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ParticipantWhat you do now does not dictate the rest of your life.
There are no rules in life.
If you finish your degree, that doesn’t mean you have to continue along that same pathway and do what society/uni/you expect for the rest of your life forever and ever from now until you die.
If you finish your degree, you could choose another pathway, choose a different career, multiple careers, or whatever your heart is telling you to follow at the moment.
If you decide that what you are studying is not working for you now, you can choose to finish, choose to do transfer to a different course/uni, choose to defer, choose not to finish – whatever you like.
You do not have to spend your life focused on one thing only. I have a degree and only work around 20% of my time in that industry. I am self employed and run 3 small businesses that are completely unrelated to each other. I thought I’d have to focus on one thing but I realised not only do I NOT want to become stuck in one thing forever and ever until I cry or die… I realised WE ALL GROW and our needs/wants/thoughts/focuses/desires/dreams/goals are constantly growing and changing with us. And that is ok, because we can change what we are doing to suit our current focuses and dreams 🙂
ParticipantIt sounds like you are doing a lot of comparing yourself to others.
Ignore the noise around you.
Ask yourself these Qs:
– What do YOU want?
– How do YOU want to feel?
– How do YOU want to be living?
– What kind of work do YOU want to be doing?There is no such thing as ‘having it all figured out.’ Because once you reach your dreams you once set, suddenly you have a new set of dreams that you want to reach.
Live life on YOUR terms 🙂
March 14, 2014 at 11:08 pm in reply to: Problems with my mindset and my need for a one word mantra #52795Anna
ParticipantHi Taj,
I think you know the answers to all your questions. If I answer them with more questions, maybe that will help you?…
@mrmahal said:
2) When people recognize I have potential, it scares me. It scares me not because I don’t think I deserve it, but because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to live up to what I can be. in addition, when it comes to people, I never feel good enough for everyone. This could be me overanalyzing everyones interaction with me, but I feel like people don’t like me.I can never seem to focus on anything, I never feel good enough for people in general, and sometimes I wish I lived independently from everythingAre you good enough for you? Do you think you can live up to your own expectations?
@mrmahal said:
3) the most important issue with me is how to think and approach life. I have a hard time explaining this to friends or family, but pretty much I don’t know what I should be thinking in a given situation. Hinduism says live in the moment, other. Sources say plan for the future, and more say learn from the past. I’m confused as to how to live my life.Forgetting other teachings, how would you like to live your life?
@mrmahal said:
Overall, I just want to be happy and successful. Happy with how things are going, and success in my life and relationships so that other may benefit from my endeavors as wellAre you happy and successful? How will you do this or continue doing this?
@mrmahal said:
Basically, could you find just one word, one word that I, a person who’s lost his way, can focus on and say to myself throughout the day in order to lead a more fulfilling life?Do you need one word from someone else? What is life to you?
If you really do need one word, what is a word that you might give to a friend who has lost their way, that they can focus on and say to themselves throughout the day to remind them to lead a fulfilling life?
ParticipantE. Buddha I hope you will not stay on 1200 for more than a week! That is not enough to sustain yourself 🙂
Try to focus on different types of foods rather than total calorie value. For example, if you ate 1200 of broccoli in a day, your body would process this much differently to if you ate 1200 of chocolate cake in a day. I’m not saying to eat nothing but broccoli! But simply stating you can eat more calories if you choose wisely 🙂
ParticipantOur taste buds can change over time.
If we are brought up on more sweeter foods like fruit, sweets, cakes etc then we will find that vegetables have a less sweet, and sometimes more bitter taste. Kids in particular are sensitive this this – in fact, most kids are hyper sensitive to taste and find many vegetables (particularly the green ones) too bitter.
Research has shown that if you expose someone to a new taste 10 times then they will learn to accept it. So for example if you dislike broccoli, try a little bit every now and then. After 10 tastes, you should accept it.
ParticipantOh dear Geo, that really sounds like a terrible situation to be in. It sounds like you feel really trapped. How can you change things? Here are two questions for you:
1. Keeping in mind, you cannot change other people… What would be your ideal situation to be in right now? I don’t mean a convenient marriage to get you out of there (unless that is your #1 desire). But how exactly would you like to be living right now?
2. How could you get yourself to this ideal situation?
ParticipantHey Holly,
I hate to say this, but you don’t know it isn’t true. Your reality is *your* reality.
I will say though: When you write it all out like that, logically thinking, do you think it was just the drug?
Cheers 🙂
ParticipantHey Jackie,
How would *you* like to live your life? What actions bring *you* the most joy?
No one but you is your boss.
ParticipantHi Wayliin,
I am an introvert too, so completely understand how you feel. I also find that my introverted-ness can hold me back at times. But being an introvert can definitely be your strength.
It sounds like you want to discover who you are and how your personality can shine through to others so you can lead a successful life. You do not have to change who you are. But you can discover who you are, and let your personality shine through. Once your qualifications are checked, employers select employees based on their personality. That doesn’t mean you have to be an outrageous fake bubbly happy go-get-em giggle fest. You just have to be authentically you.
What is your authentic self? What qualities do you have that other people like? What do your friends say about you? Are you intelligent, thoughtful, fun, easy to get along with, helpful, quick witted, funny, caring, wise etc? and how could these qualities make you a great employee? Are you good at working autonomously, solving problems, thinking on your feet, assisting other employees, a pleasant employee etc?
You don’t have to know what you want to do. I have had several career changes, and even now operate 3 completely unrelated businesses. All you have to do is give something a go that interests you. You are not locked into that for life. If you want to try something else, then you simply move on.
We are all evolving as people. It is ok to evolve your career 🙂
ParticipantHi Jessie,
I don’t have hypothyroid, but do have other issues. I completely understand your frustration with your weight. Have you talked to your doc about other meds? Also, what’s your diet like? It will *always* be harder for you to lose/maintain weight than others, but there are tricks you can learn with your diet. Eat the right foods, and it shouldn’t be a problem. Also, have you seen a naturopath about this? Some naturopaths are better than docs at teaching you how to manage weight with hypothyroid through diet. This site ( might be of interest to you.
Best of luck with it. Remember, there will be *someone* out there that knows how to help you in a healthy manner, but you just have to keep searching for that person 🙂
ParticipantI love trail running the best. Although I have an annoying injury, so mostly I have to make do with bushwalking. I just love being in nature by myself. Just me, the birds, the trees, the rocks. Maybe because I’m a Taurus – an earth sign – I have to feel close to the earth in order to feel truly happy and peaceful. For me it is meditation for the soul. It recharges my batteries. I love it!
I also compete in powerlifting because I am competitive in nature, and since I can’t race any more, lifting heavy things is the next best thing for me.
But I couldn’t do without my outdoor adventures 🙂
ParticipantHi Jessie,
You have chronic pain, a recent injury, and anxiety – What is it about these things that trigger emotional eating? What is it specifically, that triggers eating or binging? What happens right beforehand? Working this out, and coming up with a strategy, or even learning to let go, will help you.
ParticipantHi Zenhen 🙂 What are you passions? What lights you up? Travel? What else? It might be a good idea to write down all the things you are passionate about, all the skills you have from previous jobs, and cross-referencing each of those to come up with options for desired careers. Pick something, and work out what you have to do in order to get it. It is ok if you pick something and later decide it’s not for you. You do not have to stick with it forever! You could even choose multiple career options 🙂
ParticipantJust pick one thing and give it a go! If you don’t want to continue with it, you are not locked in forever 🙂 Once you’ve started one thing, there is also no reason you cannot do several things at the same time 🙂
ParticipantHi Anirudh,
I agree with Al – Make your own purpose 🙂
What lights your fire?
Cheers 🙂