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ParticipantI’d like to add on to what TeaK Mentioned – I very much agree that a good Therapist would be helpful in the healing of past. They can help you give to yourself what others should have given you.
“Sometimes you have to find a way to to give yourself what someone else should have given you”.
In Jung’s path to Individuation the first task is coming to terms with the mother and father complex. Your parents may have influenced how you relate to the mother and father architype however this is not about one parents. This is coming to terms with your own ability to nurture and protect (healthy boundaries) and provide for yourself. Individuation requires that at some point one takes ownership of becoming their own ‘mother‘ and ‘father‘. Our life experience with our parents and other family may have given a good or bad examples, and influenced our own ability to care for ourselves but it does not define it. Even so we must take ownership.
It’s not easy, by the age of 5 most of use have determined how we are we will respond to life. How we will nurture and protect ourselves. That is what TeaK is getting at. If we want to move past that 5 year old response to life you need to ‘talk to him.
Last thought. Some mistake the call to ‘love others as oneself ‘ as a command. I view it as the reality in how we love and that if we can’t love ourselves we are going to find it difficult to love others. How you love yourself will be reflected in how you love others and what they intern reflect back to you. (Why relationships are crucibles of self discovery (becoming). The good the bad and the ugly will show themselves).
You can’t ‘fix’ what others failed to give you but you can start learning to love yourself in more skillful ways. A part of that will be accepting the things you cannot change about yourself and focusing on what you can.
Participanthope is a double edged sword
i really don’t like false hope, again i really don’t care about hope or hopelessness, i only care if this hope its true or not, is it true that i might change in the future ? yes, though there is a lot of things that stay with me, false hope (or dreamy thinking) is what most people do things for, a some kind of illusion, i saw that people deprive motivation from such things, i lived in a fantasy world for a long time, but when i saw reality, i saw nothing worth living, and i still don’t, at least in the past the false hope and the dreamy thinking gave me enough reason to think its worth it.
I think we agree here though I would not label hope as being something that is true or not true. Hope for me is a skill a person can work on, it’s paying attention, keeping ones eyes open for possibility and then acting on it. One should not be defined by how one defines a specific hope or goal. Its more of a direction, open to pivot when required. In Buddhist speak its developing a detachment from a specific outcome while engaged.
I also spent a great deal of time in a fantasy world of hoping for something to magically change and or pretending that it had. Lots of if only this or that, lots of shoulds and unfairs with little action. Hope with eyes closed.
Taking time not to hope, as I was hoping for the wrong things, without falling into a trap of indifference and hopelessness created space for me find some peace in the moment. I have learned to practice hope with carein my case i don’t label a thought as negative or positive, that’s an outside judgment
It can be but it can also be a judgment that comes from ones inner dialog and it can be difficult to separate the two. Your posts suggest to me that both are present but I could be wrong.
im not trying to find a solution, i already know what it is
The advice of taking time not not dwell on ones solution and or sufferings still holds.
ParticipantYou asked for advice, so here it is: first thing for you to do is to stop trying to find a solution to suffering, stop looking for a way out- for the rest of 2021. For the rest of this year, give zero thought to ending your suffering, completely remove your attention from this topic. Do this today, let me know how it feels for you, and we’ll take it from there (one step at a time).
For what its worth I think that’s good advice from Anita.
There was a time in my life when I felt similar to what you talk about. Like you I got discouraged when people suggested I be more positive. The ‘think positive’ advice, as a defensive pessimist I wasn’t built that way and that wasn’t going to change. I was not going to be able to change my thinking by replacing it with ‘positive thinking’. Then it occurred to me. What if I just left the space blank. That to my surprise I was able to do. I changed the stories I was constantly repeating to myself with no story. A kind of mindfulness I guess thought didn’t know it at the time. When the negative stories came, I didn’t try to change them but more important in time I found I didn’t have to dwell on them. Its difficult to describe.
I shared some of T.S Eliot’s pomes before. I repeat this to myself when I find myself filling the space of my self talk unskillfully
“I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing” – I discovered as you mentioned that like toxic positivity, hope is a double edged sword, to easily done unskillfully. Better not to hope then hope unskillfully. It is important to say that this is not hopelessness.
“wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing;” I was very naïve and didn’t have a great relationship with the ‘idea of Love’. Not having to fill a time of waiting with unskillful stories of ‘Love’ turned out to be very freeing.
“there is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting“. That the waiting becomes the faith and love??? I love that. Challenged me to re-evaluate my relationship with faith and love. *
“Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought:” How very true for me at the time. Wait without filling the space with stories, negative or positive. I live in my head so was very surprised to discover it was possible. Those moments when I let thoughts go…
“So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.” The problem of opposites. A change in perspective, the possibility that one can be detached and engaged, still while dancing! Find that the way out of our suffering isn’t the light but first the darkness, isn’t up but going down. A experience discovered in the waiting..
* Belief is no adequate substitute for inner experience, and where this is absent even a strong faith which came miraculously as a gift of grace may depart equally miraculously. People call faith the true religious experience, but they do not stop to consider that actually it is a secondary phenomenon arising from the fact that something happened to us in the first place which instilled pistis into us—that is, trust and loyalty. – Jung
Waiting becomes trust becomes a experience one can lean into.
“If you think you imagine yourself taking the position of esthetic stasis, you’ll understand about withdrawing fear and desire for what happens, and about samsara being nirvana, the still point in the mist of the turning world. That’s all there is to it. Then the world becomes a display of things from which you are disengaged, and yet, voluntarily, you can become engaged “joyous participation in the sorrows of the world.” It is very different from being compulsively linked.”
“We would rather be ruined than changed
We would rather die in our dread
Than climb the cross of the moment
And let our illusions die.”
― W H AudenBut then what our our illusions? Choice? Skillful or unskillful choice?
ParticipantIn my opinion, if we are to truly find bliss within our Consciousness, we must remove our ego from the equation. Any attachment, regardless of how small, to our ego can be detrimental to the self
I think here the question of language, spoken and unspoken as it concerns the experience of Consciousness arises to which the ego appears to play a necessary role. When trying to make something conscious and communicate that to others or ourselves, the I immerges. It is extremely difficult to reference a experience of consciousness without pronouns, without the I.
I would argue that the ‘ego’ plays the necessary role acting as the channel between the unconscious becoming conscious. The error is the assumption that the I is in the drivers seat. The task then is not to ‘remove the ego’ but detach from it, and assign it its proper place. You are not your ego, you have a ego that plays a important role in experience and consciousness.
I personally find this perspective more useful as attempting to remove the ego at best ended up in science at worst ended up a exercise of frustration and or disengagement from Life.
The still point of awareness sees the ego, detached, and dances.
There is a Buddhist story of the beginning where a it becomes aware of itself as the void. When It became aware of itself its first thought was it could be ended by another, but realizing it was alone had nothing to fear. This awareness of aloneness led to the desire not to be alone and so the world was created. No longer alone no longer safe???
The tension of opposites creating consciousness, (the knowledge of the tree of good and evil – not the same thing as the knowledge of what is good and evil) coming at a price that as it creates it undoes itself….
ParticipantI’m taking a social media break.
Just wanted to say thank you for challenging me Murtaza. I hope it didn’t feel like we were gaining up on you.
ParticipantSo anyone who challenges your thinking must disagrees with it
no, though why challenge such thinking ? what would be the point?
To learn and engage with others, to develop better arguments?
No one as you point out can fully understand another. If the criteria with engagement with another is that they must fully understand you and where understanding means agreeing 100% with your life philosophy and never challenge you… I don’t think that’s makes for healthy relationship. One thing I am certain of is that relationships challenge everyone involved. Perhaps its one of their purposes as they create the crucible for growth and becoming. (I assume here that Life desires/demands growth) It’s perplexing or a wonder as a relationship may be experience as healthy or unhealthy, the possibility of growth is always present. More madding that it often takes a unhealthy relationship to create the growth.
If I understand your argument you believe that the accumulative past experiences will eventually become hardcoded and so determine a individual reaction to the present moment. That argument can’t be disproved as you can always say that anyone who questions it only questions it because of their past, their nature and nurture have conditioned them, its in the gens, at at some tipping point can’t be changed?
i asked you a simple question, if you really do have freewill, can you say NO to life? not only saying no, but having the same attitude and beliefs as someone saying no, its a hypothetical question i know, but tell me what do you have to do to end up saying No? cause you really can’t, you simply say yes, lucky i would say
Not really a simple question: My view on freewill is that we have it but that it is very difficult to exercise. Between stimulus and response, the time between the unconscious and conscious, measured to be about a half second, we react or respond. In that half second the present becomes the past (filtered by our past and future hopes).
A person may practice meditation and mindfulness to make the gap between the unconscious and conscious as small as possible. The do this by making the filters conscious. A skillful practice removes the unhelpful filters as well as any cognitive distortions we may have. This creates the possibility of influencing the experience of the present. It does not change the present only the experience of the present which then becomes memory, and then may or may not become part of a filter through which future stimulus will be processed. A filter replacing a filter, the reflection of the present moment always a reflection of the past, there is always a gap. (perhaps a Buddha might be able to remove the gap)
My personal experience has shown me that mindful reflection can change the experience of memory/past and that doing so has change the experience of the present. The painful experience of a relationship ending can be the worst experience of someone’s life, then latter discovering that experience lead to personal growth and strength. From one perspective that’s just messed up, from another amazing. Both experiences now in the past as memory combined, bitter sweet. Is their choice in how the present will be experienced with such a past, now memory?
I don’t know, your argument still stands, maybe its all determined by our gens or maybe its all an illusion. Yet even so, a Buddhist might say one approach to such a illusion may be more skillful then the other. A philosopher may say either way you are accountable. Was that an exercising of freewill? I can’t prove it.
With regards to the idea of answering Yes and No to Life. I grew up the the semiconscious notion that because of ‘sin’, man broke life, but could fix it, usually by following the rules and being ‘good’. This notion in hind sight was really saying No to Life but we can fix it!
In the first half of life this was very useful as it gave me meaning and purpose, Energy to engage with life. Not so much as it was but as I was trying to shape it. Some are able to maintain that view point but in my opinion, only if they refuse to look at life as it is. I could not and hit my head against the problem of , pain/evil – the problem of duality, the problem of opposites. This turned to a time of depression, when my response to Life was a ‘No get me off this ride’.
That prove very unhelpful. After much search of how others dealt with this response/reaction to Life I explored a response of Yes. This response didn’t change the past or present however it did change my experience of my past and imagined future. Its difficult to describe as its a personal subjective experience. As a taste I would describe it as bitter sweet. (the teste of life?) There is a sense of peace, even contentment but also sorrow that comes with a Yes, which feels like a paradox but isn’t. A Yes does not look away from the reality of Life but flows with it
Today I move from No let me off this ride and a Yes, the challenge has been falling into a trap of indifference. Can a person remain still as they dance with life? To be contemplative and act, knowing their actions will end as all actions do?
Their is the practice of sand painting. The artist spend hours creating a masterpiece, takes a movement to ‘see’ it and then destroys it. Such is Life as it is. Can their be pleasure in the creating and a detachment of the inevitable end of all things, all moments? This is what I wonder… My own experience answers… maybe. I’m a work in progress , each moment a practice that starts anew.
When I find myself distraught. I take a breath and ask myself, how am I in this moment responding to Life. Most of the time its a reactive No, I don’t want to play. The dis-ease most often arising not from the moment but my reaction of No. Wishing to ‘fix’ Life, that it be other, and not wanting to play. In the next breath I attempt to be more skillful with my answer and sometimes even succeed. This of course does not disprove your theory of Life.
ParticipantI wonder why you addressed the following question to.. the normies in this site who are way less qualified to judge and advise you
i didn’t address it to normies, i address it in the hope of finding a none normie person that can agree with me, agree on my logic
So anyone who challenges your thinking must disagrees with it, (all or nothing), and disagreeing is a normie to be dismissed? If you are certain in your reasonings why reach out? Why the need to find someone exactly like minded?
i believe in the here and now, the past is already gone, and whatever has been produce from such past, can’t live here
That’s why you say you’re “created in a way that guarantees misery” i say this because of the combination of my past and current needs and desire and beliefs and values and goals
If the past can’t exist in the now, why should it influence the present, why not choose your present as you will? Viktor Frankl argued (and Science backs up) that “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” He talks only of the possibility. His observation in the concentration camps shows that most will not choose but instead summit to fate. Either way end was the same for those that choose to respond with ‘grace’ or those that gave didn’t. Only the inner experience of the moment was different.
It is true that the ability to choose and what is chosen in a moment may be determined by the cards a person one has been dealt. The choice a illusion of fate. Still the process between stimulus and response exists and so the fate of the possibility of picking new cards. The past is gone, the end determined, yet their is space between that fate allows us to play with. Why not play? The past is gone, their is no requirement that we hold on to all the cards we were given, especially the ones that only exist as memory. A duality and paradox, Fate and choice existing in the same moment?
In the space between stimulus and response we filter the present moment though the filters of our fears, hopes, expectations desire… almost all of which are based on memory of the past and memory is a trickster.
Participantsymbols to what ? i like to be clear as possible, say what i really mean, without any symbols, i dislike symbols, because really if you want to say something, why not just say it
The word tree is not a tree. 16 bits of information that points past itself to a actual specific objective tree of which the 16 bits describe very little. Subjectively the word tree is a experience, a idea, a possibility of million of bits of information. The word tree pointing to something beyond the definition of the word tree, or the object that is a tree. The map is not the territory, and words are the map not the territory. All words are symbols of the territory.
It is unlikely that we will understand each other and I’m not sure you want to? When I talked of saying Yes and No to Life as it its I indicated that both answers were valid, that perhaps their was a time for either. I did suggest that the wisdom traditions appear to suggest that Yes was a ‘better’ answer but even those are often practiced as a No. The intention is to take ownership of the answer and know in the moment how one is responding or reacting to life. Saying No to something that cannot be changed may provide the energy to change what can or it can be just a waist of energy.
Let me speak plainly. When I read your writing this is the impression I am left with.
Few have suffered as much as you, or been dealt such a difficult hand. Only those who have been dealt such a hand might understand, but their isn’t anyone? Anyone that has found a way to deal with such suffering have have fooled themselves and refuse to look at their reality with honesty? Like the normies they can be dismissed. Your reasoning appears to allow you to be superior in your disappointment of the hand dealt you.Superior, even if miserable, happy?
I don’t view that as a contradiction, I know many that find ‘joy’ even happiness in being ‘realistic’ with what many might call a negative view of life. I suspect that I preferer a melancholy state of being, that in a way I find ‘joy’ in being sad.
I do think we have free will but that it is extremely difficult to exercise. (I suspect that most of us (myself included) have never learned how to exercise it) As above so below as below so above, we are influenced and we influence, only the ‘above doing the influencing’, is the most likely.
We are dealt cards that we did not ask for, and some cards suck, some people will never experience happiness or joy as those words are generally understood. Yet I wonder. How is it that some who have been dealt the best of hands fall into depression, while some with the worst hands don’t and even thrive in their way?
ParticipantHi Murtaza
I thank you for clarifying your response, however I still don’t feel dialog between us is going to be helpful. You appear to be very literal with your definitions where as I see words as symbols, that point past themselves expanding ones experience.
To be clear your language didn’t bother me it just left me little space to engage with. Take your reaction to the words wonder and joy that gave you permission to assume you understood my experience and so labeled me a ‘norime’. Perhaps if you knew of my time in the military, time of cancer, time of losing love ones you might reconsider the definition of ‘normal’. Where you responding to me you, or responding you your associations with the words joy and wonder? Presuming my use of the words meant you knew me, and knowing me, free to label me and set me aside. The very thing you dislike others doing to you.
I brought up the Buddhist noble truth of suffering because you your original question in this thread reminded me of it. (and that this is a Buddhist site if a little one) You assume that because I brought it up I understand it and or must agree with it. Which I do and I don’t. It seems to depends on the perspective I take. From where I look at it, in general or personal, objective or subjective… Life is complex and simple.
I should have been clear, It was Schopenhauer who said ‘Life is something that should not be’ In context He struggled with the reality that Life feeds off life, and that he found no meaning to it, and little joy. (I wonder if he did not enjoy being sad, I wonder if that might also apply to me?)
Our life is dependent of consuming life until it is our turn to be consumed. Every breath we take fuels and brakes down our body. The only advice I gave is that how we respond to that reality is important as it will very much color our experiences. Some will turn to religion, some to drink, some to meditation, some to despair, some to indifference, some to engagement, some to art, some to anger, some to love, some to hate, some to compassion, some to joy… Their may be a time for each, who am I to say which is the better for someone other then myself.
I wondered if the “Salmon” after completing it journey enjoyed the struggle or resented it. It is a wonder to me that I can imagine that that Salmon did. That does not mean I have been able to do the same with regards my own sufferings… I wonder…. when I found myself on a mountain, in a storm, injured, cold, miserable, frightened, that in that moment I found wonder at the power of the storm, the mountain, myself. A experience I would never choose to experience, yet cannot deny how alive I felt in the moment. I wonder if it was Joy? How is it that perspective can change a memory of a experience, and that change the present moment? Why is it the word wonder is related to the word wounded? Greater minds then mine have pondered such things.
This is only dialog not advice.
ParticipantYou don’t understand a thing about me, or people like me, you don’t know how it feels like to live without “wonder” and “fun”, you will never know, so please save your advice to people like you
Sorry if I offended you. I don’t presume to understand you, thus the dialog, and I trust you don’t presume to understand me.
I wasn’t offering advice just a philosophical perspective on my view of Life. A very general perspective that I find helpful. Its taken me years to get to a place where I can sometimes stop demanding that LIFE be other then it is. (sometimes I still ‘enjoy’ giving Life the finger). My struggle is avoiding indifference. That said we must each find our own way through the woods.The idea that Life is suffering is one of the 4 noble truths – some find it helpful, some don’t, so I won’t get into that.
I find your generalization of ‘norimes’ troubling and likely unhelpful. It seems to be dependent on your ability to ‘know’ what others are feeling and experiencing, something you often accuse others of.
I was wrong about what I thought you were seeking and we aren’t using language in the same way, so will end this dialog such as it was between us. Anita seems best suited to engage with you.
I wish you well. I suspect you won’t believe that, but I do.
ParticipantInteresting dialog Murtaza. You appear have undergone a great deal of self examination leaning towards a philosophical realistic view on life. Perhaps a desire to measure and label life and make it understandable if not manageable.
Life is suffering, some suffering cannot be eased, therefore the compassion action, the logical one would be to end it? (This I believe was your initial question?)
The response to the Question of Life: No, get me off this ride and end this cycle of birth and death all of which is suffering. (Birth and death both literal and as metaphor. Every creation is also a destruction and every destruction a creation. Summer leads to winter which leads to summer. That is the wonder of Life and its Horror.) Life is broken, something that should not be, refusing to conform to my will of what it ought to be, I resist life.
Another response to the question of Life, one that also sees Life as it is, its wonder and horror, and that is with a YES and then a choice to Participate “joyfully” in the sorrows of the world. Such a Yes looks suffering in the eye and does not pretend life to be otherwise while resisting the temptation to turn toward indifference. Engaging in life with a aim of not adding to the suffering when possible, open to laugh in the moments of wonder.
I wonder if perhaps how we answer the question that is Life, isn’t the only choice and act of free will we have. Yes or No. Most wisdom traditions seem to flirt with both, maybe that’s dependent on the eye of the beholder.
My observations is that a ‘Yes’ is the more difficult answer to come to, at least until it is embraced and internalized. This Yes has the potential to lead to a kind of contentment and participating with the flow of life as it is. A No tends to push against the flow, the more painful as we know Life’s will, will in the end be done. But that can be fun and a kind of wonder too…
Perhaps the trick is to be honest with which ever answer and make it yours. Maybe their is a time for each?
The salmon struggles against the current to return home and lay its eggs, perhaps even having a kind of knowing that completing its task will be its end. An end that will be the same for its spawn. A cycle of suffering, struggle and wonder? One can imagine the salmon happy. (Did the Salmon answer life with a Yes or No?)
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
ParticipantHi Cris
Their is another saying that ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ which I guess has some truth. The longer we know someone the more likely we forget what attracted us to them and take things for granted. Hopefully that doesn’t lead to contempt.
I think partners having different interests is good for a relationship as long the differences are respected. I also don’t think partners need to have everything in common or do everything together all the time. Teaching a extrovert to enjoy quite time and a introvert to be more social at times is a positive.
In ballroom dancing when your learning to connect as a lead or follow the intention is to create space and fill it. Their is a difference in how the Lead creates space and fills it and how the Follow fills space and creates its but both are creating space and filling it. Creating and filling space at the same time may seem a impossibility but we do all the time. Doing so consciously allows our partner to ‘know’ were we are, where we are going, what shape is being created… Its a communication that isn’t a pull or push but a invitation. And so we dance.
A shared practice of mindfulness and gratitude could help in creating and filling space. I find it helpful sometimes to ask my self – ‘How am I creating space? How is the space being field? How am I filling space?
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
May 3, 2021 at 12:08 pm in reply to: Gratitude and ignorance feel like two sides of the same coin. #379129Peter
ParticipantHi Weiword
“Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy. The warrior’s approach is to say “yes” to life: “yea” to it all.” ― Joseph Campbell
Every myth and religious tradition has struggled with the question you asked. (often related to the question of why is their evil, pain, suffering in the world) The answer of the mystics is ‘YES’. However many will argue that the answer is No, get me off this ride and end the cycle. Others that we broke Life (sin) and so must fix it. (and we fix it by following the rules… and following the rules will be rewarded )
You have already noted that you have little influence on the majority of the suffering in the world you are witness too, and a intuition that a answer of No is causing you a great deal of discordance. That a answer of No is really a ego thing, a attempt to control life and shape it to our will.
What if Life is not broken?
The reality of life is that it ‘lives’ off life, life eats life, that is its wonder and horror. (each breath you take is a sacrifice of life, a birth, a death and a reresection) Is is possible to say Yes to that wonder and horror? I believe there is.
A No tends to go against the flow, against life, leading to resistance, tension, anger and fear. While a Yes enters into the flow where you actually can influence it. Think of the sky diver that has learned to use slight body moments to influence how he falls and avoid tumbling. Either way the skydiver is falling. They can fight it and tumble or relax, influence what they can an enjoy the ride.
The challenge is the temptation to allow the Yes to turn to indifference and a disengagement with life. (which would be a No)
A authentic Yes ‘sees’ life as it is, opening the heart to gratitude and compassion. A authentic Yes will avoid adding to the suffering of the world, alleviating the suffering that is within their power. This presents the challenge of learning how to be fully engaged in life as it is and “detached” from outcomes. (again not indifference) The tension between being contemplative (still) while active and engaged.
Many of the mystics talk about the ‘stillness being the dance’ the ‘ darkness the light.. It will feel like a paradox. How can one be still and moving? How can the dark be the light? (the way out is not up but down, into the pain)? How can one enjoy ones gifts while at the same time participating in the suffering of others, of life? (without the need of anger and hate to drive the movement?)
Mindfulness, contemplation, gratitude, compassion…. action
ParticipantNot having someone close to talk things over with our inner conversation often turns dark. Projection is often a attempt to escape these dark thoughts however that usually takes us out of ourselves .
I found checking my thinking and writing for cognitive discordance (becoming more mindful of how my thoughts manifested) helpful. My tendency is to overgeneralize, all or nothing thinking, catastrophizing and thinking I Knew what others were thinking. I also keep an eye out for victims and villain stories. The intention is to notice and not judge myself.
The interview or company may or may not be looking for geniuses, however you can’t know that, or likely define what geniuses means to those representing the company in the interview. I suspect a ‘fit’ would include personality and ability with personality often more important assuming the candidate has a good working foundation and ability to learn.
The best interview I ever had was one in which when I arrived and looked around thought no way would they hire me. However, instead of choking I had the thought that I had nothing to lose. I was relaxed, enthusiastic and engaged in active listening which create more of a conversation vibe. I surprised myself and got the job.
This corresponds with suicidal thoughts. One if you really wished you were dead you would have nothing to lose so might as well be yourself and let go of the anxiety which isn’t helpful ( some anxiety can be helpful). In dream/symbolic language the ‘desire to die’ is a desire for change and recognizing that all change requires a dying. The letting go of the old to create space for the new. (the old often becoming fertilizer for the new). To the ego change is often experienced as if one was actually going to physically die and so the ego resists change even as the subconscious push toward authentic self. We find ourselves wishing to die and at the same time afraid to die. Subconscious communicates though a langue of symbol and will use dreams of death or even suicidal thoughts to communicate that a moment of birth is possible if we let go of our fear and ego… scary stuff.
In the above context the thoughts of wanting to die don’t have to be taken as suicidal thoughts but the reaffirmation that you are really seeking growth.
ParticipantHi Felix
Sounds like you have a good plan in how to move forward. I also find that when I spend to much time following the news that I get disappointed, frustrated, angry. I wonder where is the compassion, the ability to listen. Why have so many hardened their hearts as comes to the idea of forgiveness (I suspect many equate forgiveness with no longer be able to hold people accountable. A very unskillful concept of forgiveness). What happened to the idea of learning better and doing better. That we are more then the sum of our parts, more then a single moment in time, more then a single experience? Has the idea of zero tolerance lead to the idea that people are defended by the worst thing they have ever done. No tolerance, no forgiveness, no room for learning better.
I can get very worked up and lose site of my own center. My challenge has been to maintain my center, the still point, while staying engaged in the world as it is. To accept the world as it and engage in and detached. That has always seem to be a paradox, the art of being engaged and detached at the same time. Their are times I can hold that paradox but more times then not I slide into a detachment that is really indifference. A work in progress
Anyway I came across the following the other day and it reminded me of this conversation
Yearning for a new way will not produce it. Only ending the old way can do that. You cannot hold onto the old all the while declaring that you want something new. The old will defy the new; the old will deny the new; the old will decry the new. There is only one way to bring in the new. You must make room for it. – Neale Donald Walsch
Easier said then done. I’ve notice that when I do spend to much of my attention on the news I slip into my ‘old ways’
A unlived Life will be projected onto others to the extent that it is unrecognized. What you devalue and reject in yourself you will criticize and castigate other for. What you fear in yourself you will flight or flee in others. What you lack in yourself you will depend upon others to provide. – Living your Unlived Life – Robert A. Jonson.
When I do fall back into the trap of my ‘old ways’ I am doing just that. As I pay attention to the news I find myself projecting my disappointments, my desire for control, for things to be other then what they are on others. A distraction and in a odd way though wanting control my projections actually are a surrender of what control and accountably that I have. Probably why I do it.
Anyway keep at it, what more can we do.
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by