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ParticipantThanks anita!
I was in Atlanta for a long overdue visit with my best friend!
Glad to be back to my internet routine! LOL
ParticipantMy replies keep getting eaten!!
ParticipantHi Allison,
I’ll be brief as I think TinyBuddah is eating my posts today!!
You guys have been with each other half your lives. You were mean to him, and sometimes that kills the love. Him feeling nothing could be an emotional defense mechanism. Switch therapists. Shake it up. Do something positive and outrageous to make him view you in a new light.
Good Luck,
ParticipantMy reply got lost!
Ok, my short version:
1. You are insecure
2. He should contact you more whether you have confidence or not
3. Are you being honest with yourself about your true feelings about this guy? Don’t stay with him just because he’s there.
ParticipantHi Keiran,
The relationship sounds very “new” if you are keeping him on his toes by spontaneously saying you were “staying out” (instead of going to the boring bus stop) when you bumped into him.
Are you two exclusive? You could ask him that and say that you’re just making sure as guys still approach you when he’s not around and you’re not sure what to say. You can bet that will keep him on his toes and he will contact you more!
In short, yes, you are insecure. And yes, he should be checking in with you more.
Don’t let him take you for granted! But also be honest with yourself. Is this really the guy for you, whether you had confidence or not?
ParticipantHi petitvoyager,
It sure is easier to be seeing someone who has a sense of purpose! Some people, though, are just “there”. There’s nothing wrong with being just “there”, but I can see how it must be maddening to you!
Can you take him along on your adventures? Play games like (don’t remember the exact name) “What Would You Do”? Ask for his advice and have his input be the deciding vote?
It’s not that you want to fundamentally change him (you can’t), but maybe slowly and gently tease out strands of passion, curiosity and interest.
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi lost in the wild,
She won’t hurt herself. She won’t kill herself. She’s just threatening that as emotional leverage. Because guess what? Once you block her online, change your phone number, etc., etc…. Once she has no way of contacting you, she will fly into a rage, but won’t harm herself because you’re not around to even know about it.
This woman is very unstable, selfish and abusive. It’s a good thing you are far away.
Nothing creates distance like distance. Block her everywhere, and mentally detach, detach, detach.
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi DM,
Wow, this guy has two women, one at home and is constantly there and another who flies over to see him a few times a year! In his lazy mind, why should he do anything? You are doing all the work, and the other girl who offers nothing but his presence means he doesn’t have a chance to get lonely and thus not have to work on his relationship with you.
You have to admit, this guy isn’t very mature. If you’re going to have a long distance relationship it should be with someone who’s already established and can just as easily fly over to see you!
The relationship was as successful as it was ever going to be. Seven years is nothing to sneeze at. But, time for an upgrade!
Good Luck!
ParticipantHi Amanda,
You made the right decision 1000%. He was the one who made bad decisions, and now he knows that a quality person won’t put up with his inattentive ways. Does he know you know about the Tinder yet? If so, then he also knows that he can’t get away with being a player. And what kind of player would he be? He has no time!
I second Netflix, YouTube and venting to friends. I also highly recommend carbs, sugar, and sleeping in!
ParticipantHi Isra,
He JUST broke up with you! Give yourself permission today to scream, cry, rant, sleep, eat a quart of ice cream, call in sick and binge watch a favorite show. The good news is you don’t have to be the bigger person or get philosophical. At least not today.
Maybe his depression was too much for him and he broke up with you during a particularly grey mood. He is not well, and when people are not well, their decisions can reflect that.
The only real danger, believe it or not, is that he may try to get back together with you after he finds the right cocktail of medications or even has a sandwich and feels better albeit lonely.
I view this as The Universe telling you that you need to be with an emotionally healthy guy the next time around.
ParticipantHi Liss,
I think you would have better luck in London. Surely there are vegan cafes, metaphysical bookstores and even hiking groups that would get out of the city together.
Do they have Meet Ups in Europe? Where you go on line and someone posts “Hey! Pagan/Vegan/Whatever Meetup at Regeants Park Saturday Noon!” type of thing?
Seek and ye shall find!
ParticipantHi struggling,
What was he like when you guys met? Was he attentive and doting? Or was he truly always like this? Either you miss the ways things used to be, or you’re tired of being in a non-emotional relationship.
I give him somewhat of a pass due to his chronic pain. Also, it sounds like he is comfortable enough to use good natured sarcasm/ribbing on you. It’s like he’s using sarcasm to say, “Of course I love you, silly! Don’t be ridiculous!”
I don’t think he would ever break up with you. Unfortunately, you would have to be the one to end it.
I don’t envy your decision. It’s harder because he’s not coming from a place of malice. But unless he changes (he won’t for long), it is what it is.
ParticipantHere’s another thought: Your daughter is getting old enough to pick up on what’s going on. You don’t want her to think it’s normal for non-parental figures to “take mommy and daddy away”. Or for daddy to have a harem. Or worse, for her mother to be a slut. As that’s what the other kids and adults would call her. Open marriages aren’t accepted or understood in most of society because it’s unusual and weird for a reason. The reason is that THEY DON’T WORK. Period. End of story.
I would be out of that marriage as it’s better for a girl to live with her divorced single mom than be surrounded by the STRANGE energy of an openly cheated on father who is being brainwashed into thinking this is somehow normal and OK. Hint: It’s not.
Even better: Sue for custody. Shut her fantasies down.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
September 28, 2017 at 5:38 am in reply to: Confusion over Buddhism and the ‘right’ way to treat my ex. #170729Inky
ParticipantHi Ceebee,
Why are we as women always apologizing? It sounds like you were truthful. He kept bringing up sex again and again, thus objectifying you, and you kept responding. And now you want to apologize? It sounds like he actually deserved what you said to him! Yes, even the !@#$head remark. After all, he had his !@#$ in his head, as sex was all he could think about!
Listen, this is what you do: Don’t contact him. If he texts you, perhaps respond. But DON’T apologize. Then if he brings up sex again, don’t respond. Let the text hang. Even if he changes the subject, don’t respond. Or, just bypass all that and block his number.
Good Luck,
ParticipantHi Matt,
Polyamory or open marriages is The New Thing right now. Of course, people have been having open relationships for millions of years, it’s just that usually their Primary Partner (to use their jargon) wasn’t supposed to know about it.
We are so modern we’re supposed to be OK with it. If you have jealousy, you are unevolved. *sarcasm*
The jealousy you feel is actually several hundred thousand years of evolution in you screaming “SOMETHING IS WRONG”. Of course you look better than ever. Of course you are doing it several times a day. Of course you are more attentive. Because some other guy is around. Before you know it you will be raising another man’s baby. Your very body is making sure that doesn’t happen.
I say you tell her, “No, actually, I’m not OK with it. I want to meet this guy when you do as I’m the Primary Partner as that is how modern Open Marriages work. Did you know that? By the way, open marriages also work both ways and I’m the hot husband now. Men get sexier as we get older at the same time as women grasp at the last vestiges of youth. I’m actually doing you a favor by offering monogamy. Have fun with the guy. But let me tell you, in reality, it’s him or me. Think hard. Think very hard.”
So is she meeting him for a dinner or for a night??
Good Luck,
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by