Forum Replies Created
ParticipantDear Jill
There is a Buddhist set of phrases that go
May all beings be happy and never be separated from that happiness
May all beings be free from suffering and the source of suffering
May all beings abide in equanimity without being close to some out of attachment or distant from others out of hatred.
I wish this for you and your family.
ParticipantDear Madina
How are you?
I have just read thru this thread & I apologise in advance if I don’t talk about your post sequentially.
Instead of thinking of fixing yourself think that you are nourishing, nurturing & befriending yourself.
Part of meditating is seeing your thoughts for what they really are – thoughts – this is not dismissing them or the power that they can hold over us. I have also noticed that when in deep meditation I am ageless and without gender or sexual orientation.
I remember a conversation I had with a woman I worked with she said she had always been in hetrosexual relationships but when she met her spouse ( a female) it was the person not the gender that she fell in love with.
I hope that you can access therapy that helps you address the issues that surround your childhood and maybe the other stuff around your orientation will fall easier into place.
ParticipantHi TheltFactor
I think you decision to call it a day was a wise one your ethical/moral boundries were being compromised by his need to feel free to date others which may have been ok in the early stage but as time went by exclusivity would normally be the next step if both people are single. He may start to date other people and then come to a more settled decision about whether open relationships is what he really wants.
ParticipantDear Jill
I have been in a similar position to you basically being a single parent on & off and having to work 2 & 3 jobs often low paid because I did not want to work for a betting company (ethical decision) but it meant that I had to work longer hours and consequently my children saw less of me. When my youngest about 19 we became estranged after 18 months I wrote to him basically saying that I have apologized enough for my past decisions and trying to second guess what to do and now it is up to him to tell me what kind of mother he wants me to be. Some time later he did let me back into his life.
We now have an adult relationship where it is ok to say no to suggestions and it is also ok to ask for help.
We both I think have both grown up a lot in this last decade and even when either of us have been disappointed something that the other has done we do not store it up with resentment and add it to the past hurts this means our hearts always stay open to each other.
So I hope that your on going therapy helps with your present situation and that in the future you will become reconciled with your family
ParticipantDear Lost1Flow
I dont know if you have access to an outside space where you live – we have a small courtyard and over the last few months I have put a small bench which has flower containers as part of it. I enjoy swapping out seasonal plants and have bird feeders I find it a mini paradise where I can relax & recharge my batteries, plus I can see the courtyard from kitchen& dining room so even in inclement weather it still lifts my spirits. Even indoors a small corner nicely set out can help give a few moments of respite respite I have a small zen garden that I enjoy playing with.
Best wishes
March 22, 2023 at 1:34 pm in reply to: How to fix life when I have messed up multiple aspects of it? #416611Roberta
ParticipantDear A
How about flipping your perspective. Your life at the moment is a blank canvas, how do you want to live your life? who or what is important to you? Many people find volunteering brings about a sense of worthiness & companionship. At the moment you have one luxury that many people do not have and that is time… can choose to bring peace & beauty into your life & others. When visiting my son in London I would pick up the trash on my way around the park or popping to the shop. Befriending an elderly person can be rewarding for both parties and these options does not cost you anything.
ParticipantDear Arie 1276
I am sorry to hear that you are so worried about your / husband debts. Some countries tax laws can be confusing even for longterm residents and it is even harder if you are self employed. When my 2nd husband had his own business we took a straight 20% off the gross takings and put into a deposit account so at the end of the year we had the money put aside for our tax bill and sometimes there was a bit left over which we used to pay something off other big debts like the business loan.
Things like this can put a real strain on our own mental & physical health along adding pressure to the relationship with your husband. The sooner the pair of you can come up with a gameplan the better & more in control you will feel. Also some countries allow for husbands and wives to be taxed separately.
I hope that you get on a finances sorted soon.
ParticipantDear Lost 1Flow
Just this morning I came across this beautiful book “present moment, wonderful moment” by thich nhat hanh and just reading a few pages on lifting the most mundane of actions to something sacred. This book will no longer languish on my bookshelf but will become my companion throughout the day. My current bedtime reading is sacred rest which I am also finding immensely helpful.
I hope you find something to uplift you.
March 22, 2023 at 1:38 am in reply to: Book Suggestion Abt Peace/Serenity/Staying Positive/Gratitude/Manifesting #416583Roberta
ParticipantGood morning Jennifer
I am currently reading a book called sacred rest and although I am not pregnant I am looking after an elderly parent with dementia so I have to be aware of them 24/7 make sure food clothing nappies etc are in place. I also talk to him as if he understands me. so when a rare moment of lucidity occurs my voice is a source of comfort, sometimes I just read aloud to him.
There are also DVD on Amazon on Yoga pregnancy birth & afterwards.
I hope others will reply and give you more ideas & support. Blessings to you & your little one.
ParticipantDear Dana
Your situation is not an uncommon one, but it does feel like everyone else has great friendships especially if you believe what lots of people write on social media! Do you differentiate between being alone & lonely ie you can be in a room full of people you know & yet still feel lonely or be by yourself on a mountain and feel content with your own company.
I guess we need to find our clan/ clans this is either like minded people or common cause/hobby. So look at what interests you or brings you joy and then find a group near you to join. Also friendships do not have a set duration or intensity so look at how you define friendship & what are your expectations.
Each day I remind myself of my intentions ” May I have integrity in all my relationships” along with “May I keep my judgement clear” along with when, who, & what When is Now this moment Who is Whomever you are with or Yourself if you are alone & What is to Care. This way I get many moments of micro friendships throughout the day and am not relying on just one source to give & receive the nourishment of connection.
I live & care for my 92 year old father who has dementia and we try to get out each day so as not to become isolated and I open up my home to be used for a coffee morning once a week and run to meditation sessions from here as well this all contributes to feeling connected.
I hope that you quickly find ways to nourish a sense of connection.
March 20, 2023 at 2:29 pm in reply to: Obsession, idealization, or what is the reason behind all of this? #416499Roberta
ParticipantDear Quant
I note you describe this lady as kind, easy going but also a liar & flirty diva. You are also spoke of the emotions of jealousy & hate aroused around her “gifts” & lack of gratitude of them. Do you envy lots of people & their situations or just her?
One set of advice is to look back and see if you have been obsessive about anything else in your life ie a favorite toy or book and now years later that particular object no longer holds your attention and so this too will pass especially if you turn your attention to doing something worthwhile like volunteering.
Another advice to help bring her down off the pedestal that you have put her on is the phrase” just like me …… she experiences tiredness. sadness. hunger, loneliness & will experience sickness old age & death.
March 14, 2023 at 10:42 am in reply to: Girlfriend broke up with me because of her anxiety,overthinking issues alonetime #416292Roberta
ParticipantDear Arav
young, vulnerable & volatile is how on the information you have supplied is how I would describe your ex and the relationship that you two tried to have. Some friendships do blossom romantically and some do not & I think that is what has happened here.
You do not say if this was your first relationship or your age. It must be hard when what you have invested yourself in does not pan out the way one hopes & dreams about. I would spend time with your established friends having fun & doing things that interest you.
I hope that over the coming months things become easier for you & that eventually you will meet someone with whom you can have a deep & loving relationship.
ParticipantDear Caroline
I suggest you watch Eckart Tolle on youtube talking about the “pain body”. This may explain in part of what is happening to you.
Most people occasional reminisces about past relationship and what could or can be. Occasionally I bump into a ex and even though my heart flutters & I go all girlie, but after we have chatted for a while I realise that I do not really want to revisit that relationship ( the grass is always greener on the other side until you get to the other side!) Also how hurt do you think your current girlfriend would be if she found out ( mental infidelity often comes before the physical action).
What ever you choose to do it may help for you to learn more about your internal life and how to become aware of thought processes and emotions and how nurture yourself so that you can bring your best to any relationship that you are in.
ParticipantDear Spriteflower
My heart goes out to you. The trauma of your childhood is clearly impacting on your present life and I hope that you find a professional who can help you heal. Trauma sensitive yoga might help you become more relaxed and comfortable in your body.
You spent your early years feeling insecure as the people who should have been nurturing you were doing the exact opposite. So it is vital that you reconnect to your inner source of goodness which was not shown to you when you were young ,so you probably do not believe that it exists in you or in many other people. Personally I would try to find a therapy center/community where you could stay so that you could receive support to heal quickly (relatively) & deeply as my son said it normally takes 3/4 of a session for him to get relaxed enough & then just at the end of a session start to unpack something & then he was just left hanging until his next session a fortnight later.
I hope that you will receive plenty of kindness & support from this site.
ParticipantDear p
I am so sorry that you have to live with such a dysfunctional family. Once you have finished college it will be easier to gain your freedom. There is a site called workaway there are lots of opportunities all over the world you basically work for 20-25 hours and they give you food & accommodation the placements are varied and could give you an idea of what you want to do & where you would like to live.
There maybe not a lot you can do about the way you are spoken to & treated at the moment, but you are in the driving seat when it comes to how you interact with other family members – which I know is much easier said than done when you probably feel bombarded from all sides and the feelings that that must arise within. I hope that you can find a support network near where you live such as a church or meditation group or volunteering opportunities. At some point you may benefit from some therapy sessions to help you process your childhood.