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  • in reply to: Everything. #190643

    Cat, It sounds like you are becoming more discerning and discriminating in choosing the people who you let into your life.  That is good in trusting yourself like that.

    By the way, are you a musician?  have a band?  Is that part of your dreams and goals?


    in reply to: to journal or not to journal… #190637

    Whatever it takes for you to get writing paul.

    in reply to: Everything. #190629


    Give yourself credit for your awareness of your patterns.  Being mindful of what they are is highly useful in changing your behavior.  Also give yourself credit that you are healing and becoming stronger in every time you have took time to rest, heal, feel upset, etc.  Plus you do have dreams and goals so that is another plus.

    I concur with anita on how this process takes persistence and patience.  We are here for you.  Plus you said you want to surround yourself with supportive people.  Remember that for there are people who want to help you.  Let them rather than you expending energy to help others who are unhealthy for you.


    in reply to: Is it love or just attachment? #190557


    It sounds like he is/was a good friend that you have strong feelings for.  That’s OK.  You don’t have to put a label on it.  You don’t have to act on it.  You can just be OK by feeling those good feelings for him and leave it at that.

    He is not physically in your life anymore.  He never was romantically available since he is married.

    You can try by doing sitting meditations around your strong feelings and really be in touch with your emotions and where it shows up in your body.  And just sit with that.  It is easier to let go when you are willing to sit with it.

    You can even have a little mantra when you do this like “May he be safe. May he be happy.  May he be well.  I let him go so he can be those things.”

    What do you think?


    in reply to: Everything. #190553

    I believe in spiritual signs such as 11:11 but also know that it is not the be all, end all of the final destination.  Clarence was/is probably a stepping stone for you for further realization and growth.  He is not your final stop/relationship.  I cannot pretend to know why he showed up in your life but from the sounds of him, he is not a healthy person to be in your life anymore.

    My guess is that you got more validation that you are worthy and that there are others who you can relate to who are spiritually struggling.  Perhaps right now you don’t need guidance from the Universe but just time to heal.  That maybe all the guidance you need for now.

    I am sorry that you are struggling so and depressed.  We are here for you in spirit and on this website Cat.  It’s a day-by-day thing to live.  I am sure there will be others here on this site who will give you more concrete support in helping with your depression and sense of worthiness.  Right now Cat, I am sending you a hug and love.


    in reply to: Boyfriend broke up with me after saying he will change #190527

    Sucks how your relationship ended especially after the financial commitment of two joint vacations.

    I believe that if a relationship did not work out then it is for the best.  It sounds like you dodged a bullet with him being out of your life.  You noted his family’s history of bad relationships.

    Heal well and move on.


    in reply to: I feel like I need to depend on somebody? #190465

    Katie, There is nothing wrong about being bored and being by yourself.  It’s a great opportunity to BE with yourself.  Consider this as a meditation.  Are you meditating?  This will help with your nervousness as well.

    Are you more interested in doing social activities with others or to be able to talk with a good friend to help process your breakup?

    This is a great forum to do the latter.

    Socially there are social groups around like Meetup or try reaching out to do something with one of your friends.

    Let us know what you want and how you are doing.


    in reply to: New to This Love Thing #190405


    I don’t mean to dis you for being young.  I not assuming that you are not smart because you are young.  I do know that life experience does mean something and the only way to get it is go out into the world and get it and for that, it takes time.

    As you know from your own interactions with some older women is that just because they are older does not mean they are wiser.

    I hope I have given you support which you have not gotten from the others in your life, i.e. the not-so-wiser older women.

    Yes, sure, go ahead…stomp your feet, swear a blue streak… I encourage such release of strong emotion.  Let me know how things go or if there is anything more I can assist you with.


    in reply to: New to This Love Thing #190385


    I know having another perspective is useful for me.  I tend to go around inside my head which does not open up other ways to view my situation.

    I apologize about the “if he loved me” response.  I did not mean that you want that as a condition of loving you.  I understood what you meant but put that part of my response in there anyway.  That was why I added why I see how people love, they want to be loved/accepted exactly who they are so they won’t have to change.

    Please consider this all part of growing in your experience and wisdom in romantic relationships.  I see each relationship as an opportunity to grow, to understand ourselves better through noticing how we react/respond to the other.  This helps more sharply define our values, what is important to us and what is not.

    You are 22 which is still very young to find/attract the right man for you.  Not surprisingly when you ask most women who are older, they tell you that they are thankful that they did not stay with the men they knew when they were your age.

    And yes, us guys still have cooties :-P.


    in reply to: Still try or give it up? #190383

    I quite understand about being sick of being by yourself Maria.

    I can relate.  In the meantime, I look to get out in groups so I won’t be totally by myself.  Meetup groups are good for this.  There are other activities as well.  These are good opportunities to meet someone in real life.


    in reply to: New to This Love Thing #190373


    Never assume or count on that the other person is going to change or that you can “make” him to so.  Plus “if you really love me then you would do this for me” is highly manipulative.  In my experience, people who love is because the *other* accepts them for who they are, not to change themselves for the other.  If any real change is going to happen, he will have to want to do it for his own reasons and internal motivation.

    I am a student of how habits are formed and changed.  This is a habit, learned behavior.  Like any habit, it will take someone to make a concerted and prolonged effort to change.

    It’s like saying that you want to lose weight.  Occasional dieting or exercise will not change things in the long run.  Having someone nag you to do that will not make any lasting changes.

    Frankly I would find it exhausting to monitor his behavior whenever I am out with someone like him.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Mark.
    in reply to: Still try or give it up? #190367


    He puts out memes because talk (memes) are cheap.  He may *think* he would want someone close but in reality and subconsciously he is still scared/damaged.

    People like being virtual because it is removed from real, face-to-face life where it can be messy.  Real life is not smiling memes and cute gifs.  Reality is not where  some people like to hang out in for the virtual world is safer, non-committal, and not as demanding emotionally and physically .

    I understand there is that hope and expectation in finding someone who really seemed to get you and there are similarities that resonate.  You don’t really know him.  What he has revealed already is part of the “getting to know you” phase.  Being so emotionally invested and committing at such an early stage of getting to know each other is premature don’t you think?

    Time to move on before you get sucked into him more.


    in reply to: anxiety, health and being hurt #190361

    I am sorry that you are feeling this way joanna.  I suggest if you truly want to start healing and move on is to tell him not to contact you anymore, that you will be blocking him and deleting his contact information off your devices.

    His communications are triggering you.  You don’t need triggers or reminders.  You need to move forward rather than have him hold you back.


    in reply to: New to This Love Thing #190359

    I am a man and I don’t do things like that.  I am especially aware of being present and conscious with the woman who I am romantically in relationship with.  Yes, we all notice attractive wo/men.  As you noted that the difference is that he drools over the women rather than noticing and appreciating them.  This is disrespecting you and the women who he is ogling after.

    “Trying my best” and apologies are just words that won’t change behavior.  You know that for you are experiencing that with him.

    Good for you for recognizing that you are enough and been vocal to him.  How long have you been exclusive as romantic partners?  How old is he and you?  What culture did he grow up in?  Not that any of this really matters in his behavior but I am curious.

    Labelling yourself as insecure, jealous, crazy or unreasonable does not serve you in helping to resolve this for yourself.  This is your line in the sand for behavior that you cannot tolerate.  “Dealing with it” does not work in the long run for a mutually close, intimate, committed, trusting, respectful, loving relationship.

    For me there are certain behaviors that are acceptable and others are not, no matter how I would twist myself into tolerating them.  My guy friend has a background of being around drug use and intoxication so he won’t tolerate that in his relationships.

    Yes it is hard to walk away from a relationship if he is “everything but…” except for this one thing.  It is a big thing though.

    Those are my two cents,


    in reply to: Still try or give it up? #190349


    I’ll let him take the lead.  If he distanced himself because of you telling him how much you enjoyed seeing him then I’d leave him alone.  I can understand him being spooked if you told him that you were falling for him but you only told him that you enjoyed his company, yes?  It sounds like he is scared of developing a close relationship.

    You may only have a virtual friend that can only be comfortable communicating via computer rather than real life.  How old are you two?


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