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  • in reply to: How to Cope With Old Feelings #391865

    Hi canary

    You feelings about being hurt will not disappear just because you forgave the perpetrator. Your feelings are telling you to pay attention to something – I am not sure what cope means exactly, but is it to resign to the fact that these feelings will persist and you want to move ahead with life? I do not recommend coping. I recommend sitting with those feelings and looking at what angered and made you sad. One thing that helps me, is to know that the other person caused this anger or sadness and taking responsibility only for my well being as I move forward. But the responsibility of causing this has to go to the person that hurt you.

    Are you still around this person? Have they moved on? Were you compensated emotionally and mentally for being hurt? You hurt is asking for attention, please give it that.

    There is nothing wrong with your anger. Aim for not letting it consume you. And for it to not consume you, you need to pacify it, console it, take its side and acknowledge the hurt. Dedicate some time of the day for this. You will get better as time goes on, at focussing on yourself.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: Hurt so much #391864

    Hi Imuhetalanaht

    I understand what happened now. You did your best. Please take care of yourself. Let the older people figure it out. You are probably doing it already, but it may be a good idea to involve other men in your family whom you know will not blame women, to protect you while you get through this, and to help with police and legal matters.

    in reply to: My sexual past ruining relationships #391862

    Hi David

    Good luck with the therapist. Your post already has the answer. Cut contact with your ex. Do you have kids with her? Otherwise there is no reason for you to stay in touch.

    How will your ex destroy your life unless you let her? Get away from her and look forward instead of backward.

    You may not be a good person, i am pretty sure I am also bad to some people and good to others. If you committed an actual crime, you deserve punishment via the legal system of your country. In no scenario, does one individual get to destroy another person. And in this case, you need to take control and move on.

    I am glad you made a choice to live a happier life. You need to work on that actively and reframe your future in terms of things you can control and act on. Good luck!

    in reply to: I want to be normal #391858

    Hi anita

    Thank you for the wishes and the compliments – you have the courage to address and consider personal, emotional topics that most people automatically reject. Add to these your intelligence and genuine kindness, and … I think that your work colleagues are fortunate to have you and I know that you are not a loser – Feels really nice to hear good things about myself from you. I am glad to hear you say I am kind and honest. I need to overcome those fears. I want to be okay with who and what I am. I think one of the main causes of this inner turmoil is constantly worrying about what I am coming across as to people.

    I think I’ve discovered something, adding to what we discussed about what I meant to my mother. I am worried about appearing useless at work. That might be because of the fear of getting fired, like my father. But also, there has always been fear of not doing enough for my mother. At home, I find myself constantly checking in with my mother to see if she needs help with anything. It is strange that even after close to 3 decades, I don’t trust my mother to come to me if she needs help. She has never hidden her suffering yet she carries the image of a silent sufferer. I may come across as rude, but if she was keen on hiding her suffering, we wouldn’t be aware at all. I think it was a game, doing everything herself and complaining about having done everything. Instead of communicating up front, we were expected to guage her burden. So, it naturally instilled this guilt that we weren’t good daughters for not looking for ways to ease her burden with house work. But now I also realize the same principle applies to emotions as well. I see this with my sister too, no one does this. It is not normal. You either feel like doing some work or someone asks you to do it, so you do it. This constant worry that my mom might be doing too much house work is really strange. Today, if I asked her if she needs any help, she’ll say no. But, where does this worry that she needs help come from? It is from feedback in the past. She used to look so done with everything. That now we want to pre-empt that mental/physical exhaustion. Sometimes it looked like she was done with life.

    We had already re-hired the lady who washed dishes a few months back, there’s still other work to do, but any of us could do it. I don’t know why it’s a burden when she does it. Why is it a burden. You either do it or you don’t. Why act like we’ve imprisoned her.  There’s also the angle of – they don’t have a lot of retirement money and she doesn’t want us to spend money on them. But I can afford it so instead of doing it myself, I hired someone. Again, if it is on me to find a solution, I’ll find something that is convenient for me. But I feel guilty. So, coming back to appearing useless, instead of thinking if they have some work for me, they’ll tell me. I am constantly worried about looking useless to my seniors and boss.

    Talking about a prison, I think our culture contributes to this – we are expected to look at her being miserable and complaining, but not doing anything about it, and be grateful for that. And in turn are expected to be okay with us feeling like we are imprisoned but stay, to be good children.I once expressed wanting to move to a paid accomodation and I can’t describe the anger on my mother’s face. It was going to be in the same city, but she didn’t like that. Why would any parent want their child to continue living in their hell. Sometimes I wonder if my mother is actually as hurt as us. She gets upset when I pick fights with my father now. Almost like a general upset his soldier got into a fight without being commanded to. She never directly pushed me to fight, but I used to fight a lot when I was younger. Now I am expected to stop, like a robot.

    As for what you mentioned in you last post, you’re right, she tried to turn us against our father so she could control us and she succeeded. My fear and worry benefit her immensly. She positioned herself as good and constantly threatened to oust us from her side. I wasn’t even rebellious, I was genuinely unwell mentally and she dealt with it with being cold and self-centred. I feel broken. I don’t know how to fix this. You are asking me not to feel guilt, but I honestly don’t know where the boundary of a healthy mother-daughter relationship lies. I don’t know how to take care of her without the worry or guilt.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: I want to be normal #391835

    Hi anita

    Hope you are doing well. How are you?

    Thank you for your kindness. I missed talking to you. I had gone through your last post. I needed some time to respond. I was triggered by my own promotion which was confirmed yesterday and have been struggling since I found out I got it. All the gaps I have in my career and skills presented themselves to me. Add to that I am leading another person and we are both new to the project. It makes me feel like I am not doing my job properly. I am afraid of leading and letting others down.

    I used my questions to ascertain action items that I had to do irrespective of whether my fears would come true. It eliminated noise like getting fired. “Am I doing something for each of the fears?” was what I went with. It then didn’t matter if they came true. That helped me write a checklist for things to follow up on or do, to help unblock my teammate. So I feel better. A huge problem for me is asking others for help, afraid the question is dumb. I pushed myself to reach out. It may sound silly but I am exhausted after that. Makes me feel good that I did it though.

    I am not way ahead of my teammate despite being senior and that has me fear that he is judging me. I am always afraid of being judged as a loser. I had to calm myself down and tell myself that it’s ok and I will do my best. I also bought a lavendar and rose tea. And it is incredibly soothing. The fragrance brought a smile on my face and it calmed my body.

    Tomorrow is a national holiday for us. I will use it to rest my mind. I will respond to your other message in a couple of hours or a day. Thank you for reaching out.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391696

    Hi anita

    I hope you’ll feel better soon. Omicron is spreading like wildfire here too. But as you said people are recovering well.

    Everything I’ve written is from my perspective of what I want to take care of. I don’t even want to be the caretaker. I just want her to have one. What I mean to my mom is worse than what you’ve written.

    What I know I am to my mother or mean to is her personal diary where she filled pages with vitriol and her stresses since I was 10 -11. I don’t have memories before that. We had to be grateful to her for her sacrificies. I honestly don’t know what those are. What I really mean to her is I am her safety net. Goes beyond what you’ve described. It’s worse. She’ll just step aside and have us fight her fights. She is the biggest victim. Anytime we used to go to my maternal grandmother’s place, they used to tell me to take care of my mom. From very early on. What can a 10 year old do? They were telling us to be more mature and not trouble her. We were “troubling her” by being what we were, kids. So even now, what I mean to my mom is a burden. She used to project my father onto me. I started worrying that I will hurt her from a very young age. Now I remember it is because she used to express with her words and actions that we were troubling her. And we used to hate our dad for causing us pain, we didn’t want to add to hers. She used that to say don’t do this or that, you will turn out to be like him. I am really scared of turning into my father and she used that against me. Everyone around us used to call us docile. We were just kids being kids. We had to be the elders. I am an elder to her. From a very young age both her and the extended family has instilled guilt in us. I have expressed to her before that I am worried about leaving her and getting married. She has never tried to assure me that they will be ok. I am expected to worry about her.

    So, if I had to paraphrase yes – live-in home caretaker with the ability to drive her to the hospital and such? I don’t drive though, take her by cab.

    I remembered something else, when I used to be down or depressed around 14-15 she used to tell me she was already tired of dealing with my father and just can’t deal with it if we turn out like him as well. I think that’s where the fear comes from. She essentially told me I was not normal and she didn’t want to deal with it.

    Another time, I was really depressed and lying down in bed for days and my dad started praying for me. My mom is scared when he gets prayerful as that means he is really anxious and may spiral down, so she came yelling to my room saying my dad will get worse if I lie down. I had to get up immediately. We always had to be her foot soldiers for dealing with my dad. Worry about him. Why did I have to worry about him?


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391690

    I read your most recent reply, anita. I am sorry to hear you caught covid. Really glad to hear you have mild symptoms. I wish you a full recovery! Please take care and rest well


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391688

    Hi anita

    I wrote the closeness you feel to her, not the closeness you experience with her. By feeling close to her, I mean that there is, within your mind and heart, a desire for closeness with her. This is a tricky distinction to make, and I will try to explain it best I can: – I understand the difference now. I certainly had and continue to have a desire for closeness. I agree with that. Probably this post originates from a lack of closeness and love. If I had my mother, I wouldn’t wish for someone else, a man to love me and marry me and worry about whether I am good enough for a man. I wouldn’t feel so tortured about myself. The chaotic one inside. If she felt like she was fine and safe to be herself, I could have subdued that with my mother’s support. I might not even have had this chaos inside me. I have, however, shared more with you than her. But I know, she knows. I never presented “normal”. She did not care to get close and help me. Just like you’ve written, the desire or yearning for support and love has robbed me of my confidence and motivation.

    Does this mean that if you were able to pay for an in-home care, someone to live with your mother, do all the housework and drive your mother to the hospital in case of emergency, etc., then you will no longer feel scared of causing her harm, and you will be able to live peacefully away from your mother and father? – Yes, absolutely. But usually the people here come from smaller villages and are very careless. We saw that with my grand mother, even with us in the house. If I could find a service of good quality, I will vanish from this house in a second.



    in reply to: I want to be normal #391683

    Hi anita

    When I initially said putting my feelings aside, I meant guilt and fear like you asked me to. If I was being objective what would my options be. But your interpretation is accurate as well. I have been putting aside specifically, her hope and desire for a better life for herself.

    your parents do not give you emotional support, nor do they want it from you, best I understand. – I think this too. What I am afraid I will be taking from them is someone you cares for them. Not just in feeling but action. If my mom gets sick, my dad will not bother, she will have to take herself to the hospital and that scares me. I have thought of a solution for this. I could check in by phone every now and then and I could reach her in a couple of hours. I suppose I’m mainly scared of them having emergencies. I will think of more solutions for this.

    I think that the closeness you feel to your mother is a one-sided closeness. She will be okay if you move out and live elsewhere, as long as you send her money if and when she needs it – As long as her health is good, yes, she will be fine.

    I found the word I was looking for – negligence – that If I left her behind knowing how incompetent my father is, anything that goes wrong would be because of my negligence.

    I do want to put my needs first. But I am the only one not doing that. And to a degree my mom doesn’t either. As I mentioned she does most of the house work, my sister and I help when we can when we aren’t working, but not always in all honesty. If even I were to leave putting myself first, she would still be left in the house doing all the work but no one to look after her. I feel like a villian when I think about doing that.

    I think that the relationship between you and your mother is very common: it’s another story of one-sided love and loyalty, a story of unrequited love of an adult-child for her mother.- The reason it is not so clear with my mother is she is very push and pull. Despite being 26, I still don’t know if she loves me or not. Sometimes I feel like she cares for me and other times I don’t. I do think she has used me though. So it doesn’t matter if she loves me, I can love her too from a distance. I am just scared of causing harm to her. This is why I feel I won’t live peacefully if I leave. Not because of closeness.




    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by samy.
    in reply to: I want to be normal #391675

    Hi anita

    Putting feelings aside, I can’t kick my father out of his house. I discussed with my mom and sister about us leaving this house. But, he won’t be able to live on his own. My mom doesn’t want to leave because it is their house and she doesn’t want to lose this asset. We discussed divorce but both people have to agree for it to go through here. My father will not do that. And my mother won’t do it because divorce is a taboo, so she probably thinks no one will want to marry us. She and I can’t bring ourselves to leave him like that knowing he can’t survive. At the same time there are parts of him where he is just selfish, so it is hard to accept him. So if I put my feelings aside, the best I can do is leave the house myself as I can’t change anyone else. I am considering interviewing for jobs in other cities. At the same time, I feel a certain way about leaving my mother behind – I can’t find the right word in English, I don’t know if this is guilt, it feels different , forgive me, I’ll describe the feeling – I feel like if I left her I would be doing something wrong, like, it is wrong to think like that. It bothers me to imagine what it would look like for me once I leave, like I am turning my back on her. She won’t have anyone to take care of her. However, if I was to get married that would be the case anyways. My parents need support unfortunately. If I turn my back on them, they won’t survive. If I were to put my feelings aside, I would look for a job in a different city, which I will anyways, for the money atleast. But I am afraid I won’t be able to live peacefully leaving my mother behind.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391670

    Hi anita

    That’s a great idea. I will figure out what I want exactly. Without taking the past, present and future into account. And then, I’ll separate things into what cannot be changed and what I could change.

    I understand your emphasis on courage. My only concern is flying too high, all alone and getting my wings burnt. I suppose overcoming that is courage.



    in reply to: Hurt so much #391654

    Hi Imuhetalanaht

    He already did bad things to you – screaming, hitting. And he did other bad things to your siblings. It is not just you, but your mother and siblings are going through the same – “he seems so trustworthy, caring, polite, how could he do such a thing?”

    Let’s take a different example. If he cut your sibling’s finger and up until then he only ever pinched you. Does that make it okay, even if he is caring and loving at other times? Whether you forgive him or not, it is up to you. But know that he could still have the blade hidden somewhere and cut someone else’s finger. Please protect yourself and your family. Trust your mother to guide you through this and take a stand with her that your safety is important. You can focus on sorting out your feelings with him later. But first, getting your mother, yourself and your hurt siblings to safety is important.

    Also once someone cut that finger, you should get them treatment and get away from the abuser. Not wait and confront, will that restore the finger?

    Just because you are hurt and confused, and I understand you love him, it doesn’t change the fact that he did this. Eventually you will accept it. In the meantime, your safety is important.

    After the confront, i think it all will be fine but im wrong. The day we confront become so mess and it become one hell of trauma for me. I cant forget his face in that moment of realization. I cant see all the questions, humiliation, anger from my mother and my other siblings that thrown to him. I think your culture is similar to mine from the way you’ve written. So I know you will understand what I’m about to say. The only thing you should feel conflicted about is the fact that you were not able to tolerate your mother’s and siblings’ anger and questions towards him. You are very clear there that couldn’t bear it. Yet you are confused with your father doing a horrible thing – bringing up all his good qualities and not being able to believe. If I heard my father did such a thing, I would react the same way – I would be shocked, unable to believe it, but not while staying neutral. I would stand by my mother’s side and ask more questions. Ask your father how he could seem so caring and yet do this.  There is a right side here and you are not on that side! You were not the victim, you can’t expect anything to be fine after the confrontation. Also hitting you was not acceptable. Figure out if you really want to forgive that.

    I’m sorry you have to erase all your memories with him and are hurting. I hope your family heals from this.


    in reply to: I want to be normal #391650

    Hi anita

    I would like to think that you are indeed in the process of becoming more and more mentally calm, organized, balanced, levelheaded. Yes, me too.

    You are not weird or abnormal for needing a break!- what I mean is most of my colleagues or people around can come back fresh from a vacation. I need a long break. I am tired. A long break at a shelter to rest and refresh.

    I understand where you are coming from. With the way you’ve defined it – I would be a slave. In fact, anybody in India that is middle class or lower, especially with one or more generations that was not able to sustain itself till retirement, is a slave. Had my dad managed to work until he was 60 or earn enough for retirement before that, I wouldn’t have this burden. If I am unable to work or earn enough for myself, I’ll become a burden for my children. This is the economic state of my country. My true deep resentment comes from knowing that my father knew he was incapable of taking care of us – forget financially but even emotionally, and still chose to marry so he has people to fall back on. When my mother was recovering from her surgery in a different city, with me being there with her and my sister going to work, he complained that he was being reduced to a cook, back at our home. He can’t even be a silent spectator at a hospital. No contribution whatsover. I resent that. And my mother for not leaving him and her father for ditching his daughter after her marriage and not empowering her to leave her husband. This is the situation I wish I wasn’t born into. This is the situation I want to break away from. There is nothing there – nothing emotional, financial or spiritual. If anything, it will drain you out with its audacity of calling this abuse traditional or nature and tying you down.

    The 8 or 18 million people, there will definitely be more, are different. The abuse they face, again, that karma will catch up to all of us. It is not just physical violence.



    in reply to: I want to be normal #391628

    Hi anita

    Girija speaks this way, in a way that moves. – that’s nice of you to say.

    I wonder if she can put this gift into use, develop it and put it into use – for that to happen I need to be significantly less chaotic and detached. Maybe I am in the process of developing it.

    what are these situations that you need to break away from? – the theme of my life is I don’t have safety nets. Like a shelter to rest and refresh. I hate working . I can’t believe I’m saying that knowing how important it is for me to earn, but that is what it is. I don’t have ambitions yet I’m forced to climb these stupid ladders because I can never afford to be unemployed. That stress sucks. I need to factor in the entire family’s retirement fund for me to retire. No breaks allowed, it just sucks. Most people don’t need a break, but I am just weird, not normal.

    People bother me in general. I am uncomfortable around most people. I cannot forgive people at all. When someone at work hurts me I can’t shake it off and move on.

    But this is the main thing I want to highlight – I somehow seem to draw out the bullies in people in the family and at work. And I somehow land up in places with no support. It just so happens that my lead does not lead us at all at work. The pattern repeats. Just like my parents didn’t parent. I can’t bear to simply pass the pressure down to my juniors, so it weighs me down. I know the simple answer would be find a new job. Which I will. But at the same time I am demotivated. I don’t really want to be who I am in all of my “situations” – the daughter that has to earn, the developer that has to do things way above her experience. Atleast with the latter, some people love the challenge, I would too but I stress myself out. I want less stressful situations. Atleast one situation where it’s ok to fall. Atleast one situation where I have support.

    It always feel like me against the world. But it has always been this way. In college, one of my teachers pulled me aside and said you look like you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Oddly enough my first manager said it looked like I finally dropped the weight on my shoulders when he was giving me my first promotion – this was because my mom’s health took all my attention and I decided to stop caring about my manager and work. He caught on to that.




    in reply to: I want to be normal #391592

    Hi anita

    I agree, we need to decide what we stand for and act accordingly and you are right, eventually these problems will reach everyone.

    Those quotes are wonderful. Some people speak in a way that just moves you.


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