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  • in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169739

    Hi Dreaming715,

    You are very right. Thank you for your kind reply. I think I just wanted some kind of companionship so bad as I don’t have family, I was willing to put up with toxicity and abuse. Thank you for helping me come to my senses. I do deserve better. x

    in reply to: Lost Another friend. Years of Therapy..down the drain.. #169721

    Thanks Inky,

    Your post, made me feel better. I just wish I had a “pause” button, so I don’t overreact and lash out, then later, regret. The apology I made to her was no good, she responded back rudely. But you are right, she really never was a true friend. She made me feel bad about myself alot, and think she enjoyed it. I just get tired of sabatoging anything good that comes my way, friendships, relationships, I feel all this therapy..and I am going backwards. x

    in reply to: Depression destruction and how to cope with spouse #169613

    Hi Honour,

    I guess you have to envision your future. Do you really want to live, waiting, fighting, maybe having a few “good days”, wondering, doubting, walking on eggshells? Her not wanting to go to therapy, getting up an noon. You want a partner, not to raise a child..which is what is happening now and shows no signs of really improving? Do you really want to live this way? Unhappy? Uncertain?

    in reply to: Is it safe to surf social media content just casually? #168966

    I don’t see any problem with this, but there are most likely better ways to spend your free time other than surfing the internet looking at women, especially if it makes you uncomfortable doing so. What makes you think you may do this? Is it boredom? Lonliness? Do you have a girlfriend? Why not join an online dating site? There you can talk and chat with real women. Do you have anxiety in social settings with women? Dating? Is this something you can talk about with a mentor or counselor?

    Why not do other things with your time? Go for a walk in a park, see a movie, go to an espresso shop, a bookstore, the beach, a concert, an art gallery, so many things you can do..go out with friends. Have some fun. Don’t worry so much about being successful, a billionaire, as stated in another thread, because you can’t take any of that with you. Being successful isn’t about money or prestige at work. It won’t make you happy. What makes you successful is what you give to others and the legacy you leave behind. Giving your time to others in need. Do you want your tombstone to read “became rich at work” or “made others happy, and touched people’s lives. So, best thing to do, is get out..off the internet, “you tube” and go enjoy your life and people.

    in reply to: Betrayed by my wife #168938

    Hi Cal,

    I would not worry too much about this affair your wife is having online. I have met many men online, and it’s just that. Words on a screen, writing. Beautiful words. Attention. That person usually is lonely and writing to other women. Many of the men I wrote too, on the internet, say they are “single” but who knows they may be married. When I do meet them, of if I do, it’s always disappoint after disappointment, because the person does not match the “online” person, the sentimental words, the online binding and it does not work out. I highly doubt anything will come of this. It seems mostly an online pen-pal, and sometimes an emotional connection can be made, but it does not last.

    in reply to: Mind set, purpose, and relationships #168934

    Hi Kylee,

    I too have alot of fear, insecurities and anxiety in relationships. I feel if I stand up for myself, or try to compromise, or even seem a little argumentative, as every couple argues from time to time, I get extremely anxious, thinking they will eventually reject or abandon me, just like my Alcoholic mother did time and time again, just like my father did time and time again when he had to travel for business. Just like my siblings and I were torn apart by the courts because of my mother’s severe neglect of us. Just like losing so many friends, past loves, family members, seems like everyone leaves me.

    With counseling I am working on my early childhood trauma. I am also on Anxiety/panic medication. I worry, and worry, and worry. If I can’t find something to worry about, I will find something, it’s a vicious cycle. Anxiety is the worst. Did you have any abandonment in your early childhood, or suffer from alot of loss early in life? If unresolved, this will wreak havoc in our adult relationships, as we associate our significant other with someone who abandoned us, or who we tried to please, or people who did not listen or nuture us in our early childhood. Try to work through this with counseling or a 12 step program if you can. Also anxiety medications are also very effective.


    Hi Amadala,

    It sounds more like a best friend relationship, rather than a romantic, intimate relationship. I feel you deserve to be happy. I understand you love him, but you deserve to be happy with the right man, and it’s not fair to him, for someone to stay with him and be unhappy, as I am sure you want the best thing for him, and you want him to be happy to with the right woman. It might be best to make a clean break, I know it will be difficult, but you both derserve to be happy.

    in reply to: How to stop jealousy with boyfriend and another girl! #168684

    Hi Dreaming715,

    First, you need to get out of the “comparison trap” many people put on a “mask” at parties. I see my very shy, somewhat introverted friends become the center of attention at parties. They do this, because they are lonely, do not have a boyfriend, want people to like them, so they will exaggerate charming stories so people will find them interesting and funny. However, as soon as they leave the party, they revert back to their former selves. Same with this girl at the party, maybe she too is lonely, has self esteem issues and puts on a different face in social situations to appear charming and likeable, however, no one knows what she is like behind closed doors. This is why you must not compare, because it will mess with you, and your self worth. You most likely have alot of qualities she wishes she has. Beauty is only skin deep, and I’m sure your boyfriend knows that. My ex used to “like” women’s pictures on Facebook, but he never flirted or corresponded with them, just as I am sure your boyfriend is not corresponding with that girl. He is moving in with you, not her, so he is not going anywhere and sees a future with you. I too have abandonment issues from early childhood, but you just have to ask yourself if your thoughts, are reality? Or just thoughts..and they are just thoughts.


    in reply to: He wants to take things slow #168522

    Hi Lilly,

    I think if he is taking you away for a weekend, and talking about future plans with you, (meeting his family, etc). It sounds like things are going very well. Just remember, you both haven’t been together very long, so if you really like him, respect his wishes to take things slow, and don’t put any pressure on him. Make him laugh, have a great time with him and concentrate on that and everything will come together.

    in reply to: He wants to take things slow #168442

    Hi Lilly,

    I would be feeling a little confused as well, if someone told me they were in love with me, seemed they were into me, yet has a wall around them at the same time. I too would be a little upset or hurt if my significant others parents came to town and I was not introduced to them. It seems like he has a lot of fear holding him back.

    I would just talk to him, without putting too much pressure on him. Ask him what he sees the both of you at..are you his girlfriend? What are you to him? Tell him you feel confused as to where you stand with him, does he just see you as a friend or someone with a possible future. Does he introduce you as “his girlfriend”? Has he done anything romantic? Has he introduced you to his friends? Tell him you felt dismissed and hurt you were not introduced to his parents. Its better to know now, than months down the road when feelings get stronger.

    in reply to: It hurts so badly that i cant take it anymore #168378

    Hi B,

    I think what it comes down to, is it all to emotionally draining to him, the crying, the suicide threats. Men do not like chaos, intensity and drama. When you are ever thinking hurthful thoughts please contact your local crisis line. They are prepared to deal with people who are suicidal and other crisis. They will send out a mobile unit and refer you to a Psychiatrist for depression and anxiety screening, as you are severely depressed. Please do this, because there is so much your boyfriend can take. I know you don’t want to lose him. Try not to cry around him, threaten suicide, and please get the help you need. I’m worried about you.

    in reply to: Feeling stuck and unhappy with my relationship #168372

    Hi Brooke,

    Have you ever read that highly popular best selling book (which later turned into a movie) “He’s just not that into you”. If not, I highly recommend it. This man does not want a committed relationship. He is happy with his life. He has in his own way “moved on” He may say he “loves you” but it’s just words and he is not walking his talk. I’m going to use of of my favorite quotes or two. “If a man really wants to be with you, he will move heaven and earth to be with you, no excuses.” “Never invest more time and energy on someone, than they invest in you”. I think the relationship unfortunately has reached a dead-end. You deserve better.

    in reply to: Breaking up with someone you love #168356

    Hi Kate,

    Sometimes, when people are together for many years, you are right you can love each other, but seeing each other every day or very often, doing the same thing, sometimes many couples lose that “spark” the trick is to do things with each other to bring that “spark” back. Many couples go somewhere they have never been. The newness, the excitement, creates newness and brings back the initial euphoria of chemistry, that you had in the beginning of the relationship. Other couples go to couples therapy. Others have “date nights” just getting out and doing something you both have never done.

    If you are not ready to get back with him, don’t over think it, or put pressure on yourself. If it causes you distress after two weeks of no contact, just tell him, you are not ready at this time for friendship, that it is too soon. Try to take it one day at a time, one hour at a time. You are going to go through alot of emotions. But, if you really love this man, you can get the passion back.

    in reply to: My insecurities are affecting my relationships.. #168352

    Hi Annie,

    I was just seeing how you are doing, and hope you are feeling better about things.

    in reply to: Am I so Bad? #168060

    Hi Mini Ahuja,

    Who cares what other people think. It is your life, not theirs, your business, not theirs, your marriage, not theirs. You are old enough to make your own decisions, and if you are in an unhappy marriage, only you can decide if you want to continue to be in one or not. Personally, I would rather be alone, than in an unhappy marriage, and if friends and family disapprove, it’s their problem, they don’t have to fight your battles.

    If they start verbally abusing or emotionally abusing you, you do not have to take it. Simply tell them them you will not tolerate belittling, yelling, critism, negativity. And leave. If they can’t be supportive of you, have as little contact with them as possible. The last thing you need is more misery and unhappiness. They should be supportive of you, and if they can’t, let them know you will not tolerate their abuse and walk away or leave.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Eliana.
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