
very confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please

HomeForumsRelationshipsvery confused-new girlfriend, ex-girlfrend. Help me please

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  • This topic has 496 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by John.
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  • #232693

    Hi John,

    No need to be sorry. If typing out your thoughts and feelings helps you, continue to do it for sure. It’s funny how the brain tries to make sense of things, isn’t it? I mean, take the “I’m not feeling it” text. It sure would be nice to know exactly what she meant by that. Did she want to spend time with another guy? Was her house a mess and she needed some time to clean it up before you saw it? Or was she tired after a long work week and just wanted to crash on her sofa and watch a cooking show on TV? And what about the half-hour “mystery time”? Was she with someone else during that time? Or did she just take longer to get out of her house than she wanted to admit? Chances are you’ll never know the answers but your brain will continue to search for them. All of us go through this. It’s one of the reasons why I prefer to be around people who only tell me the truth because I don’t want to have to figure the truth out. It’s way too exhausting! That’s what happens once you start doubting someone’s honesty, isn’t it? You have to figure out the truth on your own. I don’t have this problem with my husband. He’s completely honest with me. And you don’t have this problem with your current girlfriend either, do you? But, looking back, you did have this problem with your  ex-gf. Sure would have been difficult having a happy long-term relationship with someone whose complete honesty with you was in question.



    yes, it was exhausting.  For one, the day she was late, she said she was already on the freeway passing a town where the would of only been at most an hour and 10 minutes away not almost two hours.  However, If she was leaving his house (his town is about 20-40 minutes the opposite direction)  the travel time would have made since.

    She always told me that she was completely honest with me and never lied about anything, but i think she did.  there were different versions of the wedding weekend that she told me.  Then when we talked after we broke up I asked her about her boyfriend and it felt like she was dishonest about that.  I asked her why she made it public on FB about her relationship status and she said “it was a long story, a mistake.”  Like she didn’t mean to do it, however I know that you have to deliberately go in there to your settings and change your status to “public” for anyone to see that(not something that happens by mistake), which with me she never did.  When i was with her and asked her to, she told me that “I know that i’m with you, that is enough isn’t it?”  like she didn’t want it to be known.  She didn’t even have it so “friends” could see when i was with her.  In fact, i think she changed her status when she needed a break or before.  Because i remember looking at mine during that time and mine just said in a relationship, but not with who, and i was able to “ask” her on FB again to do that.  She asked me, “did you take me off?”.  which i didn’t so she had to be the one that did.

    And then when i also asked her about her boyfriend, i asked when she met and it got serious, and she said, they met in the beginning of December, and really didn’t start dating until Jan or Feb.  Well i was a stalker.  I already new they were serious from some of the meme’s that she had posted on FB and he responded too.  Another thing is in her relationship status, it says they’ve been “in a relationship” since the day they supposedly met.  It kind of all is sinking in now and all makes sense.

    I remember when she broke up with me, she still wanted to be friends and be civil.  We remained friends on FB, until one day only a couple weeks in she unfriended me out of the blue.  Then when we did meet to exchange our stuff, she gave me back everything.  Even a pic of me and my girls.  I would think that someone that wanted to remain friends and still cared for us would of liked to keep that, not give it back?  This was one week after she supposedly met him for the first time.

    There was also a couple meme’s on her FB that i saw right after she unfriended me.  One said ” If someone is meant to be in your life, they will gravitate back to you” and it had a pic of a guy and gal with hearts going back and forth, and another said something about how penguins search for the perfect rock to give the one they choose for life and it had hearts and shit all over it.  She posted these before she supposedly met him….

    I’m really getting the picture, i think.  I could be completely wrong, however…  I think maybe this is someone she knew from her past(he does live down there and is a small town, and his nephew is friends of FB with her son) that she may have bumped into or something, then maybe they started messaging on FB before the wedding.  Or maybe just after.  But that would explain why she stopped talking to me, like she was confused and had a spark with him as well.  Something new and exciting…  When we took our break, i’m 99.9% sure she was talking to someone on FB messenger.  And the way she acted and behaved and the things she did text to me was like she had guilt about something.

    So yes, she wasn’t always “completely honest” with me.  If she was another thing she would of told me when we took a break was that how she was feeling about me.  How she felt i was needy and controlling and all of that.  instead of constantly telling me “it had nothing to do with me”  even when we broke up she said that it had nothing to do with me(which was a lie) and said that she wasn’t meant for a relationship, which was a lie, because she was in one a month later.  I really think either one of the two things happened.  Either she did do something on the wedding weekend that she shouldn’t have, and couldn’t get past it, or that she had met him before we were broke up and developed feelings for him, which is understandable.

    It hurts but it is understandable.  He is a single man, no kids, successful, lives in the same town, independent and does his thing(he is big into fishing and camping).

    Where as I have my kids half the time(she loved my girls, but it was hard to work around them for most of our relationship because my schedule with them was screwy for almost all of our relationship. )  I had my girls Sunday thru Tuesday, off wed, on thursday thru tuesday, off wed thru sat, then repeat.  That was for the first 10 months of our relationship.  Which was very difficult, cause i had to be back in town every sunday by 8AM to pick up my girls.  It wasn’t until all the drama with her son hit that my ex-wifes work schedule changed and i was able to start doing week on and week off.  Which i did make my ex feel guilty because said “it’s ironic, now that i have full weekends free, you are dealing with all of your sons stuff”  I know i shouldn’t of said that, but i was hurt and upset that i kept getting pushed aside.

    I have a good career, but i’m not doing “well” for myself.  I struggle from time to time, so i wasn’t able to do whatever whenever.  Although, I always made it happen when we wanted to do something.

    I do live an hour and a half away, so there was no “lets go have dinner” or whatever at the last minute, It was very hard to “wing it” like she liked to do.

    I was independent, i did my own thing and with my friends, but i did change, I stopped hanging out with my friends and stopped being myself, doing my things.  I sacrificed everything that was my life so i could spend any moment possible with her.  I know that that is unattractive, and you lose interest when someone gets that way.  When someone quits being confident and independent.  When we met and for a long period, i did my own thing and had my own life.  I quit that and made everything about her, if i wasn’t seeing her or anything, then i would do nothing and i would be poopy and make her feel guilty.

    In a lot of ways, i can see how if she did get involved with someone else.  I can’t blame her.  I can blame her though for not communicating and being completely honest with me though about how she felt.  I even asked her about me being that way and she would still say, it had nothing to do with me…

    So yes, i don’t think she was as honest as she says she was.  She even told me that they were not serious and it wasn’t a real relationship, but when i asked her later on if she was in love with him and he made her happy she said yes.  So that to me means she was lying again.  Like she would say things to keep me at bay, just in case.

    Like i’ve said and you have told me.  I will never know the whole truth.  I wish so bad that i could sit down with her and asked her these questions that run through my head every day and have her talk to me in person.  It’s very easy not to tell the truth over a text message…  And it doesn’t do my any good to speculate and dwell on it.  It is very frustrating and difficult though.  I know deep in my heart if she could of actually talked to me face to face and told me exactly what was happening between us before it got to this point and even if she had met someone else, i could of worked on my issues and possibly made it better.

    Hindsight is a bitch right?  I do wish so bad that i could go back to that summer and re-live everything knowing what  i do know now though.  So bad…  it plagues me every day. Even back to Labor day weekend.  That was the first time i felt something was wrong and i even asked her about it, she said we would take later, but we never did.  it was then that i should have made a point to have dinner or something with her during the week and actually talked to her.  That was my fault for being to scared and cowardly to bring it up.

    Meanwhile, I am and still will try to focus on what i have now.  maybe someday i will have a day when i can look back and be happy for the time i did have and not be sorry and regretful for how it all ended…

    Thanks you guys so  much.  This really helps me.  I do still miss her so though.  Very hard to dismiss that feeling and the love i still feel for her.


    Hi John,

    You say I do wish so bad that i could go back to that summer and re-live everything knowing what  i do know now though.  So bad…  it plagues me every day. But the thing is, John, you don’t know anything about why she did what she did. You think you have a pretty good idea, but you could be totally wrong. After thinking, thinking, and thinking some more, you’ve arrived at what you believe is probably the truth, but you may have it all wrong.

    It sure would have been helpful if she had been completely forthcoming with you!

    There are times in life when we have to accept that we’ll never know the truth about something. We’ll never be certain about what really happened. It’s called sitting with uncertainty and it’s about knowing that although we may never be able to make sense of something, we’ll be okay.



    Yes, i agree with you brandy.  It’s hard to not want a second chance to try it over though, at least if i could and not make the same mistakes i did.  Hindsight is a bitch.  I see so many times when i did screw up with her.  Times when i should of just listened to her and been a shoulder, not someone to try to fix her problems.  Times when i should of backed off and let her be, let her come to me instead of me constantly bugging her.  Times when i should of told her that i was going to do something with my friends that weekend instead of constantly blowing them off.  There were a lot of things i do know for sure that contributed to the end.

    Unfortunately, i have never been in love with someone like that before.  I didn’t know how to act or what to do.  All i wanted was to be there with here every minute of every day, no matter the cost.  I know now that I still have to be myself and live my life, that loving someone is also loving your self and being real with yourself as well.

    I can’t help but want to go back and have a do over, who wouldn’t?

    I will make sure not to do that and make those mistakes with my current girlfriend.  That’s the best i can do.  And hope that it developed into what i did have with my ex.


    Hi John!

    I’ve been a little MIA, but I’ve had a lot going on the last few days. As for how I’m doing it, I just think I’m a little farther along in the “letting go” part than you are. I’ve talked to my ex here and there on a friend level, but he hasn’t really led me on in a long time (since the end of March or so) in the way your ex has led you on more recently, so it’s been a little easier for me. I also have been doing a lot of reading on HOW to let go. I think it also probably helps that I can’t visualize…. in general. It’s just not something I have ever been really able to do. I close my eyes and I don’t really see anything unless I’m asleep and start dreaming, but once I’m awake, I can’t really see much of a picture anymore.  Don’t close your eyes and try to see things though…. just keep them open and focus on what you’re physically doing in the present. Be mindful. Look at your surroundings, listen to the sounds, even the little things. Just bring yourself back to where you are when your mind starts to drift.

    A couple quick notes that I think really help… take your ex girlfriend off the pedestal. Really, truly… take her down from there. I know you can kind of see all of these things that weren’t quite right with you two (that you’ve mentioned here and there), but they aren’t really getting through to your mind because you still have her up on the idealistic mental pedestal. Once you REALLY take her down from there and stop idealizing the relationship, you will find that you will be able to start the process of truly letting go much easier and faster.

    Also… don’t FIGHT the thoughts of her… when they come, acknowledge them in your head and then let them go on their merry way. It would be like, “oh, I’m thinking of her again, that’s okay, but I’m going to just let this thought pass right on through my head and then start thinking about what I’m doing at this present moment (like I described above… mindfulness).” And then concentrate on what you’re doing right then rather than her. The more you fight the thoughts, the worse it’s going to feel. What your mind really wants is some form of control over the situation (which is why you’re fighting the thoughts), but this isn’t anything you can control. You can’t even really control the time it takes to truly get over her. You just kind of have to accept where you’re at, make the decision to take her off that pedestal (if that is what you’re ready to do, if you truly want to feel better), and then just ease up and go with the flow until you find yourself naturally moving on. There is going to come a point where you truly find yourself WANTING to move on and it’ll feel good…. once you stop idealizing her.

    To be clear, I STILL think about my ex here and there pretty much daily, but I can tell you the thoughts hang around less and less and they don’t bring up nearly as much emotion as they used to… usually no emotion at all, even with the things that trigger them… and that all started when I seriously took him off of that pedestal I had him up on… and I only decided to take him off of there a few weeks ago, and I’m already feeling much better. Do I hope we have another chance someday? Sure, part of me does, BUT I’m certainly not banking my happiness on it and I know there are others out there that might be an even better match for me. We have NO WAY of knowing what the future holds or who else is out there that we haven’t met yet so it really doesn’t make sense to attach ourselves to the idea of one person… but our minds (really, our egos) want that one person because they’re familiar and we like the feelings they gave us…. but they aren’t the only people out there that are capable of giving us those feelings.

    Wouldn’t you want someone who gives you those feelings but is also on the same page as you? Who communicates in a way similar to you or loves in the same way that you do so there’s less confusion? Who has the same beliefs as you do about not cancelling plans and other things that are really important to you? That person could definitely be out there and someone you haven’t even met yet that you could literally meet any day now, but you won’t recognize them if you’re caught up in your feelings over your ex. So maybe just work on trying to get to the point where you feel comfortable taking her off of that idealistic mental pedestal that you have her on (and again, I was doing the same thing with my ex), and let that be your first real step towards recovering totally…. and if she does come back, that’ll just be a bonus if you decide you still want her by then… but think about this…. if she comes back and you’ve already found someone BETTER suited for you who makes you even happier and feel even more loved and appreciated, are you really going to care that she came back? haha. If anything you’d get the satisfaction of being able to say too little, too late.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Valora.

    Excellent contribution, Valora!! 🙂



    valora, thanks again.  It’s so refreshing to hear and talk with someone that has been through and struggled the same as me.

    I do have her on a pedestal, i do know that.  I try to take her down, but then my stupid brain puts her right back up there.  I can’t explain it.  I still feel like i will never find someone that i connect with the way i did with her.

    I want to move on so bad, that it consumes me.  I want to appreciate the woman i have now in my life.  she would do absolutely anything for me, and the fact that she is still here despite everything (I can’t remember if i told all of you she found out i was still talking to my ex before she blocked me again)  and my girlfriend is still there by my side.  Still loves me for me and just wants to make me happy.  I’m telling you it’s weird how much she reminds me of myself with my ex.  I think that’s what makes it difficult also.  Partly because my girlfriend has gotten insecure(like i was or still am about my ex.  And my girlfriend is constantly telling me how much she loves me and such.  Again the same thing i did with my ex.  It’s like a reminder of how I was and what i did to push my ex away.  Very confusing and difficult at times.   I know how my girlfriend feels because i felt-maybe still feel the same way about my ex.

    the messed up thing is that I know if i would of met her before my ex, that there would be no question of  my love and devotion to her.  I would be head over heals.  But since i still have my ex there in my head, it’s like a block (or pedestal) i can’t break.  It doesn’t help that 5 nights a week, i’m raising her kids so she can work.  I get incredibly lonely without her there, then on the weekends we are so busy with other shit that we don’t get the time we need with each other like we need.

    I heard another song and did cry again this morning.  I always feel a little better when i do though.  Although i still have this voice in the back of my head telling me that she will come back to me.  Maybe not tomorrow, next month, next year or even 5 years from now.  But someday she will.  I don’t know why i think that.  I know i have to be able to know and accept that she isn’t, like valora said, i need to be done and if it ever does happen i may not want her back.  I just can’t seem to get that through my head and heart.

    I love that you all support and help me.  I really don’t know where i would be at with this help..  Thanks again.

    The world and life is a screwed up thing.  Or at least that’s how it feels.  trying to make the best of everything.  This really does help.   Thanks again.


    Well, still thinking about it all.  I think i need to confess to her(write a letter, but not necessarily mail it to her).  Just to get it off my chest.  I need to confess about the times i did talk to her friend without her knowing trying to get insight as to what was happening and also about how i FB stalked her before and after we split up and how that effected me and my thoughts and feelings.  I have never directly told here this, she knows i did talk to her friend(she found out after), but I don’t know if she knows how much.  I don’t know if she is aware about me tracking her time on messenger when we were separated or not, but i would feel better at least getting it all out there.  I carry so much guilt about this.  It hurts.  like i said, i don’t plan on mailing her this letter (it would be nice) but like everyone has told me, including her.  She has moved on and doesn’t have feelings anymore.  She is done.  So there is no point in sending it to her.  Just something I need to do.


    John… I really think that’s the “ego” part of your mind telling you that you’ll never find someone like her… but that doesn’t make it true. I think the biggest thing here is that you’re not to a point yet where you truly WANT to let go… and I know exactly how that feels, because I was there, too, not too long ago. Part of me really wished I could just let go and stop wanting to be with him so I could feel better already, but there was a stronger part of me that felt the same way about my ex that you do about yours… that it was just meant to be, sooner or later, and he was it. My mind was attached. You have to work harder on getting PAST that point if you truly want to feel better. Otherwise, nothing any of us say is really going to help you and you’re just going to keep going in circles. At some point you HAVE to truly be able to detach or you’re going to end up being one of those people who are still pining after this person years later. Meanwhile, that person moved on long ago.

    I think it would help a ton if you would relax some. You say you “want to move on so bad that it consumes” you. That is not helping you in any way. If you are feeling so strongly that it’s consuming you, it’s likely that you are not in a place where you ACTUALLY want to move on… and normally I’d say that’s okay, that we all have to move on in our own time, but you have another woman in your life that deserves the mental attention that you are currently giving to your ex. So in order to let go, you need to loosen the grip. Keep taking your ex off the pedestal and don’t let your ego put her back on there. She doesn’t deserve to be there.

    I also am not so sure that you would have felt a love and devotion with your current girlfriend if you hadn’t met your ex first, but I don’t know. Do you feel like you’re just not letting your girlfriend in emotionally? If you have and you are still feeling so strongly for your ex, that sort of suggests that you just don’t have that same type of connection that you want with your current girlfriend. It’s generally either there and you feel it or it isn’t. I feel like I’ve met two of my soulmates in my life… was just totally and completely in love with the first one for most of my younger years, at least a decade of my life, he felt very strongly for me too but we could just never get the timing right… yet I still felt he was the only one for me…. then I met my ex and it was like my feelings were proven wrong about the first one and I was over him almost immediately, no longer wanting to be with him because my connection with my ex was so strong and felt so much better. I don’t know if that’s the case for everyone, but I definitely haven’t thought much about my first one since, and that’s why I know there are better connections out there, even when you think it isn’t possible. You just don’t know what you don’t know.

    Anyway, just be gentle and, most importantly, patient with yourself. You can’t FORCE yourself to get over her, you can only take the steps that will guide you there naturally and you owe it to your current girlfriend to take those steps. You just probably have to relax and go with the flow a little bit more. Let those thoughts go right back out of your mind when they come in, without any kind of fight. Eventually they will start slowing down and have less emotional pull. You will know when you’re TRULY ready to let go, because it’s a mindset change. Letting go starts sounding good in a peaceful way, not a painful way.

    Also… this confession letter… it’s a good idea to journal or write to get thoughts out if you think that will help, but definitely, definitely don’t send it to her. Quite frankly, if an ex-boyfriend sent me a confession letter about stalking me on FB and tracking my messenger time, if I’d had thoughts of getting back with him, that would probably kill them… even though that’s probably a totally common thing people do surrounding breakups (and that’s why I wouldn’t even feel guilty about that if I were you. I’d wager a good 70-80% of people AT LEAST who use FB do that kind of thing after a breakup). But even if she weren’t done, sending that to her would hurt more than it’d help.


    Thanks. I haven’t let my girlfriend in emotionally. I want to but I stop myself.

    I wont send the letter. I just hate having that guilt. Maybe to myself?  I don’t know. I’m trying to breathe and relax. I just feel like no matter what I do it all comes back to her.

    I cried again this morning. I’m so tired of hurting like this.

    I’m  trying to practice all the advice you all have given me. Thank u.


    John , Im going through something similar.

    I was with my ex for 4 years, and like you she was the best, I share a similar story. The only difference is that it was my family issue which got in the way which caused our split.

    we have been split about 18 months now. I have been dating my new GF for about year, Whom has been truly great to me

    However Im still fighting the demons and the ghosts from my EX , she is still on mind. I have written to her a couple of times but had no response,  I no im hurting not just me, but my new GF and probably the EX.  my ex is almost like an addiction. to make things worse I have to travel past her hosue everyday on my way to work.  So ig it helps I know the emtions you are going through, ITS hell


    Thanks Scott, that is the one thing that i feel lucky for and unlucky, is that she lives over an hour away.  So i never have a chance of bumping into her.  On the other hand, if we did bump into each other it would possibly help.  If i could of just had a last conversation face to face with her.  I never had that opportunity.  The chance to sit and talk to her about everything when it ended.  I’ll never have that closure.

    I think the hardest part for me is that I know in my heart how much she did love me.  I also know that because of how I behaved, i couldn’t give her what she needed and it all became too much.

    It’s very tough.  Thanks again for your empathy and sharing.  It is very nice knowing I’m not the only one that has this problem and hurt.

    this is going to be a tough weekend for me. This weekend a year ago is the last time we spent together.

    I think one of my bigger regrets is not talking to her the last morning i was with her.  I could tell something was up, but again i was too scared and acted as if all was okay.  I should have sat her down then and really had her tell me what was going on.  I could totally feel it.  I really think that is one thing that i don’t know if i can ever forgive myself for not doing.

    It’s hard already this morning, i have a feeling it will just get tougher through the weekend.  I’m really going to try to focus on my girlfriend.

    Thanks everyone.  Who would of ever known that heartbreak like this can stick with someone for so long.


    John, trust me. You don’t need closure. I felt the same way literally 3 weeks ago. I was talking to my counselor, crying in his office, wishing for closure. I went home from that appointment and thought why… what is closure really going to give me? If I tried to talk to my ex about things, it would likely just bring up more questions and more questions. I decided what I really wanted was clarity and I’m not sure he could really give that to me either. It’s just one of those things that you have to accept that you won’t know and let that be okay. You don’t NEED to know. It’s all in the past and can’t be changed no matter what you do… and sometimes I think we want closure just because there’s hope that if we get them talking about it, they’ll decide they want us back. But I know that’s not how I would want my ex to come back. If he came back, it would have to be his own decision without any influence from me, otherwise he would likely just leave again later and I’d have to start this whole process over. He CHOSE to leave me, so he has to be the one to make things right, if he decides he wants to do that. That day when I had that realization was the day I took him off of that pedestal I’d had him on, and that was the day I started healing much, much more rapidly. I think I’d still want to try to work things out if he did come back (if he’s done some growing up too) BUT I don’t feel like I need him to anymore and I really don’t care whether he does or not because I’m going to be fine either way… and quite frankly, his loss. lol

    Your ex may have loved you, John, but from what you’ve said, I’m not sure it was as much as you loved her. You’ve said she kept blowing you off to even just stay home and do nothing, and I know when you are head over heels, you want to spend every minute you can together. So that might need to be something you might want to accept as a possibility as well. I really think you can do better than your ex and you may already HAVE better in your current relationship when you finally let your ex go and let your current girlfriend in emotionally.

    So yes, focusing on your girlfriend this weekend is a GREAT idea. Any thoughts that come into your mind about your ex, just let them pass and refocus on all of the things you love about your current girlfriend and your life as it is now. You seem to be focusing A LOT on the past but what do you love about your life now?

    And for goodness sake, FORGIVE YOURSELF. For all of it. You CANNOT go back and change any of it so, I promise you, none of your guilt over any of this is helping you and all of those talks with her and any of those changes you wish you’d made likely would’ve had the same exact result anyway. This was a decision SHE made on her own… without you. It’s not one you could’ve prevented, no matter how much your mind would like to believe you could’ve if you’d done things differently. This was all her. Things happen for a reason, so find the lesson in it and then let everything else go and you will feel so much better.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Valora.

    “Your ex may have loved you, John, but from what you’ve said, I’m not sure it was as much as you loved her.”

    I think you are right about this.  I think she felt that way for the first half or so, but then started to not.  I think that i was more of an escape and stepping stone for her.  Like i said before, when we first met, she was still getting past her ex-husband issues.  Not missing him, but feeling like a failure and such to him and her kids.  She told me that she was just a hermit.  She didn’t expect anything to happen between us and it was hard to get her out of her shell for the first month  or two.  Once i did…. Well it was AMAZING.  But then i’m thinking for her i was just an escape from her life or reality.  After several months went by  I started to help out in her life and it was no longer seeing me to get away, it was me coming there and being involved in all her drama.

    I think between all her drama and her flaking out on me so often, that’s one of the bigger things that caused me to be so insecure.

    With all of that combined…  If you’re not really in love with someone like I was.  Then it is a hell of  a lot easier to let it go.  And especially if you have found a new bright shiny toy.  Another one that takes you away from this situation.


    “So yes, focusing on your girlfriend this weekend is a GREAT idea.”

    Well this weekend was a good and bad one.

    We started off carving pumpkins friday after work.  That turned into a big disaster.  Her boy started acting up again.  Became a big huge mess.    Screaming and Crying…  After that Her and I got into a pretty nasty fight about other shit.  She was crying all night.  Saturday morning we talked a little bit.  Kind of made up a little Saturday, then Saturday night her and I was able to go out.  (my oldest daughter watched her kids for us).

    Well that was tough.  For the first 15-30 minutes, it felt like a blind date.  we hardly even talked.  Then we started to talk and play pool. We ended up staying out till 2am.  we did have fun after a bit.  However she drank too much and on the way home she started to feel really bad and was throwing up when we got home.  So all day sunday she was hungover and hurting.

    Her drinking like that is one thing that does kind of bother me.  I don’t mind drinking, or even getting wasted occasionally, but it feels like whenever we go do something she gets hammered. (i’ve done it too, so i’m not innocent either).  She just has done it quite a lot more often than me.

    So this weekend…  Well lets just say it was up and down.  Now I’m back to watching all the kids by myself till friday.  This is the hardest for me.  This is when i begin to miss my old life really bad and miss my ex.

    Part of me thinks i should of set certain standards for myself when i did start dating again.  One of them being someone that has similar schedule, no kids or has kids, but is flexible and isn’t “grounded” all the time.  And someone that is finically independent and secure (not a sugar mama-although that would be amazing.  LOL)  I think those were 3 of the bigger things i miss.  Having someone that we could do whatever.

    I was thinking though Saturday night when we went out and it was awkward silence.  My ex and I never had that.  Being with her and around her felt so natural, we could converse about anything anytime.  I’m trying to keep telling myself that it was just because she was the “weekend” girlfriend.  It is coming up on 2 months since i’ve last messaged her though.  very hard not to want to do something.  So hard to just let her go.

    My girlfriend told me Saturday night, that no matter what I do, she is not leaving me unless I tell her i am done.  I could basically cheat on her ( I wouldn’t, just an example) and she would stay.  That’s how much she loves me.  It sucks!  Why couldn’t/can’t I feel that same way towards her.  that’s exactly how I felt about my ex.

    She was telling me all of this and that she see’s us spending our lives together.  I told her that i do love her, and I know how she feels.  And that i will do my best to make it work.  And I want the same.

    It’s just very messed up to me how I fell like my roles were reversed.   Going from the insecure, needy, clingy boyfriend to now being the quite and isolated boyfriend that wants his time and not to be “bugged” all the time.  Where as before, i would of absolute loved it.

    It’s tough because my girlfriend telling me these things and being this way really opens my eyes as to how I was with my ex and how it can get old and irritating to where it would turn you off and want less time together.

    Dang!  I didn’t realize how much i was typing.  Need to get back to work.  thanks again for all input.

    Still struggling, John.


    Your ex-girlfriend and your current girlfriend are great examples of why you should not get involved with dating someone when you are not in a good place, especially when you have unresolved issues/feelings for an ex.

    I think it sounds like you’re assessing your situation with your ex correctly. That sounds logical/reasonable to me. Given what she was going through, she may not have actually been capable of loving anyone the way you loved her. She just might not have had it in her because she had so many issues with herself, and that will likely continue with everyone she dates afterwards until she resolves those issues. I think this is also why some people can move on so easily from one person to the next… they’re not even capable of forming deep attachments yet.

    As for your girlfriend, it sounds like she has some issues she might need to work through, too:

    “My girlfriend told me Saturday night, that no matter what I do, she is not leaving me unless I tell her i am done. I could basically cheat on her ( I wouldn’t, just an example) and she would stay. That’s how much she loves me.”

    That’s not love, John. That’s codependence, over-attachment, and a complete disrespect for self. You can love someone unconditionally, but for someone who is independent with a good self-esteem and no attachment issues, cheating would NEVER fly. No matter how much you love someone. Quite frankly, what you’re doing now, with putting another girl first half the time, that would never fly either. If I were dating someone like that, I would’ve been out LONG ago.

    Her drinking so much isn’t really a good sign either. If she does it so much that it might seem like an addiction, even a minor one, that is definitely a sign of underlying issues. For example, I used to have a huge problem with compulsive shopping. As soon as I fixed my underlying issues, I no longer had any desire to shop.

    The problem with getting involved with someone new when you are in a bad space in your life is that you are also attracting people who are in bad spaces. Like attracts like. You had issues and so does she and that is most likely why your current relationship isn’t feeling right. Then if you fix your issues and hers stay the same (because maybe she doesn’t recognize that she has them), that that creates even more of a disconnect that makes things feel even more wrong. It’s likely you can’t feel the same towards her because you are not truly a match. You can wish you felt the same until your face turns blue, and it still won’t happen if she isn’t your match (and you might subconsciously know that so your heart won’t let the feelings develop). Your REAL match is much more likely to come along when you get yourself into a TRULY good space, where you’ve let go of your ex, are feeling good. THAT is when you will attract a GOOD match, because you’ll be feeling good. Does that make sense? It’s even possible that that match could be your ex if you BOTH fix your issues and get into that good space and are attracted back together… BUT you have to let go of her first or that won’t happen because you won’t get into that space where you’re feeling great.

    However…. both of these women have clearly taught you something. Your ex showed you the kind of relationship you want. She showed you the things you really like in someone and the feeling that you’re looking for.  Your current girlfriend has shown you what you were doing before that damaged the relationship with your ex and how that might have felt to her, so that is a good lesson to learn so that you don’t be that way again. These are valuable lessons! That makes both relationships worth having in the end, no matter how they’ve ended up.

    So…. you can take my advice with a grain of salt if you want, but what I think you should do is absolutely set those standards and boundaries that you think you should set for yourself, and I would add “good, flowing conversation” to that list, too. Those are important to you and are what will keep you happy in a relationship. If your current girlfriend does not line up with those standards, that should really tell you something. If you end up breaking up, then just stay single for a bit, at least until you can get to the point that you aren’t thinking about your ex so much. Start doing the things that you have always wanted to do, pick up fun hobbies, learn new things, get involved in new things (you’ll have the time because you won’t always be watching kids), and you will naturally feel your mood pick up. Once your mood picks up and you are consistently in that space of feeling great, THAT is when your true match is most likely to come along… because like attracts like. You want a great match, you need to be in a great space mentally and energy-wise. When you attracted your current girlfriend you were NOT in a great space, and that’s why she’s probably not a great match. It really probably has little to actually do with your ex.

    Keep working on fully letting your girlfriend go, though. Even if you want her back, the only way to get her back (and keep her this time) is to fully let her go. But keep being patient with yourself, too. It’s a process, and that’s okay.

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