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March 18, 2021 at 8:49 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #376251
ParticipantI really should be cracking on with work but the conversation is a welcome break!
I suppose it is easier to stick to no contact but gaining control of those intrusive thoughts requires more steely determination.
Does the fact she is actively looking for someone else not put you off? Instead of making you sad, does it not make you feel ‘If I was her person, she wouldn’t look elsewhere or treat me like this. Therefore why am I wasting my energy thinking of her with someone else? If she thinks someone else can do better then let her find it.
Effectively she was already emotionally cheating on you whilst with you.
My ex even though I desperately wanted him to choose me,after all i had invested for close to 5 years when he tried to win me back, it dawned on me I was doing myself injustice, I deserved to be chosen, not an after thought. I deserved better. But I really did love him, I wanted him to grow up and not hurt someone else like he did me. I knew even if he “beat me” there would be a little jealousy at first but no sadness or wallowing because he would have found his fit, I’d be happy for him.
He hasn’t entered another relationship, but I have. I respect him for being good about it as we are all part of a mutual friend group, I’m dating my best friends bro. He didn’t try to meddle, he accepted I really did deserve better and wants that for me too. I can’t say we are friends because I changed my number. However we have mutual friends so if we cross paths we are amicable and will have some mature interaction.
I don’t know maybe I believe in karma, you reap what you sow. My conscience always makes me want to make an extra effort to not hurt someone. When I do, were all human, even if it was years ago I would still try to make amends. Anything bad in my life would feel like karma.
I reflected on my prior flings when it was over with my ex, some were actually very good guys, where I’d often been the heartbreaker.
I never did anything spiteful or mean but I still reached out to some, it was well received. Even those married. I just felt I had not treated them like I would like to be treated now with honesty, communication, closure and integrity. I feel better for it and I didn’t disturb anyone’s life because I had no ill intention.
I guess everyone’s different. I can’t live with regrets or bad energy.
I’m glad you’re reflecting on what a healthy relationship entails. What you need and deserve. Build your self esteem and love yourself and it will cause positive domino effect in all aspects of your life. Choose you and you choose better for yourself. That doesn’t mean you can’t be selfless, it means you just set boundaries too so when you are not getting your needs met you after a fair opportunity, you walk away for yourself.
March 18, 2021 at 6:57 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #376248Sammy
ParticipantThat can happen after a high day, but it’s okay. Just got to learn how to surf through or against the you said an early night and some sleep will aid in reachieving that revitalised feeling again.
Also don’t forget to commend yourself on your progress. 3 weeks NC is an achievement. Bit by bit you’ll be further than you thought. You’re not purposefully wallowing or self pitying. You’re feeling the sadness and recognising it’s normal but actively trying to carry on. So keep at it!
You’re doing the right thing letting your mum decide. Like I said with time naturally communication dies down or becomes less bothersome.
So its just boils down to immaturity and inexperience in men?
The cold facts of life are that no one is obligated to stick around and put up with the other’s bullshit. You should never get complacent becayse no one deserves to live a life filled with stress and emotional pain. You can’t keep someone waiting while you figure out what you really want from life.
Your previous ex rejecting you when you were like that, was the most powerful step she could take in moving forward in life even though she loved you. In the end it was your actions that resulted in that moment. I guess you had to learn the hard way when a woman is done – she’s done.
It is good to hear maybe not to you that she moved on, it may help you heal deep down to make real amends, re engage and express what you just said to me to her. Tell her you are happy she found what she deserved in a letter if meeting would not be welcomed. I doubt anyone would not want to hear that even if they found peace themselves.
It may be the catalyst to letting go of regret and trying to fill a void. It may help you make better choices and set better boundaries for yourself too. Just an idea.
In addiction recovery there’s a 12 Step recovery process, so step 8 and 9 includes the practice of recognising how your behavior has harmed others and seeking to repair the mistakes and damage caused during that phase directly or indirectly if it will cause harm.
I think to become better humans and have better relationships we should do this type of reflection and action taking regardless to demonstrate our new way of life. It shows your intentions and actions are aligned.
As they all say on this thread. In time, this too shall pass. On your down days stay clear of socials and find a hobby to distract you. I know whats it like opening Instagram and seeing a picture of your friends new baby or engagement and although you’re happy you feel you are losing in life. That comes from our own train of thoughts. You need to reframe them. Once you do it consistently you see things differently.
March 18, 2021 at 4:34 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #376240Sammy
Participant@Jay2023 glad you had an equally happy mummy!
Soak in the feeling you feel today and write it down if you have to, it will be a reminder on the low days you can and will feel good again! Once you start feeling consistently good, you will not allow yourself to feel sad for long. You’ll get more clarity.
Dating apps are tricky but unfortunately the only way to meet new people these days! Healing for you is priority, once you do by then restrictions should be lifted and you can meet someone randomly!
How interesting!! I thought as much when you said you regret your prev relationship to this day. Reminded me of Danny who went into a relationship with ‘C’ to avoid facing what he had lost with ‘B’.
Men do it all the time, my ex didn’t realise what he lost until it was gone. With me and him there was too much water under the bridge but him making amends healed me and him. It made me feel like I was finally seen and heard by him, he had really reflected on his part in the pain and hurt. It made me really respect him for his courage, I was no longer hurt but happy he was growing and now I don’t look back with feeling of hurt.
You do realise that it’s never too late to make amends. I’m sure you said sorry to your previous ex but that’s just a band aid for both parties. It covers up painful time without actually making it right. And it remains there somewhere deep in your subconscious, as you are now aware it caused you to make amends to the wrong person and through a new relationship by seeking something to make yourself feel better, by being better to her. Really you need to face the past wound in my opinion.
I still do not get to this day why you men only appreciate what you lose. I’d love some light shone on this by you and Danny. What goes through your mind?
Do you men not comprehend that in situations where the women knows she can do better or when your down and out but she still stands by you and gives you the time by taking a huge risk in investing in the potential proves how loved you are?
Do you not imagine you fulfilling the potential? Do you not visualise yourself at that point of life that you are now to know what you have is special and if someone can value and love you at your lowest then at your highest you’ll be incredibly loved? Therefore you should pull your socks up and show her what she means?Now you find yourself giving all you can to the new relationships by being better, but those women still walk away. They don’t appreciate you like the woman who tried to stand by you at your lowest. Why do most men comprehend the folly of their decision later? Genuinely curious!
I’m confused who is messaging your mum? Your current ex or prev ex? Either way just don’t be so hasty in cutting off those links let them die down naturally. I struggled with letting go of my exes family, they were part of my life and everything I knew for 5 years. My ex was kind enough to allow me to remain in contact even after he tried to win me back, if he had taken them away or stopped interaction it would make everything more acutely painful. Allowing me to naturally create space was easier. I still love and care for them all but know I can’t message or call like I once did.
And don’t compare yourself to others, I’m sure you’re old enough to know social media is mainly for those seeking validation (I’m guilty of it) and selecting only the certain elements that protray happy lives!
Funnily enough the people you want to get to know or connect with, are the ones who are genuinely happy in life and you will not find on there.
Social media can cause you to spiral if you believe everything you see on there is real, instead appreciate what you do have. Its clear you have good friends, lovely family and a career, no responsibility etc.
If you’re pursuing happiness, look inwardly. It’s the only place you’ll find it. I asked myself am I happy with who I am, what I offer to the world etc once you start healing inwardly and have grace you’ll feel happier.
You can never find happiness in a relationship, new car, phone etc
You’ll keep chasing after the next thing, it will never be enough.I’m glad you are working on healing, I’m glad you are going down the right path by reaching out for help instead of suppressing all your emotions.
You will get there Jay and be a better man for it! I’m sure of it. X
March 17, 2021 at 4:54 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #376199Sammy
Participant@Jay2023 was mothers day so had a jam packed weekend to pamper my mum at home so didn’t get chance to reply sooner.
When we are inexperienced in relationships we always are in the grass is greener on the other side frame of mind. However, the grass is greener where you water it. It’s about recognising the essential qualities needed in a good partnership and compromising on the shortfall. If your previous relationship entailed you walking away from something worth working with, I’m not surprised you’re in this predicament. Can i ask why you regret it exactly, did you hurt your ex?
It could be you wanting to do it right this time is making you accept anything incase you don’t get better.
Don’t live with a scarcity attitude it makes you settle for less than you deserve because in this situation how you’ve described her, it’s clear she has been stringing you along and treated you poorly after all you did.
Don’t go off on the other extreme end either, in wanting everything because relationships require nourishing and growth. Real love is not an instant spark and when you’re inexperienced you place emphasis on the physical connection rather than focusing on who you are when you’re with the person.
A healthy partnership brings out the best version of you, you don’t stress about how the other person feels because there’s strong communication, understanding and you are able to keep a strong sense of self because you’re not forced to appease to retain the relationship. Give and take is equal. It can take the tiniest spark but real love develops creates slow lasting burn.I really understand your pain of longing for someone. It does get better, I promise. You start to learn to live without them. One day you realise how strong you’ve been, how many days have passed and then you can really focus on further improvements within. Of course it will hurt severing an attachment. That’s normal and you have it harder as it may be with more than one person , you may have become enmeshed in her whole life as you got to know the children. So go easy on yourself.
I disagree with Danny, men and women can not be friends if a line has been crossed. If they do it means neither of them loved each other, or one still does. Also if sexual desire was involved to go back to platonic would require both of you to have fully moved on. Even then sometimes given the right set of circumstances if there’s been strong chemistry in the past you could run the risk of setting yourselves alight, if you lack control physically. So you’re better off just parting ways for good. It will heal you quicker.
Once you get to a stage when you feel nothing at all then by all means enquire about her, if you still care. But in most cases people’s caring nature is fickle as the perceived love, they stop caring if they’re not getting anything out of it. So you may find once you reach a stage of not wanting her romantically, you realise you don’t really care much either. It’s rare to find the genuine ones that still care after all is said and done.
Love will enter your life unexpectedly, when you think you’re done with relationships, when you’re in the pits, life will make you cross someone who will awaken all those feelings. But if you’re not ready and haven’t done the work on yourself you’ll self sabotage and ruin your own chances. That’s why although it’s very easy to hop back on the saddle, you should heal, work on you so you don’t screw up the right opportunity.
You’re not old at all, you’re lucky as a man you can get to 60 and still have an opportunity to procreate. You don’t have that ticking time bomb us women have.
I would say get to a stage where you’re happy being alone, then when love enters you can choose better. Right now you’re desperate and are choosing the wrong option just to fill that void within you.
Well done for owning your soft side, Danny is correct that a lot of men perceive it as a weakness. A strong intelligent woman will see it as a strength in a man because with that sensitivity usually comes an attentive, caring and nurturing partner and that’s what you need in long term relationships. Looks fade, sex dies down inevitably but if you can’t find comfort in your partner or emotional intimacy then what’s the point?
So don’t feel like @Tim1 did that you have to hide that part of you. The right fit will appreciate every aspect of you and value that, not manipulate that side to seek attention, ego boost etc.
If she contacts you again. Don’t be afraid to be firm. People treat you the way you allow them to.
If that connection was deep and meaningful then I do hope one day you get to the place where you understand that you can’t fit together but still care for her as a friend.
Don’t stop believing, you have to have hope. None of us are perfect but we have the gift of starting a new day and being better than yesterday. As long as you keep self improving you will reach a place where you soul is happy.
I’m glad you have a good friend to lean on, those who love us always get upset when we make stupid choices but that’s because they deeply care. You’re lucky to have people around you who do care and want you to do better. Hold and cherish those bonds.
If you can’t stomach anything because of the anxiety and nausea @Shelbyville once advised to @Luciel I think that a bar of chocolate is a start. Dont let yourself spiral.
Feel your emotions and let them pass through,don’t suppress. You’re entitled to feel how you feel. But don’t dwell in it. Heartbreak really sucks but you will rise up again. Nothing is permanent not even the negative feelings! X
March 12, 2021 at 7:03 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375960Sammy
ParticipantIt’s the difficult moments in life that shape us! No matter how bad things appear right now. Hold onto that hope it will get better. In the future when you’re with the right one or even thriving on your own it will make sense.
Even though I may come across as very blunt. I’m very romantic, I have a giving heart that wants to share all the love I have and receive it back, just the once. I’ve never really experienced it back. But I still hope and with hard work on myself I think fingers crossed it is finally starting to fall in place.
Although I strongly believe you shouldn’t enter another relationship until you’ve done the work. Just look at your past and present, has no woman ever believed in you? Did you give her a chance? I bet you have, but because of your low self esteem and attraction patterns you’ve overlooked them.
My new boyfriend was there all along. I never saw him in a romantic light, I don’t want to jinx it but I can promise you when you finally have done the work on yourself you’ll want what’s best for your soul – stable healthy connection, the feeling will be all encompassing and beat the euphoria experienced of on/off relationships. Real love is a slow burn.
A person who sees you, emotionally understands you, who you are attracted to on all levels physically, emotionally, intelligently, spiritually like Danny always says, is an incredible feeling! It does exist. The change has to come from us , within. Our choices.
You can only get and keep better if you do better. Believe in yourself. Don’t let anyone convince you that you are only worthy of breadcrumbs.
March 12, 2021 at 5:42 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375958Sammy
ParticipantGuys, do you think I’m brutal? 😳 “cold” “hard” truths lol! I guess I don’t sugar coat it but I mean well.
Danny I’m genuinely sorry at the beginning I admit I did have a not so great opinion of you, maybe if I wasn’t in the middle of my own mess, I would have been a little more sympathetic. In the end you did the work and you proved to yourself and everyone exactly who you are and who ‘B’ saw. An inspiring, intelligent, resilient, loving and caring man who made a mistake, had the courage and capacity to admit his errors, take accountability and make amends. Then you thrived. It’s what we should all aspire to have: the drive to change for the better each day. I’m so glad you met your ‘B’ and like I’ve said before I hope you realise the huge amount of growth you have undertaken. Really proud and you restored my faith in men!
Jay, I completely understand if you just needed to write it all out to get it out of your system rather than needing advice. Feel free to dump your feelings anytime and put a side note of just venting. That will at least give me a heads up about what you are needing. Sorry if my advice was full on. Like Danny said we all choose the path we take, I jope you choose wisely. Keep us updated if you want. X
March 10, 2021 at 7:33 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375864Sammy
It’s good you are able to keep busy with work, at least it gives you a bit of a break from the anxious feelings surrounding this relationship. If it is easier to cope by dealing with it bit by bit then take that path.
Although I will say the out of sight, out of mind may be good enough approach for now. Usually what happens is, you’ll end up suppressing how you really feel and that can be dangerous, it can all bubble over and manifest into something far greater (for me it was alcohol to keep it numb). Would a better approach not be that you kill any remaining hope, even if that means you require another rejection to propel you to let go, then begin to really heal and move on?
Because right now you have hope and you will cling to that in any way possible. This in the end will only delay and hurt you further based on her consistently indicating you’re not the one for her.
I know the decision was taken out of your hands and like most insecure men who are in love, you would prefer to continue contact with her. But the fact you are recognising being friends is pointless when you have feelings and only harmful to yourself is a positive step forward to loving yourself first.
She obviously is self aware to a degree if she is suggesting you don’t contact her, because she knows she no longer wants to be with you. She knows you have feelings and she wants you to move on. It’s a cruel to be kind situation. Imagine being in her shoes, what would you do?
I really hope it was a sincere genuine connection you shared and it naturally reached its end. I hope you were not used by her as an option, to make her feel better, desired etc. Because that’s just cruel.
Try not to rely on possible reasons i.e. her past relationships have hurt her so she’s scared or she’s a commitment phobe. You can’t change her or her circumstances. It only ever works if the person wants to change themselves. She has made it clear she doesn’t feel the need to for you and doesn’t really feel the same way. You have to accept this and just start improving your own worth that you don’t settle for someone’s breadcrumbs.
I have a feeling if she came back even for attention you’d welcome her back with open arms. You wouldn’t demand what you deserve or set her straight on how she’s made you feel. You would gloss over it to play happy families. Your self esteem is incredibly low.
A confident person who loves someone despite the emotions will make it clear what they want, what they deserve and walk away if necessary. They will not change their boundaries or appease. Everyone faces rejection in life but confident people walk away knowing it’s their partners loss.
Given how you treated her, you showed her love, respect, compassion and was very giving. You should be feeling shes the fool for not seeing what she had and valuing you.
Instead you are being desperate, you are taking the rejection as a confirmation of you lacking etc. Can I ask what your previous relationship experience was like? To see if there’s patterns?
I do believe there is an element of addiction and validation, the thrills of the chase, drama and extremes you experience are like a drug and this doesn’t sound like it being pure love. Perhaps it is love how you know it, but from experience of on/off for almost 5 years let me tell you in the end it always teaches you what love isn’t! Love should feel warm, love should be a partnership of equal give and take, love should make you prosper and have a positive effect on your growth and relationships. Love should never make you question what you mean to someone.
Even after splitting my honest opinion is you’re looking for a distraction, validation and ego boost through others. Why? This is what really needs your focus, so you can have a healthy relationship in the future. Otherwise it will be the same pattern.
This friend who you have known and are planning to meet, I hope she knows you are hung up on an ex. If both parties have same intent then that’s cool, why hook ups exist. Because the last thing you want to do is enter a new situation, lead her on, find that she’s not enough (which I guarantee you she will not be whilst you have unresolved feelings for someone else) and make her feel how you feel right now. People have emotions and should not be toyed with to make ourselves feel better. So be wary of the consequences of your own actions. As a wise man once said (@Tim1 ) you will end up hurting others and being part of the problem and end up perpetuating toxic relationship cycles.
I really think you need to accept and tie up the loose ends and heal yourself before you jump into anything new.
Being by yourself is hard at first but ever so rewarding when you find peace within your soul, find your self belief and thrive.
March 9, 2021 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375845Sammy
Participant@NBC you’re welcome. I’ll keep posting as long as someone needs help and it’s within my capacity. I hope you got something out of this and are moving towards healing and growing.
I really do hope the case with your B is now closed for you. I hope you realise chewing on it for this amount of time can only be detrimental to your mental health. Just like chewing gum, can cause ulcers in the stomach. Chewing on the past can cause sores in our minds and soul.
For you I had hoped your B would undergo a reformation because you had held onto hope for so long. You did form a sincere emotional connection with him. Love on its own is never enough.
You said you don’t wake up or go to sleep, with him on your mind. But he is there somewhere even if at the back, it’s enough to make you still care, enough to make you want to dissect, because he’s made an impact. It’s usually the insidious nature of those thoughts at the back of our mind that can make them so dangerous. You need to decide if he is worth all this energy you expend.
Prior to your meeting it could have swung either way but I hope now you are fully aware and able to look at it objectively.
The only thing that matters is your latest interaction and information you garnered. The guy has taken no accountability, he is supposedly dating someone else. You deserve a man who can step up and apologise sincerely, who wants to rectify his mistakes, who wants to grow and be with you and wants to marry you. B proved in his latest encounter he doesn’t. So don’t let him take up any amount of headspace, chuck him out of your mind entirely girl!
March 9, 2021 at 2:12 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375839Sammy
How are you doing? Have you managed to control your anxiety. The original poster @Shelbyville has wrote extensively about her symptoms and how she tried to overcome them. I’m sorry I don’t suffer from anxiety on an ongoing basis like her, so my experience is limited to how I felt during my split and initial separation anxiety.
Everyone deals with loss and heartbreak differently. I was watching a documentary on Caroline Flack and it brought back some of the emotions I felt, then I realised some people really do get hit so much more harder by heartbreak. If you are concerned about not being able to cope have you considered speaking to your doctor? It really helps some people it seems to take medication to take the edge off enough to be able to get a better handle on things.
Whatever you are feeling, don’t be scared to express it and this thread is here to dump those shitty emotions and make you feel heard.
What are you so afraid of letting go of? Do you believe deep down she’s the one, and if you let her slip away or stop trying you’ll regret it?
You see i don’t think that’s the case because you acknowledged you’ve done everything you could for her and despite this she didn’t recognise your true value.
So it makes me think maybe you are projecting certain anxious or subconscious feelings i.e. fear of being alone and labelling it as a fear of losing her. When if you look at it objectively you wouldn’t be losing much when she can’t reciprocate or meet your needs.Do you think it’s more the idea of being in love that you want and to be with someone? It would explain why you let her treat you that way, you rather stay with anyone even if that person doesn’t choose you because its better than being alone.
Can you describe some of her behaviour so we can get a better understanding to see if she was using you or just a mess herself too.
Those second thoughts about whether you actually would want to commit to all of her (including children) is clear indication that you don’t otherwise you’d accept her no matter what came with her.
Anyway the point is finding gratitude in what you are blessed with is key. Once you start thinking about what you have instead of what you don’t it switches your mentality. Think abundance not scarcity.
Also like you said be compassionate and kind to yourself as it has been only 2 weeks. But everytime you go back to wanting to get back together remind yourself what you deserve. Don’t settle for less. Eventually you’ll start to take her off the pedestal and that will be the day you realise the fantasy or idealised version was not true.
Can I ask what about you, you think is not attractive?
Why are you shocked she initially went for you?March 7, 2021 at 8:31 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375725Sammy
Participant@NBC I wanted to say I’m sorry if my take offended you or is incorrect. I’m going off the information I read.
I do recall you wrote he was intending to divorce when you met and yes there may be many variants of “married” But in terms of my own morals or standards, I always believe if you haven’t legally separated you are still married and should honor that commitment, if not then leave asap, before getting involved with anyone new. The fact he went back again at some point indicates he was enjoying the best of both worlds but that fantasy can never last long. In the end people get hurt.
Just an extreme analogy to get the point across, if a man says I’m going to stab you. He’s warned you but you stand there instead of running away in time or defending yourself. Does that mean he is now not accountable? No, his action is still wrong. You just didn’t have the tools to cope with that situation in a better way to stop yourself getting hurt. You have had reflection now so in future can run when you see these red flags!!
You are a kind person, I know you care about him that’s why you seem to be defending his actions but to me he appears to be a mess. He stated so himself. You should always heed these warnings next time (that’s one major take away).
We have all stated the red flags were there. Why you chose to ignore them against your better judgement is the biggest issue. I really believe that you’re so fixated on finding out the why’s of his behaviour, when really you need to focus on yourself now. Heal yourself, love yourself and build yourself in such a way you are not mistaken again!
The only way to prevent it happening again is working on your self esteem and worth.
If you had it then you’d not feel this need to seek answers, you would feel indifferent after the length of time it has been. You would have moved on, not necessarily to another relationship but just not been affected by him anymore. I really think seeing a counsellor or therapist may really benefit you.
You sway from feeling anger to feeling sympathy for him again. It’s just hurting you more going back and forth over why he didn’t choose you. There comes a point we must accept if he had been your person then you wouldn’t be where you are now, questioning everything. He clearly isn’t so why waste precious time?
Do you not value your time either?
I’m a little unsure how I can help you further, because I know analysing his behaviour is not healthy for you 5 years on, if it was a fresh break up it’s normal but so far down the road I think it’s deeper issues that need healing. I don’t want you to spiral further and further. I am going to be cruel to be kind and say I will no longer comment on him.
However if you want observations about yourself and how to strengthen your self worth I’ll happily offer feedback or my thoughts on anything else.
The term adventure clearly has negative connotations for you. I just meant don’t hold yourself back any longer by allowing him to control your thoughts.
You can take a risk again on somebody new. Love will always be a risk, and you can only risk it if you are willing to be vulnerable and go in search of it. An adventure doesn’t mean casual or not long lasting at least not to me.
You asked Danny, what he thinks about you and B, I think it’s not the same situation as his and B relationship at all, so to hold out the same hope for your B to do a Danny is hurting you.
Move on and leave him and his mess in the past where it belongs in my honest opinion x
March 7, 2021 at 8:16 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375724Sammy
ParticipantHey @Jay sorry about the delay, I didn’t want to rush a reply to you so took some time out from my weekend..
Thank you for your kind words. I know how you feel, when you start questioning your whole being and why despite everything you do for this person it’s not enough. When you love someone, you just want them to love you back. When they don’t and you continue to stay with them its because you have low self esteem or it’s been eroded during the course of the relationship. The longer you stay the harder it is to leave because you lose yourself. It’s hard not to think it’s because you’re not good enough, cool, attractive etc. It’s easier to accept you are the problem if you have always been self critical. The person not choosing you just feels like a confirmation of your inner critic.
It took a lot of strength and reframing, there were bumps along the way but I think I’m getting there.
I like to spoil people especially my partner, go the extra mile always. It is my love language. It forms part of my selfless character, everyone around me kept saying it was a weakness within me or I had abandonment issues from childhood. I always knew it was just because I was a giver, who felt happy when others were happy.
However my last relationship I couldn’t let go or walk away when I knew he was not giving me what I needed, I stayed until he dumped me again. The lessons it taught me was I definitely lacked boundaries, I became needy so I was attracted the wrong sort who didn’t want me but I chased to validate myself, I lost myself. All of which I’ve worked on before entering a new relationship to avoid repeating the same patterns.
There is one thing that’s different about me I think in comparison to the likes of @Shelbyville and @Danny. From a young age or prior to my ex I actually had amazing self esteem. I was happy go lucky and it was the on/off relationship itself that slowly eroded me and I lost myself. Maybe that’s why I’ve been able to have a quicker recovery and regain my worth because in the past I had always believed in myself. This time I just had become blinded by emotion and attachment.
There are some on/off relationships that work out i.e. Danny’s and Tim’s. But I am sorry to say you need to move on entirely. Right now to her I’ll guarantee you’ll look desperate. She knows she can request sex whenever, get attention etc and you proved that by sleeping with her without commitment and continuing to push for relationship when she has stated she is searching for other guys. This causes attraction to just drop.
She’s not attracted to you enough, the sex must be good though for when she is horny. With women if you have a real emotional connect they fall in love. The fact she hasn’t means there’s something lacking. The longer you stay in this situation you will hurt yourself.
Can I ask something, did you ever buy her anything? Was there any type of exchange?Also don’t ever over invest yourself in one girl without a form of commitment. Once you do that you start losing your dignity and self respect in her eyes because the relationship becomes one-sided and you could be at her beck and call.
I’m guessing you attached yourself to the extent that now it is clearly at the end, you will feel like a broken individual because you lack self confidence.
There’s a whole journey of self love you need to take. Otherwise you’ll keep repeating the same cycle.
You know the answer already. Your asking because its hard to make that decision. No one can make it for you, if you want to keep trying no one will judge you. But when you do decide you’ve had enough and choose yourself. You’ll soon with time realise that if she really loved you she wouldn’t keep hurting you.
Why do you want to be with her?
Just incase I’ll objectively list the facts based on what you wrote;
• She doesn’t respect you
• She has always been ambivalent not a good basis for any relationship let alone one that’s been on/off several times
• She has been using you as her dick appointment
• She is incapable of being mature and communicating
• She has 3 children to devote her time to and they’ll always come first
• You will never be her priorityJust like men, some women will selfishly breadcrumb to just keep you around as an option or a backup when they feel lonely or horny so I wouldn’t trust her words.
Did you turn around your life with her support? You mentioned that in September you were rock bottom so did she help you or did you split up? A good woman in dark times pulls you out and helps you up. Food for thought.
March 4, 2021 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375578Sammy
Participant@NBC I’m super glad my advice has helped. Yes, it’s time to let go.
I don’t believe he was just after sex. I think he was after an escape and the benefits of a relationship. Emotional understanding, the warmth, the cuddles all the things he was deprived of in his actual relationship. When shit hit the fan he knew he had you. He was cold enough to use you in that way. He like many men didn’t understand that for majority of women spending that quality time causes them to feel more attached and fall. Whereas men can compartmentalise and remove themselves and go back to playing happy families. He clearly never had any intent of commitment to you. You were just an escape and he was able to live out his fantasies.
Him asking you are you his, was probably empty words and breadcrumbs to fluff you up.
The old saying goes why buy the cow if you can milk it for free. He used you. He took advantage of you and was opportunistic. He knew you’d offer him a place to sleep etc.
I do think you can learn to set stricter boundaries and never get caught up in a triangle. It always will end up with you hurt.
Can I ask just out of curiosity and no judgement, did the fact he was married still and not officially divorced not send red flags and deter you?
You were a single agent but he embarked on emotional affair cheating on his wife. In essence emotionally cheating on you too everytime he would think or be with his wife.
Can you see that this is not healthy. That you deserve so much more than to be an afterthought, an option.
I’m glad you knew for yourself you wouldn’t have sex with a married man. Even if you wanted to. Its just not worth it for a few minutes of lust.What worries me is the fact you said you supposedly gave green lights by offering him a space to say. Always remember consent!!! He has no right to assume you will have sex until he has gained consent. I.e. if you have a Netflix and chill date doesn’t mean sex is guaranteed, if you go for dinner he pays doesn’t mean sex is guaranteed for him. If you kiss and cuddle doesn’t mean he can automatically assume you will give him sex. Any man you are with if a gentleman will gain consent.
If he was of sane mind as he claims or self aware enough to know what he was doing and knew you weren’t the right one but continued anyway then that’s wrong on so many levels, he is ROYALLY MESSED UP.
That’s cold, cruel and calculated. If you have room in your heart, you can forgive for your own healing but you should never let that happen again or trust him.Yes an authority does exist that can tell you if NBC version 21 is different. That’s you. Have you changed? Grown? Made improvements for YOURSELF? You are in control of your self worth and esteem. Don’t seek validation from others.
Don’t rush your process but do make positive movements towards change. Staying stuck in hopes of the past are never healthy or good. I hope this interaction with your B makes the interest wane and you move on to find your next adventure.
The fact you are questioning why he can’t turn to you for an ego boost shows how little value you have for yourself. Come on you deserve so much better than that! You deserve to be chosen.
The reason why you didn’t call him out entirely for your pain and tell him you were hurt is because a part of you didn’t want to rock the boat, you still had or have that glimmer of hope that you didn’t want to dash. You didn’t want to give him a reason.
He is by the sounds of it a coward who can’t admit his accountability by himself. He is the type of guy who doesn’t ever leave you when he knows he doesn’t want you long term, and in the end offers the typical “you deserve better” to just look like the good guy.
He hurt you. I’m sorry you got hurt. But you know what you are in control of how you let that hurt define you. You can let it cut you deep and wallow in self pity or be determined to never let someone hurt you again by loving yourself and moving on.
I’m sorry if a lot of what I said is very blunt but I think sometimes the hard truths are what push us to level up and better our own lives and selves x
March 4, 2021 at 5:55 am in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375541Sammy
Participant@Jay please share your story, the creator @Shelbyville would be beyond pleased it’s helping you. @Kkasxo and @Shelbyville both created an empathetic space. I’m happy to help if you want. Everyone deserves to be heard x
@NBC will reply this evening hopefully as I don’t have enough time on lunch break to.
February 28, 2021 at 2:22 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375375Sammy
Participant@NBC we can’t control what emotions surface for us, but we can control how we act. Yes, your action of trying to be a friend whilst he was ‘lost’, hurt you in the end. It is something you chose so that at least can’t be blamed on him even though the rest of what he did was wrong.
So we have to take ownership and not allowing ourselves to remain in situations for longer than we should. Learning when to quit is actually a really good tool to possess. I learned that the hard way through my alcohol addiction and my on/off past with the ex. I wish I had left and taken a stance and shown myself respect and love sooner.
I’m glad you feel it was even in the end. I didn’t which made me feel more unworthy but again I’ve learned not to expect back in return and set boundaries. Something I had no concept of before. I just poured and poured until I lost myself.
I agree with Danny you haven’t let go fully but you definitely are now making movements. Once you let go fully there’s no need to rake over it. But you take your time to heal, I’m just impatient when it comes to being miserable or in a rut. I feel an urge to move my life forward in a meaningful way, staying like that can just make you spiral downwards and develop more bad habits.
Double standards sadly exist, unfortunately I see where you’re coming from, men do get hypocritical when it comes to body count but why on earth would he think you’re promiscuous just for kissing??
I think he was a mess, needed an escape, found you but ended up connecting emotionally. Men do not go deep with people they just want to shag. There was a deeper connection there that’s why he is able to recall you and thinks about you. Otherwise if it was a cheap fling he wouldn’t recall your name let alone the content of your conversations 5 years ago.
Like Danny said men are deprived and he even though he knew you were not what he was looking for at the moment did what most immature men do, took advantage.
Don’t allow this one man to steal your future happiness. Do it for yourself. Love yourself enough to believe something better is out there.
Treat him like a radio he’s playing somewhere but tune out of this frequency and tune into a new frequency, go discover a new soundtrack. You may find a hit!Never ever take this man back even if he calls around and you’re still single or feeling lonely.. UNLESS real growth has occured and is demonstrated, that would mean taking accountabilty foremost and being mature enough to express it. Otherwise trust me when I say you’ll regret going back to only find out he’s the same person.
But he doesn’t seem to want marriage as he’s stated, I’m sure you do. That’s a deal breaker so find a guy who’ll treat you and show you how much he wants it with you too! They are out there.
Honestly once you learn to be okay with being by yourself and loving your self. You no longer NEED a relationship. You will want one only if the right man steps up.
Danny thanks for that perspective, good on you for not being misogynistic. I know if I go out with my besties bro to not to cut back on that tlc you men crave, hopefully if he’s the right one he will appreciate me for it.
@NBC here if you need further advice x
February 24, 2021 at 3:49 pm in reply to: Trying to deal with anxiety and loss after relationship break up #375186Sammy
ParticipantOh @NBC I just realised i missed you off the list in my previous message to everyone that was completely unintentional and of course I will always wish you warmth and happiness and I’m glad to hear from you. Turn over the 0age write a new adventure x