
bad timing or patterns?

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    Dear Peace:

    You asked regarding this 32 year old flat mate: “is he also using Guilt tripping??”- yes, reads like he too is guilt tripping you. Lots of people guilt trip people who are inclined to accept blame and feel guilty.

    It is a way to have power over another person.

    A person who guilt trips another is not a “very sincere, honest” person, like you described him to be. You wrote that he loves you (“cares for me.. loves me”)- a person who guilt trips you wants to have power over you, and that is not caring and loving.

    You wrote: “I have done few mistakes by dealing with him”.- was one of those mistakes having sex with him?



    Dear Peace,

    I too think your flatmate is guilt tripping you, and it seems to be common for all the men you were involved with. In their eyes, it’s always your fault that you want to leave them, as if it has nothing to do with their behavior. We’ve talked about it before – that when the child doesn’t receive love and attention, and is bullied or neglected, the child believes it’s their own fault. The child never blames the parents or care-takers, but themselves. That’s why you’re susceptible to blaming yourself and also to believing those who blame you.

    You are not guilty for not liking and not accommodating to selfish people who’d try to use you this or that way. You have the right to dislike them and to protect yourself and separate yourself from them, both physically and emotionally. This flatmate is also a selfish, confused person, who doesn’t know what he wants and then is harassing you with his crazy proposals.

    The best would be to find another flatmate ASAP, or move out and if you need a flatmate to share the costs, by all means find a woman! Don’t put yourself again in a situation where you have to share a flat with a man, and then suffer from any kind of harassment.

    And remember:  you aren’t guilty for wanting to be treated with dignity and respect, and for wanting to protect your boundaries!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Tee.

    Dear Anita,

    No anita..i dint have sex, or kissed or hugged him ever.. But i feel i should have distanced myself t, when he first proposed me…


    Dear Peace:

    I am glad to read this! Like TeaK just posted to you a little while ago: “Don’t put yourself again in a situation where you have to share a flat with a man, and then suffer from any kind of harassment”.

    When you say No to a man, make it a strong No, and see that your behavior fits the No. Don’t give men double messages, a Maybe or a weak-no, followed by a maybe-yes, and so forth.



    Dear Teak and Anita ,

    thank you for your thoughts about my this 32 year old flatmate.. i stopped talking to him and i m feeling lighter in (Peace) and less disturb as i was before .unfortunately i dint choose him as my flatemate i m moving out and going back to my country to visit my mom and hopfully in my next flat (in end of june) wont be sharing .

    i want to share something which he said  to me and that disturb me for days .. when he was mad at me ,he said once, He cares for me alot but he doesnt see the same care from me toward him and he believes in “Karma” ,he than said , Maybe one day you will meet someone who you will care alot and he wont care about you at all .. ( i felt bad and scared and guilty  ) his these lines scared me but later i start thinking : if karma will hit me back because he cares for me and i dont ,than why was i suffering in past and unhappy in childhood whose karma was hitting me all those time, even i didnt hurt anyone  back than .


    thank you for recommending me the book ” Running on Empty” i have started reading it (as i m free after exams for a week) and i m finding it very interesting .as i can relate it alot..but what i feel after reading 95 pages out of 240 pages that my parents wasnt there emotionally for me .. i could relate to some stories like i never showed my school diary to my  parents ,siblings nor any of my family …i dint get that emotional part of me in childhood ..it is a very good book i m gonna read it full and follow it, so that i can give my inner child (me) that emotional  (love )support  which she was missing  and overcome that emotional neglect.


    my now (ex) bf continuously trying to guilt tripp me but Fortunately i m not falling for it now and i m not Guilty ..

    thank you Anita and Teak to letting me know that its okey to choose myself and my Peace without being guilty or feeling wrong ..


    as Teak wrote: “You are not guilty for not liking and not accommodating to selfish people who’d try to use you this or that way. You have the right to dislike them and to protect yourself and separate yourself from them, both physically and emotionally. ”

    i agree ..thats what i learnt from our conversations: if my mental health or myself get disturbed by someone or their actions , its okey to walk away without feeling guilty  ..i m going to keep it very simple  from now onwards by setting some boundaries .





    Dear Peace:

    You are welcome. You felt scared and guilty after your flat mate told you what he told you because he tried to scare you and make you feel guilty and he succeeded for a while. He was angry at you for not (showing him more affection.. or for not having sex with him, I am guessing), so he intended to punish you by making you feel  bad: scared and guilty.

    He wanted you to suffer, and like you figured out, and I am using my own words here: you already suffered as a child even though you were completely innocent and had zero personal Karma that could justify your childhood suffering.

    Yes, Peace, in regard to people who try to punish you and have power over you by making you feel badly (the flat mate, the ex, others in the future), please do “walk away without feeling guilty… keep it simple from now onward by setting some boundaries”!



    Dear Peace,

    I am glad you like the book and that it’s helping you. And that you choose to protect your boundaries from now on, and not feel guilty when someone’s guilt tripping you. Also, it’s great to hear you’re moving to another apartment in the summer, away from your annoying flatmate. Really great news! Take care of yourself, and do keep in touch!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Tee.

    dear Anita and Teak ,

    thank you ..you too take care of yourself …

    will be in touch 🙂


    You are welcome, Peace, take care and be in touch!



    How are you, Peace???



    Hallo Anita,

    i just noticed your message  …it felt so good .. thank you ..

    i am good and Fine,  how about you ? Did you take your Corona  vaccination ?

    i have exams again next month ..see time flies haha ..i was just giving exams in march -April and i remember posting here on those days .



    Dear Peace:

    Good to read back from you! Yes, I got fully vaccinated (2 shots of the Pfizer vaccine) back in March and I am very happy that I got vaccinated. I wish every person in the world would get vaccinated! How about you? I hope that you prepare well and do well on your exams next month.



    Dear Anita,

    i got my first shot of biotech and hopfully end of this month i will take my second shot ..

    Ya my preparation is going Good too. hopfully i will do my best this time again 🙂




    Dear Anita,

    i got my first shot of biotech and hopfully end of this month i will take my second shot ..

    Ya my preparation is going Good too. hopfully i will do my best this time again 🙂





    Dear Peace:

    See to it that you do all that you can do to get the second shot at the end of July/ as soon as possible. Good to read that your preparation is going well. We had a heat wave where I am at, the highest temperatures ever for this area, and way higher than the previous record. I wonder how you are faring, where you are, as far as global warming is concerned. I will be going for a walk next (almost 2 pm and cool enough to walk)- thankfully for days now, the temperatures are back down.


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