
Sarah Jeanne Browne

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  • in reply to: Lying Fiancé #420629
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Roll of thumb: Lying = Leave.

    Gut feelings are never wrong.

    in reply to: Break up hurt #420555
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I think the anxiety told you it was time to go. She wasn’t being clear on children and there’s the debt thing. I think that you may have wanted different things and she didn’t want to communicate in a healthy manner. You let her go a lot and she got mixed signals but it seems like a mutually beneficial thing that you two ended it. After 7 years you should be on the same page. Don’t blame yourself!

    in reply to: Confused, betrayal and lies #420216
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Leave him. There is no reason to stay. You’ve given him enough chances. For your daughters you need to be an example of someone who has healthy boundaries and high standards for what you deserve. He is nothing. You have everything you need – a much stronger character. So use this situation as a learning one to not give so many chances and to trust your gut. Your gut is always right!

    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Okay I understand a little better now!

    I do not believe in karma. I believe life is unfair. But I also believe there is more to this life. An afterlife. That things get righted there. I know that is not necessarily what this site believes or what you believe or may want to hear. I  had a bad experience with reiki. It led me to thank a former therapist. Then the spell was broken and I realized she actually abused me. I got her fired instead. It sort of warped energy into something seemingly positive but ultimately not right.

    in reply to: Feeling betrayed and not sure what to do at work. #420133
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Sometimes there are personality conflicts within an organization, someone attempting to sabotage your success, or inappropriate behavior.

    Go where you are celebrated, not tolerated.

    Your work environment impacts your mental health.

    But you can also put up boundaries as to what you allow to affect you. Can you just do the daily task regardless of validation? Can you take constructive criticism (so long as it’s respectful and exactly that – constructive)? Can you self-advocate or address your needs with a coworker or manager? Can you talk to HR or someone higher up than your manager? Can you let your manager know what you will and will not tolerate?

    Okay so personally if it were me I would just look for another job. I know that’s not easy. But I can’t be around toxicity. It’s about how much you are willing to tolerate and if you can detach and just think “I’m doing this to survive. That’s all this is.”

    I’ve been in fields with children at daycare centers where there was abuse or coworkers sabotaging me. Someone once told me if there’s a sick feeling in your stomach, that’s a sign (from God, universe, whatever), that something isn’t right. That’s a gut feeling. If you already know the situation isn’t right for you and can’t be mended – either tolerate it with boundaries and self-advocate OR walk away.

    You can’t live with how it is currently.

    Visualize your success. What would your dream job or position be? How would it make you feel? I don’t really buy into the whole manifesting thing but sometimes starting over is an adventure and it’s okay to be open to it.

    in reply to: Why does she judge me with my age #420132
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    that sounds like a “put down” and is insulting to keep bringing that up. I wouldn’t want someone around me that did that to me. You deserve to be valued at any age! This is demeaning and slight emotional abuse.

    An analogy would also be like someone commenting on your weight, disabilities, looks, etc. It’s the subtle type of abuse that people sometimes get away with.

    I don’t think there’s anything wrong with an age gap. But using your age against you and to guilt you or manipulate you or just being mean about it is not right.

    in reply to: Too Late To Start Our Life Together? #420131
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    This is not a healthy person. They have no boundaries and chose to be with M rather than get a restraining order or some legal help with this situation. You’re not their “fixer” or their person. They misled you that it would all be okay. You in a way enabled it.

    I would say too much happened to be able to just pick up where you left off. I would burn that bridge and keep on moving.

    in reply to: My depressed girlfriend left me #420130
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    It’s hard to love someone who is struggling with their mental health. It impacts your own mental health and makes you question everything about yourself.

    know that her pulling away isn’t your fault nor does it dictate your worth.

    It’s okay to grieve this relationship.

    It sounds like she’s also not paying attention to you or telling you good things. I didn’t read this whole thread but saw in the last message that she blamed you for her moods.

    It’s tough if you’ve never had a healthy example of a relationship.

    The very MOMENT someone disrespects you in any way – you leave.

    That is emotional abuse.

    I hope you find your way to meet someone else and pick up the pieces. It’s so hard when you’re in love with someone emotionally unavailable.

    This may also be an attachment issue. You may get attached too soon. You need to feel someone out for some time and test if they are capable of opening up to you. I recommend for your next relationship to take baby steps and go a bit slower before going all in.

    in reply to: Should we Separate?!? #420129
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    Hi Dave,

    It seems like you both have some work to do on yourselves. You said you prioritize going out or work and she gives all her energy to the kids and not to you. Could you guys afford a nanny? just curious!

    The question you need to ask yourself is this – When was the last time you were vulnerable to her and showed her any pain or fear or frustration in an expressive manner?

    I feel that communication, energy and possibly differing priorities are causing the strain. It’s not necessarily that you don’t love each other.

    In the moments you are together, look into her eyes and brush back her hair and just stay in that space as long as possible. You don’t have to talk, or can if you want to. Tell her you need time with her where you just exist for each other – no expectations.

    When you’re in love you want to make out all day and can’t leave each other’s sides. That fades out when you stop opening up to each other.

    Perhaps even writing a letter of all that you want to say and giving it to her. Have her do the same to you.

    It’s a lost spark that CAN be rekindled.

    But also NEVER stay with someone because of the kids. They will feel the strain either way.

    Lastly, love yourself. You’re detaching from yourself too. You need to focus on yourself in a different way. You won’t be happy in ANY situation if you don’t self-reflect and turn inward. Your circumstances don’t dictate happiness. Your character and inner peace do.


    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I understand the lack of physical intimacy due to having a child but it’s still a red flag to sleep in separate beds and think of her as a friend. There’s emotional intimacy too that seems to be lacking. If I was her, I would want affection and validation. If someone wanted space from me, that would impact my self esteem. I’m only saying this with empathy from her point of view. If she’s cool with it, that’s your unique relationship!

    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    I think that if you think of your wife as a friend, you’re not really in a relationship. That isn’t as fair to her (or to you). I would consider marriage counseling. This is concerning because it means there’s a lack of intimacy.

    in reply to: My girlfriend is mean to me #419822
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    You are experiencing gaslighting and emotional and verbal abusive and an unequal power dynamic where she has all the control over you. That’s why it’s abusive. You deserve someone who communicates in a healthy manner with you. You can’t fix an abuser’s actions. You can’t. You just gotta get out and love yourself enough to start over.

    in reply to: My girlfriend is mean to me #419760
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    You’re in an abusive relationship. There is no other option but to leave.

    in reply to: Broken After Being Left (he disappeared) #419449
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    He is not for you! You can do so much better. You deserve respect. Mixed signals = non-interest or full follow up or commitment. Make a list of what you want in a relationship and hang it on the wall. Remind yourself of it any time he tries to make contact again. It’s time to move on from him. Karma will take care of the rest.

    in reply to: Crushed by mid-life breakup #419448
    Sarah Jeanne Browne

    You have to respect no contact. If she wants you, she’ll reach out to YOU.

    Keep using your coping skills. Sounds like you’re becoming a greater version of you. Love yourself and forgive yourself. You loved the best way you know how. It might not have matched what the other person was looking for. That happens in relationships. Doesn’t mean you have to blame yourself for life.

    Maybe see what other fish are in the sea and get your confidence back…

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