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  • in reply to: Dating with an STI- emotional roller coaster #157862

    Hi Heartbrokengurl,

    Everyone has something, it seems, that could be construed as a “deal breaker”.

    I suggest, yes, disclose it, BUT…

    Downplay it and mention it in passing.

    “By the way, I had issues with an STI problem, no biggie, just have to be careful” versus “I HAVE TO TELL YOU ABOUT THIS Relationship Killing THING… If you have any questions after your thorough research, feel free to contact me anytime, day or night…”

    A lot of it is in the delivery. If you don’t treat it like it’s a big deal, other people will take your cue.

    This guy may or may not continue a relationship with you, and it may have nothing to do with your STI going forward. One day you may also meet someone who says, “Me too!”

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: It's Been a While #157588

    Hi Holly,

    Welcome back! I remember you!! I hope you post again soon.

    Cara: Welcome! “WE ARE!!” (I’m a Penn State Mom!)

    Healing Energy To All,



    Hi Harold,

    Two things are going on here.

    1. Even if the second girl never existed, the first girl would still have a tough character and not like texts or phone calls. That is just her personality.

    2. You are indeed paying for choosing the other girl first. This one will NOT be second choice. Nor will she chase a guy or be all accommodating for him. That too, is her nature.

    Your best bet is to keep trying, but be patient about it and don’t take things personally. If that is too hard, you should move on.



    in reply to: My ex is leading me on #157138

    Hi Christina,

    It’s confusing because are you guys really broken up? Are you getting back together? You are in this nebulous undefined space.

    Him pushing you away and then wanting you to chase him is clearly him working out his abandonment issues.

    Tell him that you don’t chase people, that it is not in your nature.

    Tell him you need a break. This “break” might turn out to become a break-UP. At best, he will figure it out and act normal when (if?) you get back together. Or your break-UP will pave the way for you to date a person better for you.



    in reply to: Can we actually just be friends? #156992

    Hi Rox,

    I mean, how bad were the emotional outbursts? If it was REALLY bad, then clearly that spooked him. But if you dared expressed displeasure then it’s good that he is gone. Why are women always the ones on audition for the guy? Why is it that the minute we express contrary opinions or emotions we are labelled “crazy” or worse?

    I’m not saying that you should be abusive in your reactions to things. As long as you honor your feelings while honoring the people around you (or at least not dishonoring them) then you are fine.

    Leave him alone. View him as a starter boyfriend until someone stronger comes along.




    Hi lost123,

    I hope you didn’t engage sexually with this other woman. Sex is a very strong glue that can further activate chemical bonds in people.

    Hey, I feel you.

    But what invariably happens is you will, in as soon as a few years, see the other woman who you had so much in common with. And notice that she’s not really like you anymore. That there’s not a lot of that initial spark. That you are bewildered that you had any romantic feelings for her at all.

    You will also discover (especially if the two women are in the same room) that your wife, the old, the familial, will look better and better in comparison. And is, actually, more like you on a spiritual level. Classier. Rock solid. Awesome.

    Who needs travel? Everything’s right here at home, after all.


    in reply to: my husband and my mother relationship #156702

    Hi Love100%,

    You have to set boundaries with your mother. First of all, your DH married you, not your mother. Don’t force them or have them be in the same room as each other. They are like territorial cats now.

    My suggestion is to see your mother once a month and talk to her no more than once a week, and then for only, say, fifteen minutes. And don’t communicate via technology/cell phones at all.

    She may chafe at the boundaries. Say, “Every first Sunday of the month (or whenever) I’m all yours.” She may want to come over or have you guys go over to her. Say, “I’m/We’re busy. See you in X weeks!”

    Tell her truthfully that it’s more peaceful when she and your DH are separated.

    Your priorities are now: Child, Husband, and Mother distant third.

    Good Luck!


    in reply to: Heartbroken/shocked/confused #156426

    Hi MissMindy,

    I think some part of you can’t believe that HE broke up with YOU. On paper it doesn’t make sense. You’re the stable one with a career and a house and are moderate. You are the one who’s a catch next to him.

    But you are literally too good for him. And it was his own lifestyle that ended it. The not-so-young-anymore gypsy apprentice who parties like a college dude. Or tries to.

    And the ex? That’s part of the mystique for him. His best friend’s girl, the one who got away. There is a reason they are ex’s. Even if your worst fears are realized and they get back together, SHE will remember why they broke up in the first place. Remember, SHE is probably turning thirty about now and will have more grown up ambitions on her mind that HE won’t be congruent with until he’s at LEAST forty. (And by then she’ll be long gone, with teenage children from another guy).

    So, sister, get up and get back to work. You are a nurse, a healer. That is your calling. By healing others, you will heal yourself.



    in reply to: what do i do and how do i think? #156100

    Hi Azouz,

    I can tell English may not be your first language, but the first thing that stuck out to me was that you used the word “dominant” several times. Here’s something to think about: Every woman is a Free Agent, her own Divine Being who belongs to No One. Sure, they may be in a relationship with you, but “You are only committed until you’re not”. That’s why she can turn around and date people the minute you break up. She is a person in her own right, with free will, inner thoughts, desires and dreams that have nothing to do with you.

    So, Azouz, cast her loose. Let her go out with her cousin. Find someone new. Someone you respect who respects you so there is no “dominant” one.



    in reply to: His silent treatment is driving me crazy #156018

    Hi Connie,

    Hi non-response IS the response. Only you can give yourself closure now. He is not giving you the silent treatment as that suggests that he is mad at you. He’s not mad. He has already broken up with you and tried to make it sound like it was your idea.

    Stop trying to contact him. Don’t even send a “This is the last text/call/email I’m sending you…” Just drop your end of the rope. And maybe, just maybe, he will (later) reach out to you. The more you try to contact him the LESS likely he is to contact you at this point.

    Good Luck,


    in reply to: I don't feel as close as I used to with my boyfriend. #155860

    Way to go, Liz!!! 🙂

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Inky.
    in reply to: I don't feel as close as I used to with my boyfriend. #155766

    Hi Liz,

    It’s long distance. You have school. You have work. He broke up with you two times. He’s confusing his “morals” (control) with your “morals”.

    Tell him you need a break. Then revisit him (maybe) next year.

    Wear makeup.

    Go crazy.


    in reply to: How do you get over fear of abandonment? #155512

    Hi dreaming715,

    What I would do (what I have done) is to Other-ize your parent. Some people are not mature enough for marriage. And for sure some people aren’t mature enough to be parents!

    Do you know that even in the animal kingdom, there are bad parents? Strange but true. The cubs of the young, weak and “off” animals often pay the ultimate price.

    I remember the end of the book Black Boy, when the author, in the last chapter, sees his no-good father. The author is now a sophisticated, famous writer, and influential in a political party, who lives in France. He sees his father who abandoned him long ago, and he is described as almost like a creature of the wild, that came crudely from out of the earth and is still working it.

    If we are handed immature, crude, no-good parents, remember that they have done their job. They brought us into this planet. It is all they were/are capable of.



    in reply to: What do you do when you regret sending the text #155410

    Hi Jassica,

    As a general rule, never send long texts when it comes to emotional matters.

    My sister sent me a text longer than my supposed infraction warranted. It made her look crazy. She realized the next day how crazy her novella length text was, and then she tried to make it better. But that only made it worse and made her look legit crazy.

    Let it go. Let it lie. Don’t even talk about it. Don’t apologize either if it’s brought up.

    And never do that again.

    Better to say emotional things face to face.

    Good Luck!



    Hi Vivian,

    I don’t like this friend/”friend”. What would happen if you said to her, “Stop spending time with my boyfriend please.” She’ll feel awkward. He’ll feel awkward. You’ll feel awkward. The Group will feel awkward.

    Let it be Awkward!

    For once, let it be about you.

    If he continues to hang out with your friend, if she continues to be best buddies with him and if the group condones all this, that’s your answer. Time then for a new boyfriend/friend/group.

    Good Luck,


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