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ParticipantHi Hannah,
I will share a quote with you, that I have shared with it is very true..”never beg for love, attention, respect, as if it not given freely, it is not worth having.
I think at this point, he is confused and struggling, because you are pleading and begging with him, and then telling him “you want to die”. I understand he is your first love, but right now you telling him “you need him”, crying, being silent, then begging him, telling him you want to die is overwhelming him and it is only going to further push him away.
What you want to do right now, if focus, on learning to love yourself and having a life “outside of him. You don’t “need him”. You need to learn to need yourself and love your own company. Nothing is forever. Boyfriends, come and go, friends come and go, unfortunately, it is hard, and in the end, we only have ourselves. Men want a strong independent woman who has both male and female friends, they don’t want drama, intensity, emotional outbursts. They don’t want to deal with it. They want a woman who won’t smother them, or be clingy, or say they want to die.
Focus on something outside of him that makes **you** happy. You mentioned church. Is there bible study groups, or volunteer work you can get involved in? Do you have some friends you can go out to dinner with? See a movie with? Do you like animals? Can you volunteer at an animal sanctuary a few hours a week, or a soup kitchen? Don’t make a man your whole world of life, they will sense your neediness and it will drive him away.
At this time, have very little contact with him. Show him your strength and independence, and you can be fine without him, chances are he will see a change in you, and he may change his attitude toward you. Right now, he is confused, overwhelmed, distraught. Just give him some space and work on what makes you happy.
ParticipantHi Dreaming,
I too was constantly abandoned in my early childhood, so I can relate to your posts. I have gone through a lot of loss and rejection in my life, so I always go through life “expecting someone” to abandon or leave me, and it usually comes true.
What you need to focus on is you. Know how awesome you are and how lucky your boyfriend is to have you. Just keep thinking this. Nothing is forever, and tell yourself, if he does leave, you were okay before him, and you will okay without him. Because in the end, we only have ourselves. People come and go. We have to love ourselves and our own company. When we do this, we are secure enough not to have fear, or perceived fear, if someone does not say “exactly” what we want them too, we won’t be devastated or thinking “they are being distant, they will leave me, I just know it!”. When this happens, it sets you up on a vicious cycle, and it will drive people away because you will try harder and harder to get “their validation” that you are “good enough”. Men sometimes have short attention spans. I am sure he was interested in your work, but they tend to get distracted after a few minutes. It is normal.
I have a male friend, and I will be talking, after a few minutes, he says “he has to go”. This hurts my feelings. When I brought it up to him, he told me he has ADHD and can only concentrate for very short lengths of time. I am sure your boyfriend was not trying to be rude, he may have been excited about the bakery and said it on impulse. Maybe you can say “hey, that’s great, thanks for showing me, I’d really like to finish up about my work, I could really use an ear, I promise I won’t be much longer”. As far as moving in together, maybe he was distracted, and he did not mean to sound like he was not interested.
Maybe bring it up some other time, and ask him what his thoughts are. But don’t think his short attention span means “he will leave you”.
ParticipantHi Connie,
Great job on the e-mail you sent him! I wish I could wave a magic wand and make all this hurt and pain go away. I broke two toes today, so at last you are not on crutches and pain meds. Let me get some rest, and I will see if I can come up with some other ideas.
ParticipantHi Sandy,
I may make some typos, please forgive me, I broke two toes, and just got out of ER. But, I will do my best to reflect on your post. You were with this man, for two months, you said he had some contact with his ex. However, even after two months, even if he did “go back to her” I doubt it won’t last. There is a reason, they broke up, and it’s very hard to get the “chemistry” and “spark” back after two months. I have been down this road, has never worked, it’s never the same.
I think right now, her “weeping” caused him a great deal of confusion, kind of like “the damsel in distress”. He probably took pity on her, and thought, “gosh, not sure what to do here, hate to see a woman cry, what the heck, let’s give it another shot” chances are high it won’t work. In two months his feelings might have changed, she might have changed, and what was, can’t be again.
Then what may happen, he will come back to you. But do you really want a man who is in contact with his ex, and so quick to say he wants to take a break from you after only two months? It does not say alot about his character or values, he seems confused as to what he really wants. I think you deserve better, to be in a healthy, loving relationship with a man, where you are not his “2nd” choice or put on the back burner. Keep us posted.
ParticipantHi Natasha,
I read your post. I would like to reflect a little on it, if I could and get back to you perhaps tomorrow. I broke two toes today, and am in considerable pain, just getting back from ER, and am on Pain meds, so not thinking too clearly. Let me get back to you when my mind is fresh.
ParticipantHi Zulaika,
Is there a US embassy you can go to to apply for coming to United States? Don’t ever give up. Is there any kind of work that you want to do? Can you apply for a work/study scholarship?
ParticipantHi Dawn,
I am happy to hear everything got worked out. You sound like you have a great counselor. Please post anytime.
ParticipantHi Dawn,
Lets say, you do get back together with him, a would you be able to fully trust him again? You were gone for three months, you came back, excited to see him, even went to his work, only to find out that not only he lied to you about not being at work, but he was seeing someone else who herself was married. I am wondering about this man’s character and values which don’t seem to be very high.
I think if you did get back together, things would not be the same as before. You would always be doubtful, and wondering if he is lying, or seeing someone behind your back. I don’t think you would be happy, and yes, it would mess with your head. What would happen if you decided to take another vacation again? Would he be so quick to have another affair? I think you deserve better.
July 19, 2017 at 7:43 am in reply to: What to do when it feels like all the doors are shut??? #158970Eliana
ParticipantYou’re welcome, Cath, please post anytime..
ParticipantHi Rachel,
Yes, wow..I have felt like this since I was a child. But most of it contributed to severe emotional and verbal abuse, and constant abandonment, and rejection from an Alcoholic mother. I received very little love, nurturing or care, until I was taken away from her by courts and adopted.
Still, the damage had been done. Growing up, I was bullied often in grade school and middle school, contributing to depression and low self esteem. My family, had to take me out of public schools, and put me in Private expensive “academy’s” or “boarding” schools. The bullying stopped, but I too felt very much alone, left out, wanting to disappear, being very troubled, no one seemed to understand me, which only left me feeling worse. Like I was on the outside looking in. If I did make friends, I was a doormat, or they only came to me if they wanted something from me.
Today, I am in intensive therapy for several mental health diagnosis, and 2 12 step anonymous programs. Which have been a Godsend. I am also on emotion regulation medication called “Topamax” which helps with intense overwhelming feelings and emotions. Remeron and Wellbutrin for Major Depressive Disorder, Klonopin and Busphar for anxiety and panic attacks. And Ambien for sleep due to racing thoughts.
I Are you in any type of counseling or medication? You didn’t mention that in your post. Do you have a support group you can join? To help you cope? I hope you feel better soon. There is hope..
July 19, 2017 at 6:53 am in reply to: What to do when it feels like all the doors are shut??? #158944Eliana
ParticipantHi Cath,
I’m sorry to hear what you are going through, and can definitely relate. I too met a man from a different continent (Middle East). I fell head over heels for him. He said he wanted to move to United States as he has lost his job as a chef at a 5 star restaurant. I invested so much time with this man..but he kept saying “it’s just a dream, I will never get out of Iraq”. I kept trying to get him in Culinary schools, even offered to help with his resume, wrote to several restaurants here in U.S to try to get him a scholarship and a job. I think there was one resort that does hire people from different countries, but he never really tried, because he didn’t think He could speak English well enough. He even applied for immigration for Canada and got turned down.
I had to walk away in September, because he started to become very distant from me, and stopped trying and put no effort anymore into us. I still think about him to this day. I don’t know why. I wish I could stop.
I too am on Klonopin for anxiety and panic attacks, as well as Busphar. I know you can’t go off of it “cold turkey” as it can be dangerous, and have nasty withdrawal symptoms with severe “rebound” anxiety. I think you have to be tapered off of it slowly. But if you suffer from Chronic anxiety, and only take it as prescribed, I don’t see any problem with taking it long term. I have been on it for 8 years. Busphar for two years.
I went to the store and bought some “probiotic” yogurt..the one with live cultures and strains in it. Since, I have been eating it, I noticed a significant improvement in my anxiety. I don’t get anxious about that guy or other things, and I feel alot more relaxed, sleep better, and my mood has become better.
ParticipantHi Connie,
I’m sorry you are having to go through this. It stinks, I know. Please post anytime..
ParticipantHi Zeba,
It looks like you have received some great advice. I just wanted to comment a little on your post. The first thing I wanted to comment on is communication style and your relating to him under so stressful situations. You said “Is that why you ignored me and did not want to come? You **should have** told me you had plans. It would not mattered. But why did you ignore me?
This immediately will put anyone on the defensive. Try to avoid using “should have” statements, because it will only cause the other person to get very defensive and verbally attack you back. It’s a no win situation. A vicious cycle. Another one is “why did you ignore me” again, shifting the blame to him, when there is no fact to prove this is true, you are “fortune telling” and “mind reading” again, putting him on the defensive, making him want to hurt you back.
Instead, use “I feel” statements. “It made me feel left out and sad that I was not included” I would like to be made to feel like part of your life more” instead of “why did you ignore me”. I think it all boils down to a breakdown and unhealthy communication styles. A professional conflict resolution therapist can teach better ways to talk to someone to express your needs.
With that being said. No woman should ever, ever be emotionally, verbally or physically abused. You said you had a good relationship with your parents, please get to a safe place immediately, because it will only escalate and I fear for your safety. Can you move in with your parents or go to a domestic violence shelter? Just get away from this man, he is dangerous. Avoid all future contact with him. He may apologize and say he will get better, but willpower alone will not make him better without anger management treatment.
ParticipantHi Katie
I re-read your earlier posts thoroughly and think you have made alot of progress with your anxiety. I think you are doing awesome. Each time, you get anxious, try to turn the anxiety to excitement. For example, if you are having negative thoughts, try to turn them over to something you are looking forward to with this man. You are already making great strides. Keep up the good work..
ParticipantYou’re welcome, please post anytime..