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ParticipantChange happens slowly then all at once – every victory is a victory! Congratulations on your success the next victory is just around the corner. Well done!
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantWe are overwhelmed and become stuck when are mind tries answer all the questions we have at once.
Change happens slowly then all at once. Change starts with focusing on one doable thing at a time. My suggestion is that that first thing is not this fuzzy thing we think of as purpose.
I have read many books on the subject of purpose and have found that the question is a unskillful distraction. As Joseph Campbell noted its pointless to ask the question when you are the answer. You are the Answer! Your Being in all its messiness is Purpose. Life does not have some mysterious purpose that you must somehow find. You are already purpose. Its not what you will do that will create a purpose but who you are, your being as you act in this world that will. From this perspective of being everything you experience is purpose.
TS Eliot wrote “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” You can choose to go down this road frantically, longingly seeking out purpose that is one path but there is another to go down this road calmly and with assurance that you will return home and see it for the first time as it is, for what it is. And in seeing it so find yourself able to say Yes, Yes to all of it.
I’ve been re-reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Today I read the following: “stuckness shouldn’t be avoided. An egoless acceptance of stuckness is a key to an understanding of all”. So Great News! You are just where you need to be to get to where you want to go! The first step towards change perhaps learning how to give egoless acceptance of where you are. No need for labels, like purpose, for your experiences. Accept where you are and you will know where you need to go next. One step at a time. Trust Life and trust your inner self and one day you will find yourself content that you gave life purpose and it being you is amazing.
ParticipantYour post seems to indicate you know your in a toxic relationship yet continue to to try to soothe things over perhaps playing the peacekeeper role. It it possible that a part of you doesn’t feel you deserve better? If so why? If you don’t have a answer to that you could be unconsciously creating confrontations to re-enforce this belief.
Based on what you wrote its possible that the two of you are in a codependent relationship triggering each others “ghosts” in hopes of healing but that instead feed off of each-other. It is also likely at this time your partner does not have the skills to navigate whatever is behind his behavior and that a peacemaker approach is not going to help. It actually appears to be reinforcing the behavior.
It is unfortunate that but sometimes Love requires a end to a relationship. It’s a paradox that it is often the pain of a ending that we learn what is needed to begin. Trust your intuition. If the relationship is toxic you know what you need to do for you.
ParticipantWe repeat the past in order to heal it. You can break out of the cycle when you make this truth conscious. Try to create some space where you can be with yourself without labels, judgments or measuring of your experience. When you can sit with yourself without labeling your experience as this or that you will be less likely to get stuck living out the labels.
I found the following books helpful when I struggled to understand my relationships. ‘How to Be an Adult in Relationships’ and ‘When the Past Is Present: Healing the Emotional Wounds that Sabotage our Relationships’ by David Richo
Most people think of love as a feeling, but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present.” Richo offers a fresh perspective on love and relationships—one that focuses not on finding an ideal mate, but on becoming a more loving and realistic person.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantYou are where you need to be – which is perfect as its the place you will move from in order to get to where your going.
You could keep trying to step off from a imagined future or regret of the past but you won’t find a good footing to push of from. Like trying to walk in the vacuum of space. Save yourself some time and energy and let it go.
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future. – Fulton Oursler
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – “If you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” ― Joseph Campbell
Participant“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
“Chaos is the law of nature; Order is the dream of man.” Henry Adams
“I want so badly to fight this, but I look ahead and I see slummy apartments, jobs I hate, being A 30 year old man who crises and never finds any kind of passion. I look at what my next step should be and there’s no ground to stand on.”
You have identified your problem and answered your own question. You know what your next step should be. The problem is looking ahead and imagining the worst. Living in this imagined future is leaving you with no ground to stand on because this future does not exist. How could you then stand on it? The first step then is to develop the skills to avoid this type of thinking/being. (We create what we fear so we must be careful with what we imagine. The good news is that this truth means we can also create what we hope for.)
This tendency to look ahead and imagine a future and then living in that imagined future present is getting in your way of creating space where you can discover yourself and maybe even find yourself content to live in the present.
When you notice that you are projecting fear into the future and living it now try the practice of pulling your consciousness back to the present without judgments. Visualize your awareness as if it were a dog. Call it back from this imagined feared future and visualize yourself putting a leash on it. Practice training your dog consciousness. Learn when you can let the dog explore, run and play and when to call it to heel. Eventually you will learn the how to direct your consciousness instead of letting your consciousness direct you.
When you learn to create this space ask yourself what was it that trigger your flight into the future? Practice observing Fear without labeling it. How much of it was False Evidence Appearing Real? How much of your experience is a result of the labels you created?
Chaos does not mean total disorder. Chaos means a multiplicity of possibilities. Chaos is from the ancient Greek words that means a thing that is birthed from the void. And it was about that which is possible, not about disorder. Jok Church
A possibility that is birthed from the void! A “Life in complete chase” a doorway into possibility! Open the door and walk though.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
ParticipantSometimes Love requires that a relationship end. Trust your intuition, you know what needs to happen.
If you end the relationship you should stop all contact if only to create some space for you to work on yourself and what you really want from a relationship. I recommend the book ‘How to be an adult in Relationships’.
ParticipantSorry your feeling this way. You are not alone; a person can have a lot to be grateful and still experience loneliness and depression. Telling yourself that your wrong to have such feelings could be making such feelings stronger perhaps even finding yourself stuck feeling bad for feeling bad…
It sounds odd doesn’t it, feeling bad for feeling bad for feeling bad and down the rabbit hole we go. But this is what often happens when we label our feelings as wrong. A Label that can distract us from finding and dealing with what we need to attend to.
Here is an interesting paradox; what if feeling guilty for the way you feel, unworthy to feel what you are feeling, is connected to your experience of worthlessness. Is it possible that a step to moving forward and out of this stuck-ness is to acknowledge what you feeling? Your feelings and your needs have value. You have value. What your feeling is not wrong, emotions are information letting you know that something needs attention. You need attention. Finding someone to talk to, (maybe not a friend or family member) might be of help to untangle your thoughts and feelings.
“I wish I could start the past three/four years of my life all over again and re-do all the mistakes I’ve made.”
You have an inner wisdom speaking to you: There is no do over and even if you could start again you would make the same “mistakes”. This inner wisdom knows you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. In hindsight, you have learned better but learning better doesn’t allow one to time travel and do over. We can only take what was learned and apply to the present. But you already know this. The only mistake is not learning from our experiences.
Practice moving your attention from the past, from regret, and focus it on the now where when you learn better you do better. What more can you ask of others or yourself. Trust your intuition. You have inner resources just waiting to be discovered and that will amaze you.
November 29, 2017 at 1:49 pm in reply to: Please, please something is very wrong with my mind! #179987Peter
ParticipantI have never heard of Derealisation and Depersonalisation before. I’m glad to hear you manage to get over it but can’t image what having such an experience would be like.
Much of Buddhist practice is to be the observer to one’s thoughts, emotions and body as well to realize the illusion of time – past and future in order to be present. But with your past experiences of DPDR such a practice might be disorienting so I hesitate commenting on your post…
If you continue to meditate a guided meditation might be helpful. Someone to bring you back to your self and teach you how to return. (I wonder if its possible that your gifted in this regard but have not yet learned how to master it. Having a “Odd Perception” could be a door to creativity and discovery if you learn how to master it and let go of all the labels your applying to yourself) You might also benefit from talking to a Jungian Analyst or other professional.
You might find the following book interesting but be careful if you have a tendency to overthink things as one of the suggestions is learning how to observe the self. If your prone to DPDR that could be a problem but then you might learn that its not a problem at all, just a different perception, not odd at all, maybe even helpful. ‘The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself’ by Michael A. Singer
I wish you well
ParticipantWhen I notice myself feeling anxious I stop what I’m doing and take moment and remind myself that I am not my thoughts, I am not my memories/past, I am not my emotions. I am the observer of thoughts, memories and emotions. In this way space is created to take a breath and change perspective to what is happening around me allowing the experience to flow. That statement is also the mantra I use when I start a specific time of meditation. (Eventually the practice of meditation isn’t something a person does only during a specific time a day but a practice of every moment)
Another mediation visualization I do is imagining myself as a wheel with spokes. I notice that as the wheal turns there is a difference perspective of time depending where my awareness is directed. When directed at the end of a specific spoke the wheel contacting the ground for a moment (present) and then going around… From this perspective, the world rushing by can be intimidating as my attention is constantly moving between what is coming and then what is past. I then draw my attention down the spoke to the center of the hub. From this perspective, the center of the hub spins so quickly that it remains still. The still point. From this point the past, present, future occur at the same time and no longer intimidating. I look out from the still point and see the world as it is and say yes. I practice directing my attention up and down the spokes and rest at the still point
“At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is, But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity, Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards, Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point, There would be no dance, and there is only the dance.” – TS Eliot
I also like the Zen practice of entering into an activity like archery or dance where the focus isn’t only on the outcome but allowing the experience to teach us. As you train your new puppy (congratulations) enter into the experience and allow it to teach you. One thing I noticed about dogs is that they react to the energy of the owner more then they do with words and commands. This is a perfect place to practice being calm and intentional as you train your puppy and then maybe practice the same techniques with yourself. Practice showing yourself the same patients and love that you show your puppy and remember to have fun with it. The puppy will love you without judgment can you learn to love yourself with out judgment?
ParticipantIt sounds like your anxiety often results in anxiety attracts which are often triggered by feeling anxious about being anxious. That might sound odd however when we get to the point of a anxiety attract that is usually what is happening. Our attention becomes fixated on the anxiety which feeds the anxiety and we get stuck. No wonder we can’t breathe, all our energy and attention is stuck in a loop.
Worry about the future and failing may be unskillful and something to work on, however it is normal. These fears (false evidence appearing real) can be dealt with however the anxiety is getting in the way and taking up all your energy. The issue is not your fears but anxiety. Let the issues behind your fears go. You can deal with them after you learn how to work with your anxiety. One step at a time. Trying to fix everything all at once will only feed your anxiety.
Having had anxiety attacks I learned the key was to stop fighting them and allowing the experience to flow. The first step was to notice and make the experience conscious as soon as possible so that I could respond and not just react.
Saying No I Will Not let myself feel anxious is only going to feed the anxiety and encourage an attack. The next time your experiencing an attack see if you can let your self observe it without judgment. Notice which parts of your body gets tense and when your mind becomes fixated. Notice what your consciousness fixated on and practice withdrawing it, distracting yourself from it, look away. Notice if you are applying labels to the experience and practice acknowledging the thoughts as information without labels of good or bad. Notice if you get angry at yourself for the labels you created about your experience. How much of the anger and anxiety you experience a result of the labels and how much on what is or has occurred. (How much of the experience was objective and how much subjective.)
In this way, the experience can flow through you vice creating a log jam, (picture yourself as a running river) Eventually the amount of time in the attack will decrease until you won’t bother with them anymore. The anxiety having served its purpose as something to push against for greater awareness
I like to picture my consciousness as a dog with normal dog characterises like curiosity, playfulness, loyalty and protective. My dog awareness is easily distracted… squirrel… and sometimes that protective loyalty pays to much attention to my anxiety which makes it anxious or on what it can’t see or know (uncertainty) and so barks and barks or worse bites and won’t let go. During these times, I picture attaching a leash and redirecting the attention elsewhere. Often it just takes a slight tug on the leash. (Never a bad dog or becoming angry. It seems the dog response best when I’m calm and intentional) I picture myself training my conciseness to heal, to fetch, to play, to protect… Instead of my conciseness directing me I direct my conciseness.
ParticipantOne of the purpose of relationships is to create the space where we get to deal with our past hurts so that we can become. Your ahead of the game as you recognized that you will bring this into whatever relationship you’re in until you learned what you need to learn/heal. As you are aware of this I have no doubt that you will end the cycle. I found the book by David Ricco ‘How to be a Adult in Relationships’ very helpful as I had unrealistic expectations about relationship – impacted by past hurts that need to be healed.
ParticipantWe love to measure our experiences. Am I happy now? What about now? Maybe now? Is this it, was that it? We suck at measuring experience and more often than not the act of measuring/judging an experience kills it and takes us out of the present. Happiness could slap us in the face and we would fail to notice. We suck at measuring and end up telling ourselves crap stories that we then begin to live. We become the stories we tell.
The practice of meditation becomes helpful once we realize that the practice isn’t something we do is a certain period of time but in every breathe we take. When we make life our practice we notice how the words we use to measure our experience changes the experience and let them go and doing so allowing the experience to flow through us. We learn to dance with our experiences and not against them.
There is a time for all things. Time to go to the gym as a practice of discipline. A time to go to the gym to engage with our body. A time to go to the gym to socialize, and a time to stay home. All valid experiences that have nothing and everything to do with how your feeling.
ParticipantYou have to stop doing this to yourself. You have to break all contact and remove all reminders. Cold Turkey. There is no other way. If you continue to play the game you are choosing to lose.
If choosing to play the game is a authentic choice live it authentically without judgment or complaint you will soon learn what you need to learn from it and move forward. Its the wanting to stop but not wanting to stop that is keeping you stuck
November 26, 2017 at 12:06 pm in reply to: How can I train myself to stop suppressing emotions #179495Peter
ParticipantCreating some space for yourself might be a place to start. Somewhere to meditate or read a book about reconnecting with yourself. Some time just for you to be with you.
You may find joining a book club or perhaps taking a weekend seminar on something that interests you a great place to practice expressing yourself. Neutral ground where you are free to say and feel what think and feel.
Talking to a professional would help you identify what it is you want to expresses as well as help you find healthy ways to do so with your family.
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by