that side of the family. They are shattered. So you enmeshed into their drama. Is Niece #1 the oldest? Bradshaw has child #1 represent the father, #2 the mother, #3 the marriage and #4 the family. It would be interesting to see what all the family members are.
You know that it’s not the teenager, that it is the surroundings, right? Once she’s in college, out of the house, or in her 20s you should see a dramatic change in her.
From her side shes’ thinking “My whole family is messed up, and I will have to set boundaries with my crazy aunt.” That is good news! She is learning to set boundaries (even with you).
If you want to help, take the little sister away for a holiday, weekend, etc.
You are also viewing her through a horrible lens. She knows how you see her. As she grows up, it will be harder to shed those traits if she thinks someone is always seeing her that way. That is why she doesn’t want contact with you and will “think about it”. That’s what that means.
There aren’t terribly great articles out there, they seem to rehash what the other ones have said.
Other thoughts: What one sibling is, the other is not (typical) and that you are not the parent, so send Light and take the younger one away when you can as often as you can. Keep those outings fun.
Good Luck!
ParticipantThanks Matt and Jasmine! You are the best! 🙂
ParticipantLOL, I had Matt’s face turning blue because he didn’t like my first posts and I think we clashed a little LOL.
This is such a positive place I wrote the poem because when you come in here it takes a while to get used to the spiritual language, feelings, culture, etc.
ParticipantBut don’t you think the Universe has its own consciousness and intelligence? Beings respond, but they do also communicate. Don’t want to bring the G-D word, or even bring in the big J.C., but, yes, He/They/It does communicate. Not control, but ~ it’s good to be Receivers sometimes. Be open. See what’s up.
This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by